diff options
authorJeroen Roovers <>2020-08-15 15:29:55 +0200
committerJeroen Roovers <>2020-08-15 15:30:07 +0200
commit07e54e9cb8c9cbe5d882436ee77ab823b4f96f8d (patch)
treef554cb12249bd6ca8dfaaed1d782710b2dc5e4eb /net-analyzer
parentnet-analyzer/net-snmp: Version 5.9 (diff)
net-analyzer/net-snmp: Old
Package-Manager: Portage-3.0.2, Repoman-2.3.23 Signed-off-by: Jeroen Roovers <>
Diffstat (limited to 'net-analyzer')
7 files changed, 0 insertions, 1059 deletions
diff --git a/net-analyzer/net-snmp/Manifest b/net-analyzer/net-snmp/Manifest
index 49e33a99e386..e65dc054b55f 100644
--- a/net-analyzer/net-snmp/Manifest
+++ b/net-analyzer/net-snmp/Manifest
@@ -1,6 +1,3 @@
DIST net-snmp-5.7.3-patches-3.tar.xz 3176 BLAKE2B 1a71d6743afb841f664c6058e32c7c411af62b0f36acd3bb9251804893ed12f462a0c5bab828e309eeec7824def2dca8fa866350b90a62ec4f0df1141b51ecae SHA512 d8a91b9668320a1e19d062eb86dd4d16beb7c2d15ac7ebbb9d2a4bd298af39bbb0a2613504dbb0057cccdec731f08f2308c5a15395e1fbc29bb0611ed8aca636
DIST net-snmp-5.8.1.pre1.tar.gz 6630615 BLAKE2B 32ae7177fc08a773928da7f19cd06617feb1358c0dd21d39e08db460fa4267b6353f4afede1f5a500a628235a6a94d95700c84df6e85bda18b7a7a6e7bf3781f SHA512 e1ad421970abb67490a08fa735bbe9ff77a6fc5a19b8bf6942bef80f5b328f8038373cd5995970085177bcfe939dfa309019512b2abce0e8cf779e693f7d6dbd
-DIST net-snmp-5.8.1.pre2.tar.gz 6642893 BLAKE2B 4b2a1e87738c3bde49354f0cca84628f2953ee14f6b08ca53cf0bc5c320052cb4fe0f6eeb46551eaf2d45ba9c17f86ce06b64c00c1629b2d17bc351c0ccb37a8 SHA512 78cd9a29cc89ff7fa170ee767db3ca2077fc1d877f207c018887c2ea0148ffaf01eb013efc21b47f14c893a6ca48b3b439210ccd27dfc77f8c8e56bf9546f23e
-DIST net-snmp-5.8.1.rc1.tar.gz 6690067 BLAKE2B 35f9547de7b40c8a6f4a046e5cdb9b4a28650f0d87d51572659c5cbb0759503b9d328fc227fa2061f18a733ceaa8c22aa771fabe685a97fab1dc9b5ff98c2648 SHA512 294f2c5656bfc5141ef6aa5826f79b886094ea702ec20918c0ff20aa4100c8503b33a21086c6c028cff25c05504b9f8ed29533c89745586e32d63839345e2331
-DIST net-snmp-5.8.tar.gz 6591680 BLAKE2B ac1bff4152310da57818a00d752a08a7fc61d697b02479d9952ca12d024d3d68dc8bfa674571e93d6f3597605b2fe91513fb6839057a80f2c3dd8d0cce0077f2 SHA512 27895a583b23f3e14c48562bc32f3ba83513d81aa848e878be9a3650f0458d45950635c937ef627135f80b757b663e71fab9a3bde4fd91889153998ae3468fe7
DIST net-snmp-5.9.tar.gz 37424919 BLAKE2B 673c7f5e05b5562821b907e9e06e7dd80e6f3c08521cdd71321cbe9774f0f60993682670b1188b89a39ba560d10f2234ca0fb4e76e867ab26f2c82799621e8de SHA512 ddba2c2fc220ee18e3f8b6756a754e206d0d7dc9b9615c92596cd16b38557bd2c7327d7bb8164fa67d85a4c757eb4f7a7dad9584e4af13facfec6b1ccae7961b
diff --git a/net-analyzer/net-snmp/files/net-snmp-5.8-my_bool.patch b/net-analyzer/net-snmp/files/net-snmp-5.8-my_bool.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 72127d053c0a..000000000000
--- a/net-analyzer/net-snmp/files/net-snmp-5.8-my_bool.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-commit 9f4af8c42d515e6b214738cc97212dfbe7f749cf
-Author: Andreas Hasenack <>
-Date: Tue Feb 5 18:21:40 2019 -0800
- apps/snmptrapd_sql: Fix build against MySQL 8
- See also
- [bvanassche: changed 'int' into 'char']
-diff --git a/apps/snmptrapd_sql.c b/apps/snmptrapd_sql.c
-index 6126ca916..32a3b1799 100644
---- a/apps/snmptrapd_sql.c
-+++ b/apps/snmptrapd_sql.c
-@@ -199,7 +199,7 @@ typedef struct sql_buf_t {
- * static bind structures, plus 2 static buffers to bind to.
- */
- static MYSQL_BIND _tbind[TBIND_MAX], _vbind[VBIND_MAX];
--static my_bool _no_v3;
-+static char _no_v3;
- static void _sql_process_queue(u_int dontcare, void *meeither);
diff --git a/net-analyzer/net-snmp/net-snmp-5.8-r3.ebuild b/net-analyzer/net-snmp/net-snmp-5.8-r3.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index a1920941b96a..000000000000
--- a/net-analyzer/net-snmp/net-snmp-5.8-r3.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,200 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2020 Gentoo Authors
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-PYTHON_COMPAT=( python2_7 )
-inherit autotools distutils-r1 eutils ltprune perl-module systemd
-DESCRIPTION="Software for generating and retrieving SNMP data"
- mirror://sourceforge/project/${PN}/${PN}/${PV/_p*/}/${P/_p*/}.tar.gz
-# GPL-2 for the init scripts
-KEYWORDS="~alpha amd64 arm arm64 hppa ~ia64 ~mips ppc ppc64 s390 sparc x86"
-IUSE="X bzip2 doc elf kmem ipv6 libressl lm-sensors mfd-rewrites minimal mysql netlink pci perl python rpm selinux smux ssl tcpd ucd-compat zlib"
- ssl? (
- !libressl? ( >=dev-libs/openssl-0.9.6d:0= )
- libressl? ( dev-libs/libressl:= )
- )
- tcpd? ( >=sys-apps/tcp-wrappers-7.6 )
- rpm? (
- app-arch/rpm
- dev-libs/popt
- )
- bzip2? ( app-arch/bzip2 )
- zlib? ( >=sys-libs/zlib-1.1.4 )
- elf? ( dev-libs/elfutils )
- python? (
- $(python_gen_cond_dep '
- dev-python/setuptools[${PYTHON_MULTI_USEDEP}]
- ')
- )
- pci? ( sys-apps/pciutils )
- lm-sensors? ( sys-apps/lm-sensors )
- netlink? ( dev-libs/libnl:3 )
- mysql? ( dev-db/mysql-connector-c:0= )
- perl? ( dev-lang/perl:= )
- doc? ( app-doc/doxygen )
- perl? (
- X? ( dev-perl/Tk )
- !minimal? ( dev-perl/TermReadKey )
- )
- selinux? ( sec-policy/selinux-snmp )
- python? ( ${PYTHON_REQUIRED_USE} )
- rpm? ( bzip2 zlib )
-pkg_setup() {
- use python && python-single-r1_pkg_setup
-src_prepare() {
- # snmpconf generates config files with proper selinux context
- use selinux && eapply "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-5.1.2-snmpconf-selinux.patch
- eapply "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-5.7.3-include-limits.patch
- eapply "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-5.8-tinfo.patch
- mv "${WORKDIR}"/patches/0002-Respect-DESTDIR-for-pythoninstall.patch{,.disabled} || die
- mv "${WORKDIR}"/patches/0004-Don-t-report-CFLAGS-and-LDFLAGS-in-net-snmp-config.patch{,.disabled} || die
- eapply "${WORKDIR}"/patches/*.patch
- eapply_user
- eautoconf
-src_configure() {
- # keep this in the same line, arguments are passed down to config.h
- local mibs="host ucd-snmp/dlmod ucd-snmp/diskio ucd-snmp/extensible mibII/mta_sendmail etherlike-mib/dot3StatsTable"
- use lm-sensors && mibs="${mibs} ucd-snmp/lmsensorsMib"
- use smux && mibs="${mibs} smux"
- # Assume /etc/mtab is not present with a recent baselayout/openrc (bug #565136)
- use kernel_linux && export ac_cv_ETC_MNTTAB=/etc/mtab
- econf \
- $(use_enable !ssl internal-md5) \
- $(use_enable ipv6) \
- $(use_enable mfd-rewrites) \
- $(use_enable perl embedded-perl) \
- $(use_enable ucd-compat ucd-snmp-compatibility) \
- $(use_with bzip2) \
- $(use_with elf) \
- $(use_with kmem kmem-usage) \
- $(use_with mysql) \
- $(use_with netlink nl) \
- $(use_with pci) \
- $(use_with perl perl-modules INSTALLDIRS=vendor) \
- $(use_with python python-modules) \
- $(use_with rpm) \
- $(use_with ssl openssl) \
- $(use_with tcpd libwrap) \
- $(use_with zlib) \
- --enable-shared --disable-static \
- --with-default-snmp-version="3" \
- --with-install-prefix="${D}" \
- --with-ldflags="${LDFLAGS}" \
- --with-logfile="/var/log/net-snmpd.log" \
- --with-mib-modules="${mibs}" \
- --with-persistent-directory="/var/lib/net-snmp" \
- --with-sys-contact="root@Unknown" \
- --with-sys-location="Unknown"
-src_compile() {
- for target in snmplib agent sedscript all; do
- emake OTHERLDFLAGS="${LDFLAGS}" ${target}
- done
- use doc && emake docsdox
-src_install() {
- # bug #317965
- emake -j1 DESTDIR="${D}" install
- if use perl ; then
- perl_delete_localpod
- if ! use X; then
- rm "${D}"/usr/bin/tkmib || die
- fi
- else
- rm -f \
- "${D}"/usr/bin/fixproc \
- "${D}"/usr/bin/ \
- "${D}"/usr/bin/mib2c \
- "${D}"/usr/bin/net-snmp-cert \
- "${D}"/usr/bin/snmp-bridge-mib \
- "${D}"/usr/bin/snmpcheck \
- "${D}"/usr/bin/snmpconf \
- "${D}"/usr/bin/tkmib \
- "${D}"/usr/bin/traptoemail \
- "${D}"/usr/share/snmp/mib2c.perl.conf \
- "${D}"/usr/share/snmp/ \
- || die
- fi
- newdoc EXAMPLE.conf.def EXAMPLE.conf
- if use doc; then
- docinto html
- dodoc -r docs/html/*
- fi
- keepdir /var/lib/net-snmp
- newinitd "${FILESDIR}"/snmpd.init.2 snmpd
- newconfd "${FILESDIR}"/snmpd.conf snmpd
- newinitd "${FILESDIR}"/snmptrapd.init.2 snmptrapd
- newconfd "${FILESDIR}"/snmptrapd.conf snmptrapd
- systemd_dounit "${FILESDIR}"/snmpd.service
- systemd_dounit "${FILESDIR}"/snmptrapd.service
- insinto /etc/snmp
- newins "${S}"/EXAMPLE.conf snmpd.conf.example
- # Remove everything not required for an agent.
- # Keep only the snmpd, snmptrapd, MIBs, headers and libraries.
- if use minimal; then
- rm -rf \
- "${D}"/**/*.pl \
- "${D}"/usr/bin/{encode_keychange,snmp{get,getnext,set,usm,walk,bulkwalk,table,trap,bulkget,translate,status,delta,test,df,vacm,netstat,inform,check,conf},fixproc,traptoemail} \
- "${D}"/usr/share/snmp/*.conf \
- "${D}"/usr/share/snmp/snmpconf-data \
- || die
- fi
- prune_libtool_files
diff --git a/net-analyzer/net-snmp/net-snmp-5.8-r4.ebuild b/net-analyzer/net-snmp/net-snmp-5.8-r4.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index a9de9b055493..000000000000
--- a/net-analyzer/net-snmp/net-snmp-5.8-r4.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,201 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2020 Gentoo Authors
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-PYTHON_COMPAT=( python2_7 )
-inherit autotools distutils-r1 eutils ltprune perl-module systemd
-DESCRIPTION="Software for generating and retrieving SNMP data"
- mirror://sourceforge/project/${PN}/${PN}/${PV/_p*/}/${P/_p*/}.tar.gz
-# GPL-2 for the init scripts
-KEYWORDS="~alpha ~amd64 ~arm ~arm64 ~hppa ~ia64 ~mips ~ppc ~ppc64 ~s390 ~sparc ~x86"
-IUSE="X bzip2 doc elf kmem ipv6 libressl lm-sensors mfd-rewrites minimal mysql netlink pci perl python rpm selinux smux ssl tcpd ucd-compat zlib"
- ssl? (
- !libressl? ( >=dev-libs/openssl-0.9.6d:0= )
- libressl? ( dev-libs/libressl:= )
- )
- tcpd? ( >=sys-apps/tcp-wrappers-7.6 )
- rpm? (
- app-arch/rpm
- dev-libs/popt
- )
- bzip2? ( app-arch/bzip2 )
- zlib? ( >=sys-libs/zlib-1.1.4 )
- elf? ( dev-libs/elfutils )
- python? (
- $(python_gen_cond_dep '
- dev-python/setuptools[${PYTHON_MULTI_USEDEP}]
- ')
- )
- pci? ( sys-apps/pciutils )
- lm-sensors? ( sys-apps/lm-sensors )
- netlink? ( dev-libs/libnl:3 )
- mysql? ( dev-db/mysql-connector-c:0= )
- perl? ( dev-lang/perl:= )
- doc? ( app-doc/doxygen )
- perl? (
- X? ( dev-perl/Tk )
- !minimal? ( dev-perl/TermReadKey )
- )
- selinux? ( sec-policy/selinux-snmp )
- python? ( ${PYTHON_REQUIRED_USE} )
- rpm? ( bzip2 zlib )
-pkg_setup() {
- use python && python-single-r1_pkg_setup
-src_prepare() {
- # snmpconf generates config files with proper selinux context
- use selinux && eapply "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-5.1.2-snmpconf-selinux.patch
- eapply "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-5.7.3-include-limits.patch
- eapply "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-5.8-my_bool.patch
- eapply "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-5.8-tinfo.patch
- mv "${WORKDIR}"/patches/0002-Respect-DESTDIR-for-pythoninstall.patch{,.disabled} || die
- mv "${WORKDIR}"/patches/0004-Don-t-report-CFLAGS-and-LDFLAGS-in-net-snmp-config.patch{,.disabled} || die
- eapply "${WORKDIR}"/patches/*.patch
- eapply_user
- eautoconf
-src_configure() {
- # keep this in the same line, arguments are passed down to config.h
- local mibs="host ucd-snmp/dlmod ucd-snmp/diskio ucd-snmp/extensible mibII/mta_sendmail etherlike-mib/dot3StatsTable"
- use lm-sensors && mibs="${mibs} ucd-snmp/lmsensorsMib"
- use smux && mibs="${mibs} smux"
- # Assume /etc/mtab is not present with a recent baselayout/openrc (bug #565136)
- use kernel_linux && export ac_cv_ETC_MNTTAB=/etc/mtab
- econf \
- $(use_enable !ssl internal-md5) \
- $(use_enable ipv6) \
- $(use_enable mfd-rewrites) \
- $(use_enable perl embedded-perl) \
- $(use_enable ucd-compat ucd-snmp-compatibility) \
- $(use_with bzip2) \
- $(use_with elf) \
- $(use_with kmem kmem-usage) \
- $(use_with mysql) \
- $(use_with netlink nl) \
- $(use_with pci) \
- $(use_with perl perl-modules INSTALLDIRS=vendor) \
- $(use_with python python-modules) \
- $(use_with rpm) \
- $(use_with ssl openssl) \
- $(use_with tcpd libwrap) \
- $(use_with zlib) \
- --enable-shared --disable-static \
- --with-default-snmp-version="3" \
- --with-install-prefix="${D}" \
- --with-ldflags="${LDFLAGS}" \
- --with-logfile="/var/log/net-snmpd.log" \
- --with-mib-modules="${mibs}" \
- --with-persistent-directory="/var/lib/net-snmp" \
- --with-sys-contact="root@Unknown" \
- --with-sys-location="Unknown"
-src_compile() {
- for target in snmplib agent sedscript all; do
- emake OTHERLDFLAGS="${LDFLAGS}" ${target}
- done
- use doc && emake docsdox
-src_install() {
- # bug #317965
- emake -j1 DESTDIR="${D}" install
- if use perl ; then
- perl_delete_localpod
- if ! use X; then
- rm "${D}"/usr/bin/tkmib || die
- fi
- else
- rm -f \
- "${D}"/usr/bin/fixproc \
- "${D}"/usr/bin/ \
- "${D}"/usr/bin/mib2c \
- "${D}"/usr/bin/net-snmp-cert \
- "${D}"/usr/bin/snmp-bridge-mib \
- "${D}"/usr/bin/snmpcheck \
- "${D}"/usr/bin/snmpconf \
- "${D}"/usr/bin/tkmib \
- "${D}"/usr/bin/traptoemail \
- "${D}"/usr/share/snmp/mib2c.perl.conf \
- "${D}"/usr/share/snmp/ \
- || die
- fi
- newdoc EXAMPLE.conf.def EXAMPLE.conf
- if use doc; then
- docinto html
- dodoc -r docs/html/*
- fi
- keepdir /var/lib/net-snmp
- newinitd "${FILESDIR}"/snmpd.init.2 snmpd
- newconfd "${FILESDIR}"/snmpd.conf snmpd
- newinitd "${FILESDIR}"/snmptrapd.init.2 snmptrapd
- newconfd "${FILESDIR}"/snmptrapd.conf snmptrapd
- systemd_dounit "${FILESDIR}"/snmpd.service
- systemd_dounit "${FILESDIR}"/snmptrapd.service
- insinto /etc/snmp
- newins "${S}"/EXAMPLE.conf snmpd.conf.example
- # Remove everything not required for an agent.
- # Keep only the snmpd, snmptrapd, MIBs, headers and libraries.
- if use minimal; then
- rm -rf \
- "${D}"/**/*.pl \
- "${D}"/usr/bin/{encode_keychange,snmp{get,getnext,set,usm,walk,bulkwalk,table,trap,bulkget,translate,status,delta,test,df,vacm,netstat,inform,check,conf},fixproc,traptoemail} \
- "${D}"/usr/share/snmp/*.conf \
- "${D}"/usr/share/snmp/snmpconf-data \
- || die
- fi
- prune_libtool_files
diff --git a/net-analyzer/net-snmp/net-snmp-5.8-r5.ebuild b/net-analyzer/net-snmp/net-snmp-5.8-r5.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index d99fb7481f5e..000000000000
--- a/net-analyzer/net-snmp/net-snmp-5.8-r5.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,210 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2020 Gentoo Authors
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-PYTHON_COMPAT=( python2_7 )
-inherit autotools distutils-r1 eutils ltprune perl-module systemd
-DESCRIPTION="Software for generating and retrieving SNMP data"
- mirror://sourceforge/project/${PN}/${PN}/${PV/_p*/}/${P/_p*/}.tar.gz
-# GPL-2 for the init scripts
-KEYWORDS="~alpha amd64 arm arm64 hppa ~ia64 ~mips ppc ppc64 ~s390 sparc x86"
- X bzip2 doc elf kmem ipv6 libressl lm-sensors mfd-rewrites minimal mysql
- netlink pcap pci perl python rpm selinux smux ssl tcpd ucd-compat zlib
- bzip2? ( app-arch/bzip2 )
- elf? ( dev-libs/elfutils )
- lm-sensors? ( sys-apps/lm-sensors )
- mysql? ( dev-db/mysql-connector-c:0= )
- netlink? ( dev-libs/libnl:3 )
- pcap? ( net-libs/libpcap )
- pci? ( sys-apps/pciutils )
- perl? ( dev-lang/perl:= )
- python? (
- $(python_gen_cond_dep '
- dev-python/setuptools[${PYTHON_MULTI_USEDEP}]
- ')
- )
- rpm? (
- app-arch/rpm
- dev-libs/popt
- )
- ssl? (
- !libressl? ( >=dev-libs/openssl-0.9.6d:0= )
- libressl? ( dev-libs/libressl:= )
- )
- tcpd? ( >=sys-apps/tcp-wrappers-7.6 )
- zlib? ( >=sys-libs/zlib-1.1.4 )
- doc? ( app-doc/doxygen )
- perl? (
- X? ( dev-perl/Tk )
- !minimal? ( dev-perl/TermReadKey )
- )
- selinux? ( sec-policy/selinux-snmp )
- python? ( ${PYTHON_REQUIRED_USE} )
- rpm? ( bzip2 zlib )
-pkg_setup() {
- use python && python-single-r1_pkg_setup
-src_prepare() {
- # snmpconf generates config files with proper selinux context
- use selinux && eapply "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-5.1.2-snmpconf-selinux.patch
- eapply "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-5.7.3-include-limits.patch
- eapply "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-5.8-do-not-conflate-LDFLAGS-and-LIBS.patch
- eapply "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-5.8-my_bool.patch
- eapply "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-5.8-pcap.patch
- eapply "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-5.8-tinfo.patch
- mv "${WORKDIR}"/patches/0002-Respect-DESTDIR-for-pythoninstall.patch{,.disabled} || die
- mv "${WORKDIR}"/patches/0004-Don-t-report-CFLAGS-and-LDFLAGS-in-net-snmp-config.patch{,.disabled} || die
- eapply "${WORKDIR}"/patches/*.patch
- eapply_user
- eautoconf
-src_configure() {
- # keep this in the same line, arguments are passed down to config.h
- local mibs="host ucd-snmp/dlmod ucd-snmp/diskio ucd-snmp/extensible mibII/mta_sendmail etherlike-mib/dot3StatsTable"
- use lm-sensors && mibs="${mibs} ucd-snmp/lmsensorsMib"
- use smux && mibs="${mibs} smux"
- # Assume /etc/mtab is not present with a recent baselayout/openrc (bug #565136)
- use kernel_linux && export ac_cv_ETC_MNTTAB=/etc/mtab
- econf \
- $(use_enable !ssl internal-md5) \
- $(use_enable ipv6) \
- $(use_enable mfd-rewrites) \
- $(use_enable perl embedded-perl) \
- $(use_enable ucd-compat ucd-snmp-compatibility) \
- $(use_with bzip2) \
- $(use_with elf) \
- $(use_with kmem kmem-usage) \
- $(use_with mysql) \
- $(use_with netlink nl) \
- $(use_with pcap) \
- $(use_with pci) \
- $(use_with perl perl-modules INSTALLDIRS=vendor) \
- $(use_with python python-modules) \
- $(use_with rpm) \
- $(use_with ssl openssl) \
- $(use_with tcpd libwrap) \
- $(use_with zlib) \
- --enable-shared --disable-static \
- --with-default-snmp-version="3" \
- --with-install-prefix="${D}" \
- --with-ldflags="${LDFLAGS}" \
- --with-logfile="/var/log/net-snmpd.log" \
- --with-mib-modules="${mibs}" \
- --with-persistent-directory="/var/lib/net-snmp" \
- --with-sys-contact="root@Unknown" \
- --with-sys-location="Unknown"
-src_compile() {
- for target in snmplib agent sedscript all; do
- emake OTHERLDFLAGS="${LDFLAGS}" ${target}
- done
- use doc && emake docsdox
-src_install() {
- # bug #317965
- emake -j1 DESTDIR="${D}" install
- use python && python_optimize
- if use perl ; then
- perl_delete_localpod
- if ! use X; then
- rm "${D}"/usr/bin/tkmib || die
- fi
- else
- rm -f \
- "${D}"/usr/bin/fixproc \
- "${D}"/usr/bin/ \
- "${D}"/usr/bin/mib2c \
- "${D}"/usr/bin/net-snmp-cert \
- "${D}"/usr/bin/snmp-bridge-mib \
- "${D}"/usr/bin/snmpcheck \
- "${D}"/usr/bin/snmpconf \
- "${D}"/usr/bin/tkmib \
- "${D}"/usr/bin/traptoemail \
- "${D}"/usr/share/snmp/mib2c.perl.conf \
- "${D}"/usr/share/snmp/ \
- || die
- fi
- newdoc EXAMPLE.conf.def EXAMPLE.conf
- if use doc; then
- docinto html
- dodoc -r docs/html/*
- fi
- keepdir /var/lib/net-snmp
- newinitd "${FILESDIR}"/snmpd.init.2 snmpd
- newconfd "${FILESDIR}"/snmpd.conf snmpd
- newinitd "${FILESDIR}"/snmptrapd.init.2 snmptrapd
- newconfd "${FILESDIR}"/snmptrapd.conf snmptrapd
- systemd_dounit "${FILESDIR}"/snmpd.service
- systemd_dounit "${FILESDIR}"/snmptrapd.service
- insinto /etc/snmp
- newins "${S}"/EXAMPLE.conf snmpd.conf.example
- # Remove everything not required for an agent.
- # Keep only the snmpd, snmptrapd, MIBs, headers and libraries.
- if use minimal; then
- rm -rf \
- "${D}"/**/*.pl \
- "${D}"/usr/bin/{encode_keychange,snmp{get,getnext,set,usm,walk,bulkwalk,table,trap,bulkget,translate,status,delta,test,df,vacm,netstat,inform,check,conf},fixproc,traptoemail} \
- "${D}"/usr/share/snmp/*.conf \
- "${D}"/usr/share/snmp/snmpconf-data \
- || die
- fi
- prune_libtool_files
diff --git a/net-analyzer/net-snmp/net-snmp-5.8.1_pre2.ebuild b/net-analyzer/net-snmp/net-snmp-5.8.1_pre2.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index bff341a5bfc4..000000000000
--- a/net-analyzer/net-snmp/net-snmp-5.8.1_pre2.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,211 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2020 Gentoo Authors
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-PYTHON_COMPAT=( python2_7 )
-inherit autotools distutils-r1 perl-module systemd
-DESCRIPTION="Software for generating and retrieving SNMP data"
- mirror://sourceforge/project/${PN}/${PN}/${PV/_p*/}-pre-releases/${P/_pre/.pre}.tar.gz
-# GPL-2 for the init scripts
-KEYWORDS="~alpha ~amd64 ~arm ~arm64 ~hppa ~ia64 ~mips ~ppc ~ppc64 ~s390 ~sparc ~x86"
- X bzip2 doc elf kmem ipv6 libressl lm-sensors mfd-rewrites minimal mysql
- netlink pcap pci perl python rpm selinux smux ssl tcpd ucd-compat zlib
- python? ( ${PYTHON_REQUIRED_USE} )
- rpm? ( bzip2 zlib )
- bzip2? ( app-arch/bzip2 )
- elf? ( dev-libs/elfutils )
- lm-sensors? ( sys-apps/lm-sensors )
- mysql? ( dev-db/mysql-connector-c:0= )
- netlink? ( dev-libs/libnl:3 )
- pcap? ( net-libs/libpcap )
- pci? ( sys-apps/pciutils )
- perl? ( dev-lang/perl:= )
- python? (
- $(python_gen_cond_dep '
- dev-python/setuptools[${PYTHON_MULTI_USEDEP}]
- ')
- )
- rpm? (
- app-arch/rpm
- dev-libs/popt
- )
- ssl? (
- !libressl? ( >=dev-libs/openssl-0.9.6d:0= )
- libressl? ( dev-libs/libressl:= )
- )
- tcpd? ( >=sys-apps/tcp-wrappers-7.6 )
- zlib? ( >=sys-libs/zlib-1.1.4 )
- doc? ( app-doc/doxygen )
- perl? (
- X? ( dev-perl/Tk )
- !minimal? ( dev-perl/TermReadKey )
- )
- selinux? ( sec-policy/selinux-snmp )
- "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-5.7.3-include-limits.patch
- "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-5.8-do-not-conflate-LDFLAGS-and-LIBS.patch
- "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-5.8-pcap.patch
- "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-5.8-tinfo.patch
- "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-5.8.1-pkg-config.patch
- "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-5.8.1-net-snmp-config-libdir.patch
- "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-5.8.1-mysqlclient.patch
-pkg_setup() {
- use python && python-single-r1_pkg_setup
-src_prepare() {
- # snmpconf generates config files with proper selinux context
- use selinux && eapply "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-5.1.2-snmpconf-selinux.patch
- mv "${WORKDIR}"/patches/0002-Respect-DESTDIR-for-pythoninstall.patch{,.disabled} || die
- mv "${WORKDIR}"/patches/0004-Don-t-report-CFLAGS-and-LDFLAGS-in-net-snmp-config.patch{,.disabled} || die
- eapply "${WORKDIR}"/patches/*.patch
- default
- eautoconf
-src_configure() {
- # keep this in the same line, arguments are passed down to config.h
- local mibs="host ucd-snmp/dlmod ucd-snmp/diskio ucd-snmp/extensible mibII/mta_sendmail etherlike-mib/dot3StatsTable"
- use lm-sensors && mibs="${mibs} ucd-snmp/lmsensorsMib"
- use smux && mibs="${mibs} smux"
- # Assume /etc/mtab is not present with a recent baselayout/openrc (bug #565136)
- use kernel_linux && export ac_cv_ETC_MNTTAB=/etc/mtab
- econf \
- $(use_enable !ssl internal-md5) \
- $(use_enable ipv6) \
- $(use_enable mfd-rewrites) \
- $(use_enable perl embedded-perl) \
- $(use_enable ucd-compat ucd-snmp-compatibility) \
- $(use_with bzip2) \
- $(use_with elf) \
- $(use_with kmem kmem-usage) \
- $(use_with mysql) \
- $(use_with netlink nl) \
- $(use_with pcap) \
- $(use_with pci) \
- $(use_with perl perl-modules INSTALLDIRS=vendor) \
- $(use_with python python-modules) \
- $(use_with rpm) \
- $(use_with ssl openssl) \
- $(use_with tcpd libwrap) \
- $(use_with zlib) \
- --enable-shared --disable-static \
- --with-default-snmp-version="3" \
- --with-install-prefix="${D}" \
- --with-ldflags="${LDFLAGS}" \
- --with-logfile="/var/log/net-snmpd.log" \
- --with-mib-modules="${mibs}" \
- --with-persistent-directory="/var/lib/net-snmp" \
- --with-sys-contact="root@Unknown" \
- --with-sys-location="Unknown"
-src_compile() {
- for target in snmplib agent sedscript all; do
- emake OTHERLDFLAGS="${LDFLAGS}" ${target}
- done
- use doc && emake docsdox
-src_install() {
- # bug #317965
- emake -j1 DESTDIR="${D}" install
- use python && python_optimize
- if use perl ; then
- perl_delete_localpod
- if ! use X; then
- rm "${D}"/usr/bin/tkmib || die
- fi
- else
- rm -f \
- "${D}"/usr/bin/fixproc \
- "${D}"/usr/bin/ \
- "${D}"/usr/bin/mib2c \
- "${D}"/usr/bin/net-snmp-cert \
- "${D}"/usr/bin/snmp-bridge-mib \
- "${D}"/usr/bin/snmpcheck \
- "${D}"/usr/bin/snmpconf \
- "${D}"/usr/bin/tkmib \
- "${D}"/usr/bin/traptoemail \
- "${D}"/usr/share/snmp/mib2c.perl.conf \
- "${D}"/usr/share/snmp/ \
- || die
- fi
- newdoc EXAMPLE.conf.def EXAMPLE.conf
- if use doc; then
- docinto html
- dodoc -r docs/html/*
- fi
- keepdir /var/lib/net-snmp
- newinitd "${FILESDIR}"/snmpd.init.2 snmpd
- newconfd "${FILESDIR}"/snmpd.conf snmpd
- newinitd "${FILESDIR}"/snmptrapd.init.2 snmptrapd
- newconfd "${FILESDIR}"/snmptrapd.conf snmptrapd
- systemd_dounit "${FILESDIR}"/snmpd.service
- systemd_dounit "${FILESDIR}"/snmptrapd.service
- insinto /etc/snmp
- newins "${S}"/EXAMPLE.conf snmpd.conf.example
- # Remove everything not required for an agent.
- # Keep only the snmpd, snmptrapd, MIBs, headers and libraries.
- if use minimal; then
- rm -rf \
- "${D}"/**/*.pl \
- "${D}"/usr/bin/{encode_keychange,snmp{get,getnext,set,usm,walk,bulkwalk,table,trap,bulkget,translate,status,delta,test,df,vacm,netstat,inform,check,conf},fixproc,traptoemail} \
- "${D}"/usr/share/snmp/*.conf \
- "${D}"/usr/share/snmp/snmpconf-data \
- || die
- fi
- find "${ED}" -name '*.la' -delete || die
diff --git a/net-analyzer/net-snmp/net-snmp-5.8.1_rc1.ebuild b/net-analyzer/net-snmp/net-snmp-5.8.1_rc1.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index 06778b749074..000000000000
--- a/net-analyzer/net-snmp/net-snmp-5.8.1_rc1.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,211 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2020 Gentoo Authors
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-PYTHON_COMPAT=( python3_{6,7,8} )
-inherit autotools distutils-r1 perl-module systemd
-DESCRIPTION="Software for generating and retrieving SNMP data"
- mirror://sourceforge/project/${PN}/${PN}/${PV/_rc*/}-pre-releases/${P/_rc/.rc}.tar.gz
-# GPL-2 for the init scripts
-KEYWORDS="~alpha ~amd64 ~arm ~arm64 ~hppa ~ia64 ~mips ~ppc ~ppc64 ~s390 ~sparc ~x86"
- X bzip2 doc elf kmem ipv6 libressl lm-sensors mfd-rewrites minimal mysql
- netlink pcap pci perl python rpm selinux smux ssl tcpd ucd-compat zlib
- python? ( ${PYTHON_REQUIRED_USE} )
- rpm? ( bzip2 zlib )
- bzip2? ( app-arch/bzip2 )
- elf? ( dev-libs/elfutils )
- lm-sensors? ( sys-apps/lm-sensors )
- mysql? ( dev-db/mysql-connector-c:0= )
- netlink? ( dev-libs/libnl:3 )
- pcap? ( net-libs/libpcap )
- pci? ( sys-apps/pciutils )
- perl? ( dev-lang/perl:= )
- python? (
- $(python_gen_cond_dep '
- dev-python/setuptools[${PYTHON_MULTI_USEDEP}]
- ')
- )
- rpm? (
- app-arch/rpm
- dev-libs/popt
- )
- ssl? (
- !libressl? ( >=dev-libs/openssl-0.9.6d:0= )
- libressl? ( dev-libs/libressl:= )
- )
- tcpd? ( >=sys-apps/tcp-wrappers-7.6 )
- zlib? ( >=sys-libs/zlib-1.1.4 )
- doc? ( app-doc/doxygen )
- perl? (
- X? ( dev-perl/Tk )
- !minimal? ( dev-perl/TermReadKey )
- )
- selinux? ( sec-policy/selinux-snmp )
- "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-5.7.3-include-limits.patch
- "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-5.8-do-not-conflate-LDFLAGS-and-LIBS.patch
- "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-5.8-pcap.patch
- "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-5.8.1-pkg-config.patch
- "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-5.8.1-net-snmp-config-libdir.patch
- "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-5.8.1-mysqlclient.patch
- "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-99999999-tinfo.patch
-pkg_setup() {
- use python && python-single-r1_pkg_setup
-src_prepare() {
- # snmpconf generates config files with proper selinux context
- use selinux && eapply "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-5.1.2-snmpconf-selinux.patch
- mv "${WORKDIR}"/patches/0002-Respect-DESTDIR-for-pythoninstall.patch{,.disabled} || die
- mv "${WORKDIR}"/patches/0004-Don-t-report-CFLAGS-and-LDFLAGS-in-net-snmp-config.patch{,.disabled} || die
- eapply "${WORKDIR}"/patches/*.patch
- default
- eautoconf
-src_configure() {
- # keep this in the same line, arguments are passed down to config.h
- local mibs="host ucd-snmp/dlmod ucd-snmp/diskio ucd-snmp/extensible mibII/mta_sendmail etherlike-mib/dot3StatsTable"
- use lm-sensors && mibs="${mibs} ucd-snmp/lmsensorsMib"
- use smux && mibs="${mibs} smux"
- # Assume /etc/mtab is not present with a recent baselayout/openrc (bug #565136)
- use kernel_linux && export ac_cv_ETC_MNTTAB=/etc/mtab
- econf \
- $(use_enable !ssl internal-md5) \
- $(use_enable ipv6) \
- $(use_enable mfd-rewrites) \
- $(use_enable perl embedded-perl) \
- $(use_enable ucd-compat ucd-snmp-compatibility) \
- $(use_with bzip2) \
- $(use_with elf) \
- $(use_with kmem kmem-usage) \
- $(use_with mysql) \
- $(use_with netlink nl) \
- $(use_with pcap) \
- $(use_with pci) \
- $(use_with perl perl-modules INSTALLDIRS=vendor) \
- $(use_with python python-modules) \
- $(use_with rpm) \
- $(use_with ssl openssl) \
- $(use_with tcpd libwrap) \
- $(use_with zlib) \
- --enable-shared --disable-static \
- --with-default-snmp-version="3" \
- --with-install-prefix="${D}" \
- --with-ldflags="${LDFLAGS}" \
- --with-logfile="/var/log/net-snmpd.log" \
- --with-mib-modules="${mibs}" \
- --with-persistent-directory="/var/lib/net-snmp" \
- --with-sys-contact="root@Unknown" \
- --with-sys-location="Unknown"
-src_compile() {
- for target in snmplib agent sedscript all; do
- emake OTHERLDFLAGS="${LDFLAGS}" ${target}
- done
- use doc && emake docsdox
-src_install() {
- # bug #317965
- emake -j1 DESTDIR="${D}" install
- use python && python_optimize
- if use perl ; then
- perl_delete_localpod
- if ! use X; then
- rm "${D}"/usr/bin/tkmib || die
- fi
- else
- rm -f \
- "${D}"/usr/bin/fixproc \
- "${D}"/usr/bin/ \
- "${D}"/usr/bin/mib2c \
- "${D}"/usr/bin/net-snmp-cert \
- "${D}"/usr/bin/snmp-bridge-mib \
- "${D}"/usr/bin/snmpcheck \
- "${D}"/usr/bin/snmpconf \
- "${D}"/usr/bin/tkmib \
- "${D}"/usr/bin/traptoemail \
- "${D}"/usr/share/snmp/mib2c.perl.conf \
- "${D}"/usr/share/snmp/ \
- || die
- fi
- newdoc EXAMPLE.conf.def EXAMPLE.conf
- if use doc; then
- docinto html
- dodoc -r docs/html/*
- fi
- keepdir /var/lib/net-snmp
- newinitd "${FILESDIR}"/snmpd.init.2 snmpd
- newconfd "${FILESDIR}"/snmpd.conf snmpd
- newinitd "${FILESDIR}"/snmptrapd.init.2 snmptrapd
- newconfd "${FILESDIR}"/snmptrapd.conf snmptrapd
- systemd_dounit "${FILESDIR}"/snmpd.service
- systemd_dounit "${FILESDIR}"/snmptrapd.service
- insinto /etc/snmp
- newins "${S}"/EXAMPLE.conf snmpd.conf.example
- # Remove everything not required for an agent.
- # Keep only the snmpd, snmptrapd, MIBs, headers and libraries.
- if use minimal; then
- rm -rf \
- "${D}"/**/*.pl \
- "${D}"/usr/bin/{encode_keychange,snmp{get,getnext,set,usm,walk,bulkwalk,table,trap,bulkget,translate,status,delta,test,df,vacm,netstat,inform,check,conf},fixproc,traptoemail} \
- "${D}"/usr/share/snmp/*.conf \
- "${D}"/usr/share/snmp/snmpconf-data \
- || die
- fi
- find "${ED}" -name '*.la' -delete || die