diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'app-office/openoffice/openoffice-1.1_rc1.ebuild')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 556 deletions
diff --git a/app-office/openoffice/openoffice-1.1_rc1.ebuild b/app-office/openoffice/openoffice-1.1_rc1.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index 596e952d9981..000000000000
--- a/app-office/openoffice/openoffice-1.1_rc1.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,556 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2003 Gentoo Technologies, Inc.
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/app-office/openoffice/openoffice-1.1_rc1.ebuild,v 1.5 2003/09/06 22:21:02 msterret Exp $
-# IMPORTANT: This is extremely alpha!!!
-# Notes:
-# This will take a HELL of a long time to compile, be warned.
-# According to, it takes approximately 12 hours on a
-# P3/600 with 256mb ram. And thats where building is its only task.
-# It takes about 6 hours on my P4 1.8 with 512mb memory, and the
-# build only needs about 2.1GB of disk space - Azarah.
-# You will also need a bucketload of diskspace ... in the order of
-# 4-5 gb free to store all the compiled files and installation
-# directories.
-# The information on how to build and what is required comes from:
-# Todo:
-# Get support going for installing a custom language pack. Also
-# need to be able to install more than one language pack.
-inherit flag-o-matic eutils
-# Compile problems with these ...
-filter-flags "-funroll-loops"
-filter-flags "-fomit-frame-pointer"
-replace-flags "-O3" "-O2"
-# Enable Bytecode Interpreter for freetype ...
-inherit gcc
-# We want gcc3 if possible!!!!
-export WANT_GCC_3="yes"
-inherit virtualx
-# Set $ECPUS to amount of processes multiprocessing build should use.
-# NOTE: Setting this too high might cause dmake to segfault!!
-# Setting this to anything but "1" on my pentium4 causes things
-# to segfault :(
-[ -z "${ECPUS}" ] && export ECPUS="1"
-DESCRIPTION=", a full office productivity suite."
- mirror://sourceforge/freetype/freetype-${FT_VER}.tar.bz2"
-KEYWORDS="-x86 -ppc"
-IUSE="gnome kde"
- !=sys-libs/glibc-2.3.1*
- >=dev-lang/perl-5.0
- virtual/x11
- app-arch/zip
- app-arch/unzip
- dev-libs/expat
- >=x11-libs/gtk+-2.0
- >=virtual/jdk-1.3.1
- virtual/lpr
- ppc? ( >=sys-libs/glibc-2.2.5-r7
- >=sys-devel/gcc-3.2 )" # needed for sqrtl patch recently introduced
- app-shells/tcsh
- !app-office/openoffice-bin
- !sys-apps/star"
-# fix a bug with tcsh and dircolors
-# Azarah -- 10 April 2002
-export LS_COLORS=""
-pkg_setup() {
- if [ "$(gcc-version)" != "3.2" ]
- then
- eerror
- eerror "This build needs gcc-3.2.x, but due to profile"
- eerror "settings, it cannot DEPEND on it, so please merge it"
- eerror "manually:"
- eerror
- eerror " # ebuild ${PORTDIR}/sys-devel/gcc/gcc-3.2.1.ebuild merge"
- eerror
- eerror "Please make sure that you use the latest availible revision of"
- eerror "gcc-3.2. Thus if there is already a gcc-3.2.1-r2 out, use this"
- eerror "rather than 3.2.1, etc."
- eerror
- eerror "As of writing, gcc-3.2.3-r1 seemed to create the most stable builds."
- eerror "Also, because OO is such a complex build, ONLY gcc-3.2.3-r1 will be"
- eerror "supported!"
- eerror
- eerror "This process is not highly recomended, as upgrading your compiler"
- eerror "without upgrading your distribution can be detrimental to your "
- eerror "installation of gentoo, unless you know what you're getting into"
- eerror
- die
- fi
- if [ -z "$(echo ${JDK_HOME} | grep "blackdown")" ] && [ "${FORCE_JAVA}" != "yes" ]
- then
- eerror
- eerror "This ebuild has only been tested with the blackdown port of"
- eerror "java. If you use another java implementation, it could fail"
- eerror "horribly, so please merge the blackdown-jdk and set it as"
- eerror "system VM before proceeding:"
- eerror
- eerror " # emerge blackdown-jdk"
- eerror " # java-config --set-system-vm=blackdown-jdk-<VERSION>"
- eerror " # env-update"
- eerror " # source /etc/profile"
- eerror
- eerror "Please adjust <VERSION> according to the version installed in"
- eerror "/opt."
- eerror
- eerror "If you however want to test another JDK (not officially supported),"
- eerror "you could do the following:"
- eerror
- eerror " # export FORCE_JAVA=yes"
- eerror
- die
- fi
- ewarn "****************************************************************"
- ewarn " It is important to note that is a very fragile "
- ewarn " build when it comes to CFLAGS. A number of flags have already "
- ewarn " been filtered out. If you experience difficulty merging this "
- ewarn " package and use agressive CFLAGS, lower the CFLAGS and try to "
- ewarn " merge again. "
- ewarn "****************************************************************"
-oo_setup() {
- unset LANGUAGE
- unset LANG
- export NEW_GCC="0"
- if [ -x /usr/sbin/gcc-config ]
- then
- # Do we have a gcc that use the new layout and gcc-config ?
- if /usr/sbin/gcc-config --get-current-profile &> /dev/null
- then
- export NEW_GCC="1"
- export GCC_PROFILE="$(/usr/sbin/gcc-config --get-current-profile)"
- # Just recheck gcc version ...
- if [ "$(gcc-version)" != "3.2" ]
- then
- # See if we can get a gcc profile we know is proper ...
- if /usr/sbin/gcc-config --get-bin-path ${CHOST}-3.2.1 &> /dev/null
- then
- export PATH="$(/usr/sbin/gcc-config --get-bin-path ${CHOST}-3.2.1):${PATH}"
- export GCC_PROFILE="${CHOST}-3.2.1"
- else
- eerror "This build needs gcc-3.2 or later!"
- eerror
- eerror "Use gcc-config to change your gcc profile:"
- eerror
- eerror " # gcc-config $CHOST-3.2.1"
- eerror
- eerror "or whatever gcc version is relevant."
- die
- fi
- fi
- fi
- fi
- export JAVA_BINARY="`which java`"
-src_unpack() {
- oo_setup
- cd ${WORKDIR}
- unpack OOo_${MY_PV}_source.tar.bz2 gpc231.tar.Z
- # Install gpc
- cd ${WORKDIR}/gpc231
- cp gpc.* ${S}/external/gpc
- cd ${S}
- cd ${S}/stlport
- rm STLport-4.5.3.patch
- epatch ${FILESDIR}/${PV}/newstlportfix.patch
- cd ${S}
- epatch ${FILESDIR}/${PV}/no-mozab.patch
- # Now for our optimization flags ...
- perl -pi -e "s|^CFLAGSOPT=.*|CFLAGSOPT=${CFLAGS}|g" \
- ${S}/solenv/inc/
- perl -pi -e "s|^CFLAGSOPT=.*|CFLAGSOPT=${CFLAGS}|g" \
- ${S}/solenv/inc/
- # Some makefiles are not multiprocess ready (Mandrake)
- cd ${S}; einfo "Fixing makefiles for multiprocess builds..."
- for x in io/source/stm dtrans/source/X11 idlc/source nas zlib toolkit/util \
- comphelper/util padmin/source svtools/util bridges/source/prot_uno \
- framework/util framework/source/unotypes
- do
- perl -pi -e "s/^(PRJNAME)/MAXPROCESS=1\n\1/" ${x}/
- done
-get_EnvSet() {
- # Determine what Env file we should be using (Az)
- export LinuxEnvSet="LinuxIntelEnv.Set"
- use sparc && export LinuxEnvSet="LinuxSparcEnv.Set"
- use sparc64 && export LinuxEnvSet="LinuxSparcEnv.Set"
- use ppc && export LinuxEnvSet="LinuxPPCEnv.Set"
- use alpha && export LinuxEnvSet="LinuxAlphaEnv.Set"
- # Get build specific stuff (Az)
- export SOLVER="$(awk '/^setenv UPD / {gsub(/\"/, ""); print $3}' ${LinuxEnvSet})"
- export SOLPATH="$(awk '/^setenv INPATH / {gsub(/\"/, ""); print $3}' ${LinuxEnvSet})"
-src_compile() {
- addpredict /bin
- local buildcmd=""
- oo_setup
- # Setup default compilers (We overide gcc2 if that is default here)
- export CC="$(gcc-getCC)"
- export CXX="$(gcc-getCXX)"
- # Enable ccache for this build (Az)
- if [ "${FEATURES/-ccache/}" = "${FEATURES}" -a \
- "${FEATURES/ccache/}" != "${FEATURES}" -a \
- -d /usr/bin/ccache -a -x /usr/bin/ccache/ccache ]
- then
- # Build uses its own env with $PATH, etc, so
- # we take the easy way out. (Az)
- export CC="/usr/bin/ccache/ccache ${CC}"
- export CXX="/usr/bin/ccache/ccache ${CXX}"
- fi
- # Enable new ccache for this build
- if [ "${FEATURES/-ccache/}" = "${FEATURES}" -a \
- "${FEATURES/ccache/}" != "${FEATURES}" -a \
- -x /usr/bin/ccache ]
- then
- # Build uses its own env with $PATH, etc, so
- # we take the easy way out. (Az)
- export CC="/usr/bin/ccache ${CC}"
- export CXX="/usr/bin/ccache ${CXX}"
- fi
- # Enable distcc for this build (Az)
- if [ "${FEATURES/-distcc/}" = "${FEATURES}" -a \
- "${FEATURES/distcc/}" != "${FEATURES}" -a \
- -x /usr/bin/distcc ]
- then
- # Do not bump ECPUS if the user did not touch it, as currently
- # it -PP do not work properly (segfaulting). (Az)
- [ "$(echo ${DISTCC_HOSTS} | wc -w)" -gt 1 -a "${ECPUS}" -qt 1 ] && \
- export ECPUS="$(echo ${DISTCC_HOSTS} | wc -w)"
- export CC="distcc ${CC}"
- export CXX="distcc ${CXX}"
- fi
- # Do NOT compile with a external STLport, as gcc-2.95.3 users will
- # get linker errors due to the ABI being different (STLport will be
- # compiled with 2.95.3, while OO is compiled with 3.x). (Az)
- einfo "Configuring"
- cd ${S}/config_office
- rm -f config.cache
- ./configure --enable-gcc3 \
- --with-jdk-home=${JAVA_HOME} \
- --with-lang=ALL\
- --with-x || die
- cd ${S}
- get_EnvSet
- # Do not include /usr/include in header search path, and
- # same thing for internal gcc include dir, as gcc3 handles
- # it correctly by default! (Az)
- perl -pi -e "s| -I/usr/include||g" ${LinuxEnvSet}
-# perl -pi -e "s| -I$(gcc-libpath)/include||g" ${LinuxEnvSet}
- if [ "${NEW_GCC}" -eq "1" ]
- then
- local gcc_path="$(/usr/sbin/gcc-config --get-bin-path ${GCC_PROFILE})"
- # Setup path for new gcc layout in $LinuxEnvSet, else the build
- # environment will not find gcc ... (Az)
- perl -pi -e "s|PATH \.:\$SOLARVER|PATH \.:${gcc_path}:\$SOLARVER|" ${LinuxEnvSet}
- # New builds start quoting stuff ...
- perl -pi -e "s|PATH \"\.:\$SOLARVER|PATH \"\.:${gcc_path}:\$SOLARVER|" ${LinuxEnvSet}
- fi
- # Should the build use multiprocessing?
- # We use directly, as dmake tends to segfault. (Az)
- if [ "${ECPUS}" -gt 1 ]
- then
- buildcmd="${S}/solenv/bin/ -all -PP${ECPUS} product=full"
- else
- buildcmd="${S}/solenv/bin/ -all product=full"
- fi
- if [ -z "$(grep 'CCCOMP' ${S}/${LinuxEnvSet})" ]
- then
- # Set CCCOMP and CXXCOMP. This is still needed for STLport
- echo "setenv CCCOMP \"${CC}\"" >> ${S}/${LinuxEnvSet}
- echo "setenv CXXCOMP \"${CXX}\"" >> ${S}/${LinuxEnvSet}
- fi
- if [ "$(gcc-major-version)" -eq 3 ]
- then
- mkdir -p ${S}/solver/${SOLVER}/${SOLPATH}/{lib,inc}
- einfo "Installing GCC related libs..."
- # Workaround for missing libs with GCC3 (thanks to Debian) (Az)
- cd ${S}/solver/${SOLVER}/${SOLPATH}/lib
- cp $(gcc-libpath)/$(gcc-libstdcxx-major-version)* . || \
- die "Could not copy gcc-libs!"
- cp $(gcc-libpath)/* . || die "Could not copy gcc-libs!"
- cd ${S}
- fi
- einfo "Bootstrapping"
- # Get things ready for bootstrap (Az)
- chmod 0755 ${S}/solenv/bin/*.pl
- mkdir -p ${S}/solver/${SOLVER}/${SOLPATH}/inc
- touch ${S}/solver/${SOLVER}/${SOLPATH}/inc/minormkchanged.flg
- # Bootstrap ...
- ./bootstrap
- if [ "$(gcc-major-version)" -eq 3 ]
- then
- local LIBFILE="$(readlink `gcc-libpath`/`gcc-libstdcxx-major-version`)"
- local LIBVERSION="$(echo ${LIBFILE} | sed -e 's|libstdc++\.so\.||g')"
- # Get this beast to use the right version of libstdc++ ... (Az)
- echo "LIBSTDCPP3:=${LIBVERSION}" >> \
- ${S}/solver/${SOLVER}/${SOLPATH}/inc/
- cd ${S}
- fi
- einfo "Building"
- # Setup virtualmake
- export maketype="tcsh"
- echo "source ${S}/${LinuxEnvSet} && cd ${S}/instsetoo && ${buildcmd}" > build.tcsh
- # Build needs X to compile! (Az)
- virtualmake build.tcsh || die "Build failed!"
- [ -d ${S}/instsetoo/${SOLPATH} ] || die "Cannot find build directory!"
-src_install() {
- # Sandbox issues; bug #11838
- addpredict "/user"
- addpredict "/share"
- addpredict "/dev/dri"
- addpredict "/usr/bin/soffice"
- addpredict "/pspfontcache"
- # This allows us to change languages without editing the ebuild.
- #
- #
- # Supported languages for localized help files
- #
- #
- [ -z "${LANGUAGE}" ] && LANGUAGE=01
- get_EnvSet
- # The install part should now be relatively OK compared to
- # what it was. Basically we use autoresponse files to install
- # unattended, running under a Xvfb if needed. Afterwards we
- # just cleanout ${D} from the registry, etc. This way we
- # do not need pre-generated registry, and also fixes some weird
- # bugs related to the old way we did things.
- #
- # <> (9 Sep 2002)
- # Autoresponse file for main installation
- cat > ${T}/rsfile-global <<-"END_RS"
- [JAVA]
- JavaSupport=preinstalled_or_none
- # Autoresponse file for user isntallation
- cat > ${T}/rsfile-local <<-"END_RS"
- DESTINATIONPATH=<home>/.openoffice/<pv>
- [JAVA]
- JavaSupport=none
- # Fixing install location in response file
- sed -e "s|<destdir>|${D}${INSTDIR}|" \
- ${T}/rsfile-global > ${T}/autoresponse
- einfo "Installing into build root..."
- dodir ${INSTDIR}
- cd ${S}/instsetoo/${SOLPATH}/${LANGUAGE}/normal
- # Setup virtualmake
- export maketype="./setup"
- # We need X to install...
- virtualmake "-v -r:${T}/autoresponse"
- echo
- einfo "Removing build root from registy..."
- # Remove totally useless stuff.
- rm -f ${D}${INSTDIR}/program/{setup.log,}
- # Remove build root from registry and co
- egrep -rl "${D}" ${D}${INSTDIR}/* | \
- xargs -i perl -pi -e "s|${D}||g" {} || :
- einfo "Fixing permissions..."
- # Fix permissions
- find ${D}${INSTDIR}/ -type f -exec chmod a+r {} \;
- chmod a+x ${D}${INSTDIR}/share/config/webcast/*.pl
- # Fix symlinks
- for x in "soffice program/spadmin" \
- "program/setup setup" \
- "program/spadmin spadmin"
- do
- dosym $(echo ${x} | awk '{print $1}') \
- ${INSTDIR}/$(echo ${x} | awk '{print $2}')
- done
- # Install user autoresponse file
- insinto /etc/openoffice
- sed -e "s|<pv>|${PV//_beta2}|g" ${T}/rsfile-local > ${T}/autoresponse-${PV}.conf
- doins ${T}/autoresponse-${PV}.conf
- # Install wrapper script
- exeinto /usr/bin
- sed -e "s|<pv>|${PV}|g" \
- ${FILESDIR}/${PV}/ooffice-wrapper-1.3 > ${T}/ooffice
- doexe ${T}/ooffice
- # Component symlinks
- dosym ooffice /usr/bin/oocalc
- dosym ooffice /usr/bin/oodraw
- dosym ooffice /usr/bin/ooimpress
- dosym ooffice /usr/bin/oomath
- dosym ooffice /usr/bin/oowriter
- dosym ooffice /usr/bin/ooweb
- dosym ooffice /usr/bin/oosetup
- dosym ooffice /usr/bin/oopadmin
- einfo "Installing Menu shortcuts (need \"gnome\" or \"kde\" in USE)..."
- if [ -n "`use gnome`" ]
- then
- insinto /usr/share/gnome/apps/
- # Install the files needed for the catagory
- doins ${D}${INSTDIR}/share/gnome/net/.directory
- doins ${D}${INSTDIR}/share/gnome/net/.order
- for x in ${D}${INSTDIR}/share/gnome/net/*.desktop
- do
- # We have to handle setup differently
- perl -pi -e "s:${INSTDIR}/program/setup:/usr/bin/oosetup:g" ${x}
- # Now fix the rest
- perl -pi -e "s:${INSTDIR}/program/s:/usr/bin/oo:g" ${x}
- doins ${x}
- done
- fi
- if [ -n "`use kde`" ]
- then
- local kdeloc="${D}${INSTDIR}/share/kde/net/"
- insinto /usr/share/applnk/\ 1.1
- # Install the files needed for the catagory
- doins ${kdeloc}/.directory
- doins ${kdeloc}/.order
- dodir /usr/share
- # Install the icons and mime info
- cp -a ${D}${INSTDIR}/share/kde/net/share/mimelnk ${D}${INSTDIR}/share/kde/net/share/icons ${D}/usr/share
- for x in ${kdeloc}/*.desktop
- do
- # We have to handle setup differently
- perl -pi -e "s:${INSTDIR}/program/setup:/usr/bin/oosetup:g" ${x}
- # Now fix the rest
- perl -pi -e "s:${INSTDIR}/program/s:/usr/bin/oo:g" ${x}
- doins ${x}
- done
- fi
- # Unneeded, as they get installed into /usr/share...
- # They are needed else user installation fails.
-# rm -rf ${D}${INSTDIR}/share/{cde,gnome,kde}
- rm -rf ${D}${INSTDIR}/share/cde
-# for f in ${D}/usr/share/gnome/apps/* ; do
-# echo 'Categories=Application;Office;' >> ${f}
-# done
- # Make sure these do not get nuked.
- keepdir ${INSTDIR}/user/registry/res/en-us/org/openoffice/{Office,ucb}
- keepdir ${INSTDIR}/user/psprint/{driver,fontmetric}
- keepdir ${INSTDIR}/user/{autocorr,backup,plugin,store,temp,template}
-pkg_postinst() {
- einfo "******************************************************************"
- einfo " To start, run:"
- einfo
- einfo " $ ooffice"
- einfo
- einfo " Also, for individual components, you can use any of:"
- einfo
- einfo " oocalc, oodraw, ooimpress, oomath, ooweb or oowriter"
- einfo
- einfo " If the fonts appear garbled in the user interface refer to "
- einfo " Bug 8539, or"
- einfo
- einfo "******************************************************************"