diff options
7 files changed, 624 insertions, 3 deletions
diff --git a/net-dns/djbdns/ChangeLog b/net-dns/djbdns/ChangeLog
index fa72396aaf72..acb99303ace8 100644
--- a/net-dns/djbdns/ChangeLog
+++ b/net-dns/djbdns/ChangeLog
@@ -1,7 +1,29 @@
# ChangeLog for net-dns/djbdns
# Copyright 2002-2004 Gentoo Technologies, Inc.; Distributed under the GPL v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/net-dns/djbdns/ChangeLog,v 1.26 2004/05/02 16:23:21 jhhudso Exp $
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/net-dns/djbdns/ChangeLog,v 1.27 2004/05/23 14:55:44 jhhudso Exp $
+*djbdns-1.05-12 (23 May 2004)
+ 23 May 2004; Jared Hudson <> : Added 4 new use flags: doc
+ (adds dependency for djbdns-man), aliaschain (enables a patch to change the
+ CNAME handling behavior of tinydns and axfrdns), semanticfix (enables a
+ patch to increase the semantic handling of tinydns-data), and cnamefix
+ (enables a patch to change the way dnscache handles CNAME records). For more
+ information on the latter 3 patches please visit:
+ In addition, if you include ipv6 support via the ipv6 use flag dnstrace
+ will be compiled without ipv6 support now, since it was broken with it
+ before. Also, a new setup script has been added, called djbdns-setup. This
+ script can be used instead of dnscache-setup and tinydns-setup. This script
+ was added by Kalin KOZHUHAROV <> under bug #50795.
+ Also, tinydns-setup is patched if the fwdzone useflag/patch is added
+ because this patch changes the behavior of tinydns and the old tinydns-setup
+ did not work properly with it. Other fixes and patch suggestions come from
+ bug #19375, 20880, 34446, and 49578. Thanks goes to Nick Palmer
+ <>, Thilo Bangert <>,
+ Hannes Just <>, and Georgi Georgiev
+ <>
*djbdns-1.05-r11 (02 May 2004)
02 May 2004; Jared Hudson <> :
diff --git a/net-dns/djbdns/Manifest b/net-dns/djbdns/Manifest
index a3772e7ff06d..fdd319a69ed2 100644
--- a/net-dns/djbdns/Manifest
+++ b/net-dns/djbdns/Manifest
@@ -1,16 +1,21 @@
MD5 2c3158204cfb4b9c36b8bc78e8421b16 metadata.xml 223
MD5 ae7f154dec7e520b63b99fb288ba3548 djbdns-1.05-r3.ebuild 1706
MD5 a4d7a487764bd0838b7fef9d919365b0 djbdns-1.05-r11.ebuild 3184
-MD5 89ddc56e7f012990bb7243a6827d3d1c ChangeLog 5049
+MD5 8c364607c2646d0278888ca6e11c1d0b ChangeLog 6407
MD5 0c80a4a0e41b1eda79b3456ef255744b djbdns-1.05-r10.ebuild 2803
MD5 929f24768768beab0878bff106ff9277 djbdns-1.05-r7.ebuild 1934
+MD5 bcb3ef632bc9567b5554f1d2b4136149 djbdns-1.05-r12.ebuild 4812
MD5 c35b82eaf963783758e20ff0de7c3bb9 djbdns-1.05-r9.ebuild 2751
MD5 6994f3a676feb5131ba8b5d17cdd4cdf djbdns-1.05-r8.ebuild 2037
+MD5 46e046747b9dd8a0a1300a52c142f423 files/fwdzone-fix.patch 438
MD5 3340189be9a5a23877b1c8bbb9edf4a3 files/digest-djbdns-1.05-r9 261
+MD5 e978c483e32ec53b3eb8a2b703c89d6d files/djbdns-setup 11152
MD5 3340189be9a5a23877b1c8bbb9edf4a3 files/digest-djbdns-1.05-r10 261
+MD5 8a46595bab1183081b019c4406eaf9f1 files/digest-djbdns-1.05-r12 624
MD5 ba558b4a61ed71c23083aa1ec32c7cc9 files/digest-djbdns-1.05-r8 270
MD5 456c7b3cc5de829f4f03e627300e654f files/digest-djbdns-1.05-r7 266
MD5 7c2a17103fedf0325d120a7d254432fa files/tinydns-setup 3209
+MD5 97fad96e3ec9c603ba2957d9925683f1 files/dnsroots.patch 240
MD5 444830203a792b4a295ca8fee554b8d3 files/djbdns-1.05-ipv6arpa+BSDok-gentoo.diff 4127
MD5 81745534132c6cfa3596abd4a6660260 files/digest-djbdns-1.05-r11 397
MD5 188096855028696985f1b9d839d1643f files/1.05-errno.patch 238
diff --git a/net-dns/djbdns/djbdns-1.05-r12.ebuild b/net-dns/djbdns/djbdns-1.05-r12.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..18f37ec8a2ee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/net-dns/djbdns/djbdns-1.05-r12.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2004 Gentoo Technologies, Inc.
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/net-dns/djbdns/djbdns-1.05-r12.ebuild,v 1.1 2004/05/23 14:55:44 jhhudso Exp $
+IUSE="ipv6 ipv6arpa static fwdzone roundrobin multipleip aliaschain semanticfix cnamefix doc"
+inherit eutils
+DESCRIPTION="Excellent high-performance DNS services"
+ fwdzone? ( ${URL1}/djbdns-1.04-fwdzone.patch )
+ roundrobin? ( )
+ multipleip? (
+ )
+ aliaschain? ( ${URL2}/tinydns-alias-chain-truncation.patch )
+ semanticfix? ( ${URL2}/tinydns-data-semantic-error.patch )
+ cnamefix? ( ${URL2}/dnscache-cname-handling.patch )
+ ipv6? ( )"
+ doc? ( app-doc/djbdns-man )
+ sys-apps/ucspi-tcp"
+src_unpack() {
+ unpack ${A}
+ cd ${S}
+ ! useq ipv6 && useq ipv6arpa && \
+ eerror "ipv6arpa can only be used the ipv6 use flag" && \
+ exit -1
+ useq ipv6 && useq cnamefix && \
+ eerror "ipv6 cannot currently be used with the cnamefix patch" && \
+ exit -1
+ useq ipv6 && useq multipleip && \
+ eerror "ipv6 cannot currently be used with the multipleip patch" && \
+ exit -1
+ useq ipv6 && ( useq fwdzone || useq roundrobin ) && \
+ eerror "ipv6 cannot currently be used with the fwdzone or " && \
+ eerror "roundrobin patch." && \
+ eerror && \
+ eerror "If you would like to see ipv6 support along with one of " && \
+ eerror "those other patches please submit a working patch that " && \
+ eerror "combines ipv6 with either fwdzone or roundrobin but not " && \
+ eerror "both at the same time, since the latter 2 patches are " && \
+ eerror "mutually exclusive according to bug #31238." && exit -1
+ useq fwdzone && useq roundrobin && \
+ eerror "fwdzone and roundrobin do not work together according " && \
+ eerror "to bug #31238" && exit -1
+ useq cnamefix && \
+ sed s:'\r'::g < ${DISTDIR}/dnscache-cname-handling.patch \
+ > ${WORKDIR}/dnscache-cname-handling.patch && \
+ epatch ${WORKDIR}/dnscache-cname-handling.patch
+ useq aliaschain && \
+ epatch ${DISTDIR}/tinydns-alias-chain-truncation.patch
+ useq semanticfix && \
+ epatch ${DISTDIR}/tinydns-data-semantic-error.patch
+ useq fwdzone && epatch ${DISTDIR}/djbdns-1.04-fwdzone.patch
+ useq roundrobin && epatch ${DISTDIR}/round-robin.patch
+ useq multipleip && \
+ epatch ${DISTDIR}/dnscache-multiple-ip.patch && \
+ epatch ${DISTDIR}/djbdns-1.05-multiip.diff
+ epatch ${FILESDIR}/${PV}-errno.patch
+ epatch ${FILESDIR}/headtail.patch
+ epatch ${FILESDIR}/dnsroots.patch
+ useq ipv6 && {
+ einfo "At present dnstrace does NOT support IPv6. It will " \
+ "be compiled without IPv6 support."
+ cp -a ${S} ${S}-noipv6
+ epatch ${WORKDIR}/djbdns-1.05-test20.diff
+ }
+ useq ipv6 && useq ipv6arpa && \
+ epatch ${FILESDIR}/djbdns-1.05-ipv6arpa+BSDok-gentoo.diff
+src_compile() {
+ useq static && LDFLAGS="-static"
+ echo "gcc ${CFLAGS}" > conf-cc
+ echo "gcc ${LDFLAGS}" > conf-ld
+ echo "/usr" > conf-home
+ MAKEOPTS="-j1" emake || die "emake failed"
+ # If djbdns is compiled with ipv6 support it breaks dnstrace
+ # therefore we must compile dnstrace separately without ipv6
+ # support.
+ if useq ipv6;
+ then
+ einfo "Compiling dnstrace without ipv6 support"
+ cd ${S}-noipv6
+ useq static && LDFLAGS="-static"
+ echo "gcc ${CFLAGS}" > conf-cc
+ echo "gcc ${LDFLAGS}" > conf-ld
+ echo "/usr" > conf-home
+ MAKEOPTS="-j1" emake dnstrace || die "emake failed"
+ fi
+src_install() {
+ insinto /etc
+ doins
+ into /usr
+ dobin *-conf dnscache tinydns walldns rbldns pickdns axfrdns \
+ *-get *-data *-edit dnsip dnsipq dnsname dnstxt dnsmx \
+ dnsfilter random-ip dnsqr dnsq dnstrace dnstracesort
+ useq ipv6 && dobin dnsip6 dnsip6q ${S}-noipv6/dnstrace
+ dobin ${FILESDIR}/dnscache-setup
+ useq fwdzone && cd ${D}${DESTTREE}/bin && \
+ epatch ${FILESDIR}/fwdzone-fix.patch
+ dobin ${FILESDIR}/tinydns-setup
+ dobin ${FILESDIR}/djbdns-setup
+pkg_postinst() {
+ groupadd &>/dev/null nofiles
+ id &>/dev/null dnscache || \
+ useradd -g nofiles -d /nonexistent -s /bin/false dnscache
+ id &>/dev/null dnslog || \
+ useradd -g nofiles -d /nonexistent -s /bin/false dnslog
+ id &>/dev/null tinydns || \
+ useradd -g nofiles -d /nonexistent -s /bin/false tinydns
+ einfo "Use (dnscache-setup + tinydns-setup) or djbdns-setup" \
+ "to configure djbdns."
diff --git a/net-dns/djbdns/files/digest-djbdns-1.05-r12 b/net-dns/djbdns/files/digest-djbdns-1.05-r12
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..90a818168820
--- /dev/null
+++ b/net-dns/djbdns/files/digest-djbdns-1.05-r12
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+MD5 3147c5cd56832aa3b41955c7a51cbeb2 djbdns-1.05.tar.gz 85648
+MD5 ac799440bacc9d283e1c228f84cf99d4 djbdns-1.04-fwdzone.patch 6479
+MD5 4c8558be4c763b039de9211368c01b06 round-robin.patch 3239
+MD5 9ff9c640a746331bcb0901d21a0c0e4f dnscache-multiple-ip.patch 7601
+MD5 d5c05ae75add84094d45a78a67ab925d djbdns-1.05-multiip.diff 5522
+MD5 ef1b5cfe7a6f90e4ed8b342e4f4f1ded tinydns-alias-chain-truncation.patch 1994
+MD5 219cb6b75878d7a7b9500a6e3ded154f tinydns-data-semantic-error.patch 5096
+MD5 847766cb1b2fd57eb0cd97ac44b763c7 dnscache-cname-handling.patch 7569
+MD5 3757ed6320dc5781ac8ade6a2eaa58d6 djbdns-1.05-test20.diff.bz2 18041
diff --git a/net-dns/djbdns/files/djbdns-setup b/net-dns/djbdns/files/djbdns-setup
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..3f128b271020
--- /dev/null
+++ b/net-dns/djbdns/files/djbdns-setup
@@ -0,0 +1,418 @@
+# djbdns-setup
+# Copyright (C) 2004 Kalin Kozhuharov <>
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+. /sbin/
+# void ewarn(char* message)
+# show a warning message and do NOT log it
+ewarn() {
+ if [ "${RC_QUIET_STDOUT}" = "yes" ]
+ then
+ echo " ${*}"
+ else
+ echo -e " ${WARN}*${NORMAL} ${*}"
+ fi
+ return 0
+REQ_USERS="tinydns dnscache dnslog"
+ echo ": Checking for required group (${REQ_GROUP}) :"
+ grep ${REQ_GROUP} /etc/group &> /dev/null
+ if [ $? -ne 0 ]
+ then
+ ebegin "Adding group ${REQ_GROUP}"
+ /usr/sbin/groupadd ${REQ_GROUP} &>/dev/null && eend 0 || eend 1
+ fi
+ echo ": Checking for required users (${REQ_USERS}) :"
+ for user in ${REQ_USERS};
+ do
+ grep ${user} /etc/passwd &> /dev/null
+ if [ $? -ne 0 ]
+ then
+ ebegin "Adding user ${user}"
+ /usr/sbin/useradd -d /dev/null -s /bin/false -g ${REQ_GROUP} ${user} &>/dev/null && eend 0 || eend 1
+ fi
+ done
+ return 0
+ local services="$1"
+ echo "${SEPARATOR}"
+ echo ": Start services :"
+ echo
+ echo " Your services (${services// /, }) are ready for startup!"
+ echo
+ ewarn " The following requires daemontools to be running!"
+ local answer=""
+ read -p " Would you like ${services// /, } to be started and supervised by daemontools now? [Y|n]> " answer
+ if [ "${answer}" == "Y" ] || [ "${answer}" == "" ]
+ then
+ ebegin "Checking if daemontools are running"
+ ps -A |grep svscanboot &>/dev/null && eend 0 || eend 1
+ ebegin "Linking services in /service"
+ # Don't make symbolic links to / !
+ # use ../ instead as it gives trouble in chrooted environments
+ local fixedroot_path=`echo ${mypath} | sed -e 's#^/#../#'`
+ for service in ${services};
+ do
+ for ip in ${IPs[${service}]};
+ do
+ ln -sf ${fixedroot_path}/${service}/${ip} /service/${service}_${ip}
+ done
+ done
+ eend 0
+ echo
+ ls -l --color=auto /service/
+ echo
+ ebegin "Waiting 5 seconds for services to start"
+ sleep 5 && eend 0
+ echo "${SEPARATOR}"
+ echo ": Check services status :"
+ echo
+ for service in ${services};
+ do
+ for ip in ${IPs[${service}]};
+ do
+ svstat /service/${service}_${ip} /service/${service}_${ip}/log
+ done
+ done
+ fi
+ return 0
+ return 0
+ echo "${S_SEPARATOR}"
+ echo ": Grant access to axfrdns :"
+ echo
+ TCPRULES_DIR="${mypath}/axfrdns/${myip}/control"
+ echo " axfrdns is accessed by your secondary servers and when response cannot fit UDP packet"
+ echo " You have to specify their which IP addresses are allowed to access it"
+ echo " in ${TCPRULES_DIR}/tcp.axfrdns"
+ echo
+ echo " Example:"
+ echo " would allow the host"
+ echo " 1.2.3. would allow ALL hosts 1.2.3.x (like,, etc.)"
+ ewarn "Do NOT forget the trailing dot!"
+ echo
+ echo " Press Enter if you do not want to allow any access now."
+ echo
+ sed -i -e "s#-x tcp.cdb#-x control/tcp.axfrdns.cdb#g" ${mypath}/axfrdns/${myip}/run
+ if [ -e ${TCPRULES_DIR}/tcp.axfrdns ]
+ then
+ ewarn "${TCPRULES_DIR}/tcp.axfrdns exists."
+ read -p " Do you want it cleared? [Y|n]: " answer
+ if [ "${answer}" == "Y" ] || [ "${answer}" == "" ]
+ then
+ echo '# sample line:,AXFR=""' > ${TCPRULES_DIR}/tcp.axfrdns
+ fi
+ fi
+ read -p " IP to allow (press Enter to end)> " ipallow
+ while [ "$ipallow" != "" ]
+ do
+ echo "${ipallow}:allow" >> ${TCPRULES_DIR}/tcp.axfrdns
+ read -p " IP to allow (press Enter to end)> " ipallow
+ done
+ echo ":deny" >> ${TCPRULES_DIR}/tcp.axfrdns
+ echo " Here is the tcprules file created so far:"
+ echo
+ cat ${TCPRULES_DIR}/tcp.axfrdns
+ echo
+ local answer=""
+ read -p " Would you like ${TCPRULES_DIR}/tcp.axfrdns.cdb updated? [Y|n]: " answer
+ if [ "${answer}" == "Y" ] || [ "${answer}" == "" ]
+ then
+ ebegin "Updating ${TCPRULES_DIR}/tcp.axfrdns.cdb"
+ bash -c "cd ${TCPRULES_DIR} && make" && eend 0 || eend 1
+ fi
+ return 0
+ echo ": Configure forwarding :"
+ echo
+ echo " dnscache can be configured to forward queries to another DNS cache"
+ echo " (such as the one your ISP provides) rather than perform the lookups itself."
+ echo
+ echo " To enable this forwarding-only mode (a good idea most of the time),"
+ echo " provide the IPs of the caches to forward to."
+ echo " To have dnscache perform the lookups itself, just press Enter."
+ echo
+ read -p " forward-to IP> " myforward
+ echo
+ if [ "$myforward" != "" ]
+ then
+ echo $myforward > ${mypath}/dnscache/${myip}/root/servers/\@
+ echo -n "1" > ${mypath}/dnscache/${myip}/env/FORWARDONLY
+ read -p " forward-to IP (press Enter to end)> " myforward
+ while [ "$myforward" != "" ]
+ do
+ echo $myforward >> ${mypath}/dnscache/${myip}/root/servers/\@
+ read -p " forward-to IP (press Enter to end)> " myforward
+ done
+ echo
+ echo " Currently all queries will be forwarded to:"
+ echo
+ cat ${mypath}/dnscache/${myip}/root/servers/\@
+ echo
+ fi
+ echo "${SEPARATOR}"
+ echo ": Configuring clients :"
+ echo
+ echo " By default dnscache allows only localhost ( to access it."
+ echo " You have to specify the IP addresses of the clients that shall be allowed to use it."
+ echo
+ echo " Example:"
+ echo " would allow only the host"
+ echo " 1.2.3 would allow all hosts 1.2.3.x (like,, etc.)"
+ echo
+ echo " Press Enter if you do not want to allow external clients!"
+ echo
+ read -p " Allowed IP> " myclientip
+ while [ "$myclientip" != "" ]
+ do
+ touch ${mypath}/dnscache/${myip}/root/ip/${myclientip}
+ read -p " Allowed IP (press Enter to end)> " myclientip
+ done
+ echo
+ echo " All queries from the hosts below will be answered:"
+ echo
+ ls -1 ${mypath}/dnscache/${myip}/root/ip
+ echo
+ #configure cachsize - $mypath/env/CACHESIZE
+ #configure datalimit - $mypath/env/DATALIMIT
+ return 0
+ local service_human="$1"
+ local service_machine="$2"
+ local services="$3"
+ echo ": ${service_human} setup :"
+ echo
+ for service in ${services};
+ do
+ if [ ! -e ${mypath}/${service} ]
+ then
+ ebegin "Creating ${mypath}/${service}"
+ mkdir -p $mypath/${service} && eend 0 || eend 1
+ fi
+ done
+ echo "${SEPARATOR}"
+ echo ": IP address to bind to :"
+ echo
+ echo " Specify an address to which the ${service_human} should bind."
+ echo " Currently accessible IPs:"
+ local addrs=`ifconfig -a | grep "inet addr" | cut -f2 -d":" | cut -f1 -d" "`
+ echo " "$addrs
+ echo
+ while [ "${myip}" == "" ]
+ do
+ read -p " IP to bind to> " myip
+ done
+ echo
+ for service in ${services};
+ do
+ IPs[${service}]="${IPs[${service}]} ${myip}"
+ done
+ local dnscache_INSTALL="/usr/bin/dnscache-conf dnscache dnslog ${mypath}/dnscache/${myip} $myip"
+ local tinydns_INSTALL="/usr/bin/tinydns-conf tinydns dnslog ${mypath}/tinydns/${myip} $myip"
+ local axfrdns_INSTALL="\
+ /usr/bin/axfrdns-conf tinydns dnslog ${mypath}/axfrdns/${myip} ${mypath}/tinydns/${myip} $myip &&\
+ mkdir -p ${mypath}/axfrdns/${myip}/control &&\
+ echo -e \"tcp.axfrdns.cdb:\ttcp.axfrdns\n\ttcprules tcp.axfrdns.cdb .tcp.axfrdns.cdb.tmp < tcp.axfrdns\" > ${mypath}/axfrdns/${myip}/control/Makefile &&\
+ rm -f ${mypath}/axfrdns/${myip}/tcp ${mypath}/axfrdns/${myip}/Makefile"
+ for service in ${services};
+ do
+ if [ ! -e ${mypath}/${service}/${myip} ]
+ then
+ ebegin "Setting up ${service} in ${mypath}/${service}/${myip}"
+ eval command=\$${service}_INSTALL
+ /bin/bash -c "${command}" && eend 0 || eend 1
+ else
+ ewarn "${service} directory ${mypath}/${service}/${myip} exists, nothing done."
+ fi
+ done
+if [ `id -u` -ne 0 ]
+ eerror "${0}: You must be root."
+ exit 1
+ echo "${D_SEPARATOR}"
+ echo ": DJB DNS setup :"
+ echo
+ echo " This script will help you setup the following:"
+ echo
+ echo " DNS server(s): to publish addresses of Internet hosts"
+ echo
+ echo " DNS cache(s) : to find addresses of Internet hosts"
+ echo
+ echo " For further information see:"
+ echo ""
+ echo
+ ewarn "If you have already setup your services,"
+ ewarn "either exit now, or setup in different directories."
+ echo
+ answer=""
+ read -p " Would you like to continue with setup? [Y|n]> " answer
+ if [ "${answer}" == "n" ] || [ "${answer}" == "N" ]
+ then
+ ewarn "Aborting setup"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ echo "${D_SEPARATOR}"
+ echo ": Choose install location :"
+ echo
+ default_path="/var"
+ echo " The default (${default_path}) will install them"
+ echo " in ${default_path}/\${service}/\${IP_ADDRESS}"
+ echo
+ echo " For example:"
+ echo " /var/tinydns /"
+ echo " /"
+ echo " /axfrdns /"
+ echo " /"
+ echo " /dnscache/"
+ echo
+ ewarn "Do NOT enter trailing slash"
+ echo " Where do you want services installed?"
+ read -p "[${default_path}] > " mypath
+ echo
+ if [ "${mypath}" == "" ]
+ then
+ mypath=${default_path}
+ fi
+ echo "${D_SEPARATOR}"
+ check_group_users
+ answer=""
+ another=""
+ until [ "$answer" == "n" ]
+ do
+ echo "${D_SEPARATOR}"
+ answer=""
+ read -p " Would you like to setup ${another}dnscache? [Y|n]> " answer
+ if [ "${answer}" == "Y" ] || [ "${answer}" == "" ]
+ then
+ myip=""
+ echo "${S_SEPARATOR}"
+ common_setup "DNS cache" "dnscache" "dnscache"
+ if [ $? == 0 ]
+ then
+ dnscache_setup
+ else
+ ewarn "Skipping dnscache specific setup."
+ fi
+ fi
+ another="another "
+ done
+ answer=""
+ another=""
+ until [ "$answer" == "n" ]
+ do
+ echo "${D_SEPARATOR}"
+ answer=""
+ read -p " Would you like to setup ${another}DNS server? [Y|n]> " answer
+ if [ "${answer}" == "Y" ] || [ "${answer}" == "" ]
+ then
+ myip=""
+ echo "${S_SEPARATOR}"
+ common_setup "DNS server" "{tinydns,afxrdns}" "tinydns axfrdns"
+ if [ $? == 0 ]
+ then
+ tinydns_setup
+ axfrdns_setup
+ else
+ ewarn "Skipping tinydns and axfrdns specific setup."
+ fi
+ fi
+ another="another "
+ done
+ echo "${D_SEPARATOR}"
+ start_services "tinydns axfrdns dnscache"
+ echo "${D_SEPARATOR}"
diff --git a/net-dns/djbdns/files/dnsroots.patch b/net-dns/djbdns/files/dnsroots.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..1da7c6f28b5a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/net-dns/djbdns/files/dnsroots.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+--- 2003-05-12 23:32:55.000000000 +0200
++++ 2003-05-12 23:32:35.000000000 +0200
+@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
diff --git a/net-dns/djbdns/files/fwdzone-fix.patch b/net-dns/djbdns/files/fwdzone-fix.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..65b517a0f925
--- /dev/null
+++ b/net-dns/djbdns/files/fwdzone-fix.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+--- dnscache-setup.old 2004-05-23 06:06:55.236468624 -0500
++++ dnscache-setup 2004-05-23 06:07:41.586422360 -0500
+@@ -127,7 +127,7 @@
+ if [ "$myforward" != "" ]
+ then
+ echo $myforward > ${mypath}/${mycachedir}/root/servers/\@
+- echo -n "1" > ${mypath}/${mycachedir}/env/FORWARDONLY
++ chmod +t ${mypath}/${mycachedir}/root/servers/\@
+ read -p "enter forward-to IP [hit Enter to stop]> " myforward
+ while [ "$myforward" != "" ]