diff options
authorTony Vroon <>2006-09-05 11:26:29 +0000
committerTony Vroon <>2006-09-05 11:26:29 +0000
commitee764c7dc21760bcb6d9207def16162c3cbbb9c6 (patch)
treeaf275c3a9acbb0dc7a85cea7778f3c1af05df92b /sys-boot/lilo
parentAdd this old version, because it's the last GPL-version. (diff)
Let portage strip the main binary, patch from bug #140210 by Ulrich Mueller <>. Forcibly disable BCC detection (keeps DOS & diagnostic utilities from building) based on a suggestion from Michael Baer <> in bug #141777. Bump dolilo to version 0.4; serial console support and the ability to override bootdev & rootdev, needed in case of an encrypted root partition.
Package-Manager: portage-2.1.1_rc1-r2
Diffstat (limited to 'sys-boot/lilo')
6 files changed, 279 insertions, 5 deletions
diff --git a/sys-boot/lilo/ChangeLog b/sys-boot/lilo/ChangeLog
index ea5b55d734b5..0f80451f2ad1 100644
--- a/sys-boot/lilo/ChangeLog
+++ b/sys-boot/lilo/ChangeLog
@@ -1,6 +1,18 @@
# ChangeLog for sys-boot/lilo
# Copyright 1999-2006 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/sys-boot/lilo/ChangeLog,v 1.40 2006/07/17 20:40:09 solar Exp $
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/sys-boot/lilo/ChangeLog,v 1.41 2006/09/05 11:26:29 chainsaw Exp $
+*lilo-22.7.2-r2 (05 Sep 2006)
+ 05 Sep 2006; Tony Vroon <>
+ +files/lilo-22.7.2-install-nostrip.patch,
+ +files/lilo-22.7.2-makefile.patch, +lilo-22.7.2-r2.ebuild:
+ Let portage strip the main binary, patch from bug #140210 by Ulrich Mueller
+ <>. Forcibly disable BCC detection (keeps DOS &
+ diagnostic utilities from building) based on a suggestion from Michael Baer
+ <> in bug #141777. Bump dolilo to version 0.4; serial
+ console support and the ability to override bootdev & rootdev, needed in
+ case of an encrypted root partition.
17 Jul 2006; <> lilo-22.7.ebuild, lilo-22.7.1.ebuild,
diff --git a/sys-boot/lilo/Manifest b/sys-boot/lilo/Manifest
index 48d4e8b423ab..b7c34e337a39 100644
--- a/sys-boot/lilo/Manifest
+++ b/sys-boot/lilo/Manifest
@@ -1,3 +1,6 @@
+Hash: SHA1
AUX lilo-22.7-correct-usage-info.patch 557 RMD160 00947306d7b609ae0a0129e0a3f820a51a4d1f75 SHA1 572ae21eb4f65aed1410638fbd416eb4cee6d64c SHA256 dc32b41ef2024c7b38b3dde281ac1dae69f9353ce56adce79ca4030b13c65281
MD5 de6a5065fca97cf5df35c8bc9bebfafc files/lilo-22.7-correct-usage-info.patch 557
RMD160 00947306d7b609ae0a0129e0a3f820a51a4d1f75 files/lilo-22.7-correct-usage-info.patch 557
@@ -46,6 +49,14 @@ AUX lilo-22.7.2-devmapper_gentoo.patch 12011 RMD160 639170c6b7e7e492cadcf225e2d2
MD5 c2cf6011f04975f8244509a127b3b841 files/lilo-22.7.2-devmapper_gentoo.patch 12011
RMD160 639170c6b7e7e492cadcf225e2d2a8fa4d8d4a2d files/lilo-22.7.2-devmapper_gentoo.patch 12011
SHA256 6cc182ebee108f1283e55df821b11dabd1ed570bc5e1d2bdf04417d386559786 files/lilo-22.7.2-devmapper_gentoo.patch 12011
+AUX lilo-22.7.2-install-nostrip.patch 404 RMD160 ae3171720b836099d4551699fed1c7313e256cf3 SHA1 8d75cf944cd5ef6e8c0621c79c059a7992eea09b SHA256 4c155d0e99c2b392e020f365ef29a537aeee666b2936dccce45cbbf068b39c3c
+MD5 0fcf055d223be459d137aff98d933591 files/lilo-22.7.2-install-nostrip.patch 404
+RMD160 ae3171720b836099d4551699fed1c7313e256cf3 files/lilo-22.7.2-install-nostrip.patch 404
+SHA256 4c155d0e99c2b392e020f365ef29a537aeee666b2936dccce45cbbf068b39c3c files/lilo-22.7.2-install-nostrip.patch 404
+AUX lilo-22.7.2-makefile.patch 723 RMD160 4bcf3e62060d2f778bd8d3f3c3790571b8dc42b2 SHA1 706159cbcad3da2e06015dfd5e9b8ae2fb92e23c SHA256 66edfdcc7357315bde6af0a6bdb714314a9027f88e4bf8b460f0d1cafd2053cc
+MD5 8d1cb16484ed9fb3437a2d7a29d6858b files/lilo-22.7.2-makefile.patch 723
+RMD160 4bcf3e62060d2f778bd8d3f3c3790571b8dc42b2 files/lilo-22.7.2-makefile.patch 723
+SHA256 66edfdcc7357315bde6af0a6bdb714314a9027f88e4bf8b460f0d1cafd2053cc files/lilo-22.7.2-makefile.patch 723
AUX lilo-22.7.2-manpath.patch 444 RMD160 8bdbb45e5fe7b6c9249d54657978b59190eba104 SHA1 f8055e0299a0a30e4cc3910c359ae3a826fec3b9 SHA256 78ca7d4bfe78103de450de92bd321a0b4233d15f1051df3d0e4206fd061381ea
MD5 73796418d202ed39a04f9adbd5ccc12a files/lilo-22.7.2-manpath.patch 444
RMD160 8bdbb45e5fe7b6c9249d54657978b59190eba104 files/lilo-22.7.2-manpath.patch 444
@@ -59,6 +70,7 @@ MD5 5f2172291cc1252b30f5a60981a51ac4 files/lilo.conf 1722
RMD160 8f4c152ae448cd4ae46c379884a2fe4adbf64d4b files/lilo.conf 1722
SHA256 1cc9e4828e7b61f7c0ebf6655d7d6be3b584461308b568267f3c1bb7fb8371d0 files/lilo.conf 1722
DIST dolilo-0.3.tar.bz2 3554 RMD160 b9ae32021767b3548d6fdfe6b71d9100d81ed2ba SHA1 162ef4ba7204762d8c30b032749fd4e0b5044dcf SHA256 33ecd4f54f06067e937f442d1fd7b219f82dbcb7934311d3d20fe070cc2a30ed
+DIST dolilo-0.4.tar.bz2 3753 RMD160 e63d7d258461346620d012d8e89b22b3f969b089 SHA1 887c778c2cc603d24995a5ab58c6cdce974bd88a SHA256 812f7cb7a9c93eade7afaa8f12955723c4bdaede1c61f90162390dedfc37bd2e
DIST lilo-22.7.1.src.tar.gz 429373 RMD160 7be56fb510ada6a54ae7da948efc6e342d04140c SHA1 b431bb0756e1f42c38fc4645063acaea7f2ddcc7 SHA256 7fa192588910e42d0e544967e050b15e3c32acb7fdecad53c3283cbc3560a756
DIST lilo-22.7.2.src.tar.gz 433625 RMD160 03fe32839751b3497dc9f06490dc2cd3bff6b805 SHA1 63b758d86d2242b802bce01da318f8c225eb0589 SHA256 3fae019ee67a63f8fc35aade5e7f61a1dd01a210af1b46c6df4b9862597547da
DIST lilo-22.7.src.tar.gz 428600 RMD160 76fcc2551bef7ded3d3b1c833bc76fbf1cb8c9a7 SHA1 90586882ac875fa5989e0855482df62050669aac SHA256 d6372f8823243bc0d09308477f454004ad3fdb45fdef609ddeb9648995e3c063
@@ -70,14 +82,18 @@ EBUILD lilo-22.7.2-r1.ebuild 4933 RMD160 98cde4824f66ad1bbc54edb252428305ebf0132
MD5 d1fb0fd59afb71c88305c0d282bfde01 lilo-22.7.2-r1.ebuild 4933
RMD160 98cde4824f66ad1bbc54edb252428305ebf01329 lilo-22.7.2-r1.ebuild 4933
SHA256 e2ccb1a281fb6dc2dc4909417b421c556b3288ba4a8a4d9dc4824a4b259e07f3 lilo-22.7.2-r1.ebuild 4933
+EBUILD lilo-22.7.2-r2.ebuild 5015 RMD160 6db3592a1516f92394858a772fa86423f14b9aef SHA1 5e99b2267ab8e0a23235b05b4888c137fb1d2f51 SHA256 ac40229b91b0f60f8ceb900363443066ee3e3e004eab5c8979b0d9ef70ade573
+MD5 011b37ad2de5e002af346b99c2c61c71 lilo-22.7.2-r2.ebuild 5015
+RMD160 6db3592a1516f92394858a772fa86423f14b9aef lilo-22.7.2-r2.ebuild 5015
+SHA256 ac40229b91b0f60f8ceb900363443066ee3e3e004eab5c8979b0d9ef70ade573 lilo-22.7.2-r2.ebuild 5015
EBUILD lilo-22.7.ebuild 5179 RMD160 30448b86ba811587bacb8f9e88e19d5362ba2fc2 SHA1 dc651bfce8c03911d1ac24c2d004c66905490133 SHA256 7ee485dc431faeba7977d309cfd5a966509ef0df6a14578375fc07a2d7a24ca5
MD5 8b40ee8fe163769e5ac0ca24963199cb lilo-22.7.ebuild 5179
RMD160 30448b86ba811587bacb8f9e88e19d5362ba2fc2 lilo-22.7.ebuild 5179
SHA256 7ee485dc431faeba7977d309cfd5a966509ef0df6a14578375fc07a2d7a24ca5 lilo-22.7.ebuild 5179
-MISC ChangeLog 5593 RMD160 10faaf98ac8fc350659f4adf9a31b8b825e7027a SHA1 d8ceaf1abf90ce08454aef37b924e23efbc8f691 SHA256 758b3cad610a6aca7fa95e69f80e4f3cfb07aa9448f284608e41865894ac4df8
-MD5 4a6de51fd6ba56ecd16be99010a53851 ChangeLog 5593
-RMD160 10faaf98ac8fc350659f4adf9a31b8b825e7027a ChangeLog 5593
-SHA256 758b3cad610a6aca7fa95e69f80e4f3cfb07aa9448f284608e41865894ac4df8 ChangeLog 5593
+MISC ChangeLog 6197 RMD160 cefe2c652996d0937c9b417a9f6e1cde6d67b50f SHA1 f8fa3c3d9fedf1cda57c406a51c2a9ade5985ede SHA256 0e84a5d51e6d539a8658ea83d69779373cf3c585ff315ee3ec6894f95c7d570e
+MD5 23b94d784198a9d02d334dede48da8bc ChangeLog 6197
+RMD160 cefe2c652996d0937c9b417a9f6e1cde6d67b50f ChangeLog 6197
+SHA256 0e84a5d51e6d539a8658ea83d69779373cf3c585ff315ee3ec6894f95c7d570e ChangeLog 6197
MISC metadata.xml 254 RMD160 823c99a514af57fe285c45f08538b7cc18e6342a SHA1 de5f6d0faac7d5f11daa399f9e875c30cac2ce64 SHA256 2817a53a07dd68fef8ec5467cb1a8441e87d77bd7eaf8ce9971de1adfbab7bdc
MD5 eeee4743c4e463eeed3a7a4c15380e0d metadata.xml 254
RMD160 823c99a514af57fe285c45f08538b7cc18e6342a metadata.xml 254
@@ -91,3 +107,13 @@ SHA256 33da193d3a701224e343993cf3a4ba30ea8ebef2b23b3c199175025147d0cbe9 files/di
MD5 eca7db7a3387b08e368163767a7c8356 files/digest-lilo-22.7.2-r1 476
RMD160 fb1914ae68175fec2e914be2cfc520d579979472 files/digest-lilo-22.7.2-r1 476
SHA256 969fb08b4bd066d52832fb908c90cd3d98405d76a4f5b3db3f0441e1211d5a92 files/digest-lilo-22.7.2-r1 476
+MD5 5fe1301c27405c41c58fb991c2ec62b2 files/digest-lilo-22.7.2-r2 476
+RMD160 f638b9934b99c4215d4c7d8f8b1a7bb58c078cdb files/digest-lilo-22.7.2-r2 476
+SHA256 722a87fe49f606a7b7d3490634225fa2fdf16ca2b93e7c247c9da53c4500837b files/digest-lilo-22.7.2-r2 476
+Version: GnuPG v1.4.5-ecc0.1.6 (GNU/Linux)
diff --git a/sys-boot/lilo/files/digest-lilo-22.7.2-r2 b/sys-boot/lilo/files/digest-lilo-22.7.2-r2
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..c844e713f234
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys-boot/lilo/files/digest-lilo-22.7.2-r2
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+MD5 08243e46598d6f457e8e4135f1fa8d52 dolilo-0.4.tar.bz2 3753
+RMD160 e63d7d258461346620d012d8e89b22b3f969b089 dolilo-0.4.tar.bz2 3753
+SHA256 812f7cb7a9c93eade7afaa8f12955723c4bdaede1c61f90162390dedfc37bd2e dolilo-0.4.tar.bz2 3753
+MD5 2bf1eb08c449a28ebadcf66c48a26567 lilo-22.7.2.src.tar.gz 433625
+RMD160 03fe32839751b3497dc9f06490dc2cd3bff6b805 lilo-22.7.2.src.tar.gz 433625
+SHA256 3fae019ee67a63f8fc35aade5e7f61a1dd01a210af1b46c6df4b9862597547da lilo-22.7.2.src.tar.gz 433625
diff --git a/sys-boot/lilo/files/lilo-22.7.2-install-nostrip.patch b/sys-boot/lilo/files/lilo-22.7.2-install-nostrip.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..b8d9f2dc5a9b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys-boot/lilo/files/lilo-22.7.2-install-nostrip.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+--- lilo-22.7.2/Makefile~ 2006-07-13 15:10:06.000000000 +0200
++++ lilo-22.7.2/Makefile 2006-07-13 15:12:47.000000000 +0200
+@@ -439,7 +439,6 @@
+ rm -f $$ROOT$(BOOT_DIR)/boot.b; fi
+ cp mkrescue $$ROOT$(SBIN_DIR)
+ cp lilo $$ROOT$(SBIN_DIR)
+- strip $$ROOT$(SBIN_DIR)/lilo
+ cp manPages/lilo.8 $$ROOT$(MAN_DIR)/man8
+ cp manPages/mkrescue.8 $$ROOT$(MAN_DIR)/man8
diff --git a/sys-boot/lilo/files/lilo-22.7.2-makefile.patch b/sys-boot/lilo/files/lilo-22.7.2-makefile.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..0b23b353223f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys-boot/lilo/files/lilo-22.7.2-makefile.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+--- Makefile.orig 2006-09-05 12:11:46.000000000 +0100
++++ Makefile 2006-09-05 12:12:11.000000000 +0100
+@@ -77,8 +77,7 @@
+ CFG_DIR=/etc
+ BOOT_DIR=/boot
+ USRSBIN_DIR=/usr/sbin
+-# set the following if you wish LILO.COM to be installed
+ #
+ #MAN_DIR=`if [ -z "$(whereis lilo | grep 'lilo.8')" ]; then \
+ # whereis lilo | sed -e "sX.* /usrX/usrX" -e "sX/man8/lilo.8.*XX" ; \
+@@ -155,10 +154,7 @@
+ #
+ # everything needed to run, just short of installation
+ #
+-all: lilo bootsect.b diag1.img # OBSOLETE: $(BOOTS) edit activate
+- if [ -x /usr/bin/bcc -o -x /usr/local/bin/bcc ]; then \
+- make diagnostic; \
+- make dosexe; fi
++all: lilo
+ #
+ # everything above plus the statically linked version
diff --git a/sys-boot/lilo/lilo-22.7.2-r2.ebuild b/sys-boot/lilo/lilo-22.7.2-r2.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..490432e881f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys-boot/lilo/lilo-22.7.2-r2.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,196 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2006 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/sys-boot/lilo/lilo-22.7.2-r2.ebuild,v 1.1 2006/09/05 11:26:29 chainsaw Exp $
+inherit eutils flag-o-matic toolchain-funcs
+IUSE="devmap static minimal pxeserial"
+DESCRIPTION="Standard Linux boot loader"
+ mirror://gentoo/${DOLILO_TAR}"
+KEYWORDS="-* ~x86 ~amd64"
+RDEPEND="devmap? ( >=sys-fs/device-mapper-1.00.08 )"
+ >=sys-devel/bin86-0.15.5"
+src_unpack() {
+ einfo "If you want to use lilo with device mapper, please enable the"
+ einfo "\"devmap\" USE flag."
+ unpack ${MY_P}.tar.gz
+ if use devmap; then
+ # devmapper-patch (boot on evms/lvm2)
+ cd ${S}; epatch ${FILESDIR}/${P}-devmapper_gentoo.patch
+ fi
+ cd ${S}
+ # Fix creating install dirs, bug #39405
+ epatch ${FILESDIR}/${P}-create-install-dirs.patch
+ # Correctly document commandline options -v and -V, bug #43554
+ epatch ${FILESDIR}/${P}-correct-usage-info.patch
+ # Install manpages to correct location, do not rely on incorrect manpath output, bug #117135
+ epatch ${FILESDIR}/${P}-manpath.patch
+ # Do not strip the main binary, it upsets portage, bug #140210
+ epatch ${FILESDIR}/${P}-install-nostrip.patch
+ # Do not build diagnostics when bcc is present; bug #141777
+ epatch ${FILESDIR}/${P}-makefile.patch
+ # this patch is needed when booting PXE and the device you're using
+ # emulates vga console via serial console.
+ # IE.. B.B.o.o.o.o.t.t.i.i.n.n.g.g....l.l.i.i.n.n.u.u.x.x and stair stepping.
+ use pxeserial && epatch ${FILESDIR}/${P}-novga.patch
+ unpack ${DOLILO_TAR}
+src_compile() {
+ # lilo needs this. bug 140209
+ export LC_ALL=C
+ # hardened automatic PIC plus PIE building should be suppressed
+ # because of assembler instructions that cannot be compiled PIC
+ HARDENED_CFLAGS="`test-flags-CC -fno-pic -nopie`"
+ # we explicitly prevent the custom CFLAGS for stability reasons
+ if use static; then
+ emake CC="$(tc-getCC) ${HARDENED_CFLAGS}" lilo.static || die
+ mv lilo.static lilo || die
+ else
+ emake CC="$(tc-getCC) ${HARDENED_CFLAGS}" lilo || die
+ fi
+src_install() {
+ keepdir /boot
+ make ROOT=${D} install || die
+ if use !minimal; then
+ into /
+ dosbin ${S}/dolilo/dolilo
+ into /usr
+ dosbin
+ insinto /etc
+ newins ${FILESDIR}/lilo.conf lilo.conf.example
+ insinto /etc/conf.d
+ newins ${S}/dolilo/dolilo.conf.d dolilo.example
+ doman manPages/*.[5-8]
+ docinto samples ; dodoc sample/*
+ fi
+# Check whether LILO is installed
+# This function is from /usr/sbin/mkboot from debianutils, with copyright:
+# Debian GNU/Linux
+# Copyright 1996-1997 Guy Maor <>
+# Modified for Gentoo for use with the lilo ebuild by:
+# Martin Schlemmer <> (16 Mar 2003)
+lilocheck () {
+ local bootpart=
+ local rootpart="$(mount | grep -v "tmpfs" | grep -v "rootfs" | grep "on / " | cut -f1 -d " ")"
+ echo
+ einfon "Checking for LILO ..."
+ if [ "$(whoami)" != "root" ]
+ then
+ echo; echo
+ eerror "Only root can check for LILO!"
+ return 1
+ fi
+ if [ -z "${rootpart}" ]
+ then
+ echo; echo
+ eerror "Could not determine root partition!"
+ return 1
+ fi
+ if [ ! -f /etc/lilo.conf -o ! -x /sbin/lilo ]
+ then
+ echo " No"
+ return 1
+ fi
+ bootpart="$(sed -n "s:^boot[ ]*=[ ]*\(.*\)[ ]*:\1:p" /etc/lilo.conf)"
+ if [ -z "${bootpart}" ]
+ then
+ # lilo defaults to current root when 'boot=' is not present
+ bootpart="${rootpart}"
+ fi
+ if ! dd if=${bootpart} ibs=16 count=1 2>&- | grep -q 'LILO'
+ then
+ echo; echo
+ ewarn "Yes, but I couldn't find a LILO signature on ${bootpart}"
+ ewarn "Check your /etc/lilo.conf, or run /sbin/lilo by hand."
+ return 1
+ fi
+ echo " Yes, on ${bootpart}"
+ return 0
+pkg_postinst() {
+ if [ ! -e ${ROOT}/boot/boot.b -a ! -L ${ROOT}/boot/boot.b ]
+ then
+ [ -f "${ROOT}/boot/boot-menu.b" ] && \
+ ln -snf boot-menu.b ${ROOT}/boot/boot.b
+ fi
+ if [ "${ROOT}" = "/" ] && use !minimal;
+ then
+ if lilocheck
+ then
+ einfo "Running DOLILO to complete the install ..."
+ # do not redirect to /dev/null because it may display some input
+ # prompt
+ /sbin/dolilo
+ if [ "$?" -ne 0 ]
+ then
+ echo
+ ewarn "Running /sbin/dolilo failed! Please check what the problem is"
+ ewarn "before your next reboot."
+ ebeep 5
+ epause 5
+ fi
+ fi
+ echo
+ fi
+ if use !minimal; then
+ echo
+ einfo "Issue 'dolilo' instead of 'lilo' to have a friendly wrapper that"
+ einfo "handles mounting and unmounting /boot for you. It can do more then"
+ einfo "that when asked, edit /etc/conf.d/dolilo to harness it's full potential."
+ ebeep 5
+ epause 3
+ echo
+ fi