diff options
authorPetteri Räty <>2007-11-22 20:57:33 +0000
committerPetteri Räty <>2007-11-22 20:57:33 +0000
commitf0dea086400ce2500bf223b8a87774d3fe00e9c4 (patch)
treeeac8eadc9e8c2d791aa59ec72b2c89939f26cf52 /net-p2p/azureus
parentVersion bump. Thanks to people in bug #184101. (diff)
Delete old ebuilds.
Package-Manager: portage-
Diffstat (limited to 'net-p2p/azureus')
6 files changed, 12 insertions, 292 deletions
diff --git a/net-p2p/azureus/ChangeLog b/net-p2p/azureus/ChangeLog
index 657bec7d5c68..c2e1f08d01c5 100644
--- a/net-p2p/azureus/ChangeLog
+++ b/net-p2p/azureus/ChangeLog
@@ -1,6 +1,10 @@
# ChangeLog for net-p2p/azureus
# Copyright 1999-2007 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/net-p2p/azureus/ChangeLog,v 1.53 2007/11/22 20:56:02 betelgeuse Exp $
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/net-p2p/azureus/ChangeLog,v 1.54 2007/11/22 20:57:33 betelgeuse Exp $
+ 22 Nov 2007; Petteri Räty <>
+ -azureus-, -azureus-
+ Delete old ebuilds.
*azureus- (22 Nov 2007)
diff --git a/net-p2p/azureus/Manifest b/net-p2p/azureus/Manifest
index 7202602d06e2..409391b01b49 100644
--- a/net-p2p/azureus/Manifest
+++ b/net-p2p/azureus/Manifest
@@ -81,39 +81,24 @@ AUX patches- 1074 RMD160 2c7
MD5 50a8ec08aae883720954e46ff140114a files/patches- 1074
RMD160 2c7a602e1b6aff432b4aea7e945da656e5b8e9bf files/patches- 1074
SHA256 95db5ea188c72efa7c19958ec85ec0afb1b7ce9f35a34e2d69d40f0fe2130dea files/patches- 1074
-DIST 5856328 RMD160 7ec7e6ccb570651a655f6077d4b323a4d3b8fcb0 SHA1 4dfc99ace9f0755de3fe264c70c897c87ba844c1 SHA256 64aa4150bb8036f11e5207a602253431d46578ce9cd3b62732b0ae0f555a08c4
DIST 6988737 RMD160 18ec3bbbaa1776f242e5b5e39f5c6abece59f29e SHA1 18d6adf4b1849162323055d4d4f38e425c6b90d7 SHA256 e413ce9908ba940345b26024e2daedb2dbf3274aeba3996b7ed7a9b287072f8d
DIST 6482560 RMD160 c4f245abf19a963e077b354fccd6a04547c741b1 SHA1 46ec8c12d27374d935a4ee9b40be464d111cbda5 SHA256 9ae32cbf88baf04b0e17456e92bc2634dd54e890dbece7211a83318b96d1b081
-EBUILD azureus- 4186 RMD160 bcd81dd10318e2bb9785e49131f0cd607825a6df SHA1 05a02c0c545dab02c9f8f3445ddccbe69cfb0f11 SHA256 d7fd573cb48b8ff45b9e45ea4bc128ac78c8f3b17b0416d559e4ed390825c69e
-MD5 92f4d45d991a64551d3bba7051a180da azureus- 4186
-RMD160 bcd81dd10318e2bb9785e49131f0cd607825a6df azureus- 4186
-SHA256 d7fd573cb48b8ff45b9e45ea4bc128ac78c8f3b17b0416d559e4ed390825c69e azureus- 4186
EBUILD azureus- 4391 RMD160 c3f9203405fc038582c5e3b2f60b294f060e92c4 SHA1 1d1947f09b1a1b4bd62b0ce9674db100515fb8ce SHA256 feded94b51fab80be00ebe63c70e0bd6c8683499d81860543fa87d0e2d5f0b74
MD5 609ac327ad0e90bcdfec57db5e2ea6b6 azureus- 4391
RMD160 c3f9203405fc038582c5e3b2f60b294f060e92c4 azureus- 4391
SHA256 feded94b51fab80be00ebe63c70e0bd6c8683499d81860543fa87d0e2d5f0b74 azureus- 4391
-EBUILD azureus- 4264 RMD160 21f10e5e6bff4ac7c4e01564f9db5c1e3a03cb9c SHA1 0ea6391fc1de85e3e278ef81403c7e6180c4a613 SHA256 c8037fa6e402ad5d45d77e81bca2a51927d62685f7b1746aa42366c7e899a9d0
-MD5 2ac84e7f79e801cf67c6f6671c369900 azureus- 4264
-RMD160 21f10e5e6bff4ac7c4e01564f9db5c1e3a03cb9c azureus- 4264
-SHA256 c8037fa6e402ad5d45d77e81bca2a51927d62685f7b1746aa42366c7e899a9d0 azureus- 4264
EBUILD azureus- 4684 RMD160 eb5141762dc23c04440126759e7de321055e3950 SHA1 8dce3939734cdd5cf3b8363c650307022af02e23 SHA256 3bbae576406d8f328da21113ecff1b2c0e99acc93b839aa5fda61e16ed81b7a2
MD5 02ac8305c8f8bc68f5e7fd48b543f36c azureus- 4684
RMD160 eb5141762dc23c04440126759e7de321055e3950 azureus- 4684
SHA256 3bbae576406d8f328da21113ecff1b2c0e99acc93b839aa5fda61e16ed81b7a2 azureus- 4684
-MISC ChangeLog 11161 RMD160 b231288dcc01586907d95dfd87c0d042346e3313 SHA1 88cea6da1d78b987492b6ed189bb68f8825e230f SHA256 4893cfeffbed7c0a75701ec5b3d8282f6b63e3898da5f3caa59826bf20ca571a
-MD5 8f01d1affb37018ce92f1d447a60fdf9 ChangeLog 11161
-RMD160 b231288dcc01586907d95dfd87c0d042346e3313 ChangeLog 11161
-SHA256 4893cfeffbed7c0a75701ec5b3d8282f6b63e3898da5f3caa59826bf20ca571a ChangeLog 11161
+MISC ChangeLog 11292 RMD160 c6fbcf3a5642817846005ff68a4a047af1d94e5d SHA1 898e1d0fe17b11fb6c8c894d075f6d39373fab08 SHA256 2e9b0fa8f1a58b0989d8956710322337dc81c760c201e3c312a35efcd127ea01
+MD5 29a37403f60140a043d6255c723ffeb7 ChangeLog 11292
+RMD160 c6fbcf3a5642817846005ff68a4a047af1d94e5d ChangeLog 11292
+SHA256 2e9b0fa8f1a58b0989d8956710322337dc81c760c201e3c312a35efcd127ea01 ChangeLog 11292
MISC metadata.xml 295 RMD160 544181b2b7e8b0d688b57a7290a362f3d2686f58 SHA1 f3aea2718d0f8b93e91c9fddd328b5108ce2bf53 SHA256 a96064243aa67bd00e443fd98621e45910882d3790467f8b0a837b694a351307
MD5 315f038f311b0cb987f793266b9f5f2a metadata.xml 295
RMD160 544181b2b7e8b0d688b57a7290a362f3d2686f58 metadata.xml 295
SHA256 a96064243aa67bd00e443fd98621e45910882d3790467f8b0a837b694a351307 metadata.xml 295
-MD5 6c959658c740af3b04b1973ab07ed71b files/digest-azureus- 262
-RMD160 422318f0056365b6239ec86ce6c616e86f3ac9cb files/digest-azureus- 262
-SHA256 ad75c73e602eabb4101378fffa1ab0d105f2695046695eff6beb82ea70988253 files/digest-azureus- 262
-MD5 5f9475c83b5dc85ff00804857bb5d525 files/digest-azureus- 262
-RMD160 3e3f22f5dc0512b8044a11f388a7e540fdebdddc files/digest-azureus- 262
-SHA256 b1bf328abef9e68ee1df0a5087bffa4e54b5fcba2f2f7823a1980ddd4f952266 files/digest-azureus- 262
MD5 5f9475c83b5dc85ff00804857bb5d525 files/digest-azureus- 262
RMD160 3e3f22f5dc0512b8044a11f388a7e540fdebdddc files/digest-azureus- 262
SHA256 b1bf328abef9e68ee1df0a5087bffa4e54b5fcba2f2f7823a1980ddd4f952266 files/digest-azureus- 262
@@ -123,7 +108,7 @@ SHA256 03e57a4141e2be43a5db50b622e89f2ee83129540de8b15157855c82720d40f5 files/di
Version: GnuPG v2.0.7 (GNU/Linux)
diff --git a/net-p2p/azureus/azureus- b/net-p2p/azureus/azureus-
deleted file mode 100644
index eef1e791f777..000000000000
--- a/net-p2p/azureus/azureus-
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,131 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2007 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/net-p2p/azureus/azureus-,v 1.6 2007/07/13 05:52:07 mr_bones_ Exp $
-inherit eutils fdo-mime java-pkg-2 java-ant-2
-DESCRIPTION="Azureus - Java BitTorrent Client"
-KEYWORDS="amd64 ppc x86 ~x86-fbsd"
-# >=swt-3.2 for bug
- >=virtual/jre-1.4
- >=dev-java/swt-3.2-r1
- >=dev-java/log4j-1.2.8
- >=dev-java/commons-cli-1.0
- >=dev-java/bcprov-1.31
- !net-p2p/azureus-bin"
- >=virtual/jdk-1.4
- dev-util/desktop-file-utils
- >=dev-java/ant-core-1.6.2
- || ( =dev-java/eclipse-ecj-3.2* =dev-java/eclipse-ecj-3.1* )
- source? ( app-arch/zip )
- >=app-arch/unzip-5.0"
-src_unpack() {
- mkdir ${S}
- cd ${S}
- unpack ${A}
- epatch ${FILESDIR}/fedora-${PV}/
- #removing osx files and entries
- rm -fr org/gudy/azureus2/ui/swt/osx org/gudy/azureus2/platform/macosx
- #removing windows files
- rm -fr org/gudy/azureus2/platform/win32
- #removing test files
- rm -fr org/gudy/azureus2/ui/swt/test
- rm -f org/gudy/azureus2/ui/console/multiuser/
- #removing bouncycastle
- rm -fr org/bouncycastle
- mkdir -p build/libs
- cd build/libs
- java-pkg_jar-from log4j
- java-pkg_jar-from commons-cli-1
- java-pkg_jar-from swt-3
- java-pkg_jar-from bcprov
-src_compile() {
- # javac likes to run out of memory during build... use ecj instead
- java-pkg_force-compiler ecj-3.2 ecj-3.1
- eant ${ant_extra_opts} jar
-src_install() {
- java-pkg_dojar dist/Azureus2.jar || die "dojar failed"
- java-pkg_dolauncher ${PN} \
- --main org.gudy.azureus2.ui.common.Main \
- -pre ${FILESDIR}/${P}-pre \
- --pkg_args '--ui=${UI}' \
- --java_args '-Dazureus.install.path=${HOME}/.azureus/ ${JAVA_OPTIONS}'
- doicon "${FILESDIR}/azureus.png"
- domenu "${FILESDIR}/azureus.desktop"
- use source && java-pkg_dosrc ${S}/{com,org}
-pkg_postinst() {
- echo
- elog "Due to the nature of the portage system, we recommend"
- elog "that users check portage for new versions of Azureus"
- elog "instead of attempting to use the auto-update feature."
- elog "We also set azureus.install.path to ~/.azureus so auto"
- elog "update probably does not even work."
- elog ""
- elog "You can disable auto-update in"
- elog "Tools->Options...->Interface->Start"
- echo
- elog "After running azureus for the first time, configuration"
- elog "options will be placed in ~/.azureus/gentoo.config"
- elog "It is recommended that you modify this file rather than"
- elog "the azureus startup script directly."
- echo
- elog "As of this version, the new ui type 'console' is supported,"
- elog "and this may be set in ~/.azureus/gentoo.config."
- echo
- elog "If you have problems starting azureus, try starting it"
- elog "from the command line to look at debugging output."
- echo
- ewarn "If you are upgrading, and the menu in azureus has entries like"
- ewarn "\"!!\" then you have a stray"
- ewarn " file,"
- ewarn "and you may safely delete ~/.azureus/"
- echo
- elog "It's recommended to use Sun's Java version 1.5 or later."
- elog "If you're experiencing problems running azureus and you've"
- elog "using an older version of Java, try to upgrading to a new version. "
- echo
- elog "New in"
- ewarn 'azureus.install.path was changed to ${HOME}/.azureus/. Before'
- ewarn 'the Azureus plugin dir was created to the current working directory.'
- ewarn 'This means that you probably have a useless plugins directory in'
- ewarn 'your home directory.'
- ewarn 'See'
- ewarn 'for more information. Also you probably need to move the user'
- ewarn 'installed plugins to the new plugin directory.'
- echo
- ewarn "Please, do not run azureus as root!"
- ewarn "Azureus has not been developed for multi-user environments!"
- fdo-mime_desktop_database_update
-pkg_prerm() {
- fdo-mime_desktop_database_update
diff --git a/net-p2p/azureus/azureus- b/net-p2p/azureus/azureus-
deleted file mode 100644
index 74a29c814cc5..000000000000
--- a/net-p2p/azureus/azureus-
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,132 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2007 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/net-p2p/azureus/azureus-,v 1.5 2007/07/13 05:52:07 mr_bones_ Exp $
-inherit eutils fdo-mime java-pkg-2 java-ant-2
-DESCRIPTION="Azureus - Java BitTorrent Client"
-KEYWORDS="amd64 ~ppc x86 ~x86-fbsd"
-# >=swt-3.2 for bug
- >=virtual/jre-1.5
- >=dev-java/swt-3.2-r1
- >=dev-java/log4j-1.2.8
- >=dev-java/commons-cli-1.0
- >=dev-java/bcprov-1.31
- !net-p2p/azureus-bin"
- >=virtual/jdk-1.5
- dev-util/desktop-file-utils
- >=dev-java/ant-core-1.6.2
- || ( =dev-java/eclipse-ecj-3.2* =dev-java/eclipse-ecj-3.1* )
- source? ( app-arch/zip )
- >=app-arch/unzip-5.0"
-src_unpack() {
- mkdir ${S}
- cd ${S}
- unpack ${A}
- # patches from still work here
- epatch ${FILESDIR}/fedora-${PV}/
- #removing osx files and entries
- rm -fr org/gudy/azureus2/ui/swt/osx org/gudy/azureus2/platform/macosx
- #removing windows files
- rm -fr org/gudy/azureus2/ui/swt/win32 org/gudy/azureus2/platform/win32
- #removing test files
- rm -fr org/gudy/azureus2/ui/swt/test
- rm -f org/gudy/azureus2/ui/console/multiuser/
- #removing bouncycastle
- rm -fr org/bouncycastle
- mkdir -p build/libs
- cd build/libs
- java-pkg_jar-from log4j
- java-pkg_jar-from commons-cli-1
- java-pkg_jar-from swt-3
- java-pkg_jar-from bcprov
-src_compile() {
- # javac likes to run out of memory during build... use ecj instead
- java-pkg_force-compiler ecj-3.2 ecj-3.1
- eant ${ant_extra_opts} jar
-src_install() {
- java-pkg_dojar dist/Azureus2.jar || die "dojar failed"
- java-pkg_dolauncher ${PN} \
- --main org.gudy.azureus2.ui.common.Main \
- -pre ${FILESDIR}/${PN}- \
- --pkg_args '--ui=${UI}' \
- --java_args '-Dazureus.install.path=${HOME}/.azureus/ ${JAVA_OPTIONS}'
- doicon "${FILESDIR}/azureus.png"
- domenu "${FILESDIR}/azureus.desktop"
- use source && java-pkg_dosrc ${S}/{com,org}
-pkg_postinst() {
- echo
- elog "Due to the nature of the portage system, we recommend"
- elog "that users check portage for new versions of Azureus"
- elog "instead of attempting to use the auto-update feature."
- elog "We also set azureus.install.path to ~/.azureus so auto"
- elog "update probably does not even work."
- elog ""
- elog "You can disable auto-update in"
- elog "Tools->Options...->Interface->Start"
- echo
- elog "After running azureus for the first time, configuration"
- elog "options will be placed in ~/.azureus/gentoo.config"
- elog "It is recommended that you modify this file rather than"
- elog "the azureus startup script directly."
- echo
- elog "As of this version, the new ui type 'console' is supported,"
- elog "and this may be set in ~/.azureus/gentoo.config."
- echo
- elog "If you have problems starting azureus, try starting it"
- elog "from the command line to look at debugging output."
- echo
- ewarn "If you are upgrading, and the menu in azureus has entries like"
- ewarn "\"!!\" then you have a stray"
- ewarn " file,"
- ewarn "and you may safely delete ~/.azureus/"
- echo
- elog "It's recommended to use Sun's Java version 1.5 or later."
- elog "If you're experiencing problems running azureus and you've"
- elog "using an older version of Java, try to upgrading to a new version. "
- echo
- elog "New in"
- ewarn 'azureus.install.path was changed to ${HOME}/.azureus/. Before'
- ewarn 'the Azureus plugin dir was created to the current working directory.'
- ewarn 'This means that you probably have a useless plugins directory in'
- ewarn 'your home directory.'
- ewarn 'See'
- ewarn 'for more information. Also you probably need to move the user'
- ewarn 'installed plugins to the new plugin directory.'
- echo
- ewarn "Please, do not run azureus as root!"
- ewarn "Azureus has not been developed for multi-user environments!"
- fdo-mime_desktop_database_update
-pkg_prerm() {
- fdo-mime_desktop_database_update
diff --git a/net-p2p/azureus/files/digest-azureus- b/net-p2p/azureus/files/digest-azureus-
deleted file mode 100644
index 9e923fb8c6d3..000000000000
--- a/net-p2p/azureus/files/digest-azureus-
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-MD5 f487f75f37674820bd3b2cc6af97ce57 5856328
-RMD160 7ec7e6ccb570651a655f6077d4b323a4d3b8fcb0 5856328
-SHA256 64aa4150bb8036f11e5207a602253431d46578ce9cd3b62732b0ae0f555a08c4 5856328
diff --git a/net-p2p/azureus/files/digest-azureus- b/net-p2p/azureus/files/digest-azureus-
deleted file mode 100644
index 880298a6f162..000000000000
--- a/net-p2p/azureus/files/digest-azureus-
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-MD5 032c42578b455599a00714781438afa7 6482560
-RMD160 c4f245abf19a963e077b354fccd6a04547c741b1 6482560
-SHA256 9ae32cbf88baf04b0e17456e92bc2634dd54e890dbece7211a83318b96d1b081 6482560