diff options
authorWilliam Hubbs <>2015-05-01 22:21:23 +0000
committerWilliam Hubbs <>2015-05-01 22:21:23 +0000
commita7ed2cebe3b1ff178424e59e0d81a0f6aaac5fea (patch)
tree4b6d4b29d3500b9387e2544fdebb9fe004699990 /sys-apps
parentVersion bump. (diff)
Version bump for systemd-nspawn support
Package-Manager: portage-2.2.18/cvs/Linux x86_64 Manifest-Sign-Key: 0x30C46538
Diffstat (limited to 'sys-apps')
3 files changed, 349 insertions, 5 deletions
diff --git a/sys-apps/openrc/ChangeLog b/sys-apps/openrc/ChangeLog
index d93778c6e813..1769144eb03e 100644
--- a/sys-apps/openrc/ChangeLog
+++ b/sys-apps/openrc/ChangeLog
@@ -1,6 +1,11 @@
# ChangeLog for sys-apps/openrc
# Copyright 1999-2015 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/sys-apps/openrc/ChangeLog,v 1.339 2015/04/26 03:44:34 williamh Exp $
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/sys-apps/openrc/ChangeLog,v 1.340 2015/05/01 22:21:08 williamh Exp $
+*openrc-0.15 (01 May 2015)
+ 01 May 2015; William Hubbs <> +openrc-0.15.ebuild:
+ Version bump for systemd-nspawn support
*openrc-0.14 (26 Apr 2015)
diff --git a/sys-apps/openrc/Manifest b/sys-apps/openrc/Manifest
index 2d72a190317b..573fadd05dea 100644
--- a/sys-apps/openrc/Manifest
+++ b/sys-apps/openrc/Manifest
@@ -9,15 +9,17 @@ AUX openrc.logrotate 71 SHA256 0b44210db9770588bd491cd6c0ac9412d99124c6be4c9d3f7
AUX start-stop-daemon.pam 63 SHA256 2681da17e4a122656b5303b7c7eca82b8fb182641290b153fdbe96b63638086d SHA512 85cf440611b8f87f51bf24bdd9fa03639a75b950f00096d81b8826c21ae85ff9784b8c56b8ddb482e70f08bce933d4561b30750346d51fb2cef3be34acc065cb WHIRLPOOL 4abc9f051155a62d3033258a06003a4ca3909d8104deca84d5c1605bc1c7e56167fd82b2b4b72fe7b707070de98a7628730de1ad3f14b924b5b1480fba5ef854
DIST openrc-0.13.11.tar.bz2 150680 SHA256 30edffa8b39d5e68129ddd9e8cd8dfde8ca8cfafc8b470124d7323a32a4a443c SHA512 1dd9d86f5f2f13e196d2724b978c0aaabf7a73c487bf2f8f759d82c856faa754b612d5252dacedb042ba308ff7e9a745dea88b78654a693c39f5d720f0f92ada WHIRLPOOL 2849260c60811e88467b2d0916afa37bc4c7a6e2159abf70a2f5bad2cf97586b801993f45ed86145dfecbc93166298c6302a78602bbfe1957d2f159a3cde11dc
DIST openrc-0.14.tar.bz2 155903 SHA256 fc7144811cd84b7a0d3786120e98cdd8c8ea31040f4665be67dac6da4fb8c6aa SHA512 44ead70f7a254d6f789090d09d03d931beb3ebce8e204feae5054d87921453aa6e8182c8f1f1cac0977ab0723d2a9cc0c09c482136c244d626ce32ea89e0bee4 WHIRLPOOL 4dfd551f4e94f50d1feed5a3157b9de36b4d8a0ab30dd886c864df3e273009f561e2048c8f077c6518caac09b44ac1b963a5b514beaa8a8699724598142b0352
+DIST openrc-0.15.tar.bz2 156099 SHA256 157c58ce1ff83b79a4063c44958c8070b15c9700fb7454827c8515091c3abeb6 SHA512 938e2688c865b0c0886273eb987a9289e74ef7f0ec93aef0a3ec51111b11e0ddb6afd9c752fba08f6a5e2d089d783e0e6a40d978cd0f104449d6c333dbe79e87 WHIRLPOOL d7872a266570d4ef76a564619e57070a18e1286233417e8cf78e8a7f35f8073bfbd7b85c94f5331f8647fc395d4f32b8256ec934dbe18f1b4642c50a42a342b0
EBUILD openrc-0.13.11.ebuild 10710 SHA256 1442dd77db52d34cd31e3e78256f101b81446c3e0f774d61d1e5f087f1372c53 SHA512 61b4f4c7c69431256d0932d50196bcbeeace4585a6ddb8c2e298f8c636b20efe9b8287f9f9145522b490f3343362f672158cb45f6ef320c9bf670ec4282ceb34 WHIRLPOOL bd96c904d8a2667bc5bd5ecd894f5b629382e1eb1aae65f1ebcb584b9305bfad847c623083bce41441e8edfacb6f7c4dda1f6c04481f0a7b186157e509f1b11c
EBUILD openrc-0.14.ebuild 10809 SHA256 a934d7ac9de5ddc3de5724a9c0451f3fa46b8e3993be4f772821c16e84846b4f SHA512 1e88d2f5001565e0158373caa79e4e85925e16691c9fa376fc0a4cc9f04a42dc784e8ceca7c0d60fa99dc3ba133988a7abcb92881c8d74acaee98a1eed5b5a4a WHIRLPOOL 97f496b3a5114ead98a4c644e7d7d8961bcc1440229376a47c7ae80eb8d90521448a681d6cc2628d409131fa394127fa25d859235d54eb04d88ba4ff4dcd9580
+EBUILD openrc-0.15.ebuild 10809 SHA256 69925f09e832efba327c35789d326bc16ee3ad70a5a0914183f43a3a579ff91b SHA512 4f6c8e07e4b77bee488689ae6512ea73a7a6a1720788b06fb7f50ddd7872ddea58a9617483ce399cafaac867509edd0dd17da6286a93a93f598edb726400ead1 WHIRLPOOL b90b8b2f447d238a4990fb35a6db6b2f521771c5f7b34c15fda4687139eb2e49fe222ce1dc816ae662056ab939a832a7772c562d93785ae7eb5c63e81eb284c8
EBUILD openrc-9999.ebuild 10811 SHA256 17dac6266957971d882a7c1665b40b2d648d869b9f424f69bb2e9a2f189c85bf SHA512 662660794d54dc5ce06a0cfc828e8668691fd558be9578335ebd782aba1e5a726790a6dc9a3a3f70ce9bb5bd7752cd3b21a225d26d9ec93b06ee079054905d72 WHIRLPOOL 341ddb36ef008a4bae7176088fcc87a8fc599ce0a0618b6d513ed49846b76b079129009a1f34a46392d394e59540a7262b7f141a488bd14c2a6cc51302fc65e7
-MISC ChangeLog 55023 SHA256 2e802b60ebbb2d620f7121fb8808f576b61caa85a8d6406ccd2249dde53fd646 SHA512 4708612691c5728af241ce248123861d5fbf5b0dd96bb0e77b9998a748fffc3ca6f56b61b7e3bafb1ab33e4a51591f741fb572e80f7abacae355642168ed00df WHIRLPOOL d77e26dcdec9afce88bd741f21e712b59b36443f8caeea253257f10bbfd4a6e25aa800fd2df9ac3c2e65881c681ee3493935e5de3464c1e11693470779b5f00f
+MISC ChangeLog 55166 SHA256 2873533f2bee00bb6560a01536afd8ff2654e5030c4f12b319e278e5145162d5 SHA512 237a51812cf4bbadc7fe541676d61156e95c3f8c1249573884271ea0f34fb7358c31ae1f07e63642317ae45aeea077be169781656ba2ddf7eef2fa84e48c3dd4 WHIRLPOOL 32cd14439545260faf1bf765342d92398c88f3c51ff4d1ff79877e4a1c3ab99b5d00848439fd13dc9ebfe419e4cd8857c8aec26c29a5cef4650c84257b897f11
MISC metadata.xml 442 SHA256 f823e0d3ab1b90455d2cee346582ab02c3ad2746a09a6f1ab0879ebd6d62ceff SHA512 9ab114930529ee9d146de58e3d330ec049462fcda9cf7e8627e8f5f0bc86276b0c07015d0c5758987732d09e007464849d4ee4c464c9af732fda53c125d0685e WHIRLPOOL 5339a9d7f49dc292f5cff108e576ace3492d9c685df98530a14041c41d809ef141b6785717e56ede7a63928a589cc01883b724854ba159735aab9787dea1efe3
Version: GnuPG v2
diff --git a/sys-apps/openrc/openrc-0.15.ebuild b/sys-apps/openrc/openrc-0.15.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..ae6000733623
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys-apps/openrc/openrc-0.15.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,337 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2015 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/sys-apps/openrc/openrc-0.15.ebuild,v 1.1 2015/05/01 22:21:08 williamh Exp $
+inherit eutils flag-o-matic multilib pam toolchain-funcs
+DESCRIPTION="OpenRC manages the services, startup and shutdown of a host"
+if [[ ${PV} == "9999" ]]; then
+ EGIT_REPO_URI="git://${PN}.git"
+ inherit git-r3
+ SRC_URI="${P}.tar.bz2"
+ KEYWORDS="~alpha ~amd64 ~arm ~arm64 ~hppa ~ia64 ~m68k ~mips ~ppc ~ppc64 ~s390 ~sh ~sparc ~x86 ~amd64-fbsd ~sparc-fbsd ~x86-fbsd"
+IUSE="audit debug elibc_glibc ncurses pam newnet prefix +netifrc selinux static-libs
+ tools unicode kernel_linux kernel_FreeBSD"
+COMMON_DEPEND="kernel_FreeBSD? ( || ( >=sys-freebsd/freebsd-ubin-9.0_rc sys-process/fuser-bsd ) )
+ elibc_glibc? ( >=sys-libs/glibc-2.5 )
+ ncurses? ( sys-libs/ncurses )
+ pam? (
+ sys-auth/pambase
+ virtual/pam
+ )
+ tools? ( dev-lang/perl )
+ audit? ( sys-process/audit )
+ kernel_linux? (
+ sys-process/psmisc
+ !<sys-process/procps-3.3.9-r2
+ )
+ selinux? (
+ sys-apps/policycoreutils
+ sys-libs/libselinux
+ )
+ !<sys-apps/baselayout-2.1-r1
+ !<sys-fs/udev-init-scripts-27"
+ virtual/os-headers
+ ncurses? ( virtual/pkgconfig )"
+ !prefix? (
+ kernel_linux? ( || ( >=sys-apps/sysvinit-2.86-r6 sys-process/runit ) )
+ kernel_FreeBSD? ( sys-freebsd/freebsd-sbin )
+ )
+ selinux? (
+ sec-policy/selinux-base-policy
+ sec-policy/selinux-openrc
+ )
+PDEPEND="netifrc? ( net-misc/netifrc )"
+src_prepare() {
+ sed -i 's:0444:0644:' mk/ || die
+ if [[ ${PV} == "9999" ]] ; then
+ local ver="git-${EGIT_VERSION:0:6}"
+ sed -i "/^GITVER[[:space:]]*=/s:=.*:=${ver}:" mk/ || die
+ fi
+ # Allow user patches to be applied without modifying the ebuild
+ epatch_user
+src_compile() {
+ unset LIBDIR #266688
+ LIBNAME=$(get_libdir)
+ LIBEXECDIR=${EPREFIX}/$(get_libdir)/rc
+ MKNET=$(usex newnet)
+ MKSELINUX=$(usex selinux)
+ MKAUDIT=$(usex audit)
+ MKPAM=$(usev pam)
+ MKSTATICLIBS=$(usex static-libs)
+ MKTOOLS=$(usex tools)"
+ local brand="Unknown"
+ if use kernel_linux ; then
+ brand="Linux"
+ elif use kernel_FreeBSD ; then
+ brand="FreeBSD"
+ fi
+ export BRANDING="Gentoo ${brand}"
+ export DEBUG=$(usev debug)
+ export MKTERMCAP=$(usev ncurses)
+ tc-export CC AR RANLIB
+ emake ${MAKE_ARGS}
+# set_config <file> <option name> <yes value> <no value> test
+# a value of "#" will just comment out the option
+set_config() {
+ local file="${ED}/$1" var=$2 val com
+ eval "${@:5}" && val=$3 || val=$4
+ [[ ${val} == "#" ]] && com="#" && val='\2'
+ sed -i -r -e "/^#?${var}=/{s:=([\"'])?([^ ]*)\1?:=\1${val}\1:;s:^#?:${com}:}" "${file}"
+set_config_yes_no() {
+ set_config "$1" "$2" YES NO "${@:3}"
+src_install() {
+ emake ${MAKE_ARGS} DESTDIR="${D}" install
+ # move the shared libs back to /usr so ldscript can install
+ # more of a minimal set of files
+ # disabled for now due to #270646
+ #mv "${ED}"/$(get_libdir)/lib{einfo,rc}* "${ED}"/usr/$(get_libdir)/ || die
+ #gen_usr_ldscript -a einfo rc
+ gen_usr_ldscript
+ gen_usr_ldscript
+ if ! use kernel_linux; then
+ keepdir /$(get_libdir)/rc/init.d
+ fi
+ keepdir /$(get_libdir)/rc/tmp
+ # Backup our default runlevels
+ dodir /usr/share/"${PN}"
+ cp -PR "${ED}"/etc/runlevels "${ED}"/usr/share/${PN} || die
+ rm -rf "${ED}"/etc/runlevels
+ # Setup unicode defaults for silly unicode users
+ set_config_yes_no /etc/rc.conf unicode use unicode
+ # Cater to the norm
+ set_config_yes_no /etc/conf.d/keymaps windowkeys '(' use x86 '||' use amd64 ')'
+ # On HPPA, do not run consolefont by default (bug #222889)
+ if use hppa; then
+ rm -f "${ED}"/usr/share/openrc/runlevels/boot/consolefont
+ fi
+ # Support for logfile rotation
+ insinto /etc/logrotate.d
+ newins "${FILESDIR}"/openrc.logrotate openrc
+ # install the gentoo pam.d file
+ newpamd "${FILESDIR}"/start-stop-daemon.pam start-stop-daemon
+ # install documentation
+ dodoc ChangeLog *.md
+ if use newnet; then
+ dodoc README.newnet
+ fi
+add_boot_init() {
+ local initd=$1
+ local runlevel=${2:-boot}
+ # if the initscript is not going to be installed and is not
+ # currently installed, return
+ [[ -e "${ED}"/etc/init.d/${initd} || -e "${EROOT}"etc/init.d/${initd} ]] \
+ || return
+ [[ -e "${EROOT}"etc/runlevels/${runlevel}/${initd} ]] && return
+ # if runlevels dont exist just yet, then create it but still flag
+ # to pkg_postinst that it needs real setup #277323
+ if [[ ! -d "${EROOT}"etc/runlevels/${runlevel} ]] ; then
+ mkdir -p "${EROOT}"etc/runlevels/${runlevel}
+ touch "${EROOT}"etc/runlevels/.add_boot_init.created
+ fi
+ elog "Auto-adding '${initd}' service to your ${runlevel} runlevel"
+ ln -snf /etc/init.d/${initd} "${EROOT}"etc/runlevels/${runlevel}/${initd}
+add_boot_init_mit_config() {
+ local config=$1 initd=$2
+ if [[ -e ${EROOT}${config} ]] ; then
+ if [[ -n $(sed -e 's:#.*::' -e '/^[[:space:]]*$/d' "${EROOT}"${config}) ]] ; then
+ add_boot_init ${initd}
+ fi
+ fi
+pkg_preinst() {
+ local f LIBDIR=$(get_libdir)
+ # avoid default thrashing in conf.d files when possible #295406
+ if [[ -e "${EROOT}"etc/conf.d/hostname ]] ; then
+ (
+ unset hostname HOSTNAME
+ source "${EROOT}"etc/conf.d/hostname
+ : ${hostname:=${HOSTNAME}}
+ [[ -n ${hostname} ]] && set_config /etc/conf.d/hostname hostname "${hostname}"
+ )
+ fi
+ # set default interactive shell to sulogin if it exists
+ set_config /etc/rc.conf rc_shell /sbin/sulogin "#" test -e /sbin/sulogin
+ # termencoding was added in 0.2.1 and needed in boot
+ has_version ">=sys-apps/openrc-0.2.1" || add_boot_init termencoding
+ # swapfiles was added in 0.9.9 and needed in boot (february 2012)
+ has_version ">=sys-apps/openrc-0.9.9" || add_boot_init swapfiles
+ if ! has_version ">=sys-apps/openrc-0.11"; then
+ add_boot_init sysfs sysinit
+ fi
+ if ! has_version ">=sys-apps/openrc-0.11.3" ; then
+ migrate_udev_mount_script
+ add_boot_init tmpfiles.setup boot
+ fi
+ # these were added in 0.12.
+ if ! has_version ">=sys-apps/openrc-0.12"; then
+ add_boot_init loopback
+ add_boot_init sysinit
+ # ensure existing /etc/conf.d/net is not removed
+ # undoes the hack to get around CONFIG_PROTECT in openrc-0.11.8 and earlier
+ # this needs to stay in openrc ebuilds for a long time. :(
+ # Added in 0.12.
+ if [[ -f "${EROOT}"etc/conf.d/net ]]; then
+ einfo "Modifying conf.d/net to keep it from being removed"
+ cat <<-EOF >>"${EROOT}"etc/conf.d/net
+# The network scripts are now part of net-misc/netifrc
+# In order to avoid sys-apps/${P} from removing this file, this comment was
+# added; you can safely remove this comment. Please see
+# /usr/share/doc/netifrc*/README* for more information.
+ fi
+ fi
+ has_version ">=sys-apps/openrc-0.14" || add_boot_init binfmt
+# >=OpenRC-0.11.3 requires udev-mount to be in the sysinit runlevel with udev.
+migrate_udev_mount_script() {
+ if [ -e "${EROOT}"etc/runlevels/sysinit/udev -a \
+ ! -e "${EROOT}"etc/runlevels/sysinit/udev-mount ]; then
+ add_boot_init udev-mount sysinit
+ fi
+ return 0
+pkg_postinst() {
+ local LIBDIR=$(get_libdir)
+ # Make our runlevels if they don't exist
+ if [[ ! -e "${EROOT}"etc/runlevels ]] || [[ -e "${EROOT}"etc/runlevels/.add_boot_init.created ]] ; then
+ einfo "Copying across default runlevels"
+ cp -RPp "${EROOT}"usr/share/${PN}/runlevels "${EROOT}"etc
+ rm -f "${EROOT}"etc/runlevels/.add_boot_init.created
+ else
+ if [[ ! -e "${EROOT}"etc/runlevels/sysinit/devfs ]] ; then
+ mkdir -p "${EROOT}"etc/runlevels/sysinit
+ cp -RPp "${EROOT}"usr/share/${PN}/runlevels/sysinit/* \
+ "${EROOT}"etc/runlevels/sysinit
+ fi
+ if [[ ! -e "${EROOT}"etc/runlevels/shutdown/mount-ro ]] ; then
+ mkdir -p "${EROOT}"etc/runlevels/shutdown
+ cp -RPp "${EROOT}"usr/share/${PN}/runlevels/shutdown/* \
+ "${EROOT}"etc/runlevels/shutdown
+ fi
+ fi
+ if use hppa; then
+ elog "Setting the console font does not work on all HPPA consoles."
+ elog "You can still enable it by running:"
+ elog "# rc-update add consolefont boot"
+ fi
+ # Handle the conf.d/local.{start,stop} -> local.d transition
+ if path_exists -o "${EROOT}"etc/conf.d/local.{start,stop} ; then
+ elog "Moving your ${EROOT}etc/conf.d/local.{start,stop}"
+ elog "files to ${EROOT}etc/local.d"
+ mv "${EROOT}"etc/conf.d/local.start "${EROOT}"etc/local.d/baselayout1.start
+ mv "${EROOT}"etc/conf.d/local.stop "${EROOT}"etc/local.d/baselayout1.stop
+ chmod +x "${EROOT}"etc/local.d/*{start,stop}
+ fi
+ if use kernel_linux && [[ "${EROOT}" = "/" ]]; then
+ if ! /$(get_libdir)/rc/sh/; then
+ ewarn "The dependency data could not be migrated to /run/openrc."
+ ewarn "This means you need to reboot your system."
+ fi
+ fi
+ # update the dependency tree after touching all files #224171
+ [[ "${EROOT}" = "/" ]] && "${EROOT}/${LIBDIR}"/rc/bin/rc-depend -u
+ if ! use newnet && ! use netifrc; then
+ ewarn "You have emerged OpenRc without network support. This"
+ ewarn "means you need to SET UP a network manager such as"
+ ewarn " net-misc/netifrc, net-misc/dhcpcd, net-misc/wicd,"
+ ewarn "net-misc/NetworkManager, or net-misc/badvpn."
+ ewarn "Or, you have the option of emerging openrc with the newnet"
+ ewarn "use flag and configuring /etc/conf.d/network and"
+ ewarn "/etc/conf.d/staticroute if you only use static interfaces."
+ ewarn
+ fi
+ if use newnet && [ ! -e "${EROOT}"etc/runlevels/boot/network ]; then
+ ewarn "Please add the network service to your boot runlevel"
+ ewarn "as soon as possible. Not doing so could leave you with a system"
+ ewarn "without networking."
+ ewarn
+ fi
+ ewarn "In this version of OpenRC, the loopback interface no longer"
+ ewarn "satisfies the net virtual."
+ ewarn "If you have services now which do not start because of this,"
+ ewarn "They can be fixed by adding rc_need=\"!net\""
+ ewarn "to the ${EROOT}etc/conf.d/<servicename> file."
+ ewarn "You should also file a bug against the service asking that"
+ ewarn "need net be dropped from the dependencies."
+ ewarn "The bug you file should block the following tracker:"
+ ewarn ""
+ ewarn
+ # Updated for 0.13.2.
+ ewarn "Bug was not"
+ ewarn "fixed correctly in earlier versions of OpenRC."
+ ewarn "The correct fix is implemented in this version, but that"
+ ewarn "means netmount needs to be added to the default runlevel if"
+ ewarn "you are using nfs file systems."
+ ewarn
+ elog "You should now update all files in /etc, using etc-update"
+ elog "or equivalent before restarting any services or this host."