diff options
authorGrant Goodyear <>2006-10-10 19:59:24 +0000
committerGrant Goodyear <>2006-10-10 19:59:24 +0000
commit941e37e850189d5b165ebb65402bb62465412af6 (patch)
tree912f76e381200785b4e30c96b1f0bb2bef10c77b /net-mail/archivemail
parentDo not install COPYRIGHT (reported by ChrisWhite on irc). (diff)
version bump
Package-Manager: portage-2.1.2_pre1
Diffstat (limited to 'net-mail/archivemail')
5 files changed, 388 insertions, 3 deletions
diff --git a/net-mail/archivemail/ChangeLog b/net-mail/archivemail/ChangeLog
index 0b54aa714894..ae4159673f2c 100644
--- a/net-mail/archivemail/ChangeLog
+++ b/net-mail/archivemail/ChangeLog
@@ -1,6 +1,14 @@
# ChangeLog for net-mail/archivemail
-# Copyright 2000-2004 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/net-mail/archivemail/ChangeLog,v 1.5 2004/09/03 16:48:34 slarti Exp $
+# Copyright 2000-2006 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/net-mail/archivemail/ChangeLog,v 1.6 2006/10/10 19:59:24 g2boojum Exp $
+*archivemail-0.6.2 (10 Oct 2006)
+ 10 Oct 2006; Grant Goodyear <> +files/archivemail.1,
+ +archivemail-0.6.2.ebuild:
+ Version bump. The file is quite broken here,
+ so I've ignored it. The new ebuild also satisfies
+ bug #146686 (thanks to
03 Sep 2004; Tom Martin <> archivemail-0.6.1-r1.ebuild:
Marked ~amd64.
diff --git a/net-mail/archivemail/Manifest b/net-mail/archivemail/Manifest
index bfdc8dc405de..b045d38c968b 100644
--- a/net-mail/archivemail/Manifest
+++ b/net-mail/archivemail/Manifest
@@ -1,4 +1,28 @@
+AUX archivemail.1 10303 RMD160 916f25e4024fcc561a6f1092aa6a3a9f6eb8c3c0 SHA1 1021ea88eb10593bcd496e5e59846c9dc7f234c2 SHA256 9bc8effd2a9996a5a1b65a28e40d972cd1d00f60df1eff3fd772ff8df2f75494
+MD5 c2bdbeb69996fefe4a1e84944e2978f5 files/archivemail.1 10303
+RMD160 916f25e4024fcc561a6f1092aa6a3a9f6eb8c3c0 files/archivemail.1 10303
+SHA256 9bc8effd2a9996a5a1b65a28e40d972cd1d00f60df1eff3fd772ff8df2f75494 files/archivemail.1 10303
+DIST archivemail-0.6.1.tar.gz 34874
+DIST archivemail-0.6.2.tar.gz 34995 RMD160 4bfde1bd9ecd06af4eefec53bae6368e02e27ed8 SHA1 b0deeebefc5e81d1e2013c669ebf63ba9cbe2c3f SHA256 70d44fef33290679b461b5475445ab33e55f8700e1d20d842b861eddb845d359
+EBUILD archivemail-0.6.1-r1.ebuild 836 RMD160 a6ac17295adc1c54574edafac284dfbe742d5fae SHA1 20935c1a807e330bb3b882684b912e5aebcd2044 SHA256 9cfe147e69d3a9a837c71ef3b47b5c62eb3dcfb1fe2e3eb4dd8e7cb7a58b935c
MD5 160f2c38520ffbd9693d430949d4edb5 archivemail-0.6.1-r1.ebuild 836
-MD5 31f7759ae7cf9d9ab3c3deea356166fb ChangeLog 683
+RMD160 a6ac17295adc1c54574edafac284dfbe742d5fae archivemail-0.6.1-r1.ebuild 836
+SHA256 9cfe147e69d3a9a837c71ef3b47b5c62eb3dcfb1fe2e3eb4dd8e7cb7a58b935c archivemail-0.6.1-r1.ebuild 836
+EBUILD archivemail-0.6.2.ebuild 712 RMD160 b326d24b12650ee516c87d6d4adcaf99573d89a9 SHA1 b5fce17f1aee40fee9b525bcb746be74fc923f05 SHA256 aacd0c49e000b97b86b77db79555d7e08dfa3a33ac153ae871d099d2c7e965c2
+MD5 c37e1c297bd05c298e81da68714c6c98 archivemail-0.6.2.ebuild 712
+RMD160 b326d24b12650ee516c87d6d4adcaf99573d89a9 archivemail-0.6.2.ebuild 712
+SHA256 aacd0c49e000b97b86b77db79555d7e08dfa3a33ac153ae871d099d2c7e965c2 archivemail-0.6.2.ebuild 712
+MISC ChangeLog 979 RMD160 bd2f7b98b5a52436f92a8d60b20d2519edf44f05 SHA1 548b7e988c204fe35738a9d34692ef92f828a8c9 SHA256 c65c796decca0533c6be18c84a0d8275183038f202ad4b0dab8d826d18f02dba
+MD5 e07a15d60bec335dac731ec2050620c2 ChangeLog 979
+RMD160 bd2f7b98b5a52436f92a8d60b20d2519edf44f05 ChangeLog 979
+SHA256 c65c796decca0533c6be18c84a0d8275183038f202ad4b0dab8d826d18f02dba ChangeLog 979
+MISC metadata.xml 225 RMD160 ac3483d68e92cb16beee7988f212b78ba94bb6af SHA1 f2d9a54498eff0f1d06ef6191652f832983b22a4 SHA256 b745d82a37a83bc996e64dc2579616898317e0192e05047ec68b93a59ffdaa95
MD5 61e0d05b1306513aede2838fa81b05b5 metadata.xml 225
+RMD160 ac3483d68e92cb16beee7988f212b78ba94bb6af metadata.xml 225
+SHA256 b745d82a37a83bc996e64dc2579616898317e0192e05047ec68b93a59ffdaa95 metadata.xml 225
MD5 95ba0111b81bfefbcd9e5254e7b8091b files/digest-archivemail-0.6.1-r1 68
+RMD160 4d4ba966d57273ba37e4316cbab32b83b9695b60 files/digest-archivemail-0.6.1-r1 68
+SHA256 773b277989406f4bceb7696a13b867d6c5c92dd5f565e53fa2c2ec90c83ba9a4 files/digest-archivemail-0.6.1-r1 68
+MD5 d064ad4799003644074616ae7a599e30 files/digest-archivemail-0.6.2 250
+RMD160 7b14246ebdd14ad42430ea80bdf0a02db8e8a816 files/digest-archivemail-0.6.2 250
+SHA256 444bf84f70874466646e999f61b5ed95d304aa813acfb11c7c99b5060de7d711 files/digest-archivemail-0.6.2 250
diff --git a/net-mail/archivemail/archivemail-0.6.2.ebuild b/net-mail/archivemail/archivemail-0.6.2.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..9150a95f0e9e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/net-mail/archivemail/archivemail-0.6.2.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2006 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/net-mail/archivemail/archivemail-0.6.2.ebuild,v 1.1 2006/10/10 19:59:24 g2boojum Exp $
+DESCRIPTION="Tool written in Python for archiving and compressing old email in mailboxes."
+KEYWORDS="~x86 ~sparc ~amd64"
+src_install() {
+ # braindead, so just install the old-fashioned way
+ newbin archivemail
+ doman ${FILESDIR}/archivemail.1
+ dodoc examples/* CHANGELOG FAQ README TODO
diff --git a/net-mail/archivemail/files/archivemail.1 b/net-mail/archivemail/files/archivemail.1
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..3de28c060fb7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/net-mail/archivemail/files/archivemail.1
@@ -0,0 +1,328 @@
+.\" This manpage has been automatically generated by docbook2man
+.\" from a DocBook document. This tool can be found at:
+.\" <>
+.\" Please send any bug reports, improvements, comments, patches,
+.\" etc. to Steve Cheng <>.
+.TH "ARCHIVEMAIL" "1" "10 October 2006" "SP" ""
+archivemail \- archive and compress your old email
+\fBarchivemail\fR [ \fBoptions\fR ] \fB\fIMAILBOX\fB\fR\fI ...\fR
+\fBarchivemail\fR is a tool written in \fBpython\fR(1) for archiving and
+compressing old email in mailboxes.
+By default it will read the mailbox \fIMAILBOX\fR, moving messages
+that are older that the specified number of days (180 by default) to a
+\fBmbox\fR-format mailbox in the same directory that is compressed
+with \fBgzip\fR(1)\&.
+\fBarchivemail\fR supports reading \fBIMAP\fR,
+\fBMaildir\fR, \fBMH\fR and \fBmbox\fR-format
+mailboxes, but it will always write archive files to \fBmbox\fR-format
+mailboxes that are compressed with \fBgzip\fR(1)\&.
+\fBarchivemail\fR has some support for being run as the root user on
+user mailboxes. When running as root, it will \fBseteuid\fR(2) to the owner of the
+mailbox it is reading, creating any archive files as that user.
+\fB -d \fINUM\fB, --days=\fINUM\fB\fR
+Archive messages older than \fINUM\fR days.
+The default is 180. This option is incompatible with the
+\fB--date\fR option below.
+\fB -D \fIDATE\fB, --date=\fIDATE\fB\fR
+Archive messages older than \fIDATE\fR\&.
+\fIDATE\fR can be a date string in ISO format (eg '2002-04-23'),
+Internet format (eg '23 Apr 2002') or Internet format with full month names
+(eg '23 April 2002'). Two-digit years are not supported.
+This option is incompatible with the \fB--days\fR option above.
+\fB -o \fIPATH\fB, --output-dir=\fIPATH\fB\fR
+Use the directory name \fIPATH\fR to store the
+mailbox archives. The default is the same directory as the mailbox to be
+\fB -s \fINAME\fB, --suffix=\fINAME\fB\fR
+Use the suffix \fINAME\fR to create the filename used for archives.
+The default is \fI_archive\fR\&. For example, if you
+run \fBarchivemail\fR on a mailbox called
+\fIexsouthrock\fR, the archive will be created
+with the filename \fIexsouthrock_archive.gz\fR\&.
+\fINAME\fR is run through the \fBpython\fR(1) \fBtime.strftime()\fR
+function, which means that you can specify any of the following special
+directives in \fINAME\fR to make archives named after the archive
+cut-off date:
+.TP 0.2i
+Locale's abbreviated weekday name.
+.TP 0.2i
+Locale's full weekday name.
+.TP 0.2i
+Locale's abbreviated month name.
+.TP 0.2i
+Locale's full month name.
+.TP 0.2i
+Locale's appropriate date and time representation.
+.TP 0.2i
+Day of the month as a decimal number [01,31].
+.TP 0.2i
+Hour (24-hour clock) as a decimal number [00,23].
+.TP 0.2i
+Hour (12-hour clock) as a decimal number [01,12].
+.TP 0.2i
+Day of the year as a decimal number [001,366].
+.TP 0.2i
+Month as a decimal number [01,12].
+.TP 0.2i
+Minute as a decimal number [00,59].
+.TP 0.2i
+Locale's equivalent of either AM or PM.
+.TP 0.2i
+Second as a decimal number [00,61]. (1)
+.TP 0.2i
+Week number of the year (Sunday as the first day of the week) as a decimal number [00,53]. All days in a new year preceding the first Sunday are considered to be in week 0.
+.TP 0.2i
+Weekday as a decimal number [0(Sunday),6].
+.TP 0.2i
+Week number of the year (Monday as the first day of the week) as a decimal number [00,53]. All days in a new year preceding the first Sunday are considered to be in week 0.
+.TP 0.2i
+Locale's appropriate date representation.
+.TP 0.2i
+Locale's appropriate time representation.
+.TP 0.2i
+Year without century as a decimal number [00,99].
+.TP 0.2i
+Year with century as a decimal number.
+.TP 0.2i
+Time zone name (or by no characters if no time zone exists).
+.TP 0.2i
+A literal "%" character.
+\fB -S \fINUM\fB, --size=\fINUM\fB\fR
+Only archive messages that are \fINUM\fR bytes or
+\fB -n, --dry-run\fR
+Don't write to any files -- just show what would have been done. This is
+useful for testing to see how many messages would have been archived.
+\fB -u, --preserve-unread\fR
+Do not archive any messages that have not yet been read. \fBarchivemail\fR
+determines if a message in a \fBmbox\fR-format or
+\fBMH\fR-format mailbox has been read by looking at the
+\fBStatus\fR header (if it exists). If the status
+header is equal to 'RO' or 'OR' then \fBarchivemail\fR assumes the
+message has been read. \fBarchivemail\fR determines if a
+\fBmaildir\fR message has
+been read by looking at the filename. If the filename contains an 'S' after
+\fI:2,\fR then it assumes the message has been read.
+\fB --delete\fR
+Delete rather than archive old mail. Use this option with caution!
+\fB --include-flagged\fR
+Normally messages that are flagged important are not archived or deleted. If
+you specify this option, these messages can be archived or deleted just like
+any other message.
+\fB --no-compress\fR
+Do not compress any archives using \fBgzip\fR(1)\&.
+\fB --warn-duplicate\fR
+Warn about duplicate \fBMessage-ID\fRs that appear in the input
+\fB -v, --verbose\fR
+Reports lots of extra debugging information about what is going on.
+\fB -q, --quiet\fR
+Turns on quiet mode. Do not print any statistics about how many messages were
+archived. This should be used if you are running \fBarchivemail\fR from
+\fB -V, --version\fR
+Display the version of \fBarchivemail\fR and exit.
+\fB -h, --help\fR
+Display brief summary information about how to run \fBarchivemail\fR\&.
+\fBarchivemail\fR requires \fBpython\fR(1) version 2.0 or later.
+To archive an \fBIMAP\fR-format mailbox, use the the format
+\fBimap://username:password@server/mailbox\fR to specify the
+When reading an \fBmbox\fR-format mailbox, \fBarchivemail\fR will
+create a lockfile with the extension \fI\&.lock\fR so that
+procmail will not deliver to the mailbox while it is being processed. It will
+also create an advisory lock on the mailbox using \fBflock\fR(2)\&.
+\fBarchivemail\fR will also complain and abort if a 3rd-party modifies the
+mailbox while it is being read.
+\fBarchivemail\fR will always attempt to preserve the mode,
+last-access and last-modify times of the input mailbox. However, archive
+mailboxes are always created with a mode of \fB0600\fR\&.
+If \fBarchivemail\fR finds a pre-existing archive mailbox it
+will append rather than overwrite that archive.
+\fBarchivemail\fR attempts to find the delivery date of a message by
+looking for valid dates in the following headers, in order of precedence:
+\fBDate\fR and
+If it cannot find any valid date in these headers, it
+will use the last-modified file timestamp on \fBMH\fR and
+\fBMaildir\fR format mailboxes, or the date on the
+\fBFrom\fR line on \fBmbox\fR-format mailboxes.
+\fBarchivemail\fR will refuse to operate on mailboxes that are symbolic
+links or create tempfiles or archives in world-writable directories.
+To archive all messages in the mailbox \fIdebian-user\fR that
+are older than 180 days to a compressed mailbox called
+\fIdebian-user_archive.gz\fR in the current directory:
+bash$ \fBarchivemail debian-user\fR
+To archive all messages in the mailbox \fIdebian-user\fR that
+are older than 180 days to a compressed mailbox called
+\fIdebian-user_October_2001.gz\fR (where the current month and
+year is April, 2002) in the current directory:
+bash$ \fBarchivemail --suffix '_%B_%Y' debian-user\fR
+To archive all messages in the mailbox \fIcm-melb\fR that
+are older than the first of January 2002 to a compressed mailbox called
+\fIcm-melb_archive.gz\fR in the current directory:
+bash$ \fBarchivemail --date'1 Jan 2002' cm-melb\fR
+Exactly the same as the above example, using an ISO date format instead:
+bash$ \fBarchivemail --date=2002-01-01 cm-melb\fR
+To delete all messages in the mailbox \fIspam\fR that
+are older than 30 days:
+bash$ \fBarchivemail --delete --days=30 spam\fR
+To archive all read messages in the mailbox \fIincoming\fR that
+are older than 180 days to a compressed mailbox called
+\fIincoming_archive.gz\fR in the current directory:
+bash$ \fBarchivemail --preserve-unread incoming\fR
+To archive all messages in the mailbox \fIreceived\fR that
+are older than 180 days to an uncompressed mailbox called
+\fIreceived_archive\fR in the current directory:
+bash$ \fBarchivemail --no-compress received\fR
+To archive all mailboxes in the directory \fI$HOME/Mail\fR
+that are older than 90 days to compressed mailboxes in the
+\fI$HOME/Mail/Archive\fR directory:
+bash$ \fBarchivemail -d90 -o $HOME/Mail/Archive $HOME/Mail/*\fR
+Probably the best way to run \fBarchivemail\fR is from your \fBcrontab\fR(5)
+file, using the \fB--quiet\fR option.
+Don't forget to try the \fB--dry-run\fR option for non-destructive
+Normally the exit status is 0. Nonzero indicates an unexpected error.
+There is no support yet for reading \fBMMDF\fR or
+\fBBabyl\fR-format mailboxes. In fact, \fBarchivemail\fR will
+probably think it is reading an \fBmbox\fR-format mailbox and cause
+all sorts of problems.
+\fBarchivemail\fR is still too slow, but if you are running from \fBcrontab\fR(5)
+you won't care. Archiving \fBmaildir\fR-format mailboxes should be
+a lot quicker than \fBmbox\fR-format mailboxes since it is less
+painful for the original mailbox to be reconstructed after selective message
+\fBpython\fR(1), \fBgzip\fR(1), \fBmutt\fR(1), \fBprocmail\fR(1)
+.SH "URL"
+The \fBarchivemail\fR home page is currently hosted at
+sourceforge <URL:>
+Paul Rodger <paul at paulrodger dot com>
diff --git a/net-mail/archivemail/files/digest-archivemail-0.6.2 b/net-mail/archivemail/files/digest-archivemail-0.6.2
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..fac698509129
--- /dev/null
+++ b/net-mail/archivemail/files/digest-archivemail-0.6.2
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+MD5 1675f76b6415b046b85cff4e7ce69a3d archivemail-0.6.2.tar.gz 34995
+RMD160 4bfde1bd9ecd06af4eefec53bae6368e02e27ed8 archivemail-0.6.2.tar.gz 34995
+SHA256 70d44fef33290679b461b5475445ab33e55f8700e1d20d842b861eddb845d359 archivemail-0.6.2.tar.gz 34995