diff options
authorJoseph Jezak <>2007-09-06 21:18:04 +0000
committerJoseph Jezak <>2007-09-06 21:18:04 +0000
commitb1545684e26e1ec2605d23fb090a49065dfaf759 (patch)
tree5edb8b1d3bf886957a830c70d5a25593490a86e0 /sys-boot/yaboot
parentMarked ppc/ppc64 stable for bug #191417. (diff)
Added latest version. Removed old versions and obsolete patches. Fixed nopiessp patch.
Package-Manager: portage-
Diffstat (limited to 'sys-boot/yaboot')
-rw-r--r--sys-boot/yaboot/yaboot-1.3.14.ebuild (renamed from sys-boot/yaboot/yaboot-1.3.11-r1.ebuild)27
21 files changed, 51 insertions, 1360 deletions
diff --git a/sys-boot/yaboot/ChangeLog b/sys-boot/yaboot/ChangeLog
index f382f0620316..e1e0aada0173 100644
--- a/sys-boot/yaboot/ChangeLog
+++ b/sys-boot/yaboot/ChangeLog
@@ -1,6 +1,20 @@
# ChangeLog for sys-boot/yaboot
# Copyright 2002-2007 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/sys-boot/yaboot/ChangeLog,v 1.25 2007/03/15 23:35:54 josejx Exp $
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/sys-boot/yaboot/ChangeLog,v 1.26 2007/09/06 21:18:04 josejx Exp $
+*yaboot-1.3.14 (06 Sep 2007)
+ 06 Sep 2007; Joseph Jezak <>
+ -files/yabootconfig-1.3.10.patch, -files/yaboot-1.3.11-ofpath-fix.patch,
+ -files/yabootconfig-1.3.11.patch,
+ -files/yaboot-1.3.12-k2sata-ofpath.patch,
+ -files/yabootconfig-1.3.12.patch, -files/yaboot-1.3.13-ofpath.patch,
+ -files/yaboot-3.4.patch, files/yaboot-nopiessp.patch,
+ -files/yaboot-ofpath-device-tree.patch, -files/yabootconfig,
+ -yaboot-1.3.11-r1.ebuild, -yaboot-1.3.12-r1.ebuild, -yaboot-1.3.13.ebuild,
+ -yaboot-1.3.13-r1.ebuild, +yaboot-1.3.14.ebuild:
+ Added latest version. Removed old versions and obsolete patches. Fixed
+ nopiessp patch.
15 Mar 2007; Joseph Jezak <> yaboot-1.3.14_pre1.ebuild:
Marked ppc stable.
diff --git a/sys-boot/yaboot/Manifest b/sys-boot/yaboot/Manifest
index c7fec931653a..b5e3c84a520d 100644
--- a/sys-boot/yaboot/Manifest
+++ b/sys-boot/yaboot/Manifest
@@ -5,101 +5,42 @@ AUX chrpfix.patch 979 RMD160 3614e117f5430fbe7e19fe79fd9ec950d5cab30b SHA1 08657
MD5 15c7e4852d3cc4ca21044014d33737ee files/chrpfix.patch 979
RMD160 3614e117f5430fbe7e19fe79fd9ec950d5cab30b files/chrpfix.patch 979
SHA256 cbd5d5e1df0111619b58975d8605d36ce30767a129dd9de53fc302d750e03045 files/chrpfix.patch 979
-AUX yaboot-1.3.11-ofpath-fix.patch 1974 RMD160 8a57f80ac10683b60f20af5bd5378e51580be433 SHA1 43145ba75d0ee6c369fbffffcb0cec74adffcb0a SHA256 f0989764d7d8c47c337a9fe8db1e3dd8055b04e72b0045522b7516253effd99b
-MD5 e51befd96c8aaa36f151790fad733456 files/yaboot-1.3.11-ofpath-fix.patch 1974
-RMD160 8a57f80ac10683b60f20af5bd5378e51580be433 files/yaboot-1.3.11-ofpath-fix.patch 1974
-SHA256 f0989764d7d8c47c337a9fe8db1e3dd8055b04e72b0045522b7516253effd99b files/yaboot-1.3.11-ofpath-fix.patch 1974
-AUX yaboot-1.3.12-k2sata-ofpath.patch 792 RMD160 272dffc840d0f9cf0830f3f53dd09bdba92162fd SHA1 c485722c867a874a03d53c8bccf22ae0ba8e387d SHA256 51ba8efd4af7a2991646d439deba21d7208fa2b32a3dbce121c7a6643bc7b86d
-MD5 627830060775688b9e45e1b1a6dd4cfe files/yaboot-1.3.12-k2sata-ofpath.patch 792
-RMD160 272dffc840d0f9cf0830f3f53dd09bdba92162fd files/yaboot-1.3.12-k2sata-ofpath.patch 792
-SHA256 51ba8efd4af7a2991646d439deba21d7208fa2b32a3dbce121c7a6643bc7b86d files/yaboot-1.3.12-k2sata-ofpath.patch 792
-AUX yaboot-1.3.13-ofpath.patch 2921 RMD160 1a0300293ce09fee00290f3f2c33f45cf53c3efe SHA1 3c1d9bd0bcceb031be8c212d69c8335f312cc65a SHA256 f12a4fe464fc6fad16cecb51850b5adc21411a34b7d76326df7fbb82b78993ec
-MD5 de48fb3a5eb3326145096a19c6b07a6a files/yaboot-1.3.13-ofpath.patch 2921
-RMD160 1a0300293ce09fee00290f3f2c33f45cf53c3efe files/yaboot-1.3.13-ofpath.patch 2921
-SHA256 f12a4fe464fc6fad16cecb51850b5adc21411a34b7d76326df7fbb82b78993ec files/yaboot-1.3.13-ofpath.patch 2921
-AUX yaboot-3.4.patch 292 RMD160 1e5594fe76c7c07f9a1f9e079574fa0b7539c2a1 SHA1 e233ab184646b0e132e814602fe502d893845b09 SHA256 ea7d17849eb76d0d004f985ac448f7fe1fb0b7b31dcc4fd1ea40831044d65195
-MD5 707fd650a40d63439e1417660b062d2a files/yaboot-3.4.patch 292
-RMD160 1e5594fe76c7c07f9a1f9e079574fa0b7539c2a1 files/yaboot-3.4.patch 292
-SHA256 ea7d17849eb76d0d004f985ac448f7fe1fb0b7b31dcc4fd1ea40831044d65195 files/yaboot-3.4.patch 292
-AUX yaboot-nopiessp.patch 1884 RMD160 cbf9fc91ca4f82323f7f038516c003bf8ce987ae SHA1 7dd696e70303ea66b8299a04794ed404e7d1b99f SHA256 62d724135297ac720144b9d4d023e1b695df636c74110da7e77d28b1045f3c32
-MD5 ea6db5f8d6326bf51dfe4f085513e210 files/yaboot-nopiessp.patch 1884
-RMD160 cbf9fc91ca4f82323f7f038516c003bf8ce987ae files/yaboot-nopiessp.patch 1884
-SHA256 62d724135297ac720144b9d4d023e1b695df636c74110da7e77d28b1045f3c32 files/yaboot-nopiessp.patch 1884
-AUX yaboot-ofpath-device-tree.patch 847 RMD160 4de69270e2863dcca2c7881298fe2b5fad651d85 SHA1 7742f629e279e7e7cf25d6b9e68caf29ca5b9223 SHA256 86292d960dd5a998ed78e1c3ed0f26d69b87a425800e5b0b68560f4f5be46b07
-MD5 09dcc7eec83bc5d7fb9f6952815a03bd files/yaboot-ofpath-device-tree.patch 847
-RMD160 4de69270e2863dcca2c7881298fe2b5fad651d85 files/yaboot-ofpath-device-tree.patch 847
-SHA256 86292d960dd5a998ed78e1c3ed0f26d69b87a425800e5b0b68560f4f5be46b07 files/yaboot-ofpath-device-tree.patch 847
-AUX yabootconfig 18898 RMD160 c83a0c7c96f14763e9e2a92723100c256ef2c6ea SHA1 ec59ad0de42038dbb659859a87644fd6befcd98f SHA256 e83af329cdafa14e9b781ea1416aa9fb6f8f0034ab843c2ebab08d25b30a0e22
-MD5 22f651a4c0cd422e1245d3a905f9ce31 files/yabootconfig 18898
-RMD160 c83a0c7c96f14763e9e2a92723100c256ef2c6ea files/yabootconfig 18898
-SHA256 e83af329cdafa14e9b781ea1416aa9fb6f8f0034ab843c2ebab08d25b30a0e22 files/yabootconfig 18898
-AUX yabootconfig-1.3.10.patch 1987 RMD160 88148116d2bbe1e5f3ae9f3ae8198a5c1ff663bd SHA1 4f3ed7f5ebe17c30dbf2468f6d0d8b5bf59f181b SHA256 17651bd77e2879abfbc96920efec6dbe6f449b2faba5eac71bfc9afdab2d3e2d
-MD5 05ad83c8ec8ac7914cd6224a148daef6 files/yabootconfig-1.3.10.patch 1987
-RMD160 88148116d2bbe1e5f3ae9f3ae8198a5c1ff663bd files/yabootconfig-1.3.10.patch 1987
-SHA256 17651bd77e2879abfbc96920efec6dbe6f449b2faba5eac71bfc9afdab2d3e2d files/yabootconfig-1.3.10.patch 1987
-AUX yabootconfig-1.3.11.patch 1987 RMD160 88148116d2bbe1e5f3ae9f3ae8198a5c1ff663bd SHA1 4f3ed7f5ebe17c30dbf2468f6d0d8b5bf59f181b SHA256 17651bd77e2879abfbc96920efec6dbe6f449b2faba5eac71bfc9afdab2d3e2d
-MD5 05ad83c8ec8ac7914cd6224a148daef6 files/yabootconfig-1.3.11.patch 1987
-RMD160 88148116d2bbe1e5f3ae9f3ae8198a5c1ff663bd files/yabootconfig-1.3.11.patch 1987
-SHA256 17651bd77e2879abfbc96920efec6dbe6f449b2faba5eac71bfc9afdab2d3e2d files/yabootconfig-1.3.11.patch 1987
-AUX yabootconfig-1.3.12.patch 1987 RMD160 88148116d2bbe1e5f3ae9f3ae8198a5c1ff663bd SHA1 4f3ed7f5ebe17c30dbf2468f6d0d8b5bf59f181b SHA256 17651bd77e2879abfbc96920efec6dbe6f449b2faba5eac71bfc9afdab2d3e2d
-MD5 05ad83c8ec8ac7914cd6224a148daef6 files/yabootconfig-1.3.12.patch 1987
-RMD160 88148116d2bbe1e5f3ae9f3ae8198a5c1ff663bd files/yabootconfig-1.3.12.patch 1987
-SHA256 17651bd77e2879abfbc96920efec6dbe6f449b2faba5eac71bfc9afdab2d3e2d files/yabootconfig-1.3.12.patch 1987
+AUX yaboot-nopiessp.patch 1885 RMD160 ad6bc10b7f9eca86a155691ed11e7e8b234ff6bf SHA1 6adb7f426fede91e9f2a5276bf87b6f2ad0bea1d SHA256 69fcfa7a6c464304b8a9c68da8331909948686955f4a9e10d23505f700bee1ab
+MD5 668f5b5c55380e9be9f32a733a6c63e4 files/yaboot-nopiessp.patch 1885
+RMD160 ad6bc10b7f9eca86a155691ed11e7e8b234ff6bf files/yaboot-nopiessp.patch 1885
+SHA256 69fcfa7a6c464304b8a9c68da8331909948686955f4a9e10d23505f700bee1ab files/yaboot-nopiessp.patch 1885
AUX yabootconfig-1.3.13.patch 1655 RMD160 fd3e62c5cddbe359df3f2abee225392e0ff86144 SHA1 c50bd7dabe553e00c466cfa63cbdb9f20257a74b SHA256 ee662c068ba7800d1d0c85a927f3990658cc488ebd3672e40740b7473ba3bb20
MD5 116ac118087f29161456b653a8429522 files/yabootconfig-1.3.13.patch 1655
RMD160 fd3e62c5cddbe359df3f2abee225392e0ff86144 files/yabootconfig-1.3.13.patch 1655
SHA256 ee662c068ba7800d1d0c85a927f3990658cc488ebd3672e40740b7473ba3bb20 files/yabootconfig-1.3.13.patch 1655
-DIST yaboot-1.3.11.tar.gz 272953 RMD160 24c4c44c3b9f7699691af13b1c7b6eb17aab7bce SHA1 96082d21ad7b371e9ea684d498f87c50d9084948 SHA256 ddd9bf9d06ea081e4c555223edbff6fb72dfbf4e17349230f9fd450811ae962e
-DIST yaboot-1.3.12.tar.gz 274353 RMD160 050fa3c65e3b14778d9101699b2be4679779c393 SHA1 3bc2d0b0ff3926effb5a892dc12aef2345c5dc03 SHA256 f01bd4b0d13532e9724c21627b8093c416c89f8a54f9f120f6e2fcc34bd7f0c5
-DIST yaboot-1.3.13.tar.gz 275886 RMD160 ee60a0937884cf9c206f7cf75a57711b3a2d5589 SHA1 e2269e8dc039a0922d700de831bb185c8a787ca2 SHA256 2684a8eb8d9bdc09fcc75db451da26eac4cff255735777214eeb49610ea28eff
+DIST yaboot-1.3.14.tar.gz 219089 RMD160 dd46fc044732c5bdf3dc23b3faa1dd746895cdd5 SHA1 2bf7594a921075371acf468a46776d0f93e315a6 SHA256 b1b0ddc798e332dc03065bac871b05f700b6f8383951a05dee68a7438f644933
DIST yaboot-1.3.14_pre1.tar.gz 257923 RMD160 abb1f39b346b156099485105eb3f1af9047db628 SHA1 211f1a354d602464a2364e90e329ab9da45f63c0 SHA256 e90d88f37e9e237e1e3aedf99b6a50489c3c704f589976bae07b07e8cc4d03e0
-EBUILD yaboot-1.3.11-r1.ebuild 1131 RMD160 f8e66df991e5cfdc6e39f2aa4dfbea5bccab1b54 SHA1 b5c48f778406a56dc3870f9fcefb5ceff9566652 SHA256 e03c7dc3ef13c9237f0357cc08bf42a4ab13b86602f5a8174cf0154bcc28f52c
-MD5 b18d892f9b853ca4f2a966f1f7fd0b76 yaboot-1.3.11-r1.ebuild 1131
-RMD160 f8e66df991e5cfdc6e39f2aa4dfbea5bccab1b54 yaboot-1.3.11-r1.ebuild 1131
-SHA256 e03c7dc3ef13c9237f0357cc08bf42a4ab13b86602f5a8174cf0154bcc28f52c yaboot-1.3.11-r1.ebuild 1131
-EBUILD yaboot-1.3.12-r1.ebuild 1350 RMD160 5d861796272e25e4f94c834ccf6e7d92d225ee4f SHA1 ac56071ac23bf990f7d2288cebcfee8e6b259962 SHA256 7b0052179cfe36ae1f2af281c47238494032293b4812af8db3764c27b3fa7a59
-MD5 70ace287814f30a2f5879a646fcaff2a yaboot-1.3.12-r1.ebuild 1350
-RMD160 5d861796272e25e4f94c834ccf6e7d92d225ee4f yaboot-1.3.12-r1.ebuild 1350
-SHA256 7b0052179cfe36ae1f2af281c47238494032293b4812af8db3764c27b3fa7a59 yaboot-1.3.12-r1.ebuild 1350
-EBUILD yaboot-1.3.13-r1.ebuild 1461 RMD160 707e896a26a0643a369341678b44dc339d70c401 SHA1 9c15b8576aa95a0ef3b8eb2005ad76bbfd466f02 SHA256 0941e5e9c19de1963ce8b4075350a108058effffb5897fa4eaa3a40d57d73cba
-MD5 2034aef6c163442c046c2c15823cbdd7 yaboot-1.3.13-r1.ebuild 1461
-RMD160 707e896a26a0643a369341678b44dc339d70c401 yaboot-1.3.13-r1.ebuild 1461
-SHA256 0941e5e9c19de1963ce8b4075350a108058effffb5897fa4eaa3a40d57d73cba yaboot-1.3.13-r1.ebuild 1461
-EBUILD yaboot-1.3.13.ebuild 1406 RMD160 117ed6241f082a669f8061f4049dfa466f86fc99 SHA1 4e2816f7ecabd811f0de1e70ee120b94832f4c62 SHA256 f63b097d75aba3d00c178358d909f6230e7b02f707cb3209c3a860d8dfe72272
-MD5 04b1510eded97c0436fb4093f097aa02 yaboot-1.3.13.ebuild 1406
-RMD160 117ed6241f082a669f8061f4049dfa466f86fc99 yaboot-1.3.13.ebuild 1406
-SHA256 f63b097d75aba3d00c178358d909f6230e7b02f707cb3209c3a860d8dfe72272 yaboot-1.3.13.ebuild 1406
+EBUILD yaboot-1.3.14.ebuild 1088 RMD160 d5fb0e262ced96490db57bcad8f66ef4db334998 SHA1 0dc6f182d35f1cd7c9f67e53e560fb5f641502f8 SHA256 50d4da1f142db48d37b4ae93d497ca2485d65b1b7397ff7a8ce5a6b561548d32
+MD5 953810efe6e73101d41438b745056416 yaboot-1.3.14.ebuild 1088
+RMD160 d5fb0e262ced96490db57bcad8f66ef4db334998 yaboot-1.3.14.ebuild 1088
+SHA256 50d4da1f142db48d37b4ae93d497ca2485d65b1b7397ff7a8ce5a6b561548d32 yaboot-1.3.14.ebuild 1088
EBUILD yaboot-1.3.14_pre1.ebuild 1336 RMD160 cb1652eae994d5f9478062d19e2ba73a7efe1ebb SHA1 e9dd65e5489e490051c949a79ffc034ca2d36e37 SHA256 e3030b676d3a560444f0614203a8d1260f5c5a26edd9092924c2f7e9705296fc
MD5 1436052e1718829f912c59b08f7936b0 yaboot-1.3.14_pre1.ebuild 1336
RMD160 cb1652eae994d5f9478062d19e2ba73a7efe1ebb yaboot-1.3.14_pre1.ebuild 1336
SHA256 e3030b676d3a560444f0614203a8d1260f5c5a26edd9092924c2f7e9705296fc yaboot-1.3.14_pre1.ebuild 1336
-MISC ChangeLog 7390 RMD160 4d5d638649149d07a0b335fc15a58570f263f7b3 SHA1 e16249a861021d9519da11c9f7f8c3fe03403f07 SHA256 180cf99e2be962ab5f1815e6adf8b17edf289bcd6c8ede49b18e00c84f0192c2
-MD5 22b3a32641ab2c74df8376aaf3c25f56 ChangeLog 7390
-RMD160 4d5d638649149d07a0b335fc15a58570f263f7b3 ChangeLog 7390
-SHA256 180cf99e2be962ab5f1815e6adf8b17edf289bcd6c8ede49b18e00c84f0192c2 ChangeLog 7390
+MISC ChangeLog 8033 RMD160 2a4aa920e17a95cbe3d2d3d4c716da22cfa0de1d SHA1 af87c746215feefd32d476df3728c70ca9fca229 SHA256 317a36c200883bf62e9655c51d5a0a9270d2632dc8f68cbdf1eea46d342ad729
+MD5 ce0c2bfa61e611aaa696213aec25a514 ChangeLog 8033
+RMD160 2a4aa920e17a95cbe3d2d3d4c716da22cfa0de1d ChangeLog 8033
+SHA256 317a36c200883bf62e9655c51d5a0a9270d2632dc8f68cbdf1eea46d342ad729 ChangeLog 8033
MISC metadata.xml 219 RMD160 341750d0dff3d130d178dbd87ae2a9b3c4cf2942 SHA1 9b52819ae9161a68c7ca94cbf04d30f5abcf83d5 SHA256 7478651c8bb4bda1dec836b777f607e76066648c58cdb721107c5035e0c2b334
MD5 9c2a69b11bc766ffdc32016e0bb1e967 metadata.xml 219
RMD160 341750d0dff3d130d178dbd87ae2a9b3c4cf2942 metadata.xml 219
SHA256 7478651c8bb4bda1dec836b777f607e76066648c58cdb721107c5035e0c2b334 metadata.xml 219
-MD5 07f303d8754f8e296257d40543ecce43 files/digest-yaboot-1.3.11-r1 241
-RMD160 92a318a5146356a8dc5e8f74dfa26cd4ce8002f1 files/digest-yaboot-1.3.11-r1 241
-SHA256 b37812e17d8e970db33e153d90360fe49281b297eb07e6bc0c8e8fa2c40ae102 files/digest-yaboot-1.3.11-r1 241
-MD5 77b33e2d9d2e93129d420efe94401f37 files/digest-yaboot-1.3.12-r1 241
-RMD160 f11233634758df820ea22ef27b4ace10b92d56a3 files/digest-yaboot-1.3.12-r1 241
-SHA256 3595232efd6a8f0b842462bb7b12f4d2c31520988b4f80bca1b0507d10ca92ad files/digest-yaboot-1.3.12-r1 241
-MD5 4625c7d07d39d11e48128fedd49f52ba files/digest-yaboot-1.3.13 241
-RMD160 777180419cc2bfec4dd697fce4c482a2a737844f files/digest-yaboot-1.3.13 241
-SHA256 387ce4e147b9cb664a70f3e10a23630188f17ee46eafc7d02facdd0e418e9c66 files/digest-yaboot-1.3.13 241
-MD5 4625c7d07d39d11e48128fedd49f52ba files/digest-yaboot-1.3.13-r1 241
-RMD160 777180419cc2bfec4dd697fce4c482a2a737844f files/digest-yaboot-1.3.13-r1 241
-SHA256 387ce4e147b9cb664a70f3e10a23630188f17ee46eafc7d02facdd0e418e9c66 files/digest-yaboot-1.3.13-r1 241
+MD5 c75608baab6d90d62d4a057b2a6a2753 files/digest-yaboot-1.3.14 241
+RMD160 a0c763c023fe9ae3bfcd457db77fd74396a6b44a files/digest-yaboot-1.3.14 241
+SHA256 a389e6d0fac0f1ce5a672844fd718fd78fe9ae5f9996c67d7d03e4147f6e6000 files/digest-yaboot-1.3.14 241
MD5 d61c315d0456b41367e65669d82e0820 files/digest-yaboot-1.3.14_pre1 256
RMD160 f2ab296981f75d717417955f3994df4d939ff9b9 files/digest-yaboot-1.3.14_pre1 256
SHA256 1d3f0598f0b02877b373758afa6aa415ccc01a7267c0ece1255b09f1d6df97b7 files/digest-yaboot-1.3.14_pre1 256
-Version: GnuPG v2.0.3 (GNU/Linux)
+Version: GnuPG v2.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
diff --git a/sys-boot/yaboot/files/digest-yaboot-1.3.11-r1 b/sys-boot/yaboot/files/digest-yaboot-1.3.11-r1
deleted file mode 100644
index c1248c6127e8..000000000000
--- a/sys-boot/yaboot/files/digest-yaboot-1.3.11-r1
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-MD5 338be176b2767498fd42e9e9c2f4f3da yaboot-1.3.11.tar.gz 272953
-RMD160 24c4c44c3b9f7699691af13b1c7b6eb17aab7bce yaboot-1.3.11.tar.gz 272953
-SHA256 ddd9bf9d06ea081e4c555223edbff6fb72dfbf4e17349230f9fd450811ae962e yaboot-1.3.11.tar.gz 272953
diff --git a/sys-boot/yaboot/files/digest-yaboot-1.3.12-r1 b/sys-boot/yaboot/files/digest-yaboot-1.3.12-r1
deleted file mode 100644
index a833aae7ce5c..000000000000
--- a/sys-boot/yaboot/files/digest-yaboot-1.3.12-r1
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-MD5 85cf685c1dc5873c2a5124ba4524b2d2 yaboot-1.3.12.tar.gz 274353
-RMD160 050fa3c65e3b14778d9101699b2be4679779c393 yaboot-1.3.12.tar.gz 274353
-SHA256 f01bd4b0d13532e9724c21627b8093c416c89f8a54f9f120f6e2fcc34bd7f0c5 yaboot-1.3.12.tar.gz 274353
diff --git a/sys-boot/yaboot/files/digest-yaboot-1.3.13 b/sys-boot/yaboot/files/digest-yaboot-1.3.13
deleted file mode 100644
index 78ff1a3c645b..000000000000
--- a/sys-boot/yaboot/files/digest-yaboot-1.3.13
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-MD5 f12798d1b2063f21d07e0ae7f602ccaf yaboot-1.3.13.tar.gz 275886
-RMD160 ee60a0937884cf9c206f7cf75a57711b3a2d5589 yaboot-1.3.13.tar.gz 275886
-SHA256 2684a8eb8d9bdc09fcc75db451da26eac4cff255735777214eeb49610ea28eff yaboot-1.3.13.tar.gz 275886
diff --git a/sys-boot/yaboot/files/digest-yaboot-1.3.13-r1 b/sys-boot/yaboot/files/digest-yaboot-1.3.13-r1
deleted file mode 100644
index 78ff1a3c645b..000000000000
--- a/sys-boot/yaboot/files/digest-yaboot-1.3.13-r1
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-MD5 f12798d1b2063f21d07e0ae7f602ccaf yaboot-1.3.13.tar.gz 275886
-RMD160 ee60a0937884cf9c206f7cf75a57711b3a2d5589 yaboot-1.3.13.tar.gz 275886
-SHA256 2684a8eb8d9bdc09fcc75db451da26eac4cff255735777214eeb49610ea28eff yaboot-1.3.13.tar.gz 275886
diff --git a/sys-boot/yaboot/files/digest-yaboot-1.3.14 b/sys-boot/yaboot/files/digest-yaboot-1.3.14
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..da81a1857da4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys-boot/yaboot/files/digest-yaboot-1.3.14
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+MD5 9b1246c474eeb37f61081ad762563b35 yaboot-1.3.14.tar.gz 219089
+RMD160 dd46fc044732c5bdf3dc23b3faa1dd746895cdd5 yaboot-1.3.14.tar.gz 219089
+SHA256 b1b0ddc798e332dc03065bac871b05f700b6f8383951a05dee68a7438f644933 yaboot-1.3.14.tar.gz 219089
diff --git a/sys-boot/yaboot/files/yaboot-1.3.11-ofpath-fix.patch b/sys-boot/yaboot/files/yaboot-1.3.11-ofpath-fix.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 9e2d0ccb2cf6..000000000000
--- a/sys-boot/yaboot/files/yaboot-1.3.11-ofpath-fix.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
-diff -ruN yaboot-1.3.11.orig/ybin/ofpath yaboot-1.3.11/ybin/ofpath
---- yaboot-1.3.11.orig/ybin/ofpath 2004-03-31 01:53:42.429814600 +0200
-+++ yaboot-1.3.11/ybin/ofpath 2004-03-28 06:58:21.000000000 +0200
-@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
- PATH="/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin"
- PRG="${0##*/}"
- export LC_COLLATE=C
-@@ -297,7 +297,7 @@
- echo "${DEVICE_PATH##*device-tree}/@$DEVICE_ID:$PARTITION"
- ;;
-- ata_k2)
-+ ata_k2|sata_svw)
- HOST_LIST="$(for i in `find /proc/device-tree -name compatible` ; do
- lgrep "$i" "k2-s-ata" ; done)"
-@@ -323,11 +323,32 @@
- echo 1>&2 "$PRG: BUG: IDEBUS == NULL"
- return 1
- fi
-- local OF1275IDE="/proc/ide/$IDEBUS/devspec"
-+ case "$(uname -r)" in
-+ 2.5.*|2.6.0*|2.6.1|2.6.1-*|2.6.2|2.6.2-*)
-+ echo "$PRG: Linux kernel `uname -r` is not supported"
-+ return 1
-+ ;;
-+ 2.6.*|2.7.*)
-+ if ! (grep -q '.* .* sysfs ' /proc/mounts 2> /dev/null) ; then
-+ echo 1>&2 "$PRG: sysfs must be mounted for ofpath to support this system"
-+ return 1
-+ fi
-+ local SYS="$(m=`grep '.* .* sysfs ' /proc/mounts | head -n 1` ; echo `d=${m#* };echo ${d%% *}`)"
-+ if [ -z "$SYS" -o ! -d "$SYS" ] ; then
-+ echo 2>&1 "$PRG: Unable to determine sysfs mountpoint"
-+ return 1
-+ fi
-+ local OF1275IDE="${SYS}/block/${DEVNODE}/device/../../devspec"
-+ ;;
-+ *)
-+ local OF1275IDE="/proc/ide/$IDEBUS/devspec"
-+ ;;
-+ esac
- if [ ! -f "$OF1275IDE" ] ; then
- case "$(cat /proc/device-tree/model)" in
-- "PowerMac3,6")
-+ PowerMac3*|PowerMac4*|PowerMac5*|PowerMac6*|PowerMac7*|X*)
- local CDROM="$(grep "^drive name:" /proc/sys/dev/cdrom/info 2> /dev/null | grep $DEVNODE)"
- if [ -z "$CDROM" ] ; then
- echo 1>&2 "$PRG: WARNING: Your kernel is too old for proper support, device may be innaccurate."
diff --git a/sys-boot/yaboot/files/yaboot-1.3.12-k2sata-ofpath.patch b/sys-boot/yaboot/files/yaboot-1.3.12-k2sata-ofpath.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 64fd28a36fc2..000000000000
--- a/sys-boot/yaboot/files/yaboot-1.3.12-k2sata-ofpath.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
---- yaboot-1.3.12.orig/ybin/ofpath 2004-05-23 17:20:56.382633120 -0400
-+++ yaboot-1.3.12/ybin/ofpath 2004-05-23 17:20:26.013249968 -0400
-@@ -301,7 +301,13 @@
- HOST_LIST="$(for i in `find /proc/device-tree -name compatible` ; do
- lgrep "$i" "k2-s-ata" ; done)"
-- echo "${DEVICE_PATH##*device-tree}/k2-sata@$DEVICE_ID/disk@0:$PARTITION"
-+ while [ "$DEVICE_PATH" = "" ] ; do
-+ let "K2_DEVICE_ID += 1"
-+ done
-+ echo "${DEVICE_PATH##*device-tree}/k2-sata@$K2_DEVICE_ID/disk@0:$PARTITION"
- ;;
- *)
- echo 1>&2 "$PRG: Driver: $SCSI_DRIVER is not supported"
diff --git a/sys-boot/yaboot/files/yaboot-1.3.13-ofpath.patch b/sys-boot/yaboot/files/yaboot-1.3.13-ofpath.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 33461266feac..000000000000
--- a/sys-boot/yaboot/files/yaboot-1.3.13-ofpath.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
---- yaboot-1.3.13.orig/ybin/ofpath 2004-11-04 21:57:17.000000000 -0500
-+++ yaboot-1.3.13/ybin/ofpath 2004-11-04 22:36:41.234195024 -0500
-@@ -8,6 +8,9 @@
- ## Portions based on
- ##
- ## Copyright (C) 2000 Olaf Hering <>
-+## sbp2 patch:
-+## Copyright (C) 2004 Christiaan Welvaart <>
- ##
- ## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- ## modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
-@@ -301,7 +304,52 @@
- HOST_LIST="$(for i in `find /proc/device-tree -name compatible` ; do
- lgrep "$i" "k2-s-ata" ; done)"
-- echo "${DEVICE_PATH##*device-tree}/k2-sata@$DEVICE_ID/disk@0:$PARTITION"
-+ while [ "$DEVICE_PATH" = "" ] ; do
-+ let "K2_DEVICE_ID += 1"
-+ done
-+ echo "${DEVICE_PATH##*device-tree}/k2-sata@$K2_DEVICE_ID/disk@0:$PARTITION"
-+ ;;
-+ usb-storage)
-+ if [ ! -d /sys/devices ]
-+ then
-+ echo 1>&2 "sysfs must be mounted on /sys for usb-storage support"
-+ return 1
-+ fi
-+ local USBDEV=`readlink /sys/block/$DEVNODE/device`
-+ local PCIADDR=`echo ${USBDEV#../../devices/} |sed -re 's#(pci[^/]*/[^/]*)/.*#\1#'`
-+ local USBPATH=`echo ${USBDEV} |sed -re 's#.*/[0-9]*-([0-9\.]*):[0-9\.]*/host[0-9]*/[^/]*#\1#'`
-+ local DEVSPEC=`cat /sys/devices/$PCIADDR/devspec`
-+ local DISKPATH=`echo $USBPATH |sed -re 's#((.*\.)*)([0-9]*)$#\1disk@\3#' |sed -re 's#([0-9]*)\.#hub@\1/#'`
-+ if [ `cat /proc/device-tree${DEVSPEC}/device_type` = ehci ]
-+ then
-+ local USB2PORT=`echo ${DEVSPEC} |sed -re 's#^.*,([0-9]+)#\1#'`
-+ local USB1PORT=`echo ${DISKPATH} |sed -re 's#^[^@]+@([0-9]+).*#\1#'`
-+ USB1PORT=`expr $USB1PORT - 1`
-+ DISKPATH=`echo ${DISKPATH} |sed -re "s/^([^@]+)@${USB2PORT}(.*)/\1@1\2/"`
-+ DEVSPEC=`echo ${DEVSPEC} |sed -re "s/^(.*),${USB2PORT}\$/\1,${USB1PORT}/"`
-+ fi
-+ echo "${DEVSPEC#,0}/${DISKPATH}:${PARTITION}"
-+ ;;
-+ "")
-+ # sbp-2 driver does not have a dir in /proc/scsi
-+ if [ -d /sys/devices ]
-+ then
-+ local SYSFSDEV=`readlink /sys/block/$DEVNODE/device`
-+ local FWNODE=`echo ${SYSFSDEV} |sed -re 's#^.*/fw-host[0-9]+/([^/]+)/.*#\1#'`
-+ local PCIADDR=`echo ${SYSFSDEV#../../devices/} |sed -re 's#(pci[^/]*/[^/]*)/.*#\1#'`
-+ local DEVSPEC=`cat /sys/devices/$PCIADDR/devspec`
-+ local OFNODE="${DEVSPEC}/node@${FWNODE}/sbp-2/disk@0"
-+ if [ -f /proc/device-tree${OFNODE}/device_type ]
-+ then
-+ echo "${OFNODE}:${PARTITION}"
-+ return 0
-+ fi
-+ fi
-+ echo 1>&2 "$PRG: cannot find SCSI driver for ${DEVNODE}"
-+ return 1
- ;;
- *)
- echo 1>&2 "$PRG: Driver: $SCSI_DRIVER is not supported"
diff --git a/sys-boot/yaboot/files/yaboot-3.4.patch b/sys-boot/yaboot/files/yaboot-3.4.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 57964d8a911c..000000000000
--- a/sys-boot/yaboot/files/yaboot-3.4.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
---- ./lib/strstr.c.orig 2004-05-12 16:16:44.249220125 +0000
-+++ ./lib/strstr.c 2004-05-12 16:14:47.245465904 +0000
-@@ -76,7 +76,9 @@
- a = *++haystack;
- if (a == '\0')
- goto ret0;
--shloop: }
-+ a = a;
-+ }
- while (a != b);
- jin: a = *++haystack;
diff --git a/sys-boot/yaboot/files/yaboot-nopiessp.patch b/sys-boot/yaboot/files/yaboot-nopiessp.patch
index 1fd8ea42e6d0..32e64392b730 100644
--- a/sys-boot/yaboot/files/yaboot-nopiessp.patch
+++ b/sys-boot/yaboot/files/yaboot-nopiessp.patch
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ diff -Nrup yaboot-1.3.13.orig/Config.gentoo yaboot-1.3.13/Config.gentoo
+ then echo "$(1)"; else echo "$(2)"; fi)
+CFLAGS += $(call check_gcc, -fno-stack-protector)
-+CFLAGS += $(call check_gcc, -nopie)
++CFLAGS += $(call check_gcc, --nopie)
diff -Nrup yaboot-1.3.13.orig/Makefile yaboot-1.3.13/Makefile
--- yaboot-1.3.13.orig/Makefile 2004-07-11 20:12:03.000000000 +0000
diff --git a/sys-boot/yaboot/files/yaboot-ofpath-device-tree.patch b/sys-boot/yaboot/files/yaboot-ofpath-device-tree.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 042221965d37..000000000000
--- a/sys-boot/yaboot/files/yaboot-ofpath-device-tree.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
---- yaboot-1.3.13.orig/ybin/ofpath 2005-10-08 20:16:46.000000000 -0400
-+++ yaboot-1.3.13/ybin/ofpath 2005-10-08 20:17:59.000000000 -0400
-@@ -473,14 +473,6 @@
- {
- case "$DEVNODE" in
- sd*)
-- if ls -l /proc/device-tree | grep -q ^lr ; then
-- true
-- else
-- echo 1>&2 "$PRG: /proc/device-tree is broken. Do not use BootX to boot, use yaboot."
-- echo 1>&2 "$PRG: The yaboot HOWTO can be found here:"
-- return 1
-- fi
- ## use common scsiinfo function to get info we need.
- scsiinfo || return 1
-@@ -715,13 +707,6 @@
- {
- case "$DEVNODE" in
- sd*)
-- if ls -l /proc/device-tree | grep -q ^lr ; then
-- true
-- else
-- echo 1>&2 "$PRG: /proc/device-tree is broken."
-- return 1
-- fi
- ## use common scsiinfo function to get info we need.
- scsiinfo || return 1
diff --git a/sys-boot/yaboot/files/yabootconfig b/sys-boot/yaboot/files/yabootconfig
deleted file mode 100644
index 5efc4a5cf5da..000000000000
--- a/sys-boot/yaboot/files/yabootconfig
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,697 +0,0 @@
-#! /bin/sh
-## yabootconfig generates a simple /etc/yaboot.conf
-## Copyright (C) 2001 Ethan Benson
-## Patched for Gentoo and dual boot - Mark Guertin <>
-## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-## modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
-## as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
-## of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-## GNU General Public License for more details.
-## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-## along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-## Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-## allow to run out of /target in boot-floppies
-if [ -n "$PATH_PREFIX" ] ; then
- PATH="${PATH}:${PATH_PREFIX}/sbin:${PATH_PREFIX}/bin:${PATH_PREFIX}/usr/sbin:${PATH_PREFIX}/usr/bin:${PATH_PREFIX}/usr/local/sbin:${PATH_PREFIX}/usr/local/bin"
-## $CONFIG is relative to $CHROOT
-SIGINT="$PRG: Interrupt caught ... exiting"
-export LC_COLLATE=C
-## catch signals, clean up temporary file
-trap "cleanup" 0
-trap "exit 129" 1
-trap "echo 1>&2 $SIGINT ; exit 130" 2
-trap "exit 131" 3
-trap "exit 143" 15
-## check for printf, use it if possible otherwise fall back on
-## unreliable echo -e -n ("SUS" says echo shall support no switches)
-if [ "$(printf printf_test 2>/dev/null)" = printf_test ] ; then
- PRINTF=printf
- PRINTF="echo -e -n"
-## make sure echo is not lame if we must use it.
-if [ "$PRINTF" != printf ] ; then
- if [ "$(echo -e -n echo_test)" != "echo_test" ] ; then
- echo 1>&2 "$PRG: printf unavailable and echo is broken, sorry."
- exit 1
- fi
-## make fake `id' if its missing, outputs 0 since if its missing we
-## are probably running on boot floppies and thus are root.
-if (command -v id > /dev/null 2>&1) ; then
- true
- id()
- {
- echo 0
- }
-## --version output
-echo \
-Written by Ethan Benson
-Copyright (C) 2001 Ethan Benson
-This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO
-## --help output.
-echo \
-"Usage: $PRG [OPTION]...
-Generate a working /etc/yaboot.conf.
- -t, --chroot set root directory $PRG should work from
- -r, --root set root partition, Example: /dev/hda3
- default: determined from {chroot}/etc/fstab
- -b, --boot set bootstrap partition, Example: /dev/hda2
- default: first type: Apple_Bootstrap partition
- --kernel-args add an append= line with specified arguments
- -q, --quiet don't ask any questions/confirmation
- --noinstall don't automatically run mkofboot
- -h, --help display this help and exit
- -V, --version output version information and exit"
- [ "$DEBUG" = 0 ] && return 0
- $PRINTF 1>&2 "$PRG: DEBUG: $1"
-"yaboot is the Linux Loader for PowerPC. $PRG sets up your system to boot directly
-from your hard disk, without the need for a boot CD, floppy or a network boot.\n"
-[ "$NOINSTALL" = 0 ] && $PRINTF "Install yaboot bootstrap on $BOOT to boot Linux from $ROOT? [Yes] "
-[ "$NOINSTALL" = 1 ] && $PRINTF "Create simple ${CHROOT}${CONFIG} to boot Linux from $ROOT? [Yes] "
- read ans
- case "$ans" in
- Y|y|Yes|yes|YES|"")
- echo "Creating a simple ${CHROOT}${CONFIG}..."
- return 0
- ;;
- *)
- if [ "$NOINSTALL" = 0 ] ; then
- $PRINTF "Create simple ${CHROOT}${CONFIG} without installing the bootstrap? [Yes] "
- read ans
- case "$ans" in
- Y|y|Yes|yes|YES|"")
- echo 1>&2 "Creating a simple ${CHROOT}${CONFIG}..."
- return 0
- ;;
- *)
- echo "OK, quitting"
- return 1
- ;;
- esac
- else
- echo "OK, quitting"
- return 1
- fi
- ;;
- esac
-## find out whether we have mac-fdisk or pdisk (they work the same)
- if (command -v mac-fdisk > /dev/null 2>&1) ; then
- FDISK=mac-fdisk
- elif (command -v pdisk > /dev/null 2>&1) ; then
- FDISK=pdisk
- else
- echo 1>&2 "$PRG: Unable to locate mac-fdisk"
- return 1
- fi
- if [ ! -x `command -v $FDISK` 2> /dev/null ] ; then
- echo 1>&2 "$PRG: `command -v $FDISK`: Permission denied"
- return 1
- fi
- debug "mac-fdisk is: $FDISK\n"
- return 0
-## find out if we have ddisk or fdisk (fdisk for dos labels) debian
-## uses both names
- if (command -v ddisk > /dev/null 2>&1) ; then
- FDISK=ddisk
- elif (command -v fdisk > /dev/null 2>&1) ; then
- FDISK=fdisk
- else
- echo 1>&2 "$PRG: Unable to locate fdisk"
- return 1
- fi
- if [ ! -x `command -v $FDISK` 2> /dev/null ] ; then
- echo 1>&2 "$PRG: `command -v $FDISK`: Permission denied"
- return 1
- fi
- debug "fdisk is: $FDISK\n"
- return 0
-## find bootstrap partition, supports IBM CHRP with msdos disklabels
- ## mac partition table magic == ER
- if [ "$(dd if="$DISK" bs=2 count=1 2> /dev/null)" = ER ] ; then
- ckmacfdisk || return 1
- if [ "$FDISK" = pdisk ] ; then
- ## handle braindamaged pdisk
- debug "dealing with pdisk deficiency...\n"
- BOOT="$(v=`$FDISK -l "$DISK" 2>/dev/null | grep '\<Apple_Bootstrap\>'` ; echo ${v%%:*})"
- debug "BOOT before fixup: $BOOT\n"
- if [ -n "$BOOT" ] ; then
- fi
- debug "BOOT after fixup: $BOOT\n"
- else
- BOOT="$(v=`$FDISK -l "$DISK" 2>/dev/null | grep '\<Apple_Bootstrap\>'` ; echo ${v%%[ ]*})"
- debug "BOOT=$BOOT\n"
- fi
- if [ -z "$BOOT" ] ; then
- echo 1>&2 "$PRG: Unable to locate bootstrap partition on $DISK..."
- echo 1>&2 "$PRG: You must create an 800K type: Apple_Bootstrap partition to make the disk bootable"
- return 1
- fi
- else
- ckfdisk || return 1
- BOOT="$(v=`$FDISK -l "$DISK" 2>/dev/null | grep '\<PPC PReP Boot\>'` ; echo ${v%%[ ]*})"
- debug "BOOT=$BOOT\n"
- if [ -z "$BOOT" ] ; then
- echo 1>&2 "$PRG: Unable to locate bootstrap partition on $DISK..."
- echo 1>&2 "$PRG: You must create an 800K type: 0x41 PPC PReP Boot partition to make the disk bootable"
- return 1
- fi
- fi
- return 0
-## if readlink is missing use a kludge
-if (command -v readlink > /dev/null 2>&1) ; then
- true
- readlink()
- {
- SYMTARGET="$(v=`ls -l "$2" 2>/dev/null` ; echo ${v##*> })"
- if [ -n "$SYMTARGET" ] ; then
- echo "$SYMTARGET"
- return 0
- else
- return 1
- fi
- }
-## we have to do some things differently with a retarded devfs name.
- case "$1" in
- /dev/ide/*|/dev/scsi/*|/dev/discs/*)
- return 0
- ;;
- *)
- return 1
- ;;
- esac
- if [ -n "$TMPCONF" ] ; then rm -f "$TMPCONF" ; fi
- return 0
- DRIVELIST=`ls -d /dev/?d?* | grep "[sh]d[abcdefghijkl]" | cut -b 6-8 | sort -u`
- for i in $DRIVELIST
- do
- HFS=`mac-fdisk -l "/dev/$i" | grep '\<Apple_HFS\>' | grep -v "CDROM" | cut -d" " -f1`
- for h in $HFS
- do
- if [ !-x `hpmount -r $h` > /dev/null 2>&1 ] ; then
- if [ `hpls mach_kernel 2>/dev/null` ] ; then
- [ "$QUIET" = 0 ] && echo "Found possible OS X partition at $h"
- OSX=$h
- fi
- if [ "`hpls "System Folder" 2>/dev/null`" ] ; then
- [ "$QUIET" = 0 ] && echo "Found possible Mac OS partition at $h"
- MACOS=$h
- fi
- hpumount $h > /dev/null 2>&1
- fi
- done
- done
-## Main ##
-if [ $# != 0 ] ; then
- while true ; do
- case "$1" in
- -V|--version)
- version
- exit 0
- ;;
- -h|--help)
- usage
- exit 0
- ;;
- -t|--chroot)
- if [ -n "$2" ] ; then
- CHROOT="$2"
- shift 2
- else
- echo 1>&2 "$PRG: option requires an argument $1"
- echo 1>&2 "Try \`$PRG --help' for more information."
- exit 1
- fi
- ;;
- -b|--boot)
- if [ -n "$2" ] ; then
- BOOT="$2"
- shift 2
- else
- echo 1>&2 "$PRG: option requires an argument $1"
- echo 1>&2 "Try \`$PRG --help' for more information."
- exit 1
- fi
- ;;
- -r|--root)
- if [ -n "$2" ] ; then
- ROOT="$2"
- shift 2
- else
- echo 1>&2 "$PRG: option requires an argument $1"
- echo 1>&2 "Try \`$PRG --help' for more information."
- exit 1
- fi
- ;;
- --kernel-args)
- if [ -n "$2" ] ; then
- shift 2
- else
- echo 1>&2 "$PRG: option requires an argument $1"
- echo 1>&2 "Try \`$PRG --help' for more information."
- exit 1
- fi
- ;;
- -q|--quiet)
- shift 1
- ;;
- --noinstall)
- shift 1
- ;;
- --debug)
- shift 1
- ;;
- "")
- break
- ;;
- *)
- echo 1>&2 "$PRG: unrecognized option \`$1'"
- echo 1>&2 "Try \`$PRG --help' for more information."
- exit 1
- ;;
- esac
- done
-if [ `id -u` != 0 ] ; then
- echo 1>&2 "$PRG: You are not root, go away"
- exit 1
-## we need /proc because df does
-if [ ! -f /proc/uptime ] ; then
- echo 1>&2 "$PRG: This utility requires the /proc filesystem"
- exit 1
-## check that chroot exists
-if [ -d "$CHROOT" ] ; then
- ## HACK: add trailing / to chroot, otherwise are paths later get b0rked.
- case "$CHROOT" in
- */)
- true
- ;;
- *)
- ;;
- esac
-elif [ ! -e "$CHROOT" ] ; then
- echo 1>&2 "$PRG: $CHROOT: No such file or directory"
- exit 1
-elif [ ! -d "$CHROOT" ] ; then
- echo 1>&2 "$PRG: $CHROOT: Not a directory"
- exit 1
-## make sure the chroot is an actual root filesystem
-if [ ! -f "${CHROOT}etc/fstab" ] ; then
- echo 1>&2 "$PRG: $CHROOT does not appear to be a valid root filesystem"
- exit 1
-## find / device
-if [ -z "$ROOT" ] ; then
- ## IMPORTANT! that last substitution is [<space><tab>] thats all ash will grok
- ROOT="$(v=`grep '[[:blank:]]/[[:blank:]]' ${CHROOT}etc/fstab` ; echo ${v%%[ ]*})"
- debug "ROOT=$ROOT\n"
- if [ -z "$ROOT" ] ; then
- echo 1>&2 "$PRG: Could not determine root partition, aborting..."
- exit 1
- fi
-## make sure root device exists
-if [ ! -e "$ROOT" ] ; then
- echo 1>&2 "$PRG: $ROOT: No such file or directory"
- exit 1
-## find root disk.
-if ckdevfs "$ROOT" ; then
- DISK="${ROOT%/*}/disc"
- DISK="${ROOT%%[0-9]*}"
-if [ -z "$DISK" ] ; then
- echo 1>&2 "$PRG: Could not determine root disk, aborting..."
- exit 1
-## make sure main disk exists
-if [ ! -e "$DISK" ] ; then
- echo 1>&2 "$PRG: $DISK: No such file or directory"
- exit 1
-## find bootstrap partition
-if [ -z "$BOOT" ] ; then
- findbootblock || exit 1
-## make sure bootstrap device exists
-if [ ! -e "$BOOT" ] ; then
- echo 1>&2 "$PRG: $BOOT: No such file or directory"
- exit 1
-## sanity check
-for i in "$DISK" "$ROOT" "$BOOT" ; do
- if [ ! -b "$i" ] ; then
- echo 1>&2 "$PRG: $i: Not a block device"
- exit 1
- fi
-## unless --quiet ask permission to proceed
-if [ "$QUIET" = 0 ] ; then
- confirm || exit 2
-## find the kernel in the usual places and (if not --quiet) ask the
-## user if we cannot find one.
-if [ -f "${CHROOT}vmlinux" ] ; then
- KERNEL="${CHROOT}vmlinux"
-elif [ -f "${CHROOT}boot/vmlinux" ] ; then
- KERNEL="${CHROOT}boot/vmlinux"
-elif [ -f "${CHROOT}boot/vmlinux-`uname -r`" ] ; then
- KERNEL="${CHROOT}boot/vmlinux-`uname -r`"
-elif [ -f "${CHROOT}vmlinux-`uname -r`" ] ; then
- KERNEL="${CHROOT}vmlinux-`uname -r`"
-elif [ "$QUIET" = 0 ] ; then
- echo 1>&2 "$PRG: Cannot find a kernel, please locate one"
- while true ; do
- $PRINTF 1>&2 "Enter path to a kernel image: "
- read KERN
- if [ -f "$KERN" ] ; then
- break
- elif [ ! -e "$KERN" ] ; then
- echo 1>&2 "$PRG: $KERN: No such file or directory"
- elif [ -d "$KERN" ] ; then
- echo 1>&2 "$PRG: $KERN: Is a directory"
- else
- echo 1>&2 "$PRG: $KERN: Is not a regular file"
- fi
- done
- echo 1>&2 "$PRG: Cannot find a kernel, aborting..."
- exit 1
-debug "KERNEL=$KERNEL\n"
-## get partition number the kernel lives on, and the OF device= name
-## of the whole disk.
-KERNDEV="$(v=`df "$KERNEL" 2> /dev/null | grep ^/dev/` ; echo ${v%%[ ]*})"
-KERNDIR="$(v=`df "$KERNEL" 2> /dev/null | grep ^/dev/` ; echo ${v##*[ ]})"
-LINKDEV="$(v=`df "${KERNEL%/*}/" 2>/dev/null | grep ^/dev/` ; echo ${v%%[ ]*})"
-if ckdevfs "$KERNDEV" ; then
-## sanity check
- if [ -z "$i" ] ; then
- echo 1>&2 "$PRG: Could not determine necessary information, aborting..."
- echo 1>&2 "$PRG: Are you using chroot $PRG instead of $PRG --chroot ?"
- exit 1
- fi
-## check for cross device symlink
-if [ -L "$KERNEL" ] ; then
- if [ "$KERNDEV" != "$LINKDEV" ] ; then
- echo 1>&2 "$PRG: Warning: Cross device symlink $KERNEL, using it's target instead"
- KERNEL="$(readlink -f "$KERNEL" 2>/dev/null)"
- if [ ! -f "$KERNEL" ] ; then
- echo 1>&2 "$PRG: Unable to canonicalize symlink's target. Do not create cross device symlinks."
- exit 1
- fi
- fi
-## only powermacs appear to need device=
-if (cat /proc/cpuinfo 2>/dev/null | grep -q pmac-generation 2> /dev/null) ; then
- DEVICE="\ndevice=$(ofpath $KERNELDISK)"
- if [ $? != 0 ] ; then
- echo 1>&2 "$PRG: Unable to determine OpenFirmware device name to $KERNELDISK, aborting..."
- exit 1
- fi
-## if there is a separate /boot partition we must strip off the /boot
-## mountpoint or else yaboot will not find the kernel.
-if [ "$KERNDIR" != "$CHROOT" ] ; then
-## fix chrooted path
-if [ "$CHROOT" != / ] ; then
-## fix relative path (caused by chroot path fix)
-case "$IMAGE" in
- /*)
- true
- ;;
- *)
- ;;
-## figure out if yaboot is installed in /usr/local or not
-if [ -f /usr/local/lib/yaboot/yaboot ] ; then
- INSTALL=/usr/local/lib/yaboot/yaboot
-elif [ -f /usr/lib/yaboot/yaboot ] ; then
- INSTALL=/usr/lib/yaboot/yaboot
- echo 1>&2 "$PRG: yaboot is not installed correctly"
- exit 1
-## newworld powermacs need the ofboot first stage loader
-if [ "$(v=`cat /proc/cpuinfo 2>/dev/null | grep pmac-generation` ; echo ${v##*:})" = NewWorld ] ; then
- if [ -f /usr/local/lib/yaboot/ofboot ] ; then
- OFBOOT="\nmagicboot=/usr/local/lib/yaboot/ofboot"
- elif [ -f /usr/lib/yaboot/ofboot ] ; then
- OFBOOT="\nmagicboot=/usr/lib/yaboot/ofboot"
- else
- echo 1>&2 "$PRG: yaboot is not installed correctly"
- exit 1
- fi
-## check for properly (read debian) packaged yaboot.
-if [ -d ${CHROOT}usr/share/doc/yaboot/examples ] ; then
- HEADER="## see also: /usr/share/doc/yaboot/examples for example configurations.\n"
-## setup append line
-if [ -n "$KERNARGS" ] ; then
- APPEND="\tappend=\"${KERNARGS}\"\n"
-## setup any Mac OS/OS X partitions
-if [ -n "$MACOS" ] ; then
- MACOSBOOT="macos=${MACOS}\n"
-if [ -n "OSX" ] ; then
- OSXBOOT="macosx=${OSX}\n"
-## generate global section of yaboot.conf
-GLOBAL="## yaboot.conf generated by $PRG $VERSION
-## run: \"man yaboot.conf\" for details. Do not make changes until you have!!
-## For a dual-boot menu, add one or more of:
-## bsd=/dev/hdaX, macos=/dev/hdaY, macosx=/dev/hdaZ\n
-## generate image= section
-## safely create a tmp file then move it into place after we are sure
-## it was written.
-if [ $? != 0 ] ; then
- echo 1>&2 "$PRG: Unable to write to ${CHROOT}${CONFIG%/*}"
- exit 1
-if [ $? != 0 ] ; then
- echo 1>&2 "$PRG: Unable to write temporary file ${TMPCONF}, aborting..."
- exit 1
-## rotate backups of /etc/yaboot.conf, 3 backups are kept
-if [ -f "${CHROOT}${CONFIG}.old" ] ; then
- for i in 1 0 ; do
- if [ -f "${CHROOT}${CONFIG}.old.${i}" ] ; then
- mv -f "${CHROOT}${CONFIG}.old.$i" "${CHROOT}${CONFIG}.old.$(($i + 1))"
- if [ $? != 0 ] ; then
- echo 1>&2 "$PRG: Unable to make backup of existing ${CHROOT}${CONFIG}.old.$i, aborting..."
- exit 1
- fi
- fi
- done
- mv -f "${CHROOT}${CONFIG}.old" "${CHROOT}${CONFIG}.old.0"
- if [ $? != 0 ] ; then
- echo 1>&2 "$PRG: Unable to make backup of existing ${CHROOT}${CONFIG}.old, aborting..."
- exit 1
- fi
-## backup /etc/yaboot.conf
-if [ -f "${CHROOT}${CONFIG}" ] ; then
- mv -f "${CHROOT}${CONFIG}" "${CHROOT}${CONFIG}.old"
- if [ $? != 0 ] ; then
- echo 1>&2 "$PRG: Unable to make backup of existing ${CHROOT}${CONFIG}, aborting..."
- exit 1
- fi
-## move new config into place
-mv -f "${TMPCONF}" "${CHROOT}${CONFIG}"
-if [ $? != 0 ] ; then
- echo "$PRG: Unable to write file ${CHROOT}${CONFIG}"
- exit 1
- ## nothing sensitive in generated config, comply with debian policy
- chmod 644 "${CHROOT}${CONFIG}"
-## tell mkofboot where to find the config file if necessary
-if [ "${CHROOT}${CONFIG}" != /etc/yaboot.conf ] ; then
-## run mkofboot to install the bootstrap, unless --noinstall
-if [ "$NOINSTALL" = 0 ] ; then
- if (command -v mkofboot 2>&1 > /dev/null) ; then
- [ "$QUIET" = 0 ] && echo "Running mkofboot to make the disk bootable..."
- mkofboot -f $YBINARGS || exit 1
- [ "$QUIET" = 0 ] && echo "Done"
- else
- echo 1>&2 "$PRG: yaboot is not installed correctly, not running mkofboot"
- exit 1
- fi
-## Give user a warning about possible b0rkage
-[ "$QUIET" = 0 ] && echo -e "\nConfiguration complete. If there are no errors above you should
-have a working configuration. see "man yaboot.conf" if you run into
-any errors."
-exit 0
diff --git a/sys-boot/yaboot/files/yabootconfig-1.3.10.patch b/sys-boot/yaboot/files/yabootconfig-1.3.10.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index a6824f524517..000000000000
--- a/sys-boot/yaboot/files/yabootconfig-1.3.10.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
---- ybin/yabootconfig.orig 2003-02-08 23:53:46.000000000 -0500
-+++ ybin/yabootconfig 2003-02-26 15:07:50.000000000 -0500
-@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
- ##
- ## yabootconfig generates a simple /etc/yaboot.conf
- ## Copyright (C) 2001, 2002, 2003 Ethan Benson
-+## Patched for Gentoo and dual boot - Mark Guertin <>
- ##
- ## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- ## modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
-@@ -264,6 +265,31 @@
- return 0
- }
-+ DRIVELIST=`ls -d /dev/?d?* | grep "[sh]d[abcdefghijkl]" | cut -b 6-8 | sort -u`
-+ for i in $DRIVELIST
-+ do
-+ HFS=`mac-fdisk -l "/dev/$i" | grep '\<Apple_HFS\>' | grep -v "CDROM" | cut -d" " -f1`
-+ for h in $HFS
-+ do
-+ if [ !-x `hpmount -r $h` > /dev/null 2>&1 ] ; then
-+ if [ `hpls mach_kernel 2>/dev/null` ] ; then
-+ [ "$QUIET" = 0 ] && echo "Found possible OS X/Darwin partition at $h"
-+ OSX=$h
-+ fi
-+ if [ "`hpls "System Folder" 2>/dev/null`" ] ; then
-+ [ "$QUIET" = 0 ] && echo "Found possible Mac OS partition at $h"
-+ MACOS=$h
-+ fi
-+ hpumount $h > /dev/null 2>&1
-+ fi
-+ done
-+ done
- ##########
- ## Main ##
- ##########
-@@ -579,6 +605,15 @@
- fi
- fi
-+## setup any Mac OS/OS X partitions
-+if [ -n "$MACOS" ] ; then
-+ MACOSBOOT="macos=${MACOS}\n"
-+if [ -n "$OSX" ] ; then
-+ OSXBOOT="macosx=${OSX}\n"
- ## generate global section of yaboot.conf
- GLOBAL="## yaboot.conf generated by $PRG $VERSION
- ##
-@@ -596,7 +631,7 @@
- image=$IMAGE
- \tlabel=Linux
- ## safely create a tmp file then move it into place after we are sure
- ## it was written.
-@@ -667,4 +702,10 @@
- fi
- fi
-+## Give user a warning about possible b0rkage
-+[ "$QUIET" = 0 ] && echo -e "\nConfiguration complete. If there are no errors above you should
-+have a working configuration. see man yaboot.conf if you run into
-+any errors."
- exit 0
diff --git a/sys-boot/yaboot/files/yabootconfig-1.3.11.patch b/sys-boot/yaboot/files/yabootconfig-1.3.11.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index a6824f524517..000000000000
--- a/sys-boot/yaboot/files/yabootconfig-1.3.11.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
---- ybin/yabootconfig.orig 2003-02-08 23:53:46.000000000 -0500
-+++ ybin/yabootconfig 2003-02-26 15:07:50.000000000 -0500
-@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
- ##
- ## yabootconfig generates a simple /etc/yaboot.conf
- ## Copyright (C) 2001, 2002, 2003 Ethan Benson
-+## Patched for Gentoo and dual boot - Mark Guertin <>
- ##
- ## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- ## modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
-@@ -264,6 +265,31 @@
- return 0
- }
-+ DRIVELIST=`ls -d /dev/?d?* | grep "[sh]d[abcdefghijkl]" | cut -b 6-8 | sort -u`
-+ for i in $DRIVELIST
-+ do
-+ HFS=`mac-fdisk -l "/dev/$i" | grep '\<Apple_HFS\>' | grep -v "CDROM" | cut -d" " -f1`
-+ for h in $HFS
-+ do
-+ if [ !-x `hpmount -r $h` > /dev/null 2>&1 ] ; then
-+ if [ `hpls mach_kernel 2>/dev/null` ] ; then
-+ [ "$QUIET" = 0 ] && echo "Found possible OS X/Darwin partition at $h"
-+ OSX=$h
-+ fi
-+ if [ "`hpls "System Folder" 2>/dev/null`" ] ; then
-+ [ "$QUIET" = 0 ] && echo "Found possible Mac OS partition at $h"
-+ MACOS=$h
-+ fi
-+ hpumount $h > /dev/null 2>&1
-+ fi
-+ done
-+ done
- ##########
- ## Main ##
- ##########
-@@ -579,6 +605,15 @@
- fi
- fi
-+## setup any Mac OS/OS X partitions
-+if [ -n "$MACOS" ] ; then
-+ MACOSBOOT="macos=${MACOS}\n"
-+if [ -n "$OSX" ] ; then
-+ OSXBOOT="macosx=${OSX}\n"
- ## generate global section of yaboot.conf
- GLOBAL="## yaboot.conf generated by $PRG $VERSION
- ##
-@@ -596,7 +631,7 @@
- image=$IMAGE
- \tlabel=Linux
- ## safely create a tmp file then move it into place after we are sure
- ## it was written.
-@@ -667,4 +702,10 @@
- fi
- fi
-+## Give user a warning about possible b0rkage
-+[ "$QUIET" = 0 ] && echo -e "\nConfiguration complete. If there are no errors above you should
-+have a working configuration. see man yaboot.conf if you run into
-+any errors."
- exit 0
diff --git a/sys-boot/yaboot/files/yabootconfig-1.3.12.patch b/sys-boot/yaboot/files/yabootconfig-1.3.12.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index a6824f524517..000000000000
--- a/sys-boot/yaboot/files/yabootconfig-1.3.12.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
---- ybin/yabootconfig.orig 2003-02-08 23:53:46.000000000 -0500
-+++ ybin/yabootconfig 2003-02-26 15:07:50.000000000 -0500
-@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
- ##
- ## yabootconfig generates a simple /etc/yaboot.conf
- ## Copyright (C) 2001, 2002, 2003 Ethan Benson
-+## Patched for Gentoo and dual boot - Mark Guertin <>
- ##
- ## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- ## modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
-@@ -264,6 +265,31 @@
- return 0
- }
-+ DRIVELIST=`ls -d /dev/?d?* | grep "[sh]d[abcdefghijkl]" | cut -b 6-8 | sort -u`
-+ for i in $DRIVELIST
-+ do
-+ HFS=`mac-fdisk -l "/dev/$i" | grep '\<Apple_HFS\>' | grep -v "CDROM" | cut -d" " -f1`
-+ for h in $HFS
-+ do
-+ if [ !-x `hpmount -r $h` > /dev/null 2>&1 ] ; then
-+ if [ `hpls mach_kernel 2>/dev/null` ] ; then
-+ [ "$QUIET" = 0 ] && echo "Found possible OS X/Darwin partition at $h"
-+ OSX=$h
-+ fi
-+ if [ "`hpls "System Folder" 2>/dev/null`" ] ; then
-+ [ "$QUIET" = 0 ] && echo "Found possible Mac OS partition at $h"
-+ MACOS=$h
-+ fi
-+ hpumount $h > /dev/null 2>&1
-+ fi
-+ done
-+ done
- ##########
- ## Main ##
- ##########
-@@ -579,6 +605,15 @@
- fi
- fi
-+## setup any Mac OS/OS X partitions
-+if [ -n "$MACOS" ] ; then
-+ MACOSBOOT="macos=${MACOS}\n"
-+if [ -n "$OSX" ] ; then
-+ OSXBOOT="macosx=${OSX}\n"
- ## generate global section of yaboot.conf
- GLOBAL="## yaboot.conf generated by $PRG $VERSION
- ##
-@@ -596,7 +631,7 @@
- image=$IMAGE
- \tlabel=Linux
- ## safely create a tmp file then move it into place after we are sure
- ## it was written.
-@@ -667,4 +702,10 @@
- fi
- fi
-+## Give user a warning about possible b0rkage
-+[ "$QUIET" = 0 ] && echo -e "\nConfiguration complete. If there are no errors above you should
-+have a working configuration. see man yaboot.conf if you run into
-+any errors."
- exit 0
diff --git a/sys-boot/yaboot/yaboot-1.3.12-r1.ebuild b/sys-boot/yaboot/yaboot-1.3.12-r1.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index 3f83a12512f1..000000000000
--- a/sys-boot/yaboot/yaboot-1.3.12-r1.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2006 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/sys-boot/yaboot/yaboot-1.3.12-r1.ebuild,v 1.12 2006/04/14 17:57:53 wormo Exp $
-inherit eutils toolchain-funcs
-KEYWORDS="-* ppc ppc64"
- sys-fs/hfsutils
- sys-fs/hfsplusutils"
-src_compile() {
- export -n CFLAGS
- export -n CXXFLAGS
- [ -n "$(tc-getCC)" ] || CC="gcc"
- # dual boot patch
- epatch ${FILESDIR}/yabootconfig-${PV}.patch
- epatch ${FILESDIR}/chrpfix.patch
- epatch ${FILESDIR}/yaboot-3.4.patch
- epatch ${FILESDIR}/yaboot-1.3.12-k2sata-ofpath.patch
- emake PREFIX=/usr MANDIR=share/man CC="$(tc-getCC)" || die
-src_install() {
- cp etc/yaboot.conf etc/yaboot.conf.bak
- sed -e 's/\/local//' etc/yaboot.conf >| etc/yaboot.conf.edit
- mv -f etc/yaboot.conf.edit etc/yaboot.conf
- make ROOT=${D} PREFIX=/usr MANDIR=share/man install || die
-pkg_postinst() {
- ewarn "Please note if you are running a 2.6 kernel the version"
- ewarn "of ofpath included in this revision of yaboot requires"
- ewarn "that you run a kernel >= 2.6.3 Prior versions are unsupported."
diff --git a/sys-boot/yaboot/yaboot-1.3.13-r1.ebuild b/sys-boot/yaboot/yaboot-1.3.13-r1.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index cdec644c3eed..000000000000
--- a/sys-boot/yaboot/yaboot-1.3.13-r1.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2006 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/sys-boot/yaboot/yaboot-1.3.13-r1.ebuild,v 1.3 2006/04/14 17:57:53 wormo Exp $
-inherit eutils toolchain-funcs
-KEYWORDS="-* ppc -ppc64"
-RDEPEND="!ibm? ( sys-fs/hfsutils )
- !ibm? ( sys-fs/hfsplusutils )"
-src_compile() {
- export -n CFLAGS
- export -n CXXFLAGS
- [ -n "$(tc-getCC)" ] || CC="gcc"
- # dual boot patch
- epatch ${FILESDIR}/yabootconfig-${PV}.patch
- epatch ${FILESDIR}/chrpfix.patch
- epatch ${FILESDIR}/yaboot-3.4.patch
- epatch ${FILESDIR}/yaboot-${PV}-ofpath.patch
- epatch ${FILESDIR}/yaboot-nopiessp.patch
- epatch ${FILESDIR}/yaboot-ofpath-device-tree.patch
- emake PREFIX=/usr MANDIR=share/man CC="$(tc-getCC)" || die
-src_install() {
- cp etc/yaboot.conf etc/yaboot.conf.bak
- sed -e 's/\/local//' etc/yaboot.conf >| etc/yaboot.conf.edit
- mv -f etc/yaboot.conf.edit etc/yaboot.conf
- make ROOT=${D} PREFIX=/usr MANDIR=share/man install || die
-pkg_postinst() {
- ewarn "Please note if you are running a 2.6 kernel the version"
- ewarn "of ofpath included in this revision of yaboot requires"
- ewarn "that you run a kernel >= 2.6.3, prior versions are unsupported."
diff --git a/sys-boot/yaboot/yaboot-1.3.13.ebuild b/sys-boot/yaboot/yaboot-1.3.13.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index 1fc910700cd8..000000000000
--- a/sys-boot/yaboot/yaboot-1.3.13.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2006 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/sys-boot/yaboot/yaboot-1.3.13.ebuild,v 1.9 2006/04/14 17:57:53 wormo Exp $
-inherit eutils toolchain-funcs
-KEYWORDS="-* ppc -ppc64"
-RDEPEND="!ibm? ( sys-fs/hfsutils )
- !ibm? ( sys-fs/hfsplusutils )"
-src_compile() {
- export -n CFLAGS
- export -n CXXFLAGS
- [ -n "$(tc-getCC)" ] || CC="gcc"
- # dual boot patch
- epatch ${FILESDIR}/yabootconfig-${PV}.patch
- epatch ${FILESDIR}/chrpfix.patch
- epatch ${FILESDIR}/yaboot-3.4.patch
- epatch ${FILESDIR}/yaboot-${PV}-ofpath.patch
- epatch ${FILESDIR}/yaboot-nopiessp.patch
- emake PREFIX=/usr MANDIR=share/man CC="$(tc-getCC)" || die
-src_install() {
- cp etc/yaboot.conf etc/yaboot.conf.bak
- sed -e 's/\/local//' etc/yaboot.conf >| etc/yaboot.conf.edit
- mv -f etc/yaboot.conf.edit etc/yaboot.conf
- make ROOT=${D} PREFIX=/usr MANDIR=share/man install || die
-pkg_postinst() {
- ewarn "Please note if you are running a 2.6 kernel the version"
- ewarn "of ofpath included in this revision of yaboot requires"
- ewarn "that you run a kernel >= 2.6.3, prior versions are unsupported."
diff --git a/sys-boot/yaboot/yaboot-1.3.11-r1.ebuild b/sys-boot/yaboot/yaboot-1.3.14.ebuild
index 8f24e512aee6..70217e6f7eb9 100644
--- a/sys-boot/yaboot/yaboot-1.3.11-r1.ebuild
+++ b/sys-boot/yaboot/yaboot-1.3.14.ebuild
@@ -1,21 +1,20 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2006 Gentoo Foundation
+# Copyright 1999-2007 Gentoo Foundation
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/sys-boot/yaboot/yaboot-1.3.11-r1.ebuild,v 1.9 2006/04/14 17:57:53 wormo Exp $
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/sys-boot/yaboot/yaboot-1.3.14.ebuild,v 1.1 2007/09/06 21:18:04 josejx Exp $
inherit eutils toolchain-funcs
-KEYWORDS="-* ppc ppc64"
+KEYWORDS="-* ~ppc -ppc64"
- sys-fs/hfsutils
- sys-fs/hfsplusutils"
+RDEPEND="!ibm? ( sys-fs/hfsutils )
+ !ibm? ( sys-fs/hfsplusutils )"
@@ -24,12 +23,10 @@ src_compile() {
export -n CXXFLAGS
[ -n "$(tc-getCC)" ] || CC="gcc"
# dual boot patch
- epatch ${FILESDIR}/yabootconfig-${PV}.patch
- epatch ${FILESDIR}/chrpfix.patch
- #took from
- epatch ${FILESDIR}/${P}-ofpath-fix.patch
+ epatch "${FILESDIR}/yabootconfig-1.3.13.patch"
+ epatch "${FILESDIR}/chrpfix.patch"
+ epatch "${FILESDIR}/yaboot-nopiessp.patch"
emake PREFIX=/usr MANDIR=share/man CC="$(tc-getCC)" || die
src_install() {