diff options
authorMarcin Kryczek <>2005-10-14 19:12:07 +0000
committerMarcin Kryczek <>2005-10-14 19:12:07 +0000
commitbbbba651789bcf78c95e231b3f6a644666df4318 (patch)
treecbcd78def3a7a10d048a37cf77e809680e80dcf4 /net-p2p
parentAlso wrap dmxproto dep in minimal USE. (diff)
Version bump
Package-Manager: portage-2.0.52-r1
Diffstat (limited to 'net-p2p')
4 files changed, 201 insertions, 12 deletions
diff --git a/net-p2p/mldonkey/ChangeLog b/net-p2p/mldonkey/ChangeLog
index 7af509a9141b..21bd276a31a0 100644
--- a/net-p2p/mldonkey/ChangeLog
+++ b/net-p2p/mldonkey/ChangeLog
@@ -1,6 +1,11 @@
# ChangeLog for net-p2p/mldonkey
# Copyright 2002-2005 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/net-p2p/mldonkey/ChangeLog,v 1.101 2005/10/06 19:04:07 hansmi Exp $
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/net-p2p/mldonkey/ChangeLog,v 1.102 2005/10/14 19:12:07 mkay Exp $
+*mldonkey-2.6.5 (14 Oct 2005)
+ 14 Oct 2005; <> +mldonkey-2.6.5.ebuild:
+ Version bump. Thanks Benjamin Schleinzer
06 Oct 2005; Michael Hanselmann <>
diff --git a/net-p2p/mldonkey/Manifest b/net-p2p/mldonkey/Manifest
index 05e69ab967b8..b8ad1ce3fd51 100644
--- a/net-p2p/mldonkey/Manifest
+++ b/net-p2p/mldonkey/Manifest
@@ -1,10 +1,18 @@
-MD5 0baf8e7eab2caeb9195547942b7255cc ChangeLog 16996
+MD5 b9605221479cc6c9ce7507b41ebedd04 ChangeLog 17126
+MD5 ee159929f3e247f937fe88bb1919d8bd metadata.xml 242
+MD5 1c9c6bded549ef569052d0f75fafb019 mldonkey-2.6.5.ebuild 4979
+MD5 a92ec1a9e1c381c49b544c81221a8bd0 mldonkey-2.5.16-r9.ebuild 2660
+MD5 e4d631474942d4a724d5be73a39df379 mldonkey-2.5.21-r2.ebuild 2692
+MD5 abb5b95fefe9a84563d147f4397010dc mldonkey-2.6.0-r1.ebuild 3488
+MD5 d2f8ea7e805cc85802f99722ebf70981 mldonkey-2.6.0.ebuild 3562
+MD5 9601b13002e283d18f5d4bf1130ff10b mldonkey-2.6.4-r1.ebuild 5111
+MD5 29d81297440c40ae6285c6139469d40d mldonkey-2.6.4-r2.ebuild 4982
+MD5 9613def727af8826277e993290216c36 files/digest-mldonkey-2.6.4-r2 144
+MD5 2db375201ae817eaa7075507d9700eed files/digest-mldonkey-2.6.0-r1 68
MD5 b1c7f6fe232921bb9516c1007f34efd4 files/digest-mldonkey-2.5.16-r9 128
MD5 f145ba120c09f53b0032ea8b3f930128 files/digest-mldonkey-2.5.21-r2 126
+MD5 eed52b2efc88d5b19ac43a6f4eeb5af7 files/digest-mldonkey-2.6.5 144
MD5 2db375201ae817eaa7075507d9700eed files/digest-mldonkey-2.6.0 68
-MD5 2db375201ae817eaa7075507d9700eed files/digest-mldonkey-2.6.0-r1 68
-MD5 9613def727af8826277e993290216c36 files/digest-mldonkey-2.6.4-r1 144
-MD5 9613def727af8826277e993290216c36 files/digest-mldonkey-2.6.4-r2 144
MD5 ac93ed074d62909b2a496045f0740127 files/mldonkey 336
MD5 be0c71929c461b50601e8715706a4a16 files/mldonkey-2.5.16-configure.patch 540
MD5 be0c71929c461b50601e8715706a4a16 files/mldonkey-2.5.21-configure.patch 540
@@ -13,10 +21,4 @@ MD5 93e16748ad44af182177978057266aa7 files/mldonkey-gui.desktop 263
MD5 476ec69e79e7c93a7bdaa6cb049c0857 files/mldonkey.confd 836
MD5 51820a1f1d6520039308f7a329403435 files/mldonkey.initd 3019
MD5 855aedd7fba1ffe74d7f6c0bce98f45f files/mldonkey.png 6835
-MD5 ee159929f3e247f937fe88bb1919d8bd metadata.xml 242
-MD5 a92ec1a9e1c381c49b544c81221a8bd0 mldonkey-2.5.16-r9.ebuild 2660
-MD5 e4d631474942d4a724d5be73a39df379 mldonkey-2.5.21-r2.ebuild 2692
-MD5 abb5b95fefe9a84563d147f4397010dc mldonkey-2.6.0-r1.ebuild 3488
-MD5 d2f8ea7e805cc85802f99722ebf70981 mldonkey-2.6.0.ebuild 3562
-MD5 9601b13002e283d18f5d4bf1130ff10b mldonkey-2.6.4-r1.ebuild 5111
-MD5 29d81297440c40ae6285c6139469d40d mldonkey-2.6.4-r2.ebuild 4982
+MD5 9613def727af8826277e993290216c36 files/digest-mldonkey-2.6.4-r1 144
diff --git a/net-p2p/mldonkey/files/digest-mldonkey-2.6.5 b/net-p2p/mldonkey/files/digest-mldonkey-2.6.5
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..5557eda80f5e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/net-p2p/mldonkey/files/digest-mldonkey-2.6.5
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+MD5 7f1d1809ca3147ad3eea5aec374dd42c mldonkey-2.6.5.tar.bz2 2756288
+MD5 83476b56789ac2fa06f7334a889ae06c mldonkey_protocol_handler-1.7.xpi 5503
diff --git a/net-p2p/mldonkey/mldonkey-2.6.5.ebuild b/net-p2p/mldonkey/mldonkey-2.6.5.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..78895f0e70c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/net-p2p/mldonkey/mldonkey-2.6.5.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,180 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2005 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/net-p2p/mldonkey/mldonkey-2.6.5.ebuild,v 1.1 2005/10/14 19:12:07 mkay Exp $
+inherit eutils
+IUSE="gtk guionly batch threads gd doc mozilla"
+DESCRIPTION="mldonkey is a new client to access the eDonkey network. It is written in Objective-Caml, and comes with its own GTK GUI, an HTTP interface and a telnet interface."
+ mozilla? (${PN}/${MOZVER}/mldonkey_protocol_handler-${MOZVER}.xpi )"
+KEYWORDS="~alpha ~amd64 ~ia64 ~ppc ~x86"
+ gtk? ( >=gnome-base/librsvg-2.4.0
+ >=dev-ml/lablgtk-2.4 )
+ gd? ( >=media-libs/gd-2.0.28 )"
+ >=sys-devel/autoconf-2.58
+ !batch? ( >=dev-lang/ocaml-3.08.3 )
+ batch? ( net-misc/wget )"
+pkg_setup() {
+ if use gtk; then
+ echo ""
+ einfo "If the compile with gui fails, and you have updated ocaml"
+ einfo "recently, you may have forgotten that you need to run"
+ einfo "/usr/portage/dev-lang/ocaml/files/"
+ einfo "to learn which ebuilds you need to recompile"
+ einfo "each time you update ocaml to a different version"
+ einfo "see the ocaml ebuild for details"
+ echo ""
+ fi
+ if use guionly && ! use gtk ; then
+ echo
+ eerror "You have guionly enabled, but gtk flag is disabled"
+ die
+ fi
+ if use gtk && !(built_with_use dev-ml/lablgtk svg); then
+ eerror "dev-ml/lablgtk must be built with the 'svg' USE flag to use the gtk gui"
+ die "Recompile dev-ml/lablgtk with enabled svg USE flag"
+ fi
+ if use gd && !(built_with_use media-libs/gd truetype); then
+ eerror "media-libs/gd must be built with the 'truetype' to compile"
+ eerror "mldonkey with gd support"
+ die "Recompile media-libs/gd with enabled truetype USE flag"
+ fi
+src_compile() {
+ export WANT_AUTOCONF=2.5
+ cd ${S}/config
+ autoconf
+ # the dirs are not (yet) used, but it doesn't hurt to specify them anyway
+ # batch Automatically download and build OCAML-3.08.3 for compiling itself
+ # threads Enables multiple threads (TURN IT ON YES WILL YA?)
+ # onlygui Disable all nets support, build only chosen GUI
+ if use gtk; then
+ myconf="--enable-gui=newgui2"
+ else
+ myconf="--disable-gui"
+ fi
+ if use guionly; then
+ myconf="${myconf} --disable-multinet --disable-donkey"
+ fi
+ cd ${S}
+ econf \
+ --sysconfdir=/etc/mldonkey \
+ --sharedstatedir=/var/mldonkey \
+ --localstatedir=/var/mldonkey \
+ --enable-checks \
+ `use_enable threads pthread` \
+ `use_enable batch batch` \
+ `use_enable gd` \
+ ${myconf} || die "Configure Failed!"
+ export OCAMLRUNPARAM="l=256M"
+ emake || die "Make Failed"
+ if ! use guionly; then
+ emake utils || die "make utils failed"
+ fi;
+src_install() {
+ if ! use guionly; then
+ dobin mlnet mld_hash get_range copysources make_torrent subconv
+ dobin ${FILESDIR}/mldonkey
+ insinto /etc/conf.d; newins ${FILESDIR}/mldonkey.confd mldonkey
+ exeinto /etc/init.d; newexe ${FILESDIR}/mldonkey.initd mldonkey
+ fi
+ if use gtk; then
+ dobin mlgui mlguistarter mlchat mlim mlprogress
+ domenu ${FILESDIR}/${PN}-gui.desktop
+ doicon ${FILESDIR}/${PN}.png
+ fi
+ if use doc ; then
+ cd ${S}/distrib
+ dodoc ChangeLog *.txt
+ dohtml *.html
+ insinto /usr/share/doc/${PF}/scripts
+ doins kill_mldonkey mldonkey_command mldonkey_previewer make_buginfo
+ cd ${S}/docs
+ dodoc *.txt *.tex *.pdf
+ dohtml *.html
+ cd ${S}/docs/developers
+ dodoc *.txt *.tex
+ cd ${S}/docs/images
+ insinto /usr/share/doc/${PF}/html/images
+ doins *
+ fi
+ if use mozilla; then
+ insinto /usr/share/${PN}
+ doins ${DISTDIR}/mldonkey_protocol_handler-${MOZVER}.xpi
+ fi;
+pkg_preinst() {
+ if ! use guionly; then
+ enewuser ${MLUSER} -1 /bin/bash /home/p2p users
+ fi
+pkg_postinst() {
+ if ! use guionly; then
+ echo
+ einfo "Running \`mldonkey' will start the server inside ~/.mldonkey/"
+ einfo "If you want to start mldonkey in a particular working directory,"
+ einfo "use the \`mlnet' command."
+ einfo "If you want to start mldonkey as a system service, use"
+ einfo "the /etc/init.d/mldonkey script. To control bandwidth, use"
+ einfo "the 'slow' and 'fast' arguments. Be sure to have a look at"
+ einfo "/etc/conf.d/mldonkey also."
+ echo
+ einfo "Attention: 2.6 has changed the inifiles structure, so downgrading"
+ einfo "will be problematic."
+ einfo "User settings (admin) are transferred to users.ini from "
+ einfo "downloads.ini"
+ einfo "Old ini files are automatically converted to the new format"
+ echo
+ else
+ echo
+ einfo "Simply run mlgui to start the chosen modonkey gui."
+ einfo "It puts its config files into ~/.mldonkey"
+ fi
+ if use mozilla; then
+ echo
+ einfo "xpi handler was placed in /usr/share/${PN} directory."
+ einfo "Open it in your favorite web browser (mozilla / firefox)"
+ einfo "to install extension"
+ echo
+ fi;