diff options
authorMarek Szuba <>2019-09-20 09:40:54 +0100
committerMarek Szuba <>2019-09-20 09:54:12 +0100
commit2eeae6f639c633cad2487eb96be3e06faf32e135 (patch)
treedd005419f03902cea3c7453ce1bd79096e6c1691 /net-p2p
parentnet-im/spectrum2: drop old version (diff)
net-p2p/syncthing: remove old
Package-Manager: Portage-2.3.69, Repoman-2.3.16 Signed-off-by: Marek Szuba <>
Diffstat (limited to 'net-p2p')
3 files changed, 0 insertions, 273 deletions
diff --git a/net-p2p/syncthing/Manifest b/net-p2p/syncthing/Manifest
index 5fdf0ecad1ab..a5b468baac27 100644
--- a/net-p2p/syncthing/Manifest
+++ b/net-p2p/syncthing/Manifest
@@ -73,6 +73,5 @@ DIST 147696 BLAKE2B 22156bca1e20
DIST 18047 BLAKE2B 6b6915ca6db2a8b8e8ae5f34150b862d16b2b82227c25022e7b5f258849c340d57d345a1b8cb87fc14ea7eb36b72025a55b2844270c01830e68bb2177b5dd82f SHA512 08780cdcd8d2a86fe1c42f80a0b7c05ab1aee2a1aef4caef462111bad65a28dbfac2c05f7339de80b698f7b22609f19b52588ecf4d4ea0e971e0d57c55da78e4
DIST 58397 BLAKE2B 0f623bff26139e57f29a2939c70ad8ba0c8daaf3721cc6f4d061fc88209102b1ece790dc0772f5fad66649f1129836482feee20def3dc0d63e728020664016ec SHA512 0a47a47121e25bceb6ebdf10a55ab3bc7531214284b1669fe20237c3ac938c7cd154ebc408759202d936688350e27e47d14f6a6b0793271c10534f2e90bd1fb5
DIST 23973 BLAKE2B e272dc6a3f433d0b1479438a251561071e32a25f83784350f25cbbc0022ee1b23da4cac21e2eba76326ffd2838e93edbba816e593ab2bb3b703fd2c1ae65f15d SHA512 cc7ae47017191bd71136796334dd77b9f90e2564d348fa2c03086b593fb73f07cbd5ffe48f3d43ea2f7f32b64ed10f3a095013b27ee6afc25d08eb60f99d72a1
-DIST syncthing-0.14.52.tar.gz 10583112 BLAKE2B cceaf0aba9dff96df0551d7aab855cb716be3d252fd677b82e20560f0a2e9eabf513ca7c7acdf4f1a3b4d3d8f6409692df7d2e92b86b1be1753bdd8913e06952 SHA512 cff48ea1d1286c8b1fe971b00423ad64ef10c9b0555f0cae6e008efc07a21698d54d402fe1a0ac3161c0b5180e5ca0099a0a302fd7e7c5da0f227bdb7e2853ce
DIST syncthing-1.1.4.tar.gz 4700261 BLAKE2B bf766d7d3701ac66d0d4ac266d9b4a9f02b2f97a6fa320b192f3e46fbe9055091ea5ae71bf405ccce4a9665efdf41477098af3b98562ea06bf0c4f828653bd51 SHA512 cb57cdf6bbab0147a700f72e800cddff0855835280a176883089e5e1dc06352e0dacf615569a35b16f98a857651f534c915f369c46bb592d416d7a01efe5b5ba
DIST syncthing-1.2.1.tar.gz 4740427 BLAKE2B 2f102100030f646f069a51c5af7c5ab448ea59fa0629d78b14432e32cbfbe90f1b95c49cc3d5812b8cd228ef0454ba5d95f9ddf5910492370018234bc1c66438 SHA512 226386af38c3e99434496f24aa571bd1edd3d1e0528dac06c08b4148b2c63b898b67261728cc6c92dbd0496c24b32f0b1189571d03f6ab5dd592e78f2a5beb3b
diff --git a/net-p2p/syncthing/syncthing-0.14.52.ebuild b/net-p2p/syncthing/syncthing-0.14.52.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index 03e82c266f25..000000000000
--- a/net-p2p/syncthing/syncthing-0.14.52.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,123 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2019 Gentoo Authors
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-inherit golang-vcs-snapshot systemd user eapi7-ver
-DESCRIPTION="Open Source Continuous File Synchronization"
-SRC_URI="https://${EGO_PN}/archive/v${PV}.tar.gz -> ${P}.tar.gz"
-KEYWORDS="amd64 arm x86"
-IUSE="selinux tools"
-RDEPEND="selinux? ( sec-policy/selinux-syncthing )"
-pkg_setup() {
- enewgroup ${PN}
- enewuser ${PN} -1 -1 /var/lib/${PN} ${PN}
- if use tools ; then
- # separate user for the relay server
- enewgroup strelaysrv
- enewuser strelaysrv -1 -1 /var/lib/strelaysrv strelaysrv
- # and his home folder
- keepdir /var/lib/strelaysrv
- fowners strelaysrv:strelaysrv /var/lib/strelaysrv
- fi
-src_prepare() {
- default
- sed -i \
- 's|^ExecStart=.*|ExecStart=/usr/libexec/syncthing/strelaysrv|' \
- src/${EGO_PN}/cmd/strelaysrv/etc/linux-systemd/strelaysrv.service \
- || die
-src_compile() {
- export GOPATH="${S}:$(get_golibdir_gopath)"
- cd src/${EGO_PN} || die
- go run build.go -version "v${PV}" -no-upgrade install \
- $(usex tools "all" "") || die "build failed"
-src_test() {
- cd src/${EGO_PN} || die
- go run build.go test || die "test failed"
-src_install() {
- pushd src/${EGO_PN} >& /dev/null || die
- doman man/*.[157]
- einstalldocs
- dobin bin/syncthing
- if use tools ; then
- exeinto /usr/libexec/syncthing
- local exe
- for exe in bin/* ; do
- [[ "${exe}" == "bin/syncthing" ]] || doexe "${exe}"
- done
- fi
- popd >& /dev/null || die
- # openrc and systemd service files
- systemd_dounit src/${EGO_PN}/etc/linux-systemd/system/${PN}{@,-resume}.service
- systemd_douserunit src/${EGO_PN}/etc/linux-systemd/user/${PN}.service
- newconfd "${FILESDIR}/${PN}.confd" ${PN}
- newinitd "${FILESDIR}/${PN}.initd" ${PN}
- keepdir /var/{lib,log}/${PN}
- fowners ${PN}:${PN} /var/{lib,log}/${PN}
- insinto /etc/logrotate.d
- newins "${FILESDIR}/${PN}.logrotate" ${PN}
- if use tools ; then
- # openrc and systemd service files
- systemd_dounit src/${EGO_PN}/cmd/strelaysrv/etc/linux-systemd/strelaysrv.service
- newconfd "${FILESDIR}/strelaysrv.confd" strelaysrv
- newinitd "${FILESDIR}/strelaysrv.initd" strelaysrv
- insinto /etc/logrotate.d
- newins "${FILESDIR}/strelaysrv.logrotate" strelaysrv
- fi
-pkg_postinst() {
- local v
- for v in ${REPLACING_VERSIONS}; do
- if [[ $(ver_cut 2) -gt \
- $(ver_cut 2 ${v}) ]]; then
- ewarn "Version ${PV} is not protocol-compatible with version" \
- "0.$(($(ver_cut 2) - 1)).x or lower."
- ewarn "Make sure all your devices are running at least version" \
- "0.$(ver_cut 2).0."
- fi
- ewarn "Syncthing OpenRC init script now uses the upstream default of"
- ewarn ""
- ewarn " /var/lib/${PN}/.config/${PN}"
- ewarn ""
- ewarn "as its configuration directory. Please set SYNCTHING_HOMEDIR"
- ewarn "to /var/lib/${PN} in /etc/conf.d/${PN} if you wish to continue"
- ewarn "using the old Gentoo default. Systemd users are not affected."
- done
- # check if user syncthing-relaysrv exists
- # if yes, warn that it has been moved to strelaysrv
- if [[ -n "$(egetent passwd syncthing-relaysrv 2>/dev/null)" ]]; then
- ewarn
- ewarn "The user and group for the relay server have been changed"
- ewarn "from syncthing-relaysrv to strelaysrv"
- ewarn "The old user and group are not deleted automatically. Delete them by running:"
- ewarn " userdel -r syncthing-relaysrv"
- ewarn " groupdel syncthing-relaysrv"
- fi
diff --git a/net-p2p/syncthing/syncthing-1.1.4-r1.ebuild b/net-p2p/syncthing/syncthing-1.1.4-r1.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index c0734439f112..000000000000
--- a/net-p2p/syncthing/syncthing-1.1.4-r1.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,149 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2019 Gentoo Authors
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
- " 452c97607362b2ab5a7839b8d1704f0396b640ca"
- " v0.0.5"
- " 7224d8d8f27ef618c0a95f1ae69dbb0488abc33a"
- " v1.0.1"
- " v1.1.0"
- " a60f8e7142b536ea61bb5d84014171189eeaaa81"
- " v1.2.1"
- " v1.1.1"
- " 3f9db97f856818214da2e1057f8ad84803971cff"
- " 51eb1ee00b6d931c66d229ceeb7c31b985563420"
- " v1.2.1"
- " 84a468cf14b4376def5d68c722b139b881c450a4"
- " 553a641470496b2327abcac10b36396bd98e45c9"
- " 5795ac81146e01d3fab7bcf21c043c3d6a32b006"
- " cd60e84ee657ff3dc51de0b4f55dd299a3e136f2"
- " v0.1.0"
- " v1.1.1"
- " v0.0.7"
- " cc1980cb03383b1d46f518232672584432d7532d"
- " 6c46eb8334b30dc55b42f1a1c725d5ce97375390"
- " ba3724c94e4dd5d5690d37c190f1c54b2c1b4e64"
- " v1.3.0"
- " 26fe5ace1c706491c2936119e1dc69c1a9c04d7f"
- " 3db12ebb2a599ba4a96bea1c17b61c2f78a40e02"
- " v0.8.1"
- " v1.0.0"
- " v0.9.2"
- " e181e095bae94582363434144c61a9653aff6e50"
- " v0.2.0"
- " v1.2.2"
- " 4e389ea6c0d84e6195eb585ffaf62c8c143306ae"
- " 34011bf325bce385408353a30b101fe5e923eb6e"
- " v3.0.2"
- " v1.20.0"
- " bf64b92db6b05651d6c25a3dabf2d543b360c0aa"
- " 0fcca4842a8d74bfddc2c96a073bd2a4d2a7a2e8"
- " 351d144fa1fc0bd934e2408202be0c29f25e35a0"
- " 4d1cda033e0619309c606fc686de3adcf599539e"
- " e19ae1496984b1c655b8044a65c0300a3c878dd3"
- " 6dc17368e09b0e8634d71cac8168d853e869a0c7"
- " v1.2"
- " 788fd78401277ebd861206a03c884797c6ec5541"
- " v2.5.1"
- " v2.0.0"
- # These are only used by the test suite but conditional vendoring is messy
- " 3a771d992973f24aa725d07868b467d1ddfceafb"
- " v1.2.0"
- " v1.0.1"
- " 5c3871d89910bfb32f5fcab2aa4b9ec68e65a99f"
- " v0.1.0"
- " 1dc9a6cbc91aacc3e8b2d63db4d2e957a5394ac4"
-inherit golang-vcs-snapshot systemd xdg-utils
-DESCRIPTION="Open Source Continuous File Synchronization"
-SRC_URI="https://${EGO_PN}/archive/v${PV}.tar.gz -> ${P}.tar.gz
-KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~arm ~x86"
-IUSE="selinux tools"
- acct-user/syncthing
- tools? ( acct-group/stdiscosrv
- acct-group/strelaysrv
- acct-user/stdiscosrv
- acct-user/strelaysrv )
- selinux? ( sec-policy/selinux-syncthing )"
-src_prepare() {
- # Bug #679280
- xdg_environment_reset
- default
- sed -i \
- 's|^ExecStart=.*|ExecStart=/usr/libexec/syncthing/strelaysrv|' \
- src/${EGO_PN}/cmd/strelaysrv/etc/linux-systemd/strelaysrv.service \
- || die
-src_compile() {
- export GOPATH="${S}:$(get_golibdir_gopath)"
- cd src/${EGO_PN} || die
- go run build.go -version "v${PV}" -no-upgrade install \
- $(usex tools "all" "") || die "build failed"
-src_test() {
- cd src/${EGO_PN} || die
- go run build.go test || die "test failed"
-src_install() {
- pushd src/${EGO_PN} >& /dev/null || die
- doman man/*.[157]
- einstalldocs
- dobin bin/syncthing
- if use tools ; then
- exeinto /usr/libexec/syncthing
- local exe
- for exe in bin/* ; do
- [[ "${exe}" == "bin/syncthing" ]] || doexe "${exe}"
- done
- fi
- popd >& /dev/null || die
- # openrc and systemd service files
- systemd_dounit src/${EGO_PN}/etc/linux-systemd/system/${PN}{@,-resume}.service
- systemd_douserunit src/${EGO_PN}/etc/linux-systemd/user/${PN}.service
- newconfd "${FILESDIR}/${PN}.confd" ${PN}
- newinitd "${FILESDIR}/${PN}.initd" ${PN}
- keepdir /var/{lib,log}/${PN}
- fowners ${PN}:${PN} /var/{lib,log}/${PN}
- insinto /etc/logrotate.d
- newins "${FILESDIR}/${PN}.logrotate" ${PN}
- if use tools ; then
- # openrc and systemd service files
- systemd_dounit "${FILESDIR}/stdiscosrv.service"
- newconfd "${FILESDIR}/stdiscosrv.confd" stdiscosrv
- newinitd "${FILESDIR}/stdiscosrv.initd" stdiscosrv
- systemd_dounit src/${EGO_PN}/cmd/strelaysrv/etc/linux-systemd/strelaysrv.service
- newconfd "${FILESDIR}/strelaysrv.confd" strelaysrv
- newinitd "${FILESDIR}/strelaysrv.initd" strelaysrv
- insinto /etc/logrotate.d
- newins "${FILESDIR}/stdiscosrv.logrotate" strelaysrv
- newins "${FILESDIR}/strelaysrv.logrotate" strelaysrv
- fi