diff options
authorRobin H. Johnson <>2015-08-08 13:49:04 -0700
committerRobin H. Johnson <>2015-08-08 17:38:18 -0700
commit56bd759df1d0c750a065b8c845e93d5dfa6b549d (patch)
tree3f91093cdb475e565ae857f1c5a7fd339e2d781e /net-misc/suite3270
proj/gentoo: Initial commit
This commit represents a new era for Gentoo: Storing the gentoo-x86 tree in Git, as converted from CVS. This commit is the start of the NEW history. Any historical data is intended to be grafted onto this point. Creation process: 1. Take final CVS checkout snapshot 2. Remove ALL ChangeLog* files 3. Transform all Manifests to thin 4. Remove empty Manifests 5. Convert all stale $Header$/$Id$ CVS keywords to non-expanded Git $Id$ 5.1. Do not touch files with -kb/-ko keyword flags. Signed-off-by: Robin H. Johnson <> X-Thanks: Alec Warner <> - did the GSoC 2006 migration tests X-Thanks: Robin H. Johnson <> - infra guy, herding this project X-Thanks: Nguyen Thai Ngoc Duy <> - Former Gentoo developer, wrote Git features for the migration X-Thanks: Brian Harring <> - wrote much python to improve cvs2svn X-Thanks: Rich Freeman <> - validation scripts X-Thanks: Patrick Lauer <> - Gentoo dev, running new 2014 work in migration X-Thanks: Michał Górny <> - scripts, QA, nagging X-Thanks: All of other Gentoo developers - many ideas and lots of paint on the bikeshed
Diffstat (limited to 'net-misc/suite3270')
27 files changed, 2375 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/net-misc/suite3270/Manifest b/net-misc/suite3270/Manifest
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..bbef6c282f0b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/net-misc/suite3270/Manifest
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+DIST suite3270-3.3.10ga3-src.tgz 6419282 SHA256 c94cd13e82f6f335461f1de7a816e627fa7e55f68852a5f513194067bccc4408 SHA512 c30af38bff1517a96250365bc6beec19f8ae4c8b6cae7b68c2279749796b370d1ecaf4a4dc3abc25780bd67bbdf9ef00bc9f8d6bb332c642e672ba24f623e6ab WHIRLPOOL e69cb4f7a7174050e35edecaf461385ccef13b7f396625e735ac7455aae6a7f90c7aee9c2a12fef6ec7cd163b2a84c7f33653d3b002a73dcda86cf14ee75f48d
+DIST suite3270-3.3.12ga10-src.tgz 6670311 SHA256 f93a51c19a6f13a97e895343f79ce867b53ca6e672b8fa5a491f2e2fed7294d6 SHA512 8c6e31dfcfb40ee81e1984648cff64d96f7cfadb45a221cb59b5e234ee1a5dd25b7d0ccccf04e11b740eb4237d8228f61186d1107b3d7bfa6405e7cc95b8d32f WHIRLPOOL 4958e0d07cf8ff5ef91862fe8fda0cb559a89e69be91914bd5c12c8afeea5b94ff6523faeeaa748a1bb86d6df19c70564ded116c4ec9cf6eceb07e9e418c6823
+DIST suite3270-3.3.12ga12-src.tgz 6695998 SHA256 2b7ca0614a7b0d97507753f933f4be04aa16a4bc255ad80b2c14a9dfebbcb8b8 SHA512 61b5bc1682af6844609356b25eec5b1c27a057a060e88e51787c8b8bc73123a01e344a02e9104c78b037e46d15d6f6824caa85a5902e51115aac468eb0b3b250 WHIRLPOOL 03582957daa9362594a589094edfc0e724ad3d6f2f9fa796865aad94697592b492a67d6ccfd4588ee19c8837413e44ac7bb7be0dacf19b621ea93659ff7845bf
+DIST suite3270-3.3.13ga7-src.tgz 6824013 SHA256 ab5cde5eb19dcb4ed7d10f47734fca1a6d9a889515772e5bfa9ba00f34f19645 SHA512 d1a8aebea57284bb161922ef1603b2c1d65838a1e0c271e34c467e48a40e855303a4440ba6519ce52c54a373d5d1ec5ba6cf8470c66454b8f931744aab6a0bcb WHIRLPOOL 31712644f771870903e12cb09064d58b757cc10c5111388eb86f7979852ddbfc6af181e243ccbf64abed405862fdd6b8ef5d09cbb612b86d4936cac24d81fb73
+DIST suite3270-3.3.14ga11-src.tgz 6902551 SHA256 80f0a21e0a298297e4156d1ba413f6a3fd60a6850e05733a8c7dbd30323d2b00 SHA512 1f4b735b1baa0c813809324989becd1b62807bf05033f0415a9cd7523af04728bc2511213a091e8c4377163a4c26635168633c12d331da3f0a683f736c041bca WHIRLPOOL 34cd41f5bda9609edaaaec88df2fe535fc16790d34905c65ea67a0df94e9532e268dcb5a62b97a344621919dae05fbfbaaf37f02ceaede3faf98f492f999d190
+DIST suite3270-3.3.14ga6-src.tgz 6884651 SHA256 1d13b16ad2363988c5340938ebb409c22eecf33cf7b7be7dc07ce408b55ce088 SHA512 2bb48d4eafee24b4042d02a099a263a6e2dff3974ededc031eabfbb4a0046650e6c034d7194766d3a88635f25c66e8a3bfe039b0ad928dbd0ad659b822d0c1ef WHIRLPOOL e32ac5603750769ef89eff00c85e37870120b68e5ce23ffe0f343a725f046906148de94c22b0ea262e8ba2d81833b6eb061dd07298164772b759d10c98e89324
+DIST suite3270-3.3.14ga7-src.tgz 6888964 SHA256 f0fc2ec78402e02c28cebe924dfa9ddc49a850c1dd1165ec55774f92785c9695 SHA512 1756cac734d01271c89a647f92c2fe4c180787e98da45b4aa18347b5a62af8d0dbba411fa406b53badff59e59f36d36c3ba95c43e83d99d421680d08f5b36639 WHIRLPOOL 2c45ec90c2f3757b86442fa4ee7f08180e01d4b57ffe08ffb88545037fa16b6416d1ba34f4a639129b436d16e4ad08df2720faf03e2a1d34c97787e17873c555
+DIST suite3270-3.3.14ga9-src.tgz 6901961 SHA256 e4924f11bce7544c5ae15f1261827fb35507723b80417efbc3211f9e7a05959c SHA512 607415d40746c287e4f38ac573a2be04028527395ab0dbe78d265e17fe0581b41337b75219d8ef60fe9fb1efd5effc4451c8e529b255d4151a85b194d1844f56 WHIRLPOOL f13acd1167f349d88bf388c6b189cf07e4abb06d6c99b194d9d6e036554bbb2031889ed518ed9f2449213bc5b15b42483fad461efec38d53ba826795c582267d
+DIST suite3270-3.3.15ga4-src.tgz 6957941 SHA256 96d9433910efc440bfc605eda549e252dff3ebad0112d0143871c604272bbefe SHA512 8eed672772b4fd3683ba8ce3039b9929f4ab7470fd085e86455478ee8e8830fa2d524a16c1d438796e096ddf4839ee190a9186700ad2cc8bfe86617eb41ad65f WHIRLPOOL 9230e65cef83c60ffdb048a132332509446607ad2eb2204278d92877957f9f266d0bfb675e4c5d180c3b60d759fac3b7615f81169b2ee0d21ce45a2114c722aa
+DIST suite3270-3.3.15ga7-src.tgz 6957724 SHA256 1d354fc23f62d9a65b08889bd4a51b05dcb81998fcdf0d403088c00aa9898ede SHA512 9d4fd69a55330b8ad6bab546e4352020a5df3644ac23f4b41de1e4161fca0ae4312c4fd50489d7acd6d637942b640dc22088aae30e589159bc69e04fd4902edc WHIRLPOOL c0c10c9f6da24937c518cc6d3c87e6800bf55f321220c40b34e40fc9c53b21f9808357476540d942674f014cea309a2d62b62072b70ae405a3f1e8aa06e4ebcc
+DIST suite3270-3.3.15ga9-src.tgz 6960911 SHA256 e22f40360170acf70b6de521173c633072582315b4879aef276fb8c97102e848 SHA512 dd6ad0b42f935a9a25170d3ef765e8d31746b7c6a7d9c6f31630da77cc4fd2bde9f4861c86fb237211dd17e60423c4e1627871c8a710467076b99166e7774ccb WHIRLPOOL 79b5691995dd98e6821130df3df8fed2af04abb7ebce642a12d82fa67045c3a1e491d32b8dd43b574b35e80cf0c734f8ab007ece18130e7c373175fa672a8e46
+DIST suite3270-3.3.5p8.tgz 3244414 SHA256 c33acfecab9b720d9fbc342d2c53c4c3ff999f67b6f2e387dd27b97f2c49eeed SHA512 60daec899106adfed604cb00fb3085ff700d3ee554f7a0cafe4dd524c19cfc0d186489d088ddfd41aa15c2366b8d9eadc77ef1e8549ed31c1b289d7c368f15b5 WHIRLPOOL 491475567d4a6ec3a4a46c4ba9eaf4b982b61571b5f2767481b5ebc2b8c22fbb436a9434913057f52ed27632622b92ce39e123ab7fe2996e236d77ac41ebd182
+DIST suite3270-3.3.6.tgz 3315214 SHA256 189f0f639186060b7bbb3093fce60bfb7f35fa147e051a24753236358f609b5e SHA512 0b59c231a5cb4447fb5d2263cf3be0812773450ab2bfb14923ffdc05e5554bcaa63f15d28bdd3fde3d4c0fe31efb284a4e4fd43b448b1adb8d1cf52e3c5b5957 WHIRLPOOL a4d95cc2b399dbfdb1a4b00c804f1bfc036bc8eb0ec463275a256caaef03348b33b60c4bd46eb3e8a7168e2bed1c2b9a9d488ddefc6c1267381de390041161ba
+DIST suite3270-3.3.7.tgz 3357492 SHA256 5b5c3b57cdc3a8e4c2fdd9fa59ef198a5a2ca73f4ad49a42869b709c47318444 SHA512 69779666b3f88c1c8291df56298ced3a64d3f12f7b7dc191f288fd62b4beaa387fc15f418526ab3d0091837de9bd9e3fd6412e1b6fa25347d5fcaea16be34e79 WHIRLPOOL 33a296e491b1907c0a61c39036d0af7a36440b9ae3e98f54020a737ed3ca4f8239f8a3cdb038caf8995e359a3c24f7626415d88df5586183548f839f4db5ac0a
+DIST suite3270-3.3.7p5.tgz 3357564 SHA256 ac1250eef285dbc9b511228d83e9b6c0db8c7ead3586ec82ff36a4ab8ca1067e SHA512 81262e086b6f6d2e87a8b91429df1366aad7a82551c1d0645a13dd8f57366fc2866d4306135d2e0defe1a6515786fca28f81ec950f6715429730dbe1f4b55bfe WHIRLPOOL 6dd8fa75dc225182ba6b9e2ed655979b9bda1b1f96ad17e9863e96607df270dbb460eaf63982102b31d345923a058ac0770dd18878aa9692647fbfc3cf18f293
+DIST suite3270-3.3.7p8.tgz 3362264 SHA256 44fc1b167188c9c5b592c266f7dda391628a72bfbab7b1815bf511f7569ffa4b SHA512 3e7307de562308572f682e4a281997471a758dd455a0fcc52a4ccb1df3d1e557d0ccd3294e0aefc84db3513b344ebdfce738164bce3ca4dd28db9d20b40bcf23 WHIRLPOOL add5bac8d14181baeebffcb9a211ae1f5db5c563cce7b3442341379c6e054e21b887b017ba70ac406c527e87df13e6c30784e1b8e0e084a06d9ea5586f2e3e94
+DIST suite3270-3.3.8.tgz 3958021 SHA256 e37fde24e4b9eec494b58be54b9c3e06d518d66201ece718fcd6259d051dfe93 SHA512 474c7db1ab577205203f98ece4d2118da082803a4b406a1df65127d7d2a0ad28f2fba8c4df49f62cf07e864fe46e5efdb829d8bd6d4272e608af5894037efbb7 WHIRLPOOL 2cb662f4b52c993c7f094d6061925bfa995a55f888c5ac529460bf39cc3de4a24ef2ee6eb702471584abc1e6941a4d6e8e22305d2ba44e30e3746b3d084008c2
+DIST suite3270-3.3.9ga12.tgz 6305237 SHA256 256b3e3e51cdde716173bc99cbc08958369bc3b993f0b1aafc50e20d8f17ad2c
+DIST suite3270-3.4ga4-src.tgz 3395525 SHA256 7b367beb68d3af02b9dc65543f7f38c988f221e585aa72610814a9e60d4dddec SHA512 b01f82aa6d46e7766d1197daaaed0bd68adfda4e3d835beda63e03c7a11e3c91fccb1f7bda31a7f146f54cf63503dae4ab690bffe4ac2ed253a6af409f47ee66 WHIRLPOOL 8c5b8015d95b716e7c6a19838e9b771beb369408521ec22e8b05ff67e343d84ed24fce0594274a8c51dad37ab3ea7cf665a0ce5a21f5900027d5326b70a66376
+DIST suite3270-3.4ga5-src.tgz 3398700 SHA256 01ef94341326e797c090be813bf096b240adfbca44334545ad3433f684a9dcba SHA512 b2b43a7b09d98dccbd6cb7782ff32c6d314084cde2d0b958c21798931faa6cb3979aed4b46db0cb571fed171505936049ecdd2980f2ad2f04f1e4908ea880fb3 WHIRLPOOL f69f86d7c847ec781cff522ea115a11fd14cfffb2cfd5717929db5f9b5a3c5fc259c4b211170cdbeef8ecb6c99c25f09515aac4d906a27c6a44240251f960184
diff --git a/net-misc/suite3270/files/ b/net-misc/suite3270/files/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..154b470de801
--- /dev/null
+++ b/net-misc/suite3270/files/
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+VER = @VER@
+%:; $(MAKE) `printf '%s_$@_ ' $(SUBDIRS)`
+_words = $(subst _, ,$1)
+_dir = $(firstword $(call _words,$@))
+_targ = $(lastword $(call _words,$@))
+%_:; $(MAKE) -C $(_dir) $(_targ) $(EXTRA_TARGETS)
diff --git a/net-misc/suite3270/files/configure-3.3.5.patch b/net-misc/suite3270/files/configure-3.3.5.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..e255ec68cfe8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/net-misc/suite3270/files/configure-3.3.5.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+From: Jesse Farinacci <>
+Date: 11 May 2007
+Gentoo-bug: 177042
+The configure scripts that build ICU need to include stdio.h.
+diff -Naur pr3287-3.3/configure pr3287-3.3/configure
+--- pr3287-3.3/configure 2007-05-11 12:22:27.622502551 -0400
++++ pr3287-3.3/configure 2007-05-11 12:24:16.842559358 -0400
+@@ -3134,6 +3134,7 @@
+ then echo "$as_me:$LINENO: checking for ICU version strings" >&5
+ echo $ECHO_N "checking for ICU version strings... $ECHO_C" >&6
+ cat >/tmp/icutst$$.c <<EOF
++#include <stdio.h>
+ #include "unicode/ucnv.h"
+ #define xstr(s) str(s)
+ #define str(s) #s
+diff -Naur pr3287-3.3/ pr3287-3.3/
+--- pr3287-3.3/ 2007-05-11 12:22:27.622502551 -0400
++++ pr3287-3.3/ 2007-05-11 12:24:00.080240453 -0400
+@@ -146,6 +146,7 @@
+ if test "$enable_dbcs" != no
+ then AC_MSG_CHECKING([for ICU version strings])
+ cat >/tmp/icutst$$.c <<EOF
++#include <stdio.h>
+ #include "unicode/ucnv.h"
+ #define xstr(s) str(s)
+ #define str(s) #s
+diff -Naur s3270-3.3/configure s3270-3.3/configure
+--- s3270-3.3/configure 2007-05-11 12:22:27.619169419 -0400
++++ s3270-3.3/configure 2007-05-11 12:24:16.895889464 -0400
+@@ -3608,6 +3608,7 @@
+ then echo "$as_me:$LINENO: checking for ICU version strings" >&5
+ echo $ECHO_N "checking for ICU version strings... $ECHO_C" >&6
+ cat >/tmp/icutst$$.c <<EOF
++#include <stdio.h>
+ #include "unicode/ucnv.h"
+ #define xstr(s) str(s)
+ #define str(s) #s
+diff -Naur s3270-3.3/ s3270-3.3/
+--- s3270-3.3/ 2007-05-11 12:22:27.619169419 -0400
++++ s3270-3.3/ 2007-05-11 12:24:00.080240453 -0400
+@@ -120,6 +120,7 @@
+ if test "$enable_dbcs" != no
+ then AC_MSG_CHECKING([for ICU version strings])
+ cat >/tmp/icutst$$.c <<EOF
++#include <stdio.h>
+ #include "unicode/ucnv.h"
+ #define xstr(s) str(s)
+ #define str(s) #s
+diff -Naur tcl3270-3.3/configure tcl3270-3.3/configure
+--- tcl3270-3.3/configure 2007-05-11 12:22:27.609170024 -0400
++++ tcl3270-3.3/configure 2007-05-11 12:24:16.902555727 -0400
+@@ -4234,6 +4234,7 @@
+ then echo "$as_me:$LINENO: checking for ICU version strings" >&5
+ echo $ECHO_N "checking for ICU version strings... $ECHO_C" >&6
+ cat >/tmp/icutst$$.c <<EOF
++#include <stdio.h>
+ #include "unicode/ucnv.h"
+ #define xstr(s) str(s)
+ #define str(s) #s
+diff -Naur tcl3270-3.3/ tcl3270-3.3/
+--- tcl3270-3.3/ 2007-05-11 12:22:27.605836893 -0400
++++ tcl3270-3.3/ 2007-05-11 12:24:00.080240453 -0400
+@@ -149,6 +149,7 @@
+ if test "$enable_dbcs" != no
+ then AC_MSG_CHECKING([for ICU version strings])
+ cat >/tmp/icutst$$.c <<EOF
++#include <stdio.h>
+ #include "unicode/ucnv.h"
+ #define xstr(s) str(s)
+ #define str(s) #s
diff --git a/net-misc/suite3270/files/makeconv-3.3.5.patch b/net-misc/suite3270/files/makeconv-3.3.5.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..5076a1eeaae3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/net-misc/suite3270/files/makeconv-3.3.5.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+From: Jesse Farinacci <>
+Date: 11 May 2007
+Gentoo-bug: 177042
+Gentoo's makeconv does not have the -p PREFIX support, so do some mv work
+--- c3270-3.3/ 2007-02-25 10:53:17.566179262 +0100
++++ c3270-3.3/ 2007-02-25 10:56:11.983434901 +0100
+@@ -67,13 +67,17 @@
+ @CNV@all:: $(ICU_CNV)
+ @CNV@$(IDP)_ibm-837_P100-2000.cnv: ibm-837_P100-2000.ucm
+-@CNV@ makeconv -d . -p $(IDP) ibm-837_P100-2000.ucm
++@CNV@ makeconv -d . ibm-837_P100-2000.ucm
++@CNV@ mv ibm-837_P100-2000.cnv $(IDP)_ibm-837_P100-2000.cnv
+ @CNV@$(IDP)_ibm-300_P110-1997.cnv: ibm-300_P110-1997.ucm
+-@CNV@ makeconv -d . -p $(IDP) ibm-300_P110-1997.ucm
++@CNV@ makeconv -d . ibm-300_P110-1997.ucm
++@CNV@ mv ibm-300_P110-1997.cnv $(IDP)_ibm-300_P110-1997.cnv
+ @CNV@$(IDP)_ibm-1027_P100-1995.cnv: ibm-1027_P100-1995.ucm
+-@CNV@ makeconv -d . -p $(IDP) ibm-1027_P100-1995.ucm
++@CNV@ makeconv -d . ibm-1027_P100-1995.ucm
++@CNV@ mv ibm-1027_P100-1995.cnv $(IDP)_ibm-1027_P100-1995.cnv
+ @CNV@$(IDP)_ibm-1385_P100-1997.cnv: ibm-1385_P100-1997.ucm
+-@CNV@ makeconv -d . -p $(IDP) ibm-1385_P100-1997.ucm
++@CNV@ makeconv -d . ibm-1385_P100-1997.ucm
++@CNV@ mv ibm-1385_P100-1997.cnv $(IDP)_ibm-1385_P100-1997.cnv
+ install:: c3270 x3270if
+ [ -d $(DESTDIR)$(BINDIR) ] || \
+--- s3270-3.3/ 2007-02-25 11:19:35.987347863 +0100
++++ s3270-3.3/ 2007-02-25 11:20:43.391134616 +0100
+@@ -64,13 +64,17 @@
+ @CNV@all:: $(ICU_CNV)
+ @CNV@$(IDP)_ibm-837_P100-2000.cnv: ibm-837_P100-2000.ucm
+-@CNV@ makeconv -d . -p $(IDP) ibm-837_P100-2000.ucm
++@CNV@ makeconv -d . ibm-837_P100-2000.ucm
++@CNV@ mv ibm-837_P100-2000.cnv $(IDP)_ibm-837_P100-2000.cnv
+ @CNV@$(IDP)_ibm-300_P110-1997.cnv: ibm-300_P110-1997.ucm
+-@CNV@ makeconv -d . -p $(IDP) ibm-300_P110-1997.ucm
++@CNV@ makeconv -d . ibm-300_P110-1997.ucm
++@CNV@ mv ibm-300_P110-1997.cnv $(IDP)_ibm-300_P110-1997.cnv
+ @CNV@$(IDP)_ibm-1027_P100-1995.cnv: ibm-1027_P100-1995.ucm
+-@CNV@ makeconv -d . -p $(IDP) ibm-1027_P100-1995.ucm
++@CNV@ makeconv -d . ibm-1027_P100-1995.ucm
++@CNV@ mv ibm-1027_P100-1995.cnv $(IDP)_ibm-1027_P100-1995.cnv
+ @CNV@$(IDP)_ibm-1385_P100-1997.cnv: ibm-1385_P100-1997.ucm
+-@CNV@ makeconv -d . -p $(IDP) ibm-1385_P100-1997.ucm
++@CNV@ makeconv -d . ibm-1385_P100-1997.ucm
++@CNV@ mv ibm-1385_P100-1997.cnv $(IDP)_ibm-1385_P100-1997.cnv
+ install:: s3270 x3270if
+ [ -d $(DESTDIR)$(BINDIR) ] || \
+--- tcl3270-3.3/ 2007-02-25 11:21:30.416799814 +0100
++++ tcl3270-3.3/ 2007-02-25 11:22:46.829756107 +0100
+@@ -63,13 +63,17 @@
+ @CNV@all:: $(ICU_CNV)
+ @CNV@$(IDP)_ibm-837_P100-2000.cnv: ibm-837_P100-2000.ucm
+-@CNV@ makeconv -d . -p $(IDP) ibm-837_P100-2000.ucm
++@CNV@ makeconv -d . ibm-837_P100-2000.ucm
++@CNV@ mv ibm-837_P100-2000.cnv $(IDP)_ibm-837_P100-2000.cnv
+ @CNV@$(IDP)_ibm-300_P110-1997.cnv: ibm-300_P110-1997.ucm
+-@CNV@ makeconv -d . -p $(IDP) ibm-300_P110-1997.ucm
++@CNV@ makeconv -d . ibm-300_P110-1997.ucm
++@CNV@ mv ibm-300_P110-1997.cnv $(IDP)_ibm-300_P110-1997.cnv
+ @CNV@$(IDP)_ibm-1027_P100-1995.cnv: ibm-1027_P100-1995.ucm
+-@CNV@ makeconv -d . -p $(IDP) ibm-1027_P100-1995.ucm
++@CNV@ makeconv -d . ibm-1027_P100-1995.ucm
++@CNV@ mv ibm-1027_P100-1995.cnv $(IDP)_ibm-1027_P100-1995.cnv
+ @CNV@$(IDP)_ibm-1385_P100-1997.cnv: ibm-1385_P100-1997.ucm
+-@CNV@ makeconv -d . -p $(IDP) ibm-1385_P100-1997.ucm
++@CNV@ makeconv -d . ibm-1385_P100-1997.ucm
++@CNV@ mv ibm-1385_P100-1997.cnv $(IDP)_ibm-1385_P100-1997.cnv
+ install:: tcl3270
+ [ -d $(DESTDIR)$(BINDIR) ] || \
diff --git a/net-misc/suite3270/files/suite3270-3.3.10_p3-fix-x3270-dbcs.patch b/net-misc/suite3270/files/suite3270-3.3.10_p3-fix-x3270-dbcs.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..cfdc2778e98b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/net-misc/suite3270/files/suite3270-3.3.10_p3-fix-x3270-dbcs.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+# Patches were sent upstream to maintainer
+# as of 23 September 2009, by Jesse Farinacci <>
+--- x3270-3.3/screen.c
++++ x3270-3.3/screen.c
+@@ -2322,12 +2322,14 @@
+ void
+ screen_flip(void)
+ {
++#if defined(X3270_DBCS) /*[*/
+ /* Flip mode is broken in the DBCS version. */
+ if (!dbcs) {
+ flipped = !flipped;
+ action_internal(PA_Expose_action, IA_REDRAW, CN, CN);
+ }
++#endif /*]*/
+ }
+ /*
diff --git a/net-misc/suite3270/metadata.xml b/net-misc/suite3270/metadata.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..82aa620760f7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/net-misc/suite3270/metadata.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<!DOCTYPE pkgmetadata SYSTEM "">
+ <herd>s390</herd>
+ <herd>proxy-maintainers</herd>
+ <maintainer>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Robin H. Johnson</name>
+ <description>Maintainer</description>
+ </maintainer>
+ <maintainer>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Jesse Farinacci</name>
+ <description>Maintainer by proxy, please CC on all bugs.</description>
+ </maintainer>
+ <upstream>
+ <remote-id type="sourceforge">x3270</remote-id>
+ </upstream>
diff --git a/net-misc/suite3270/suite3270-3.3.10_p3-r1.ebuild b/net-misc/suite3270/suite3270-3.3.10_p3-r1.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..00bed83913f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/net-misc/suite3270/suite3270-3.3.10_p3-r1.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2010 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Id$
+# only the x3270 package installs fonts
+inherit eutils font
+DESCRIPTION="Complete 3270 access package"
+KEYWORDS="amd64 ppc s390 sparc x86"
+IUSE="cjk doc ncurses ssl tcl X"
+RDEPEND="ssl? ( dev-libs/openssl )
+ X? (
+ x11-libs/libX11
+ x11-libs/libXaw
+ x11-libs/libXmu
+ x11-libs/libXt
+ )
+ ncurses? ( sys-libs/ncurses sys-libs/readline )
+ tcl? ( dev-lang/tcl )"
+ X? (
+ x11-misc/imake
+ x11-misc/xbitmaps
+ x11-proto/xproto
+ app-text/rman
+ x11-apps/mkfontdir
+ x11-apps/bdftopcf
+ )"
+suite3270_makelist() {
+ echo pr3287 s3270
+ use ncurses && echo c3270
+ use tcl && echo tcl3270
+ use X && echo x3270
+src_unpack() {
+ unpack ${A}
+ cd "${S}"
+ use X && ! use cjk && epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${P}-fix-x3270-dbcs.patch
+src_compile() {
+ local p
+ for p in $(suite3270_makelist) ; do
+ cd "${S}/${p}-${SUB_PV}"
+ econf \
+ --cache-file="${S}"/config.cache \
+ $(use_enable cjk dbcs) \
+ $(use_enable ssl) \
+ $(use_with X x) \
+ $(use_with X fontdir "${FONTDIR}") \
+ || die
+ emake || die
+ done
+src_install() {
+ use X && dodir "${FONTDIR}"
+ local p
+ for p in $(suite3270_makelist) ; do
+ cd "${S}/${p}-${SUB_PV}"
+ emake DESTDIR="${D}" install || die
+ docinto ${p}
+ local d=$(echo README*)
+ [[ -n ${d} ]] && dodoc ${d}
+ use doc && dohtml html/*
+ done
+ chmod a-x "${D}"/usr/share/man/*/*
+ use X && font_src_install
+pkg_postinst() { use X && font_pkg_postinst ; }
+pkg_postrm() { use X && font_pkg_postrm ; }
diff --git a/net-misc/suite3270/suite3270-3.3.10_p3.ebuild b/net-misc/suite3270/suite3270-3.3.10_p3.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..a9517a5ba5a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/net-misc/suite3270/suite3270-3.3.10_p3.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2009 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Id$
+inherit eutils
+IUSE="cjk doc ncurses ssl tcl X"
+DESCRIPTION="Complete 3270 access package"
+KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~ppc ~s390 ~sparc ~x86"
+RDEPEND="X? ( x11-libs/libX11
+ x11-libs/libXaw
+ x11-libs/libXmu
+ x11-libs/libXt )
+ ncurses? ( sys-libs/ncurses
+ sys-libs/readline )
+ ssl? ( dev-libs/openssl )
+ tcl? ( dev-lang/tcl )"
+ X? ( x11-misc/imake
+ x11-misc/xbitmaps
+ x11-proto/xproto
+ app-text/rman
+ x11-apps/mkfontdir
+ x11-apps/bdftopcf )"
+suite3270_makelist() {
+ MY_PLIST="pr3287 s3270"
+ use ncurses && MY_PLIST="${MY_PLIST} c3270"
+ use tcl && MY_PLIST="${MY_PLIST} tcl3270"
+ use X && MY_PLIST="${MY_PLIST} x3270"
+src_unpack() {
+ unpack ${A}
+ cd "${S}"
+ # Patches were sent upstream to maintainer
+ # as of 23 September 2009, by Jesse Farinacci <>
+ use X && ! use cjk && epatch "${FILESDIR}/$P-fix-x3270-dbcs.patch"
+ return 0
+src_compile() {
+ local myconf
+ myconf="--without-pr3287"
+ myconf="${myconf} --cache-file=${S}/config.cache"
+ myconf="${myconf} $(use_enable cjk dbcs)"
+ myconf="${myconf} $(use_enable ssl)"
+ myconf="${myconf} $(use_with X x)"
+ myconf="${myconf} $(use_with X fontdir ${MY_FONTDIR})"
+ suite3270_makelist
+ for p in ${MY_PLIST} ; do
+ cd "${S}/${p}-${SUB_PV}"
+ econf ${myconf} || die "econf failed on ${p}"
+ emake || die "emake faild on ${p}"
+ done
+src_install () {
+ suite3270_makelist
+ use X && dodir ${MY_FONTDIR}
+ for p in ${MY_PLIST} ; do
+ cd "${S}/${p}-${SUB_PV}"
+ emake DESTDIR="${D}" install \
+ || die "emake failed on ${p}"
+ use doc && docinto ${p} && dohtml html/*
+ done
+ use X && rm -f "${D}/${MY_FONTDIR}/fonts.dir"
+ return 0
+pkg_postinst() {
+ if use X ; then
+ einfo "Running mkfontdir on ${MY_FONTDIR}"
+ mkfontdir ${MY_FONTDIR}
+ fi
diff --git a/net-misc/suite3270/suite3270-3.3.12_p10.ebuild b/net-misc/suite3270/suite3270-3.3.12_p10.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..b5261cdd204b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/net-misc/suite3270/suite3270-3.3.12_p10.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2015 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Id$
+# only the x3270 package installs fonts
+inherit eutils font multiprocessing
+DESCRIPTION="Complete 3270 access package"
+KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~ppc ~s390 ~sparc ~x86"
+IUSE="cjk doc ncurses ssl tcl X"
+RDEPEND="ssl? ( dev-libs/openssl )
+ X? (
+ x11-libs/libX11
+ x11-libs/libXaw
+ x11-libs/libXmu
+ x11-libs/libXt
+ )
+ ncurses? ( sys-libs/ncurses sys-libs/readline )
+ tcl? ( dev-lang/tcl:0 )"
+ X? (
+ x11-misc/imake
+ x11-misc/xbitmaps
+ x11-proto/xproto
+ app-text/rman
+ x11-apps/mkfontdir
+ x11-apps/bdftopcf
+ )"
+suite3270_makelist() {
+ echo pr3287 s3270 \
+ $(usex ncurses c3270 '') \
+ $(usex tcl tcl3270 '') \
+ $(usex X x3270 '')
+src_configure() {
+ local p myconf
+ # Run configures in parallel!
+ multijob_init
+ for p in $(suite3270_makelist) ; do
+ cd "${S}/${p}-${SUB_PV}"
+ if [[ ${p} == "x3270" ]] ; then
+ myconf=(
+ $(use_with X x)
+ $(use_with X fontdir "${FONTDIR}")
+ )
+ else
+ myconf=()
+ fi
+ multijob_child_init econf \
+ --cache-file="${S}"/config.cache \
+ $(use_enable cjk dbcs) \
+ $(use_enable ssl) \
+ "${myconf[@]}"
+ done
+ multijob_finish
+src_compile() {
+ local p
+ for p in $(suite3270_makelist) ; do
+ emake -C "${S}/${p}-${SUB_PV}"
+ done
+src_install() {
+ use X && dodir "${FONTDIR}"
+ local p
+ for p in $(suite3270_makelist) ; do
+ cd "${S}/${p}-${SUB_PV}"
+ emake DESTDIR="${D}" install
+ docinto ${p}
+ local d=$(echo README*)
+ [[ -n ${d} ]] && dodoc ${d}
+ use doc && dohtml html/*
+ done
+ chmod a-x "${D}"/usr/share/man/*/*
+ use X && font_src_install
+pkg_postinst() { use X && font_pkg_postinst ; }
+pkg_postrm() { use X && font_pkg_postrm ; }
diff --git a/net-misc/suite3270/suite3270-3.3.12_p12.ebuild b/net-misc/suite3270/suite3270-3.3.12_p12.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..b1b2043d615c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/net-misc/suite3270/suite3270-3.3.12_p12.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2015 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Id$
+# only the x3270 package installs fonts
+inherit eutils font multiprocessing
+DESCRIPTION="Complete 3270 access package"
+KEYWORDS="amd64 ppc s390 sparc x86"
+IUSE="cjk doc ncurses ssl tcl X"
+RDEPEND="ssl? ( dev-libs/openssl )
+ X? (
+ x11-libs/libX11
+ x11-libs/libXaw
+ x11-libs/libXmu
+ x11-libs/libXt
+ )
+ ncurses? ( sys-libs/ncurses sys-libs/readline )
+ tcl? ( dev-lang/tcl:0 )"
+ X? (
+ x11-misc/xbitmaps
+ x11-proto/xproto
+ app-text/rman
+ x11-apps/mkfontdir
+ x11-apps/bdftopcf
+ )"
+suite3270_makelist() {
+ echo pr3287 s3270 \
+ $(usex ncurses c3270 '') \
+ $(usex tcl tcl3270 '') \
+ $(usex X x3270 '')
+src_prepare() {
+ # Some subdirs (like c3270/x3270/s3270) install the same set of data files
+ # (they have the same contents). Wrap that in a retry to avoid errors.
+ cat <<-EOF > _install
+ #!/bin/sh
+ for n in {1..5}; do
+ install "\$@" && exit
+ echo "retrying ..."
+ done
+ chmod a+rx _install
+ sed -i \
+ -e "s:@INSTALL@:${S}/_install:" \
+ */
+src_configure() {
+ local p myconf
+ # Run configures in parallel!
+ multijob_init
+ for p in $(suite3270_makelist) ; do
+ cd "${S}/${p}-${SUB_PV}"
+ if [[ ${p} == "x3270" ]] ; then
+ myconf=(
+ --without-xmkmf
+ $(use_with X x)
+ $(use_with X fontdir "${FONTDIR}")
+ )
+ else
+ myconf=()
+ fi
+ multijob_child_init econf \
+ --cache-file="${S}"/config.cache \
+ $(use_enable cjk dbcs) \
+ $(use_enable ssl) \
+ "${myconf[@]}"
+ done
+ sed \
+ -e "s:@SUBDIRS@:$(suite3270_makelist):" \
+ -e "s:@VER@:${SUB_PV}:" \
+ "${FILESDIR}"/ > "${S}"/Makefile || die
+ multijob_finish
+src_install() {
+ use X && dodir "${FONTDIR}"
+ EXTRA_TARGETS='' default
+ local p
+ for p in $(suite3270_makelist) ; do
+ cd "${S}/${p}-${SUB_PV}"
+ docinto ${p}
+ local d=$(echo README*)
+ [[ -n ${d} ]] && dodoc ${d}
+ use doc && dohtml html/*
+ done
+ find "${ED}"/usr/share/man/ -type f -exec chmod a-x {} +
+ use X && font_src_install
+pkg_postinst() { use X && font_pkg_postinst ; }
+pkg_postrm() { use X && font_pkg_postrm ; }
diff --git a/net-misc/suite3270/suite3270-3.3.13_p7.ebuild b/net-misc/suite3270/suite3270-3.3.13_p7.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..9c4ee86d5b40
--- /dev/null
+++ b/net-misc/suite3270/suite3270-3.3.13_p7.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2015 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Id$
+# only the x3270 package installs fonts
+inherit eutils font multiprocessing
+DESCRIPTION="Complete 3270 access package"
+KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~ppc ~s390 ~sparc ~x86"
+IUSE="cjk doc ncurses ssl tcl X"
+RDEPEND="ssl? ( dev-libs/openssl )
+ X? (
+ x11-libs/libX11
+ x11-libs/libXaw
+ x11-libs/libXmu
+ x11-libs/libXt
+ )
+ ncurses? ( sys-libs/ncurses sys-libs/readline )
+ tcl? ( dev-lang/tcl:0 )"
+ X? (
+ x11-misc/xbitmaps
+ x11-proto/xproto
+ app-text/rman
+ x11-apps/mkfontdir
+ x11-apps/bdftopcf
+ )"
+suite3270_makelist() {
+ echo pr3287 s3270 \
+ $(usex ncurses c3270 '') \
+ $(usex tcl tcl3270 '') \
+ $(usex X x3270 '')
+src_prepare() {
+ # Some subdirs (like c3270/x3270/s3270) install the same set of data files
+ # (they have the same contents). Wrap that in a retry to avoid errors.
+ cat <<-EOF > _install
+ #!/bin/sh
+ for n in {1..5}; do
+ install "\$@" && exit
+ echo "retrying ..."
+ done
+ chmod a+rx _install
+ sed -i \
+ -e "s:@INSTALL@:${S}/_install:" \
+ */
+src_configure() {
+ local p myconf
+ # Run configures in parallel!
+ multijob_init
+ for p in $(suite3270_makelist) ; do
+ cd "${S}/${p}-${SUB_PV}"
+ if [[ ${p} == "x3270" ]] ; then
+ myconf=(
+ --without-xmkmf
+ $(use_with X x)
+ $(use_with X fontdir "${FONTDIR}")
+ )
+ else
+ myconf=()
+ fi
+ multijob_child_init econf \
+ --cache-file="${S}"/config.cache \
+ $(use_enable cjk dbcs) \
+ $(use_enable ssl) \
+ "${myconf[@]}"
+ done
+ sed \
+ -e "s:@SUBDIRS@:$(suite3270_makelist):" \
+ -e "s:@VER@:${SUB_PV}:" \
+ "${FILESDIR}"/ > "${S}"/Makefile || die
+ multijob_finish
+src_install() {
+ use X && dodir "${FONTDIR}"
+ EXTRA_TARGETS='' default
+ local p
+ for p in $(suite3270_makelist) ; do
+ cd "${S}/${p}-${SUB_PV}"
+ docinto ${p}
+ local d=$(echo README*)
+ [[ -n ${d} ]] && dodoc ${d}
+ use doc && dohtml html/*
+ done
+ find "${ED}"/usr/share/man/ -type f -exec chmod a-x {} +
+ use X && font_src_install
+pkg_postinst() { use X && font_pkg_postinst ; }
+pkg_postrm() { use X && font_pkg_postrm ; }
diff --git a/net-misc/suite3270/suite3270-3.3.14_p11.ebuild b/net-misc/suite3270/suite3270-3.3.14_p11.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..f248d1c47295
--- /dev/null
+++ b/net-misc/suite3270/suite3270-3.3.14_p11.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2015 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Id$
+# only the x3270 package installs fonts
+inherit eutils font multiprocessing
+DESCRIPTION="Complete 3270 access package"
+KEYWORDS="amd64 ppc s390 sparc x86"
+IUSE="cjk doc ncurses ssl tcl X"
+RDEPEND="ssl? ( dev-libs/openssl )
+ X? (
+ x11-libs/libX11
+ x11-libs/libXaw
+ x11-libs/libXmu
+ x11-libs/libXt
+ )
+ ncurses? ( sys-libs/ncurses sys-libs/readline )
+ tcl? ( dev-lang/tcl:0 )"
+ X? (
+ x11-misc/xbitmaps
+ x11-proto/xproto
+ app-text/rman
+ x11-apps/mkfontdir
+ x11-apps/bdftopcf
+ )"
+suite3270_makelist() {
+ echo pr3287 s3270 \
+ $(usex ncurses c3270 '') \
+ $(usex tcl tcl3270 '') \
+ $(usex X x3270 '')
+src_prepare() {
+ # Some subdirs (like c3270/x3270/s3270) install the same set of data files
+ # (they have the same contents). Wrap that in a retry to avoid errors.
+ cat <<-EOF > _install
+ #!/bin/sh
+ for n in {1..5}; do
+ install "\$@" && exit
+ echo "retrying ..."
+ done
+ chmod a+rx _install
+ sed -i \
+ -e "s:@INSTALL@:${S}/_install:" \
+ */
+ sed -i \
+ -e 's:CPPFunction:rl_completion_func_t:' \
+ c3270-*/c3270.c || die #503364
+src_configure() {
+ local p myconf
+ # Run configures in parallel!
+ multijob_init
+ for p in $(suite3270_makelist) ; do
+ cd "${S}/${p}-${SUB_PV}"
+ if [[ ${p} == "x3270" ]] ; then
+ myconf=(
+ --without-xmkmf
+ $(use_with X x)
+ $(use_with X fontdir "${FONTDIR}")
+ )
+ else
+ myconf=()
+ fi
+ multijob_child_init econf \
+ --cache-file="${S}"/config.cache \
+ $(use_enable cjk dbcs) \
+ $(use_enable ssl) \
+ "${myconf[@]}"
+ done
+ sed \
+ -e "s:@SUBDIRS@:$(suite3270_makelist):" \
+ -e "s:@VER@:${SUB_PV}:" \
+ "${FILESDIR}"/ > "${S}"/Makefile || die
+ multijob_finish
+src_install() {
+ use X && dodir "${FONTDIR}"
+ EXTRA_TARGETS='' default
+ local p
+ for p in $(suite3270_makelist) ; do
+ cd "${S}/${p}-${SUB_PV}"
+ docinto ${p}
+ local d=$(echo README*)
+ [[ -n ${d} ]] && dodoc ${d}
+ use doc && dohtml html/*
+ done
+ find "${ED}"/usr/share/man/ -type f -perm /1 -exec chmod a-x {} +
+ use X && font_src_install
+pkg_postinst() { use X && font_pkg_postinst ; }
+pkg_postrm() { use X && font_pkg_postrm ; }
diff --git a/net-misc/suite3270/suite3270-3.3.14_p6.ebuild b/net-misc/suite3270/suite3270-3.3.14_p6.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..f248d1c47295
--- /dev/null
+++ b/net-misc/suite3270/suite3270-3.3.14_p6.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2015 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Id$
+# only the x3270 package installs fonts
+inherit eutils font multiprocessing
+DESCRIPTION="Complete 3270 access package"
+KEYWORDS="amd64 ppc s390 sparc x86"
+IUSE="cjk doc ncurses ssl tcl X"
+RDEPEND="ssl? ( dev-libs/openssl )
+ X? (
+ x11-libs/libX11
+ x11-libs/libXaw
+ x11-libs/libXmu
+ x11-libs/libXt
+ )
+ ncurses? ( sys-libs/ncurses sys-libs/readline )
+ tcl? ( dev-lang/tcl:0 )"
+ X? (
+ x11-misc/xbitmaps
+ x11-proto/xproto
+ app-text/rman
+ x11-apps/mkfontdir
+ x11-apps/bdftopcf
+ )"
+suite3270_makelist() {
+ echo pr3287 s3270 \
+ $(usex ncurses c3270 '') \
+ $(usex tcl tcl3270 '') \
+ $(usex X x3270 '')
+src_prepare() {
+ # Some subdirs (like c3270/x3270/s3270) install the same set of data files
+ # (they have the same contents). Wrap that in a retry to avoid errors.
+ cat <<-EOF > _install
+ #!/bin/sh
+ for n in {1..5}; do
+ install "\$@" && exit
+ echo "retrying ..."
+ done
+ chmod a+rx _install
+ sed -i \
+ -e "s:@INSTALL@:${S}/_install:" \
+ */
+ sed -i \
+ -e 's:CPPFunction:rl_completion_func_t:' \
+ c3270-*/c3270.c || die #503364
+src_configure() {
+ local p myconf
+ # Run configures in parallel!
+ multijob_init
+ for p in $(suite3270_makelist) ; do
+ cd "${S}/${p}-${SUB_PV}"
+ if [[ ${p} == "x3270" ]] ; then
+ myconf=(
+ --without-xmkmf
+ $(use_with X x)
+ $(use_with X fontdir "${FONTDIR}")
+ )
+ else
+ myconf=()
+ fi
+ multijob_child_init econf \
+ --cache-file="${S}"/config.cache \
+ $(use_enable cjk dbcs) \
+ $(use_enable ssl) \
+ "${myconf[@]}"
+ done
+ sed \
+ -e "s:@SUBDIRS@:$(suite3270_makelist):" \
+ -e "s:@VER@:${SUB_PV}:" \
+ "${FILESDIR}"/ > "${S}"/Makefile || die
+ multijob_finish
+src_install() {
+ use X && dodir "${FONTDIR}"
+ EXTRA_TARGETS='' default
+ local p
+ for p in $(suite3270_makelist) ; do
+ cd "${S}/${p}-${SUB_PV}"
+ docinto ${p}
+ local d=$(echo README*)
+ [[ -n ${d} ]] && dodoc ${d}
+ use doc && dohtml html/*
+ done
+ find "${ED}"/usr/share/man/ -type f -perm /1 -exec chmod a-x {} +
+ use X && font_src_install
+pkg_postinst() { use X && font_pkg_postinst ; }
+pkg_postrm() { use X && font_pkg_postrm ; }
diff --git a/net-misc/suite3270/suite3270-3.3.14_p7.ebuild b/net-misc/suite3270/suite3270-3.3.14_p7.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..861819d35669
--- /dev/null
+++ b/net-misc/suite3270/suite3270-3.3.14_p7.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2015 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Id$
+# only the x3270 package installs fonts
+inherit eutils font multiprocessing
+DESCRIPTION="Complete 3270 access package"
+KEYWORDS="amd64 ppc ~s390 sparc x86"
+IUSE="cjk doc ncurses ssl tcl X"
+RDEPEND="ssl? ( dev-libs/openssl )
+ X? (
+ x11-libs/libX11
+ x11-libs/libXaw
+ x11-libs/libXmu
+ x11-libs/libXt
+ )
+ ncurses? ( sys-libs/ncurses sys-libs/readline )
+ tcl? ( dev-lang/tcl:0 )"
+ X? (
+ x11-misc/xbitmaps
+ x11-proto/xproto
+ app-text/rman
+ x11-apps/mkfontdir
+ x11-apps/bdftopcf
+ )"
+suite3270_makelist() {
+ echo pr3287 s3270 \
+ $(usex ncurses c3270 '') \
+ $(usex tcl tcl3270 '') \
+ $(usex X x3270 '')
+src_prepare() {
+ # Some subdirs (like c3270/x3270/s3270) install the same set of data files
+ # (they have the same contents). Wrap that in a retry to avoid errors.
+ cat <<-EOF > _install
+ #!/bin/sh
+ for n in {1..5}; do
+ install "\$@" && exit
+ echo "retrying ..."
+ done
+ chmod a+rx _install
+ sed -i \
+ -e "s:@INSTALL@:${S}/_install:" \
+ */
+ sed -i \
+ -e 's:CPPFunction:rl_completion_func_t:' \
+ c3270-*/c3270.c || die #503364
+src_configure() {
+ local p myconf
+ # Run configures in parallel!
+ multijob_init
+ for p in $(suite3270_makelist) ; do
+ cd "${S}/${p}-${SUB_PV}"
+ if [[ ${p} == "x3270" ]] ; then
+ myconf=(
+ --without-xmkmf
+ $(use_with X x)
+ $(use_with X fontdir "${FONTDIR}")
+ )
+ else
+ myconf=()
+ fi
+ multijob_child_init econf \
+ --cache-file="${S}"/config.cache \
+ $(use_enable cjk dbcs) \
+ $(use_enable ssl) \
+ "${myconf[@]}"
+ done
+ sed \
+ -e "s:@SUBDIRS@:$(suite3270_makelist):" \
+ -e "s:@VER@:${SUB_PV}:" \
+ "${FILESDIR}"/ > "${S}"/Makefile || die
+ multijob_finish
+src_install() {
+ use X && dodir "${FONTDIR}"
+ EXTRA_TARGETS='' default
+ local p
+ for p in $(suite3270_makelist) ; do
+ cd "${S}/${p}-${SUB_PV}"
+ docinto ${p}
+ local d=$(echo README*)
+ [[ -n ${d} ]] && dodoc ${d}
+ use doc && dohtml html/*
+ done
+ find "${ED}"/usr/share/man/ -type f -perm /1 -exec chmod a-x {} +
+ use X && font_src_install
+pkg_postinst() { use X && font_pkg_postinst ; }
+pkg_postrm() { use X && font_pkg_postrm ; }
diff --git a/net-misc/suite3270/suite3270-3.3.14_p9.ebuild b/net-misc/suite3270/suite3270-3.3.14_p9.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..3e26b40c403e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/net-misc/suite3270/suite3270-3.3.14_p9.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2015 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Id$
+# only the x3270 package installs fonts
+inherit eutils font multiprocessing
+DESCRIPTION="Complete 3270 access package"
+KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~ppc ~s390 ~sparc ~x86"
+IUSE="cjk doc ncurses ssl tcl X"
+RDEPEND="ssl? ( dev-libs/openssl )
+ X? (
+ x11-libs/libX11
+ x11-libs/libXaw
+ x11-libs/libXmu
+ x11-libs/libXt
+ )
+ ncurses? ( sys-libs/ncurses sys-libs/readline )
+ tcl? ( dev-lang/tcl:0 )"
+ X? (
+ x11-misc/xbitmaps
+ x11-proto/xproto
+ app-text/rman
+ x11-apps/mkfontdir
+ x11-apps/bdftopcf
+ )"
+suite3270_makelist() {
+ echo pr3287 s3270 \
+ $(usex ncurses c3270 '') \
+ $(usex tcl tcl3270 '') \
+ $(usex X x3270 '')
+src_prepare() {
+ # Some subdirs (like c3270/x3270/s3270) install the same set of data files
+ # (they have the same contents). Wrap that in a retry to avoid errors.
+ cat <<-EOF > _install
+ #!/bin/sh
+ for n in {1..5}; do
+ install "\$@" && exit
+ echo "retrying ..."
+ done
+ chmod a+rx _install
+ sed -i \
+ -e "s:@INSTALL@:${S}/_install:" \
+ */
+ sed -i \
+ -e 's:CPPFunction:rl_completion_func_t:' \
+ c3270-*/c3270.c || die #503364
+src_configure() {
+ local p myconf
+ # Run configures in parallel!
+ multijob_init
+ for p in $(suite3270_makelist) ; do
+ cd "${S}/${p}-${SUB_PV}"
+ if [[ ${p} == "x3270" ]] ; then
+ myconf=(
+ --without-xmkmf
+ $(use_with X x)
+ $(use_with X fontdir "${FONTDIR}")
+ )
+ else
+ myconf=()
+ fi
+ multijob_child_init econf \
+ --cache-file="${S}"/config.cache \
+ $(use_enable cjk dbcs) \
+ $(use_enable ssl) \
+ "${myconf[@]}"
+ done
+ sed \
+ -e "s:@SUBDIRS@:$(suite3270_makelist):" \
+ -e "s:@VER@:${SUB_PV}:" \
+ "${FILESDIR}"/ > "${S}"/Makefile || die
+ multijob_finish
+src_install() {
+ use X && dodir "${FONTDIR}"
+ EXTRA_TARGETS='' default
+ local p
+ for p in $(suite3270_makelist) ; do
+ cd "${S}/${p}-${SUB_PV}"
+ docinto ${p}
+ local d=$(echo README*)
+ [[ -n ${d} ]] && dodoc ${d}
+ use doc && dohtml html/*
+ done
+ find "${ED}"/usr/share/man/ -type f -perm /1 -exec chmod a-x {} +
+ use X && font_src_install
+pkg_postinst() { use X && font_pkg_postinst ; }
+pkg_postrm() { use X && font_pkg_postrm ; }
diff --git a/net-misc/suite3270/suite3270-3.3.15_p4.ebuild b/net-misc/suite3270/suite3270-3.3.15_p4.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..3e26b40c403e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/net-misc/suite3270/suite3270-3.3.15_p4.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2015 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Id$
+# only the x3270 package installs fonts
+inherit eutils font multiprocessing
+DESCRIPTION="Complete 3270 access package"
+KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~ppc ~s390 ~sparc ~x86"
+IUSE="cjk doc ncurses ssl tcl X"
+RDEPEND="ssl? ( dev-libs/openssl )
+ X? (
+ x11-libs/libX11
+ x11-libs/libXaw
+ x11-libs/libXmu
+ x11-libs/libXt
+ )
+ ncurses? ( sys-libs/ncurses sys-libs/readline )
+ tcl? ( dev-lang/tcl:0 )"
+ X? (
+ x11-misc/xbitmaps
+ x11-proto/xproto
+ app-text/rman
+ x11-apps/mkfontdir
+ x11-apps/bdftopcf
+ )"
+suite3270_makelist() {
+ echo pr3287 s3270 \
+ $(usex ncurses c3270 '') \
+ $(usex tcl tcl3270 '') \
+ $(usex X x3270 '')
+src_prepare() {
+ # Some subdirs (like c3270/x3270/s3270) install the same set of data files
+ # (they have the same contents). Wrap that in a retry to avoid errors.
+ cat <<-EOF > _install
+ #!/bin/sh
+ for n in {1..5}; do
+ install "\$@" && exit
+ echo "retrying ..."
+ done
+ chmod a+rx _install
+ sed -i \
+ -e "s:@INSTALL@:${S}/_install:" \
+ */
+ sed -i \
+ -e 's:CPPFunction:rl_completion_func_t:' \
+ c3270-*/c3270.c || die #503364
+src_configure() {
+ local p myconf
+ # Run configures in parallel!
+ multijob_init
+ for p in $(suite3270_makelist) ; do
+ cd "${S}/${p}-${SUB_PV}"
+ if [[ ${p} == "x3270" ]] ; then
+ myconf=(
+ --without-xmkmf
+ $(use_with X x)
+ $(use_with X fontdir "${FONTDIR}")
+ )
+ else
+ myconf=()
+ fi
+ multijob_child_init econf \
+ --cache-file="${S}"/config.cache \
+ $(use_enable cjk dbcs) \
+ $(use_enable ssl) \
+ "${myconf[@]}"
+ done
+ sed \
+ -e "s:@SUBDIRS@:$(suite3270_makelist):" \
+ -e "s:@VER@:${SUB_PV}:" \
+ "${FILESDIR}"/ > "${S}"/Makefile || die
+ multijob_finish
+src_install() {
+ use X && dodir "${FONTDIR}"
+ EXTRA_TARGETS='' default
+ local p
+ for p in $(suite3270_makelist) ; do
+ cd "${S}/${p}-${SUB_PV}"
+ docinto ${p}
+ local d=$(echo README*)
+ [[ -n ${d} ]] && dodoc ${d}
+ use doc && dohtml html/*
+ done
+ find "${ED}"/usr/share/man/ -type f -perm /1 -exec chmod a-x {} +
+ use X && font_src_install
+pkg_postinst() { use X && font_pkg_postinst ; }
+pkg_postrm() { use X && font_pkg_postrm ; }
diff --git a/net-misc/suite3270/suite3270-3.3.15_p7.ebuild b/net-misc/suite3270/suite3270-3.3.15_p7.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..3e26b40c403e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/net-misc/suite3270/suite3270-3.3.15_p7.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2015 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Id$
+# only the x3270 package installs fonts
+inherit eutils font multiprocessing
+DESCRIPTION="Complete 3270 access package"
+KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~ppc ~s390 ~sparc ~x86"
+IUSE="cjk doc ncurses ssl tcl X"
+RDEPEND="ssl? ( dev-libs/openssl )
+ X? (
+ x11-libs/libX11
+ x11-libs/libXaw
+ x11-libs/libXmu
+ x11-libs/libXt
+ )
+ ncurses? ( sys-libs/ncurses sys-libs/readline )
+ tcl? ( dev-lang/tcl:0 )"
+ X? (
+ x11-misc/xbitmaps
+ x11-proto/xproto
+ app-text/rman
+ x11-apps/mkfontdir
+ x11-apps/bdftopcf
+ )"
+suite3270_makelist() {
+ echo pr3287 s3270 \
+ $(usex ncurses c3270 '') \
+ $(usex tcl tcl3270 '') \
+ $(usex X x3270 '')
+src_prepare() {
+ # Some subdirs (like c3270/x3270/s3270) install the same set of data files
+ # (they have the same contents). Wrap that in a retry to avoid errors.
+ cat <<-EOF > _install
+ #!/bin/sh
+ for n in {1..5}; do
+ install "\$@" && exit
+ echo "retrying ..."
+ done
+ chmod a+rx _install
+ sed -i \
+ -e "s:@INSTALL@:${S}/_install:" \
+ */
+ sed -i \
+ -e 's:CPPFunction:rl_completion_func_t:' \
+ c3270-*/c3270.c || die #503364
+src_configure() {
+ local p myconf
+ # Run configures in parallel!
+ multijob_init
+ for p in $(suite3270_makelist) ; do
+ cd "${S}/${p}-${SUB_PV}"
+ if [[ ${p} == "x3270" ]] ; then
+ myconf=(
+ --without-xmkmf
+ $(use_with X x)
+ $(use_with X fontdir "${FONTDIR}")
+ )
+ else
+ myconf=()
+ fi
+ multijob_child_init econf \
+ --cache-file="${S}"/config.cache \
+ $(use_enable cjk dbcs) \
+ $(use_enable ssl) \
+ "${myconf[@]}"
+ done
+ sed \
+ -e "s:@SUBDIRS@:$(suite3270_makelist):" \
+ -e "s:@VER@:${SUB_PV}:" \
+ "${FILESDIR}"/ > "${S}"/Makefile || die
+ multijob_finish
+src_install() {
+ use X && dodir "${FONTDIR}"
+ EXTRA_TARGETS='' default
+ local p
+ for p in $(suite3270_makelist) ; do
+ cd "${S}/${p}-${SUB_PV}"
+ docinto ${p}
+ local d=$(echo README*)
+ [[ -n ${d} ]] && dodoc ${d}
+ use doc && dohtml html/*
+ done
+ find "${ED}"/usr/share/man/ -type f -perm /1 -exec chmod a-x {} +
+ use X && font_src_install
+pkg_postinst() { use X && font_pkg_postinst ; }
+pkg_postrm() { use X && font_pkg_postrm ; }
diff --git a/net-misc/suite3270/suite3270-3.3.15_p9.ebuild b/net-misc/suite3270/suite3270-3.3.15_p9.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..3e26b40c403e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/net-misc/suite3270/suite3270-3.3.15_p9.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2015 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Id$
+# only the x3270 package installs fonts
+inherit eutils font multiprocessing
+DESCRIPTION="Complete 3270 access package"
+KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~ppc ~s390 ~sparc ~x86"
+IUSE="cjk doc ncurses ssl tcl X"
+RDEPEND="ssl? ( dev-libs/openssl )
+ X? (
+ x11-libs/libX11
+ x11-libs/libXaw
+ x11-libs/libXmu
+ x11-libs/libXt
+ )
+ ncurses? ( sys-libs/ncurses sys-libs/readline )
+ tcl? ( dev-lang/tcl:0 )"
+ X? (
+ x11-misc/xbitmaps
+ x11-proto/xproto
+ app-text/rman
+ x11-apps/mkfontdir
+ x11-apps/bdftopcf
+ )"
+suite3270_makelist() {
+ echo pr3287 s3270 \
+ $(usex ncurses c3270 '') \
+ $(usex tcl tcl3270 '') \
+ $(usex X x3270 '')
+src_prepare() {
+ # Some subdirs (like c3270/x3270/s3270) install the same set of data files
+ # (they have the same contents). Wrap that in a retry to avoid errors.
+ cat <<-EOF > _install
+ #!/bin/sh
+ for n in {1..5}; do
+ install "\$@" && exit
+ echo "retrying ..."
+ done
+ chmod a+rx _install
+ sed -i \
+ -e "s:@INSTALL@:${S}/_install:" \
+ */
+ sed -i \
+ -e 's:CPPFunction:rl_completion_func_t:' \
+ c3270-*/c3270.c || die #503364
+src_configure() {
+ local p myconf
+ # Run configures in parallel!
+ multijob_init
+ for p in $(suite3270_makelist) ; do
+ cd "${S}/${p}-${SUB_PV}"
+ if [[ ${p} == "x3270" ]] ; then
+ myconf=(
+ --without-xmkmf
+ $(use_with X x)
+ $(use_with X fontdir "${FONTDIR}")
+ )
+ else
+ myconf=()
+ fi
+ multijob_child_init econf \
+ --cache-file="${S}"/config.cache \
+ $(use_enable cjk dbcs) \
+ $(use_enable ssl) \
+ "${myconf[@]}"
+ done
+ sed \
+ -e "s:@SUBDIRS@:$(suite3270_makelist):" \
+ -e "s:@VER@:${SUB_PV}:" \
+ "${FILESDIR}"/ > "${S}"/Makefile || die
+ multijob_finish
+src_install() {
+ use X && dodir "${FONTDIR}"
+ EXTRA_TARGETS='' default
+ local p
+ for p in $(suite3270_makelist) ; do
+ cd "${S}/${p}-${SUB_PV}"
+ docinto ${p}
+ local d=$(echo README*)
+ [[ -n ${d} ]] && dodoc ${d}
+ use doc && dohtml html/*
+ done
+ find "${ED}"/usr/share/man/ -type f -perm /1 -exec chmod a-x {} +
+ use X && font_src_install
+pkg_postinst() { use X && font_pkg_postinst ; }
+pkg_postrm() { use X && font_pkg_postrm ; }
diff --git a/net-misc/suite3270/suite3270-3.3.5_p8.ebuild b/net-misc/suite3270/suite3270-3.3.5_p8.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..38f88d9f00a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/net-misc/suite3270/suite3270-3.3.5_p8.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2010 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Id$
+inherit eutils
+IUSE="cjk doc ncurses ssl tcl X"
+DESCRIPTION="Complete 3270 access package"
+KEYWORDS="amd64 ppc s390 sparc x86"
+RDEPEND="X? ( x11-libs/libX11
+ x11-libs/libXaw
+ x11-libs/libXmu
+ x11-libs/libXt )
+ cjk? ( dev-libs/icu )
+ ncurses? ( sys-libs/ncurses
+ sys-libs/readline )
+ ssl? ( dev-libs/openssl )
+ tcl? ( dev-lang/tcl )"
+ X? ( x11-misc/imake
+ x11-misc/xbitmaps
+ x11-proto/xproto
+ app-text/rman
+ x11-apps/mkfontdir
+ x11-apps/bdftopcf )"
+suite3270_makelist() {
+ MY_PLIST="pr3287 s3270"
+ use ncurses && MY_PLIST="${MY_PLIST} c3270"
+ use tcl && MY_PLIST="${MY_PLIST} tcl3270"
+ use X && MY_PLIST="${MY_PLIST} x3270"
+src_unpack() {
+ unpack ${A}
+ cd "${S}"
+ # Patches were sent upstream to maintainer
+ # as of 11 May 2007, by Jesse Farinacci <>
+ epatch "${FILESDIR}"/configure-3.3.5.patch
+ use cjk && epatch "${FILESDIR}"/makeconv-3.3.5.patch
+ return 0
+src_compile() {
+ local myconf
+ myconf="--without-pr3287"
+ myconf="${myconf} --cache-file=${S}/config.cache"
+ myconf="${myconf} $(use_enable cjk dbcs)"
+ myconf="${myconf} $(use_enable ssl)"
+ myconf="${myconf} $(use_with X x)"
+ myconf="${myconf} $(use_with X fontdir ${MY_FONTDIR})"
+ suite3270_makelist
+ for p in ${MY_PLIST} ; do
+ cd "${S}/${p}-${SUB_PV}"
+ econf ${myconf} || die "econf failed on ${p}"
+ emake || die "emake faild on ${p}"
+ done
+src_install () {
+ suite3270_makelist
+ use X && dodir ${MY_FONTDIR}
+ for p in ${MY_PLIST} ; do
+ cd "${S}/${p}-${SUB_PV}"
+ emake -j1 DESTDIR="${D}" install \
+ || die "emake failed on ${p}"
+ use doc && docinto ${p} && dohtml html/*
+ done
+ use X && rm -f "${D}/${MY_FONTDIR}/fonts.dir"
+ return 0
+pkg_postinst() {
+ if use X ; then
+ einfo "Running mkfontdir on ${MY_FONTDIR}"
+ mkfontdir ${MY_FONTDIR}
+ fi
diff --git a/net-misc/suite3270/suite3270-3.3.6.ebuild b/net-misc/suite3270/suite3270-3.3.6.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..c1fc154339b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/net-misc/suite3270/suite3270-3.3.6.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2009 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Id$
+inherit eutils
+IUSE="cjk doc ncurses ssl tcl X"
+DESCRIPTION="Complete 3270 access package"
+KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~ppc ~s390 ~sparc ~x86"
+RDEPEND="X? ( x11-libs/libX11
+ x11-libs/libXaw
+ x11-libs/libXmu
+ x11-libs/libXt )
+ cjk? ( dev-libs/icu )
+ ncurses? ( sys-libs/ncurses
+ sys-libs/readline )
+ ssl? ( dev-libs/openssl )
+ tcl? ( dev-lang/tcl )"
+ X? ( x11-misc/imake
+ x11-misc/xbitmaps
+ x11-proto/xproto
+ app-text/rman
+ x11-apps/mkfontdir
+ x11-apps/bdftopcf )"
+suite3270_makelist() {
+ MY_PLIST="pr3287 s3270"
+ use ncurses && MY_PLIST="${MY_PLIST} c3270"
+ use tcl && MY_PLIST="${MY_PLIST} tcl3270"
+ use X && MY_PLIST="${MY_PLIST} x3270"
+src_compile() {
+ local myconf
+ myconf="--without-pr3287"
+ myconf="${myconf} --cache-file=${S}/config.cache"
+ myconf="${myconf} $(use_enable cjk dbcs)"
+ myconf="${myconf} $(use_enable ssl)"
+ myconf="${myconf} $(use_with X x)"
+ myconf="${myconf} $(use_with X fontdir ${MY_FONTDIR})"
+ suite3270_makelist
+ for p in ${MY_PLIST} ; do
+ cd "${S}/${p}-${SUB_PV}"
+ econf ${myconf} || die "econf failed on ${p}"
+ emake || die "emake faild on ${p}"
+ done
+src_install () {
+ suite3270_makelist
+ use X && dodir ${MY_FONTDIR}
+ for p in ${MY_PLIST} ; do
+ cd "${S}/${p}-${SUB_PV}"
+ emake -j1 DESTDIR="${D}" install \
+ || die "emake failed on ${p}"
+ use doc && docinto ${p} && dohtml html/*
+ done
+ use X && rm -f "${D}/${MY_FONTDIR}/fonts.dir"
+ return 0
+pkg_postinst() {
+ if use X ; then
+ einfo "Running mkfontdir on ${MY_FONTDIR}"
+ mkfontdir ${MY_FONTDIR}
+ fi
diff --git a/net-misc/suite3270/suite3270-3.3.7.ebuild b/net-misc/suite3270/suite3270-3.3.7.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..373ece463ab6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/net-misc/suite3270/suite3270-3.3.7.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2009 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Id$
+inherit eutils
+IUSE="cjk doc ncurses ssl tcl X"
+DESCRIPTION="Complete 3270 access package"
+KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~ppc ~s390 ~sparc ~x86"
+RDEPEND="X? ( x11-libs/libX11
+ x11-libs/libXaw
+ x11-libs/libXmu
+ x11-libs/libXt )
+ cjk? ( dev-libs/icu )
+ ncurses? ( sys-libs/ncurses
+ sys-libs/readline )
+ ssl? ( dev-libs/openssl )
+ tcl? ( dev-lang/tcl )"
+ X? ( x11-misc/imake
+ x11-misc/xbitmaps
+ x11-proto/xproto
+ app-text/rman
+ x11-apps/mkfontdir
+ x11-apps/bdftopcf )"
+suite3270_makelist() {
+ MY_PLIST="pr3287 s3270"
+ use ncurses && MY_PLIST="${MY_PLIST} c3270"
+ use tcl && MY_PLIST="${MY_PLIST} tcl3270"
+ use X && MY_PLIST="${MY_PLIST} x3270"
+src_compile() {
+ local myconf
+ myconf="--without-pr3287"
+ myconf="${myconf} --cache-file=${S}/config.cache"
+ myconf="${myconf} $(use_enable cjk dbcs)"
+ myconf="${myconf} $(use_enable ssl)"
+ myconf="${myconf} $(use_with X x)"
+ myconf="${myconf} $(use_with X fontdir ${MY_FONTDIR})"
+ suite3270_makelist
+ for p in ${MY_PLIST} ; do
+ cd "${S}/${p}-${SUB_PV}"
+ econf ${myconf} || die "econf failed on ${p}"
+ emake || die "emake faild on ${p}"
+ done
+src_install () {
+ suite3270_makelist
+ use X && dodir ${MY_FONTDIR}
+ for p in ${MY_PLIST} ; do
+ cd "${S}/${p}-${SUB_PV}"
+ emake DESTDIR="${D}" install \
+ || die "emake failed on ${p}"
+ use doc && docinto ${p} && dohtml html/*
+ done
+ use X && rm -f "${D}/${MY_FONTDIR}/fonts.dir"
+ return 0
+pkg_postinst() {
+ if use X ; then
+ einfo "Running mkfontdir on ${MY_FONTDIR}"
+ mkfontdir ${MY_FONTDIR}
+ fi
diff --git a/net-misc/suite3270/suite3270-3.3.7_p5.ebuild b/net-misc/suite3270/suite3270-3.3.7_p5.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..ddbaded8dfe5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/net-misc/suite3270/suite3270-3.3.7_p5.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2009 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Id$
+inherit eutils
+IUSE="cjk doc ncurses ssl tcl X"
+DESCRIPTION="Complete 3270 access package"
+KEYWORDS="amd64 ppc s390 sparc x86"
+RDEPEND="X? ( x11-libs/libX11
+ x11-libs/libXaw
+ x11-libs/libXmu
+ x11-libs/libXt )
+ cjk? ( dev-libs/icu )
+ ncurses? ( sys-libs/ncurses
+ sys-libs/readline )
+ ssl? ( dev-libs/openssl )
+ tcl? ( dev-lang/tcl )"
+ X? ( x11-misc/imake
+ x11-misc/xbitmaps
+ x11-proto/xproto
+ app-text/rman
+ x11-apps/mkfontdir
+ x11-apps/bdftopcf )"
+suite3270_makelist() {
+ MY_PLIST="pr3287 s3270"
+ use ncurses && MY_PLIST="${MY_PLIST} c3270"
+ use tcl && MY_PLIST="${MY_PLIST} tcl3270"
+ use X && MY_PLIST="${MY_PLIST} x3270"
+src_compile() {
+ local myconf
+ myconf="--without-pr3287"
+ myconf="${myconf} --cache-file=${S}/config.cache"
+ myconf="${myconf} $(use_enable cjk dbcs)"
+ myconf="${myconf} $(use_enable ssl)"
+ myconf="${myconf} $(use_with X x)"
+ myconf="${myconf} $(use_with X fontdir ${MY_FONTDIR})"
+ suite3270_makelist
+ for p in ${MY_PLIST} ; do
+ cd "${S}/${p}-${SUB_PV}"
+ econf ${myconf} || die "econf failed on ${p}"
+ emake || die "emake faild on ${p}"
+ done
+src_install () {
+ suite3270_makelist
+ use X && dodir ${MY_FONTDIR}
+ for p in ${MY_PLIST} ; do
+ cd "${S}/${p}-${SUB_PV}"
+ emake DESTDIR="${D}" install \
+ || die "emake failed on ${p}"
+ use doc && docinto ${p} && dohtml html/*
+ done
+ use X && rm -f "${D}/${MY_FONTDIR}/fonts.dir"
+ return 0
+pkg_postinst() {
+ if use X ; then
+ einfo "Running mkfontdir on ${MY_FONTDIR}"
+ mkfontdir ${MY_FONTDIR}
+ fi
diff --git a/net-misc/suite3270/suite3270-3.3.7_p8.ebuild b/net-misc/suite3270/suite3270-3.3.7_p8.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..266510fd63e8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/net-misc/suite3270/suite3270-3.3.7_p8.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2009 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Id$
+inherit eutils
+IUSE="cjk doc ncurses ssl tcl X"
+DESCRIPTION="Complete 3270 access package"
+KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~ppc ~s390 ~sparc ~x86"
+RDEPEND="X? ( x11-libs/libX11
+ x11-libs/libXaw
+ x11-libs/libXmu
+ x11-libs/libXt )
+ cjk? ( dev-libs/icu )
+ ncurses? ( sys-libs/ncurses
+ sys-libs/readline )
+ ssl? ( dev-libs/openssl )
+ tcl? ( dev-lang/tcl )"
+ X? ( x11-misc/imake
+ x11-misc/xbitmaps
+ x11-proto/xproto
+ app-text/rman
+ x11-apps/mkfontdir
+ x11-apps/bdftopcf )"
+suite3270_makelist() {
+ MY_PLIST="pr3287 s3270"
+ use ncurses && MY_PLIST="${MY_PLIST} c3270"
+ use tcl && MY_PLIST="${MY_PLIST} tcl3270"
+ use X && MY_PLIST="${MY_PLIST} x3270"
+src_compile() {
+ local myconf
+ myconf="--without-pr3287"
+ myconf="${myconf} --cache-file=${S}/config.cache"
+ myconf="${myconf} $(use_enable cjk dbcs)"
+ myconf="${myconf} $(use_enable ssl)"
+ myconf="${myconf} $(use_with X x)"
+ myconf="${myconf} $(use_with X fontdir ${MY_FONTDIR})"
+ suite3270_makelist
+ for p in ${MY_PLIST} ; do
+ cd "${S}/${p}-${SUB_PV}"
+ econf ${myconf} || die "econf failed on ${p}"
+ emake || die "emake faild on ${p}"
+ done
+src_install () {
+ suite3270_makelist
+ use X && dodir ${MY_FONTDIR}
+ for p in ${MY_PLIST} ; do
+ cd "${S}/${p}-${SUB_PV}"
+ emake DESTDIR="${D}" install \
+ || die "emake failed on ${p}"
+ use doc && docinto ${p} && dohtml html/*
+ done
+ use X && rm -f "${D}/${MY_FONTDIR}/fonts.dir"
+ return 0
+pkg_postinst() {
+ if use X ; then
+ einfo "Running mkfontdir on ${MY_FONTDIR}"
+ mkfontdir ${MY_FONTDIR}
+ fi
diff --git a/net-misc/suite3270/suite3270-3.3.8.ebuild b/net-misc/suite3270/suite3270-3.3.8.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..c024501b4cac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/net-misc/suite3270/suite3270-3.3.8.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2009 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Id$
+inherit eutils
+IUSE="cjk doc ncurses ssl tcl X"
+DESCRIPTION="Complete 3270 access package"
+KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~ppc ~s390 ~sparc ~x86"
+RDEPEND="X? ( x11-libs/libX11
+ x11-libs/libXaw
+ x11-libs/libXmu
+ x11-libs/libXt )
+ ncurses? ( sys-libs/ncurses
+ sys-libs/readline )
+ ssl? ( dev-libs/openssl )
+ tcl? ( dev-lang/tcl )"
+ X? ( x11-misc/imake
+ x11-misc/xbitmaps
+ x11-proto/xproto
+ app-text/rman
+ x11-apps/mkfontdir
+ x11-apps/bdftopcf )"
+suite3270_makelist() {
+ MY_PLIST="pr3287 s3270"
+ use ncurses && MY_PLIST="${MY_PLIST} c3270"
+ use tcl && MY_PLIST="${MY_PLIST} tcl3270"
+ use X && MY_PLIST="${MY_PLIST} x3270"
+src_compile() {
+ local myconf
+ myconf="--without-pr3287"
+ myconf="${myconf} --cache-file=${S}/config.cache"
+ myconf="${myconf} $(use_enable cjk dbcs)"
+ myconf="${myconf} $(use_enable ssl)"
+ myconf="${myconf} $(use_with X x)"
+ myconf="${myconf} $(use_with X fontdir ${MY_FONTDIR})"
+ suite3270_makelist
+ for p in ${MY_PLIST} ; do
+ cd "${S}/${p}-${SUB_PV}"
+ econf ${myconf} || die "econf failed on ${p}"
+ emake || die "emake faild on ${p}"
+ done
+src_install () {
+ suite3270_makelist
+ use X && dodir ${MY_FONTDIR}
+ for p in ${MY_PLIST} ; do
+ cd "${S}/${p}-${SUB_PV}"
+ emake DESTDIR="${D}" install \
+ || die "emake failed on ${p}"
+ use doc && docinto ${p} && dohtml html/*
+ done
+ use X && rm -f "${D}/${MY_FONTDIR}/fonts.dir"
+ return 0
+pkg_postinst() {
+ if use X ; then
+ einfo "Running mkfontdir on ${MY_FONTDIR}"
+ mkfontdir ${MY_FONTDIR}
+ fi
diff --git a/net-misc/suite3270/suite3270-3.3.9_p12.ebuild b/net-misc/suite3270/suite3270-3.3.9_p12.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..e364a8d778c9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/net-misc/suite3270/suite3270-3.3.9_p12.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2009 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Id$
+inherit eutils
+IUSE="cjk doc ncurses ssl tcl X"
+DESCRIPTION="Complete 3270 access package"
+KEYWORDS="amd64 ppc s390 sparc x86"
+RDEPEND="X? ( x11-libs/libX11
+ x11-libs/libXaw
+ x11-libs/libXmu
+ x11-libs/libXt )
+ ncurses? ( sys-libs/ncurses
+ sys-libs/readline )
+ ssl? ( dev-libs/openssl )
+ tcl? ( dev-lang/tcl )"
+ X? ( x11-misc/imake
+ x11-misc/xbitmaps
+ x11-proto/xproto
+ app-text/rman
+ x11-apps/mkfontdir
+ x11-apps/bdftopcf )"
+suite3270_makelist() {
+ MY_PLIST="pr3287 s3270"
+ use ncurses && MY_PLIST="${MY_PLIST} c3270"
+ use tcl && MY_PLIST="${MY_PLIST} tcl3270"
+ use X && MY_PLIST="${MY_PLIST} x3270"
+src_compile() {
+ local myconf
+ myconf="--without-pr3287"
+ myconf="${myconf} --cache-file=${S}/config.cache"
+ myconf="${myconf} $(use_enable cjk dbcs)"
+ myconf="${myconf} $(use_enable ssl)"
+ myconf="${myconf} $(use_with X x)"
+ myconf="${myconf} $(use_with X fontdir ${MY_FONTDIR})"
+ suite3270_makelist
+ for p in ${MY_PLIST} ; do
+ cd "${S}/${p}-${SUB_PV}"
+ econf ${myconf} || die "econf failed on ${p}"
+ emake || die "emake faild on ${p}"
+ done
+src_install () {
+ suite3270_makelist
+ use X && dodir ${MY_FONTDIR}
+ for p in ${MY_PLIST} ; do
+ cd "${S}/${p}-${SUB_PV}"
+ emake DESTDIR="${D}" install \
+ || die "emake failed on ${p}"
+ use doc && docinto ${p} && dohtml html/*
+ done
+ use X && rm -f "${D}/${MY_FONTDIR}/fonts.dir"
+ return 0
+pkg_postinst() {
+ if use X ; then
+ einfo "Running mkfontdir on ${MY_FONTDIR}"
+ mkfontdir ${MY_FONTDIR}
+ fi
diff --git a/net-misc/suite3270/suite3270-3.4_p4.ebuild b/net-misc/suite3270/suite3270-3.4_p4.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..d86e9810bae3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/net-misc/suite3270/suite3270-3.4_p4.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2015 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Id$
+# only the x3270 package installs fonts
+inherit eutils font
+DESCRIPTION="Complete 3270 access package"
+KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~ppc ~s390 ~sparc ~x86"
+IUSE="cjk doc ncurses ssl tcl X"
+RDEPEND="ssl? ( dev-libs/openssl:0= )
+ X? (
+ x11-libs/libX11
+ x11-libs/libXaw
+ x11-libs/libXmu
+ x11-libs/libXt
+ )
+ ncurses? (
+ sys-libs/ncurses:=
+ sys-libs/readline:0=
+ )
+ tcl? ( dev-lang/tcl:0 )"
+ X? (
+ x11-misc/xbitmaps
+ x11-proto/xproto
+ app-text/rman
+ x11-apps/mkfontdir
+ x11-apps/bdftopcf
+ )"
+suite3270_makelist() {
+ echo pr3287 s3270 \
+ $(usex ncurses c3270 '') \
+ $(usex tcl tcl3270 '') \
+ $(usex X x3270 '')
+src_prepare() {
+ # Some subdirs (like c3270/x3270/s3270) install the same set of data files
+ # (they have the same contents). Wrap that in a retry to avoid errors.
+ cat <<-EOF > _install
+ #!/bin/sh
+ for n in {1..5}; do
+ install "\$@" && exit
+ echo "retrying ..."
+ done
+ chmod a+rx _install
+ sed -i \
+ -e "s:@INSTALL@:${S}/_install:" \
+ */
+ #
+ sed -i \
+ -e '/$(INSTALL):@INSTALL_DATA@:' \
+ pr3287/ || die
+ #
+ if has_version '>=sys-libs/glibc-2.20' ; then
+ sed -i \
+ */configure || die
+ fi
+src_configure() {
+ econf \
+ --cache-file="${S}"/config.cache \
+ --enable-s3270 \
+ --enable-pr3287 \
+ $(use_enable ncurses c3270) \
+ $(use_enable tcl tcl3270) \
+ $(use_enable X x3270) \
+ $(use_with X x) \
+ $(use_with X fontdir "${FONTDIR}")
+src_install() {
+ use X && dodir "${FONTDIR}"
+ emake DESTDIR="${D}" install{,.man}
+ local p
+ for p in $(suite3270_makelist) ; do
+ cd "${S}/${p}"
+ docinto ${p}
+ dodoc README*
+ use doc && dohtml html/*
+ done
+ use X && font_src_install
+pkg_postinst() { use X && font_pkg_postinst ; }
+pkg_postrm() { use X && font_pkg_postrm ; }
diff --git a/net-misc/suite3270/suite3270-3.4_p5.ebuild b/net-misc/suite3270/suite3270-3.4_p5.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..d86e9810bae3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/net-misc/suite3270/suite3270-3.4_p5.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2015 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Id$
+# only the x3270 package installs fonts
+inherit eutils font
+DESCRIPTION="Complete 3270 access package"
+KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~ppc ~s390 ~sparc ~x86"
+IUSE="cjk doc ncurses ssl tcl X"
+RDEPEND="ssl? ( dev-libs/openssl:0= )
+ X? (
+ x11-libs/libX11
+ x11-libs/libXaw
+ x11-libs/libXmu
+ x11-libs/libXt
+ )
+ ncurses? (
+ sys-libs/ncurses:=
+ sys-libs/readline:0=
+ )
+ tcl? ( dev-lang/tcl:0 )"
+ X? (
+ x11-misc/xbitmaps
+ x11-proto/xproto
+ app-text/rman
+ x11-apps/mkfontdir
+ x11-apps/bdftopcf
+ )"
+suite3270_makelist() {
+ echo pr3287 s3270 \
+ $(usex ncurses c3270 '') \
+ $(usex tcl tcl3270 '') \
+ $(usex X x3270 '')
+src_prepare() {
+ # Some subdirs (like c3270/x3270/s3270) install the same set of data files
+ # (they have the same contents). Wrap that in a retry to avoid errors.
+ cat <<-EOF > _install
+ #!/bin/sh
+ for n in {1..5}; do
+ install "\$@" && exit
+ echo "retrying ..."
+ done
+ chmod a+rx _install
+ sed -i \
+ -e "s:@INSTALL@:${S}/_install:" \
+ */
+ #
+ sed -i \
+ -e '/$(INSTALL):@INSTALL_DATA@:' \
+ pr3287/ || die
+ #
+ if has_version '>=sys-libs/glibc-2.20' ; then
+ sed -i \
+ */configure || die
+ fi
+src_configure() {
+ econf \
+ --cache-file="${S}"/config.cache \
+ --enable-s3270 \
+ --enable-pr3287 \
+ $(use_enable ncurses c3270) \
+ $(use_enable tcl tcl3270) \
+ $(use_enable X x3270) \
+ $(use_with X x) \
+ $(use_with X fontdir "${FONTDIR}")
+src_install() {
+ use X && dodir "${FONTDIR}"
+ emake DESTDIR="${D}" install{,.man}
+ local p
+ for p in $(suite3270_makelist) ; do
+ cd "${S}/${p}"
+ docinto ${p}
+ dodoc README*
+ use doc && dohtml html/*
+ done
+ use X && font_src_install
+pkg_postinst() { use X && font_pkg_postinst ; }
+pkg_postrm() { use X && font_pkg_postrm ; }