diff options
authorAmadeusz Żołnowski <>2015-06-26 22:27:56 +0000
committerAmadeusz Żołnowski <>2015-06-26 22:27:56 +0000
commit66cfe03570250fe5f0197ecbf34eebf2abb9711a (patch)
tree6411108415b0447a3e1db2f8b84aa6546cfcc061 /sys-kernel
parentVersion bump, fixes bug 553146 (diff)
Version bump. Rels bug #553270. This revision is 100% pure upstream, no
Gentoo patches. (-: NEWS ~~~~ - fixed dmsetup shutdown - new kernel command line option "" - dmsquash: Add squashfs support to - lvm: add support for LVM system id - split up the systemd dracut module - support for creating a UEFI boot executable via argument "--uefi" - network: split out kernel-network-modules, now in 90kernel-network-modules - support for ethernet point-to-point connections configured via DHCP - kernel-modules: install all HID drivers - dracut.pc pkg-config file - mount /dev, /dev/shm and /run noexec Package-Manager: portage-2.2.20/cvs/Linux x86_64 Manifest-Sign-Key: 0xF0134531E1DBFAB5
Diffstat (limited to 'sys-kernel')
3 files changed, 302 insertions, 9 deletions
diff --git a/sys-kernel/dracut/ChangeLog b/sys-kernel/dracut/ChangeLog
index 25814af6c61c..1454b9a1bb21 100644
--- a/sys-kernel/dracut/ChangeLog
+++ b/sys-kernel/dracut/ChangeLog
@@ -1,6 +1,26 @@
# ChangeLog for sys-kernel/dracut
# Copyright 1999-2015 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/sys-kernel/dracut/ChangeLog,v 1.195 2015/06/07 16:39:50 aidecoe Exp $
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/sys-kernel/dracut/ChangeLog,v 1.196 2015/06/26 22:27:52 aidecoe Exp $
+*dracut-043 (26 Jun 2015)
+ 26 Jun 2015; Amadeusz Żołnowski <> +dracut-043.ebuild:
+ Version bump. Rels bug #553270. This revision is 100% pure upstream, no
+ Gentoo patches. (-:
+ ~~~~
+ - fixed dmsetup shutdown
+ - new kernel command line option ""
+ - dmsquash: Add squashfs support to
+ - lvm: add support for LVM system id
+ - split up the systemd dracut module
+ - support for creating a UEFI boot executable via argument "--uefi"
+ - network: split out kernel-network-modules, now in 90kernel-network-modules
+ - support for ethernet point-to-point connections configured via DHCP
+ - kernel-modules: install all HID drivers
+ - dracut.pc pkg-config file
+ - mount /dev, /dev/shm and /run noexec
07 Jun 2015; Amadeusz Żołnowski <> -dracut-041-r2.ebuild,
diff --git a/sys-kernel/dracut/Manifest b/sys-kernel/dracut/Manifest
index 78c4bba0450f..bca59bf81337 100644
--- a/sys-kernel/dracut/Manifest
+++ b/sys-kernel/dracut/Manifest
@@ -30,19 +30,21 @@ DIST 6424 SHA256 fbcb940c83e362c
DIST dracut-034.tar.bz2 277692 SHA256 48c7fd57e287d4f34dfff5b5ead14a4511926858f1e2ffaa40b762f257516d7f SHA512 ae06510668e63550d4d6b509b314c7668880387cfe696fc7f21cf04cc488be743440871dbd1fcf4e8314f9aa9e61ee3e78a42a75631123c420767677c6744e34 WHIRLPOOL 0412dea239fbd82d79e873869211ea31b7495dac74d7079e8aa52dd8d2484986fd0a0831aefffe29cfe5acfbf64fa01a9a1fa742192a28276a8671b663a69e13
DIST dracut-040.tar.xz 263944 SHA256 b6e743353804b46e350177b9ecb9a8511df7e8c4ff9e0b4f3b4f72bc509c98a3 SHA512 6bc6a714572cc18c4cf9f9c1af4bc787287554ead1e39fbec8a1b8986585cf8c7c7ef476f87fc361f565eb344fe2594d63185ffe02cc5fa7cc3eaa03bcb4b72b WHIRLPOOL d8dbdbf6cb7705a0b7793f82a0323c49b4ac0dc3d61cf0073e3061f34af0b5c92dd21a7dc080f2a8d24d3eef3abc99df91f113675721267352f934f1319c66ba
DIST dracut-041.tar.xz 268288 SHA256 8ece6c2240bf0e9283e5f717b65dfcd6830b3ef7f8d1c01b60014052f1063251 SHA512 358444588febfc482627eb5423b8a87b588ed3842ae814b9f88d8c5dfec28419f2aea92cd54c11c4949b9968d60d7e05ba9cfea78d26d2dc6f2a943a38b28dac WHIRLPOOL ab538fe1ffeb3d43185c6222a6e65af8c684b292be571e0571fdd69011f654c3093f3a2256f3003d5dbaf07d0a26f83d82055885bae1868738ad15dc74982e72
+DIST dracut-043.tar.xz 272744 SHA256 1484b558ed20330125aa04dcccab84da15c5689e19068285aa011f7177889cd1 SHA512 a36271e1ed4c1205a01bece7652095a8bfd722bcf7239a93baeb21e7e0a60fa86dd6657aa69b594241981056c87c6fe9d372f18ac045785122a9cafe8b0c31eb WHIRLPOOL d1efd59e2c41478e489d4707114b141e8bb0501c54209e364edc2060d3ffac7f2e1afd640b0812a452e7fbe7f9134e5e96436f0f1f2a54613d9468f9dca61a0c
EBUILD dracut-034-r4.ebuild 10446 SHA256 80ab338aeeadb2fbd62f2ecfd61b35ea79acabbda0f927af1e28523e166ba092 SHA512 c8a0190f302d986f808886e5e2846f094c62a3c6d8073559237b54d1f3e70334db3f0b6eace31e6b57825dab3a261a2e6c23fad542a54a04fd7938dade3f2c4b WHIRLPOOL 3ea152d45dad874279424f38c67eafb4c30f9d61fdc23a9256178aea6268ad4be68ebac193839e0c6f9f66ca47305f6d1eb637862bc710dbb2ee3403aac0dbb5
EBUILD dracut-040-r3.ebuild 8014 SHA256 a40b8c18005d1192dfc7de5d7be3dff69ea06af527f4fd924713320a01916c7a SHA512 331770cab521efeef3502667fbb4f206cf31acb5dea0bc0dff93d5264c12053a917bcdd62827d7839b2314a0928497237311744b5f3aef8ef215bc838d250c7b WHIRLPOOL 20d99a72f854527e2ab30b103650b9ca046bc55d1781651bd8bf1461435ff82f3f9f90c61343f81b56c9a4ccbc2b47d95922e45175ccff91a7edcb7fb516391b
EBUILD dracut-041-r3.ebuild 8070 SHA256 9bb9b8ff1c328289905521971953ef5682359cf869669a42535ee712323ab99c SHA512 35f926d4a7a829eadfe467c906b413cf3beda53796dbba91c2517286a0319a26696ac85fe5d1ff9de4bd3a81ae56262d99a53164f9800ea9c7c620a24e380f47 WHIRLPOOL 9f24544060bbaf34df3408f82c5ae172d016e8461e9cb6b3fc4ca48d237323c27053292c217ecc2efce553696546c6c03018cb685b8f2cedbbd241f0591b6afb
-MISC ChangeLog 83858 SHA256 4725657cd6c713f70f4c66255b1aaa356d4b87db3af05954a32d3205d7f80a37 SHA512 3df1891f2d3790ac90058b3916fcbd31a5d4b4e02cd68f8d75c8e22877ed2ea7d83daf5bca2f64b3b01e2d8f2d54febc72d5db708cede883e322222a40cf7e83 WHIRLPOOL be5dcce999cf297bc63fa0fb45dedf15e78dbdf511e7b3204242d84454aa638236b371f481e3d4a26c74f29ca4ab9e6d9df108aa2c4a20f42fc16c96ec439c8a
+EBUILD dracut-043.ebuild 7753 SHA256 cc5ade66567e99b4227b238d106754346175a55a45755fcc455dc3db18d4015e SHA512 9ac8b21f98b10b274f081cee0321a50b41b52c3cbdd3bfddd60494febfbf26b84d2d662348f7ec59b22fc68c1fc3f1f940b736c39ba157cb6c46dc8ab3705b05 WHIRLPOOL 6bfeed615243c348f792a6685d9f98c7c51b7924c91238d8c2348a0d910525ded31e3f44c5807e92a45108dd0c6f377b912015be59312112bcdc477fddf39bf4
+MISC ChangeLog 84625 SHA256 839b114233a8e918dfd787ff5a1f3a0743da7ee5320ff571aff4474ecb9ee45e SHA512 67588a45f9745381b08712b0bb8219d7101cd0c5a78b89be177658b18188a0a2c2185688e1e6239d44ad93345c7da34b71d4ce9a923122b2d62b1121abf0bdf6 WHIRLPOOL 51d19990f3bc47e4d43ee98fd48bc84cad89115e7f812469d25322e9c30efe3902e0007f3d9026464d471c201454e761c04770fbd1d32b545791cf28c67d22cb
MISC metadata.xml 906 SHA256 5f19b725d0669877fdd7814634b7aa7dd73331459bace52de02908417b833c3f SHA512 c5838d36080528d541b67cb38de17cc2351f7e5e17ab060c58f037792225ea223ade6b7e69376f4a9256b0bb3dcf4de578dcd50ee1c7d04a3f3288ca3c1ada43 WHIRLPOOL 532ea421fab965094820d5c0961a00ca38c858461f572a0cd4a145aa90340a569ee942062338ae03773c2709a08e4882f3176333aa5383b7e3c467cb01c0874d
Version: GnuPG v2
diff --git a/sys-kernel/dracut/dracut-043.ebuild b/sys-kernel/dracut/dracut-043.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..a7965e0555ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys-kernel/dracut/dracut-043.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,271 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2015 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/sys-kernel/dracut/dracut-043.ebuild,v 1.1 2015/06/26 22:27:52 aidecoe Exp $
+inherit bash-completion-r1 eutils linux-info multilib systemd
+DESCRIPTION="Generic initramfs generation tool"
+KEYWORDS="~alpha ~amd64 ~arm ~ia64 ~ppc ~ppc64 ~sparc ~x86"
+IUSE="debug selinux systemd"
+ systemd? ( >=sys-apps/systemd-199 )
+ "
+ app-arch/cpio
+ >=app-shells/bash-4.0
+ >sys-apps/kmod-5[tools]
+ || (
+ >=sys-apps/sysvinit-2.87-r3
+ sys-apps/systemd[sysv-utils]
+ sys-apps/systemd-sysv-utils
+ )
+ >=sys-apps/util-linux-2.21
+ debug? ( dev-util/strace )
+ selinux? (
+ sys-libs/libselinux
+ sys-libs/libsepol
+ sec-policy/selinux-dracut
+ )
+ "
+ app-text/asciidoc
+ >=dev-libs/libxslt-1.1.26
+ app-text/docbook-xml-dtd:4.5
+ >=app-text/docbook-xsl-stylesheets-1.75.2
+ virtual/pkgconfig
+ "
+ README.testsuite TODO )
+ usr/lib/dracut/dracut-install
+ usr/lib/dracut/skipcpio
+ "
+# Helper functions
+# Removes module from modules.d.
+# $1 = module name
+# Module name can be specified without number prefix.
+rm_module() {
+ local force m
+ [[ $1 = -f ]] && force=-f
+ for m in $@; do
+ if [[ $m =~ ^[0-9][0-9][^\ ]*$ ]]; then
+ rm ${force} --interactive=never -r "${modules_dir}"/$m
+ else
+ rm ${force} --interactive=never -r "${modules_dir}"/[0-9][0-9]$m
+ fi
+ done
+# Grabbed from net-misc/netctl ebuild.
+optfeature() {
+ local desc=$1
+ shift
+ while (( $# )); do
+ if has_version "$1"; then
+ elog " [I] $1 to ${desc}"
+ else
+ elog " [ ] $1 to ${desc}"
+ fi
+ shift
+ done
+# ebuild functions
+src_prepare() {
+ local libdirs="/$(get_libdir) /usr/$(get_libdir)"
+ if [[ ${SYMLINK_LIB} = yes ]]; then
+ # Preserve lib -> lib64 symlinks in initramfs
+ [[ $libdirs =~ /lib\ ]] || libdirs+=" /lib /usr/lib"
+ fi
+ einfo "Setting libdirs to \"${libdirs}\" ..."
+ sed -e "3alibdirs=\"${libdirs}\"" \
+ -i "${S}/dracut.conf.d/gentoo.conf.example" || die
+ local udevdir="$("$(tc-getPKG_CONFIG)" udev --variable=udevdir)"
+ einfo "Setting udevdir to ${udevdir}..."
+ sed -r -e "s|^(udevdir=).*$|\1${udevdir}|" \
+ -i "${S}/dracut.conf.d/gentoo.conf.example" || die
+ if use systemd; then
+ local systemdutildir="$(systemd_get_utildir)"
+ local systemdsystemunitdir="$(systemd_get_unitdir)"
+ local systemdsystemconfdir="$("$(tc-getPKG_CONFIG)" systemd \
+ --variable=systemdsystemconfdir)"
+ [[ ${systemdsystemconfdir} ]] \
+ || systemdsystemconfdir=/etc/systemd/system
+ einfo "Setting systemdutildir to ${systemdutildir} and ..."
+ sed -e "5asystemdutildir=\"${systemdutildir}\"" \
+ -i "${S}/dracut.conf.d/gentoo.conf.example" || die
+ einfo "Setting systemdsystemunitdir to ${systemdsystemunitdir} and..."
+ sed -e "6asystemdsystemunitdir=\"${systemdsystemunitdir}\"" \
+ -i "${S}/dracut.conf.d/gentoo.conf.example" || die
+ einfo "Setting systemdsystemconfdir to ${systemdsystemconfdir}..."
+ sed -e "7asystemdsystemconfdir=\"${systemdsystemconfdir}\"" \
+ -i "${S}/dracut.conf.d/gentoo.conf.example" || die
+ else
+ local systemdutildir="/lib/systemd"
+ einfo "Setting systemdutildir for standalone udev to" \
+ "${systemdutildir}..."
+ sed -e "5asystemdutildir=\"${systemdutildir}\"" \
+ -i "${S}/dracut.conf.d/gentoo.conf.example" || die
+ fi
+ epatch_user
+src_configure() {
+ local myconf="--libdir=${MY_LIBDIR}"
+ myconf+=" --bashcompletiondir=$(get_bashcompdir)"
+ if use systemd; then
+ myconf+=" --systemdsystemunitdir='$(systemd_get_unitdir)'"
+ fi
+ econf ${myconf}
+src_compile() {
+ tc-export CC
+ emake doc install/dracut-install skipcpio/skipcpio
+src_install() {
+ default
+ local my_libdir="${MY_LIBDIR}"
+ local dracutlibdir="${my_libdir#/}/dracut"
+ echo "DRACUT_VERSION=$PVR" > "${D%/}/${dracutlibdir}/"
+ insinto "${dracutlibdir}/dracut.conf.d/"
+ newins dracut.conf.d/gentoo.conf.example gentoo.conf
+ insinto /etc/logrotate.d
+ newins dracut.logrotate dracut
+ dodir /var/lib/dracut/overlay
+ dohtml dracut.html
+ if ! use systemd; then
+ # Scripts in kernel/install.d are systemd-specific
+ rm -r "${D%/}/${my_libdir}/kernel" || die
+ fi
+ #
+ # Modules
+ #
+ local module
+ modules_dir="${D%/}/${dracutlibdir}/modules.d"
+ use debug || rm_module 95debug
+ use selinux || rm_module 98selinux
+ if use systemd; then
+ # With systemd following modules do not make sense
+ rm_module 96securityfs 97masterkey 98integrity
+ else
+ rm_module 00systemd 98dracut-systemd
+ # Without systemd following modules do not make sense
+ rm_module 00systemd-bootchart 01systemd-initrd 02systemd-networkd
+ fi
+ # Remove modules which won't work for sure
+ rm_module 95fcoe # no tools
+ # fips module depends on masked app-crypt/hmaccalc
+ rm_module 01fips 02fips-aesni
+pkg_postinst() {
+ if linux-info_get_any_version && linux_config_src_exists; then
+ ewarn ""
+ ewarn "If the following test report contains a missing kernel"
+ ewarn "configuration option, you should reconfigure and rebuild your"
+ ewarn "kernel before booting image generated with this Dracut version."
+ ewarn ""
+ # Kernel configuration options descriptions:
+ local desc_DEVTMPFS="Maintain a devtmpfs filesystem to mount at /dev"
+ local desc_BLK_DEV_INITRD="Initial RAM filesystem and RAM disk "\
+"(initramfs/initrd) support"
+ local opt desc
+ # Generate ERROR_* variables for check_extra_config.
+ for opt in ${CONFIG_CHECK}; do
+ opt=${opt#\~}
+ desc=desc_${opt}
+ eval "local ERROR_${opt}='CONFIG_${opt}: \"${!desc}\"" \
+ "is missing and REQUIRED'"
+ done
+ check_extra_config
+ echo
+ else
+ ewarn ""
+ ewarn "Your kernel configuration couldn't be checked. Do you have"
+ ewarn "/usr/src/linux/.config file there? Please check manually if"
+ ewarn "following options are enabled:"
+ ewarn ""
+ ewarn ""
+ fi
+ elog "To get additional features, a number of optional runtime"
+ elog "dependencies may be installed:"
+ elog ""
+ optfeature "Networking support" net-misc/curl "net-misc/dhcp[client]" \
+ sys-apps/iproute2
+ optfeature \
+ "Measure performance of the boot process for later visualisation" \
+ app-benchmarks/bootchart2 app-admin/killproc sys-process/acct
+ optfeature "Scan for Btrfs on block devices" sys-fs/btrfs-progs
+ optfeature "Load kernel modules and drop this privilege for real init" \
+ sys-libs/libcap
+ optfeature "Support CIFS" net-fs/cifs-utils
+ optfeature "Decrypt devices encrypted with cryptsetup/LUKS" \
+ "sys-fs/cryptsetup[-static-libs]"
+ optfeature "Support for GPG-encrypted keys for crypt module" \
+ app-crypt/gnupg
+ optfeature \
+ "Allows use of dash instead of default bash (on your own risk)" \
+ app-shells/dash
+ optfeature "Framebuffer splash (media-gfx/splashutils)" \
+ media-gfx/splashutils
+ optfeature "Support iSCSI" sys-block/open-iscsi
+ optfeature "Support Logical Volume Manager" sys-fs/lvm2
+ optfeature "Support MD devices, also known as software RAID devices" \
+ sys-fs/mdadm
+ optfeature "Support Device Mapper multipathing" sys-fs/multipath-tools
+ optfeature "Plymouth boot splash" '>=sys-boot/plymouth-0.8.5-r5'
+ optfeature "Support network block devices" sys-block/nbd
+ optfeature "Support NFS" net-fs/nfs-utils net-nds/rpcbind
+ optfeature \
+ "Install ssh and scp along with config files and specified keys" \
+ net-misc/openssh
+ optfeature "Enable logging with syslog-ng or rsyslog" app-admin/syslog-ng \
+ app-admin/rsyslog