diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'games-action/openclonk')
4 files changed, 6 insertions, 404 deletions
diff --git a/games-action/openclonk/ChangeLog b/games-action/openclonk/ChangeLog
index 26554232e9b2..0ddc12911e24 100644
--- a/games-action/openclonk/ChangeLog
+++ b/games-action/openclonk/ChangeLog
@@ -1,6 +1,10 @@
# ChangeLog for games-action/openclonk
# Copyright 1999-2014 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/games-action/openclonk/ChangeLog,v 1.13 2014/02/06 20:34:40 hasufell Exp $
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/games-action/openclonk/ChangeLog,v 1.14 2014/03/18 18:49:33 mr_bones_ Exp $
+ 18 Mar 2014; Michael Sterrett <>
+ -files/openclonk-5.2.2-zlib-1.2.6.patch, -openclonk-5.2.2.ebuild:
+ old
*openclonk-5.3.3-r1 (06 Feb 2014)
diff --git a/games-action/openclonk/Manifest b/games-action/openclonk/Manifest
index 70f09ef126e9..c269dd9bdb14 100644
--- a/games-action/openclonk/Manifest
+++ b/games-action/openclonk/Manifest
@@ -1,25 +1,8 @@
-Hash: SHA256
-AUX openclonk-5.2.2-zlib-1.2.6.patch 7636 SHA256 a3c9750ca092235f51c8b34af9335b720c44ab7d5554b0504ca6ed28e3d819c6 SHA512 fa319f4ccb21238406932d5a650d5b41754aba2a4916a4808cd7315cc650504a9fbc8eda203c88eaa59c09e4fb81aa0917a6dbbf968819be7a17afc454e77d1e WHIRLPOOL 1be78b87e18d110ec57c9a33fd18d96e14763ac98705643ab6e77f805ee0ebf616f989a4b5acd6a2a1d28a1fdbb34d21a7349b7c2182ac18f8dfcfb0f7b376d7
AUX openclonk-5.3.3-xrandr-primary-output.patch 1119 SHA256 d312008f038a6aca9281c3de1c45806b5104e0107ed6ba8455a7125cb0784233 SHA512 d075bcb847899508245f074178ae420681099e92711db236aec4fee5b9a64c24a701f84cc71955eeff1b6e2eb18ed39d2ac48ef3ee4bf4aff5d45f99a95d565e WHIRLPOOL 9a129f0c6091949e5eee0eb77362429c4fcb123a3c55c80de0b6f063cca125b06f2d0cfd5a0b29d9b959cd70e58b4339635d4de6ba322fc8655416f9bfdc4376
AUX 229 SHA256 96fbef61769c0b4950dfde6d35648f9f5b2d9261c4b99687cfc02c24635ed939 SHA512 d31a2ffa6dbb014cfe3761d5a8b52b33f6b658cda317d0f7fc91ad8cc869fd93c486f9808da9ebe03e75255b7b2fedc2ef6c4f6372f1dce0575771ae9471a8a3 WHIRLPOOL 5395e432dab01140abcedcbf49573094bf13269b15fc7a1758a6c00258e1246560c1f50ae658fe27ef2cf579633debb4ed8efcd64d028bc9be2e2fb9603112d0
DIST openclonk-5.3.3.tar.xz 46516448 SHA256 e6352a695ccb1f7905b2e3014b229e25a9660e82f2a96696521862efaa163abe SHA512 2351b2ec8d3931a05c7f8a4c7ca9ef0285535b1a15da0b02de9046139806211ed64fe3b08a56c3d1712aad07e0a6eea0074ff47d9dbaa874605a788f4c3ab100 WHIRLPOOL 6cc87894b2ab03de35c42fcd3e617f82b66ac06ccdb2ad167a67a0d14ad22fecc048d2d3f2504a5c96efe94103830bcf2f0deaa7a535bea66fb115f12aab4e82
-DIST openclonk-release-5.2.2-src.tar.gz 43078356 SHA256 87bf6c4836ed5c15e8ae66f7f2b0eec097e0d641a36bf1b328568be8d8fe39a9 SHA512 41549f2c7061b093f44f0b430801535de121405ba846f7aa2ef4e0a02d0f8c97099fbb2b789b74598bceb47f505b4cc9a8ed5b7dcf4b05c7b942650662a42833 WHIRLPOOL b905111fb911edbc796409a30a144c1352e397c515c31e30db26bb8efd663f4f91c7ff7aaa5fdcd368f1a821d6708f2b751d1c47312c61fe845afaf48f69b81c
DIST openclonk.png 8487 SHA256 93ff9f479e166f30f1c1042c32624b7e54b4d917813a4f46cce57e39a1f30233 SHA512 3bd2bb20167349130d767719f6732d9682ec32a09f5e8c13fe6245648185eee28edfe564ae64bdc5539c19de701f321887c7fa71e8d1f1f640e0ec6b933544de WHIRLPOOL 190876380614e82092a0d825612cec9dbd0294aec1caf9fe00a137d75525736d87e56507851f61292b736601c1124aac1d1724e94cd0846fa60f5fcab714ef13
-EBUILD openclonk-5.2.2.ebuild 2283 SHA256 5c07a8f6d1bd1bec18a7caa88ec8c9999bdb5e5ca7e0e4ba1e774201faa38a81 SHA512 1f4afb486f7c2d48a3f8f5b1c548b9e7b4334125a99dfe5a943196758508a6927cd562ce78c7316abb7fa1dafbb3abd42fbd3bf4746cec5c26bb32c223799129 WHIRLPOOL 1aca402b3c81d628c80cc0c8f93e1321d70e90a3a531b99ad5fd5363e9f4e15d0e7c74812824bdcaeed976de3892fefbfd800907424f868a0c13b5a0059ac115
EBUILD openclonk-5.3.3-r1.ebuild 2389 SHA256 62dbb8e0c8a8ae5e5ddc41171ae927e78e31820b9fd484258940526f2f28f78a SHA512 c80b29755820bfa80f1e260c0e488c16e839d87c276af2250ca5e9d761440bafe45ce0e9e74a9808393da22a809dea84d705d4b5f7403e4465c64f7e5baff962 WHIRLPOOL 0fff8c6d5831f78d8031c5ab0cf262650158b47d7cf0ebfab274e7e4e7221f1f5f8d827763995e4687012523f15e2d815cf06c6a8a80f1889bd615721b26febf
EBUILD openclonk-5.3.3.ebuild 2326 SHA256 888e496c25b4f24c8d195ca628ba55815cabaf5e77b54842e9ac3bdfb83101bd SHA512 f1820c86467e5169a5ad2830d205c2e33f867a33b08b691f7d898317c97cd96b68d562281f988fcec95ba56c03e691b1e97cf5b1dc92b6421deb643cbcff8a68 WHIRLPOOL 6a8bf6c0f9fb02501ffcbd894334e8848241c8e505f588d55d5e023f066ea06b7ce97744c14955a0be8ba521b80558327049f32fa5e50068d9dbdeb082b2d0bb
-MISC ChangeLog 1899 SHA256 4b44f90e6cb994cdb867837b940800e50dc6ea902be2743c351fe4e99f3d6a9e SHA512 123e2ed5d00142ecc77f65804c6b12ff0a38122b03964171955085ba810eaa28e552ebcde13c2ee1eb534aeee636fae369925da541b69275f984cfce07ee1aee WHIRLPOOL f291d1fc3b431bdbbf028d3bee44d52c05f27a487d4753ba447b46d2c139197b8104ee0c73e45b134c1866cf3e58e978404fc8a26e3dd6514bd5838b2c983a7f
+MISC ChangeLog 2030 SHA256 40a0671e54a5d234fc14b5bd01d24fc90a622932a4f69896283f402e155e2e71 SHA512 36f433e89b9a755c3d6c6316aa6076264b3e9bd9e61c26880c1644851172842f53299df6852b56055e82f8e870c27461cf69cfa287411c59cd117a1551b4d0b7 WHIRLPOOL b92f7ff5dbe168c06822328d6880d9ce6b00f922045c676efe6d87522ad75bdea1bb9c469fc9d5fac1136ca3056aba43471411160c35e20bad78a12c60de6bd1
MISC metadata.xml 1089 SHA256 d1d9811cfc3649763d90d459c42c68b2c8bcf08c419e03de8b1616263628ab90 SHA512 3a212632f94dfd01128b9c27ea782ab7f499857346d468de7d375eca0f0dd8c7319d03e64c80bb66b6c24836146bae6d305cbc618b6cc8b9fc1c7a2dc369b8c8 WHIRLPOOL 08a4b45f9b3463df0dbbfbdcbade30492697d5102272a9e758536ed1c24f2ea5113fa91271dfd2050ef5cbcdd2768e3b49fb45c4b3e0a5a1a11100710d5d1923
-Version: GnuPG v2.0.22 (GNU/Linux)
diff --git a/games-action/openclonk/files/openclonk-5.2.2-zlib-1.2.6.patch b/games-action/openclonk/files/openclonk-5.2.2-zlib-1.2.6.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index f963338784f9..000000000000
--- a/games-action/openclonk/files/openclonk-5.2.2-zlib-1.2.6.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,271 +0,0 @@
-From: upstream
-Date: Tue Feb 21 17:12:00 2012 +0100
-Subject: fix compilation for zlib-1.2.[67]
-backported upstream commits including:
-bug report:
---- src/c4group/CStdFile.h
-+++ src/c4group/CStdFile.h
-@@ -26,11 +26,10 @@
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <StdFile.h>
- #include <StdBuf.h>
-+#include <zlib.h> // for gzFile
- const int CStdFileBufSize = 4096;
--typedef void* gzFile;
- class CStdStream
- {
- public:
-From: Julian Ospald <>
-Date: Sun Jul 29 11:29:27 UTC 2012
---- /dev/null
-+++ src/zlib/gzio.h
-@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
-+ * Copyright (C) 2012 Armin Burgmeier
-+ */
-+#ifndef C4_GZIO_H
-+#define C4_GZIO_H
-+#include <zlib.h>
-+extern "C"
-+gzFile ZEXPORT c4_gzopen (const char* path, const char* mode);
-+gzFile ZEXPORT c4_gzdopen (int fd, const char* mode);
-+int ZEXPORT c4_gzsetparams (gzFile file, int level, int strategy);
-+int ZEXPORT c4_gzread (gzFile file, voidp buf, unsigned len);
-+int ZEXPORT c4_gzgetc(gzFile file);
-+int ZEXPORT c4_gzungetc(int c, gzFile file);
-+char * ZEXPORT c4_gzgets(gzFile file, char* buf, int len);
-+int ZEXPORT c4_gzwrite (gzFile file, voidpc buf, unsigned len);
-+int ZEXPORTVA c4_gzprintf (gzFile file, const char *format, /* args */ ...);
-+int ZEXPORT c4_gzputc(gzFile file, int c);
-+int ZEXPORT c4_gzputs(gzFile file, const char* s);
-+int ZEXPORT c4_gzflush (gzFile file, int flush);
-+z_off_t ZEXPORT c4_gzseek (gzFile file, z_off_t offset, int whence);
-+int ZEXPORT c4_gzrewind (gzFile file);
-+z_off_t ZEXPORT c4_gztell (gzFile file);
-+int ZEXPORT c4_gzeof (gzFile file);
-+int ZEXPORT c4_gzdirect (gzFile file);
-+int ZEXPORT c4_gzclose (gzFile file);
-+void ZEXPORT c4_gzclearerr (gzFile file);
-+#endif // C4_GZIO_H
---- src/zlib/gzio.c
-+++ src/zlib/gzio.c
-@@ -208,20 +208,13 @@
- s->start = ftell(s->file) - s->stream.avail_in;
- }
-- /* Reject uncompressed files */
-- if (s->transparent)
-- {
-- gzclose( (gzFile)s );
-- return (gzFile)Z_NULL;
-- }
- return (gzFile)s;
- }
- /* ===========================================================================
- Opens a gzip (.gz) file for reading or writing.
- */
--gzFile ZEXPORT gzopen (path, mode)
-+gzFile ZEXPORT c4_gzopen (path, mode)
- const char *path;
- const char *mode;
- {
-@@ -232,7 +225,7 @@
- Associate a gzFile with the file descriptor fd. fd is not dup'ed here
- to mimic the behavio(u)r of fdopen.
- */
--gzFile ZEXPORT gzdopen (fd, mode)
-+gzFile ZEXPORT c4_gzdopen (fd, mode)
- int fd;
- const char *mode;
- {
-@@ -247,7 +240,7 @@
- /* ===========================================================================
- * Update the compression level and strategy
- */
--int ZEXPORT gzsetparams (file, level, strategy)
-+int ZEXPORT c4_gzsetparams (file, level, strategy)
- gzFile file;
- int level;
- int strategy;
-@@ -409,7 +402,7 @@
- Reads the given number of uncompressed bytes from the compressed file.
- gzread returns the number of bytes actually read (0 for end of file).
- */
--int ZEXPORT gzread (file, buf, len)
-+int ZEXPORT c4_gzread (file, buf, len)
- gzFile file;
- voidp buf;
- unsigned len;
-@@ -518,7 +511,7 @@
- Reads one byte from the compressed file. gzgetc returns this byte
- or -1 in case of end of file or error.
- */
--int ZEXPORT gzgetc(file)
-+int ZEXPORT c4_gzgetc(file)
- gzFile file;
- {
- unsigned char c;
-@@ -530,7 +523,7 @@
- /* ===========================================================================
- Push one byte back onto the stream.
- */
--int ZEXPORT gzungetc(c, file)
-+int ZEXPORT c4_gzungetc(c, file)
- int c;
- gzFile file;
- {
-@@ -555,7 +548,7 @@
- The current implementation is not optimized at all.
- */
--char * ZEXPORT gzgets(file, buf, len)
-+char * ZEXPORT c4_gzgets(file, buf, len)
- gzFile file;
- char *buf;
- int len;
-@@ -574,7 +567,7 @@
- Writes the given number of uncompressed bytes into the compressed file.
- gzwrite returns the number of bytes actually written (0 in case of error).
- */
--int ZEXPORT gzwrite (file, buf, len)
-+int ZEXPORT c4_gzwrite (file, buf, len)
- gzFile file;
- voidpc buf;
- unsigned len;
-@@ -618,7 +611,7 @@
- #ifdef STDC
- #include <stdarg.h>
--int ZEXPORTVA gzprintf (gzFile file, const char *format, /* args */ ...)
-+int ZEXPORTVA c4_gzprintf (gzFile file, const char *format, /* args */ ...)
- {
- char buf[Z_PRINTF_BUFSIZE];
- va_list va;
-@@ -652,7 +645,7 @@
- }
- #else /* not ANSI C */
--int ZEXPORTVA gzprintf (file, format, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9, a10,
-+int ZEXPORTVA c4_gzprintf (file, format, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9, a10,
- a11, a12, a13, a14, a15, a16, a17, a18, a19, a20)
- gzFile file;
- const char *format;
-@@ -693,7 +686,7 @@
- Writes c, converted to an unsigned char, into the compressed file.
- gzputc returns the value that was written, or -1 in case of error.
- */
--int ZEXPORT gzputc(file, c)
-+int ZEXPORT c4_gzputc(file, c)
- gzFile file;
- int c;
- {
-@@ -708,7 +701,7 @@
- the terminating null character.
- gzputs returns the number of characters written, or -1 in case of error.
- */
--int ZEXPORT gzputs(file, s)
-+int ZEXPORT c4_gzputs(file, s)
- gzFile file;
- const char *s;
- {
-@@ -761,7 +754,7 @@
- return s->z_err == Z_STREAM_END ? Z_OK : s->z_err;
- }
--int ZEXPORT gzflush (file, flush)
-+int ZEXPORT c4_gzflush (file, flush)
- gzFile file;
- int flush;
- {
-@@ -782,7 +775,7 @@
- SEEK_END is not implemented, returns error.
- In this version of the library, gzseek can be extremely slow.
- */
--z_off_t ZEXPORT gzseek (file, offset, whence)
-+z_off_t ZEXPORT c4_gzseek (file, offset, whence)
- gzFile file;
- z_off_t offset;
- int whence;
-@@ -872,7 +865,7 @@
- /* ===========================================================================
- Rewinds input file.
- */
--int ZEXPORT gzrewind (file)
-+int ZEXPORT c4_gzrewind (file)
- gzFile file;
- {
- gz_stream *s = (gz_stream*)file;
-@@ -896,7 +889,7 @@
- given compressed file. This position represents a number of bytes in the
- uncompressed data stream.
- */
--z_off_t ZEXPORT gztell (file)
-+z_off_t ZEXPORT c4_gztell (file)
- gzFile file;
- {
- return gzseek(file, 0L, SEEK_CUR);
-@@ -906,7 +899,7 @@
- Returns 1 when EOF has previously been detected reading the given
- input stream, otherwise zero.
- */
--int ZEXPORT gzeof (file)
-+int ZEXPORT c4_gzeof (file)
- gzFile file;
- {
- gz_stream *s = (gz_stream*)file;
-@@ -923,7 +916,7 @@
- /* ===========================================================================
- Returns 1 if reading and doing so transparently, otherwise zero.
- */
--int ZEXPORT gzdirect (file)
-+int ZEXPORT c4_gzdirect (file)
- gzFile file;
- {
- gz_stream *s = (gz_stream*)file;
-@@ -968,7 +961,7 @@
- Flushes all pending output if necessary, closes the compressed file
- and deallocates all the (de)compression state.
- */
--int ZEXPORT gzclose (file)
-+int ZEXPORT c4_gzclose (file)
- gzFile file;
- {
- gz_stream *s = (gz_stream*)file;
-@@ -1003,7 +996,7 @@
- to get the exact error code.
- */
- #if 0
--const char * ZEXPORT gzerror (file, errnum)
-+const char * ZEXPORT c4_gzerror (file, errnum)
- gzFile file;
- int *errnum;
- {
-@@ -1034,7 +1027,7 @@
- /* ===========================================================================
- Clear the error and end-of-file flags, and do the same for the real file.
- */
--void ZEXPORT gzclearerr (file)
-+void ZEXPORT c4_gzclearerr (file)
- gzFile file;
- {
- gz_stream *s = (gz_stream*)file;
diff --git a/games-action/openclonk/openclonk-5.2.2.ebuild b/games-action/openclonk/openclonk-5.2.2.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index cbc67fe9abf1..000000000000
--- a/games-action/openclonk/openclonk-5.2.2.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,114 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2012 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/games-action/openclonk/openclonk-5.2.2.ebuild,v 1.7 2012/07/29 12:00:46 hasufell Exp $
-inherit autotools eutils flag-o-matic python games
-DESCRIPTION="A free multiplayer action game where you control clonks"
- http://${PN}.org/homepage/icon.png -> ${PN}.png"
-KEYWORDS="amd64 x86"
-IUSE="dedicated doc mp3 sound"
- media-libs/libpng:0
- sys-libs/zlib
- virtual/jpeg
- !dedicated? (
- media-libs/freetype:2
- media-libs/glew
- media-libs/libsdl[X,opengl,video]
- virtual/opengl
- virtual/glu
- x11-libs/cairo
- x11-libs/gdk-pixbuf
- x11-libs/gtk+:3
- x11-libs/libXpm
- x11-libs/libXrandr
- x11-libs/libXxf86vm
- x11-libs/libX11
- sound? ( media-libs/libsdl[audio]
- media-libs/sdl-mixer[mp3?,vorbis,wav] )
- )
- dedicated? ( sys-libs/readline:0 )"
- >=dev-libs/boost-1.40
- virtual/pkgconfig
- doc? (
- =dev-lang/python-2*
- dev-libs/libxml2[python]
- sys-devel/gettext
- )
- "
-pkg_setup() {
- games_pkg_setup
- python_set_active_version 2
- python_pkg_setup
-src_prepare() {
- # remove license files
- sed \
- -e '/dist_doc_DATA/s#planet/COPYING ##' \
- -e '/dist_doc_DATA/s#licenses/LGPL.txt ##' \
- -i || die
- # verbose
- sed \
- -e "/AM_SILENT_RULES/d" \
- -i || die
- # wrt #428496
- epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${P}-zlib-1.2.6.patch
- eautoreconf
-src_configure() {
- # QA
- append-flags -fno-strict-aliasing
- egamesconf \
- --docdir=/usr/share/doc/${PF} \
- $(use_enable dedicated console) \
- $(use_enable sound) \
- $(use_enable mp3) \
- $(usex dedicated "--with-gtk=no" "--with-gtk=3.0") \
- --without-openal \
- --with-automatic-update=no
-src_compile() {
- emake
- if use doc ; then
- emake -C docs
- fi
-src_install() {
- emake DESTDIR="${D}" install
- if ! use dedicated; then
- newgamesbin "${FILESDIR}"/${PN} ${PN}
- doicon "${DISTDIR}"/${PN}.png
- make_desktop_entry ${PN}
- fi
- use doc && dohtml -r docs/online/*
- prepgamesdirs