diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'app-office/koffice/files/koffice-1.2_beta1-kwdoc.diff')
1 files changed, 34 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/app-office/koffice/files/koffice-1.2_beta1-kwdoc.diff b/app-office/koffice/files/koffice-1.2_beta1-kwdoc.diff
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..024dd14d5307
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app-office/koffice/files/koffice-1.2_beta1-kwdoc.diff
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+--- 2002/04/18 08:56:25 1.384
++++ 2002/04/22 19:02:40 1.385
+@@ -1659,22 +1659,25 @@ bool KWDocument::completeLoading( KoStor
+ processImageRequests();
+ processAnchorRequests();
++ // Save memory
++ m_urlIntern = QString::null;
+ // The fields from documentinfo.xml just got loaded -> update vars
+ recalcVariables( VT_FIELD );
++ // This computes the number of pages (from the frames)
++ // for the first time (and adds footers/headers etc.)
++ // It is necessary to do so BEFORE calling finalize, since updateFrames
++ // (in KWTextFrameSet) needs the number of pages.
++ recalcFrames();
+ // Finalize all the existing framesets
+ QPtrListIterator<KWFrameSet> fit = framesetsIterator();
+ for ( ; fit.current() ; ++fit )
+ fit.current()->finalize();
+- // Save memory
+- m_urlIntern = QString::null;
+ // Fix z orders on older documents
+ fixZOrders();
+- recalcFrames(); // This computes the number of pages (from the frames)
+- // for the first time (and adds footers/headers etc.)
+ emit newContentsSize();
+ repaintAllViews( true ); // in case any view exists already