diff options
authorRobin H. Johnson <>2015-08-08 13:49:04 -0700
committerRobin H. Johnson <>2015-08-08 17:38:18 -0700
commit56bd759df1d0c750a065b8c845e93d5dfa6b549d (patch)
tree3f91093cdb475e565ae857f1c5a7fd339e2d781e /sci-chemistry/molmol/files/wild.patch
proj/gentoo: Initial commit
This commit represents a new era for Gentoo: Storing the gentoo-x86 tree in Git, as converted from CVS. This commit is the start of the NEW history. Any historical data is intended to be grafted onto this point. Creation process: 1. Take final CVS checkout snapshot 2. Remove ALL ChangeLog* files 3. Transform all Manifests to thin 4. Remove empty Manifests 5. Convert all stale $Header$/$Id$ CVS keywords to non-expanded Git $Id$ 5.1. Do not touch files with -kb/-ko keyword flags. Signed-off-by: Robin H. Johnson <> X-Thanks: Alec Warner <> - did the GSoC 2006 migration tests X-Thanks: Robin H. Johnson <> - infra guy, herding this project X-Thanks: Nguyen Thai Ngoc Duy <> - Former Gentoo developer, wrote Git features for the migration X-Thanks: Brian Harring <> - wrote much python to improve cvs2svn X-Thanks: Rich Freeman <> - validation scripts X-Thanks: Patrick Lauer <> - Gentoo dev, running new 2014 work in migration X-Thanks: Michał Górny <> - scripts, QA, nagging X-Thanks: All of other Gentoo developers - many ideas and lots of paint on the bikeshed
Diffstat (limited to 'sci-chemistry/molmol/files/wild.patch')
1 files changed, 1866 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/sci-chemistry/molmol/files/wild.patch b/sci-chemistry/molmol/files/wild.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..8be9baf92203
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sci-chemistry/molmol/files/wild.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,1866 @@
+ include/cmd_dial.h | 1 +
+ include/cmd_io.h | 7 +-
+ include/cmd_struc.h | 1 +
+ include/curr_dir.h | 1 +
+ include/data_hand.h | 6 +
+ src/cip/cmd_tab.h | 3 +
+ src/cmddial/ExDialColor.c | 314 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------
+ src/cmddial/ExDialRes.c | 340 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
+ src/cmddial/Makefile | 2 +-
+ src/cmdio/ExPdb.c | 70 +++++++++-
+ src/cmdstruc/ExBuild.c | 123 +++++++++++++++++
+ src/data/DataHand.c | 114 +++++++++++++++-
+ src/iodev/IODev.c | 2 +
+ src/main/MolInit.c | 5 +-
+ src/main/MolMol.c | 2 +-
+ src/motif/MotifDial.c | 32 ++---
+ src/motogl/MotOGLDump.c | 2 +-
+ src/os/CurrDir.c | 46 ++-----
+ src/os/ProgDir.c | 25 +++-
+ src/win/WinDial.c | 255 +++++++++++++++++-----------------
+ src/winogl/WinOGLDump.c | 7 +-
+ 21 files changed, 1073 insertions(+), 285 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/include/cmd_dial.h b/include/cmd_dial.h
+index f60e918..47fb8f8 100644
+--- a/include/cmd_dial.h
++++ b/include/cmd_dial.h
+@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ extern ErrCode ExUserInterface(char *);
+ extern ErrCode ExDialColor(char *);
+ extern ErrCode ExDialMol(char *);
++extern ErrCode ExDialRes(char *);
+ extern ErrCode ExDialMeasure(char *);
+ extern ErrCode ExDialRmsd(char *);
+ extern ErrCode ExDialSelect(char *);
+diff --git a/include/cmd_io.h b/include/cmd_io.h
+index 79b173c..9a7b12c 100644
+--- a/include/cmd_io.h
++++ b/include/cmd_io.h
+@@ -30,15 +30,16 @@ extern ErrCode ExReadAng(char *);
+ extern ErrCode ExReadDg(char *);
+ extern ErrCode ExReadDump(char *);
+ extern ErrCode ExReadLib(char *);
+-extern ErrCode ExReadPdb(char *);
+-extern ErrCode ExReadSeq(char *);
+-extern ErrCode ExReadShift(char *);
+ extern ErrCode ExReadLimit(char *);
+ extern ErrCode ExReadListAng(char *);
+ extern ErrCode ExReadListDg(char *);
+ extern ErrCode ExReadListPdb(char *);
++extern ErrCode ExReadOldPdb(char *);
+ extern ErrCode ExReadOmap(char *);
++extern ErrCode ExReadPdb(char *);
+ extern ErrCode ExReadPot(char *);
++extern ErrCode ExReadSeq(char *);
++extern ErrCode ExReadShift(char *);
+ extern ErrCode ExReadSybyl(char *);
+ extern ErrCode ExReadXyz(char *);
+ extern ErrCode ExWriteAng(char *);
+diff --git a/include/cmd_struc.h b/include/cmd_struc.h
+index e0d729f..f4950b9 100644
+--- a/include/cmd_struc.h
++++ b/include/cmd_struc.h
+@@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ extern ErrCode ExAddDist(char *);
+ extern ErrCode ExAddLimit(char *);
+ extern ErrCode ExAddPseudo(char *);
+ extern ErrCode ExAddRes(char *);
++extern ErrCode ExMakeMolCyclic(char *);
+ extern ErrCode ExChangeRes(char *);
+ extern ErrCode ExFirstMol(char *);
+ extern ErrCode ExFlipAtom(char *);
+diff --git a/include/curr_dir.h b/include/curr_dir.h
+index c7895c4..04e404d 100644
+--- a/include/curr_dir.h
++++ b/include/curr_dir.h
+@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@
+ #ifndef _CURR_DIR_H_
+ #define _CURR_DIR_H_
++extern void CurrDirSet(char *dir);
+ extern char *CurrDirGet(void);
+ #endif /* _CURR_DIR_H_ */
+diff --git a/include/data_hand.h b/include/data_hand.h
+index 4462328..74a716a 100644
+--- a/include/data_hand.h
++++ b/include/data_hand.h
+@@ -112,6 +112,7 @@ extern void DhMolMoveFirst(DhMolP);
+ extern void DhMolDestroy(DhMolP);
+ extern DhResP DhResNew(DhMolP, DhResDefP, DhSeqPos);
++extern DhResP DhResNewCyclic(DhMolP, DhResDefP, DhSeqPos);
+ extern void DhResMutate(DhResP, DhResDefP, DhMutationKind);
+ extern void DhResSetNeigh(DhResP, DhNeighChoice, DhResP);
+ extern BOOL DhResDestroy(DhResP);
+@@ -287,6 +288,7 @@ extern void DhMolGetTransVect(DhMolP, Vec3);
+ extern MolAttrP DhMolGetAttr(DhMolP);
+ extern DSTR DhResGetName(DhResP);
++extern DhAtomP DhResGetAtomA(DhResP);
+ extern int DhResGetNumber(DhResP);
+ extern DSTR DhAtomGetName(DhAtomP);
+@@ -335,6 +337,10 @@ extern void DhResAnglesChanged(DhResP);
+ extern void DhResDockPrev(DhResP);
+ extern void DhResDockNext(DhResP);
+ extern void DhResCalcAtom(DhResP, DSTR);
++extern DhResP DhResPrev(DhResP resP);
++extern DhResP DhResNext(DhResP resP);
++extern DhResP DhResFirst(DhMolP molP);
++extern DhResP DhResLast(DhMolP molP);
+ /* dump/undump */
+diff --git a/src/cip/cmd_tab.h b/src/cip/cmd_tab.h
+index 0b73f65..cf7bc2a 100644
+--- a/src/cip/cmd_tab.h
++++ b/src/cip/cmd_tab.h
+@@ -108,6 +108,7 @@ static CmdTabEntry BuiltinCmdTab[] = {
+ {"DialColor", ExDialColor, US_NONE},
+ {"DialMeasure", ExDialMeasure, US_NONE},
+ {"DialMol", ExDialMol, US_NONE},
++ {"DialRes", ExDialRes, US_NONE},
+ {"DialRmsd", ExDialRmsd, US_NONE},
+ {"DialSelect", ExDialSelect, US_NONE},
+ {"DialStyle", ExDialStyle, US_NONE},
+@@ -164,6 +165,7 @@ static CmdTabEntry BuiltinCmdTab[] = {
+ {"ListSelectedDist", ExListSelected, US_NONE},
+ {"ListSelectedMol", ExListSelected, US_NONE},
+ {"ListSelectedRes", ExListSelected, US_NONE},
++ {"MakeMolCyclic", ExMakeMolCyclic, US_ALL},
+ {"MaterialAtom", ExMaterial, US_ALL},
+ {"MaterialBond", ExMaterial, US_ALL},
+ {"MaterialDist", ExMaterial, US_ALL},
+@@ -213,6 +215,7 @@ static CmdTabEntry BuiltinCmdTab[] = {
+ {"ReadListDg", ExReadListDg, US_ALL},
+ {"ReadListPdb", ExReadListPdb, US_ALL},
+ {"ReadLol", ExReadLimit, US_ALL},
++ {"ReadOldPdb", ExReadOldPdb, US_ALL},
+ {"ReadOmap", ExReadOmap, US_ALL},
+ {"ReadPdb", ExReadPdb, US_ALL},
+ {"ReadPot", ExReadPot, US_ALL},
+diff --git a/src/cmddial/ExDialColor.c b/src/cmddial/ExDialColor.c
+index f960e1d..e827c4f 100644
+--- a/src/cmddial/ExDialColor.c
++++ b/src/cmddial/ExDialColor.c
+@@ -43,6 +43,9 @@
+ #define NAME_LEN 100
+ #define NUM_LEN 6
+ #define CMD_NO 7
++#define MAXRGBVALUE 255
++#define ICOLOR(c) (int) ((float)c * (float)MAXRGBVALUE)
++#define FCOLOR(c) (float) ((float)c / (float)MAXRGBVALUE)
+ #define EPS ((float) 1.0e-5)
+@@ -56,8 +59,8 @@ typedef struct {
+ static ColorDesc *ColorList;
+ static int ColorNo = 0;
+ static BOOL DialOn = FALSE;
+-static PuGizmo DialGizmo = NULL, NameGizmo, RGizmo, GGizmo, BGizmo, ColGizmo;
+-static DSTR NameStr = NULL, RStr, GStr, BStr;
++static PuGizmo DialGizmo = NULL, NameGizmo, RGizmo, GGizmo, BGizmo, ColGizmo, rGizmo, gGizmo, bGizmo;
++static DSTR NameStr = NULL, RStr, GStr, BStr, rStr, gStr, bStr;
+ static char *LabelList[] = {
+ "Back",
+@@ -136,22 +139,50 @@ editCB(PuGizmo g, char *name, void *clientData, void *callData)
+ char *field = clientData;
+ PuTextCBStruc *callP = callData;
+- if (field[0] == 'N')
++ if (field[0] == 'N') {
+ DStrAssignStr(NameStr, callP->newText);
+- else if (field[0] == 'R')
++ }
++ else if (field[0] == 'R') {
+ DStrAssignStr(RStr, callP->newText);
+- else if (field[0] == 'G')
++ }
++ else if (field[0] == 'G') {
+ DStrAssignStr(GStr, callP->newText);
+- else
++ }
++ else if (field[0] == 'B') {
+ DStrAssignStr(BStr, callP->newText);
++ }
++ else if (field[0] == 'r') {
++ DStrAssignStr(rStr, callP->newText);
++ }
++ else if (field[0] == 'g') {
++ DStrAssignStr(gStr, callP->newText);
++ }
++ else if (field[0] == 'b') {
++ DStrAssignStr(bStr, callP->newText);
++ }
+ }
+ static void
+ updateFields(int colorI)
+ {
++ char buf[10];
++ float f;
+ PuSetStr(RGizmo, PU_SC_TEXT, ColorList[colorI].r);
+ PuSetStr(GGizmo, PU_SC_TEXT, ColorList[colorI].g);
+ PuSetStr(BGizmo, PU_SC_TEXT, ColorList[colorI].b);
++ f = atof(ColorList[colorI].r);
++ (void) sprintf(buf, "%i", ICOLOR(f));
++ PuSetStr(rGizmo, PU_SC_TEXT, buf);
++ f = atof(ColorList[colorI].g);
++ (void) sprintf(buf, "%i", ICOLOR(f));
++ PuSetStr(gGizmo, PU_SC_TEXT, buf);
++ f = atof(ColorList[colorI].b);
++ (void) sprintf(buf, "%i", ICOLOR(f));
++ PuSetStr(bGizmo, PU_SC_TEXT, buf);
+ }
+ static void
+@@ -190,17 +221,96 @@ activateCB(PuGizmo g, char *name, void *clientData, void *callData)
+ {
+ char *field = clientData;
+ int i;
++ float f;
++ char buf[10];
+ if (field[0] == 'N') {
+ for (i = 0; i < ColorNo; i++)
+ if (strcmp(ColorList[i].name, DStrToStr(NameStr)) == 0) {
+- updateFields(i);
+- break;
++ updateFields(i);
++ break;
+ }
+ } else {
++ if (field[0] == 'R') {
++ f = atof(DStrToStr(RStr));
++ if (f>1.0) {
++ f=1.0;
++ sprintf(buf,"%1.3f", FCOLOR(i));
++ DStrAssignStr(RStr, buf);
++ PuSetStr(RGizmo, PU_SC_TEXT, buf);
++ }
++ sprintf(buf,"%i", ICOLOR(f));
++ DStrAssignStr(rStr, buf);
++ PuSetStr(rGizmo, PU_SC_TEXT, buf);
++ }
++ else if (field[0] == 'G') {
++ f = atof(DStrToStr(GStr));
++ if (f>1.0) {
++ f=1.0;
++ sprintf(buf,"%1.3f", FCOLOR(i));
++ DStrAssignStr(GStr, buf);
++ PuSetStr(GGizmo, PU_SC_TEXT, buf);
++ }
++ sprintf(buf,"%i", ICOLOR(f));
++ DStrAssignStr(gStr, buf);
++ PuSetStr(gGizmo, PU_SC_TEXT, buf);
++ }
++ else if (field[0] == 'B') {
++ f = atof(DStrToStr(BStr));
++ if (f>1.0) {
++ f=1.0;
++ sprintf(buf,"%1.3f", FCOLOR(i));
++ DStrAssignStr(BStr, buf);
++ PuSetStr(BGizmo, PU_SC_TEXT, buf);
++ }
++ sprintf(buf,"%i", ICOLOR(f));
++ DStrAssignStr(bStr, buf);
++ PuSetStr(bGizmo, PU_SC_TEXT, buf);
++ }
++ else if (field[0] == 'r') {
++ i = atoi(DStrToStr(rStr));
++ if (i>MAXRGBVALUE) {
++ f=1.0;
++ sprintf(buf,"%i", ICOLOR(f));
++ DStrAssignStr(rStr, buf);
++ PuSetStr(rGizmo, PU_SC_TEXT, buf);
++ }
++ sprintf(buf,"%1.3f", FCOLOR(i));
++ DStrAssignStr(RStr, buf);
++ PuSetStr(RGizmo, PU_SC_TEXT, buf);
++ }
++ else if (field[0] == 'g') {
++ i = atoi(DStrToStr(gStr));
++ if (i>MAXRGBVALUE) {
++ f=1.0;
++ sprintf(buf,"%i", ICOLOR(f));
++ DStrAssignStr(gStr, buf);
++ PuSetStr(gGizmo, PU_SC_TEXT, buf);
++ }
++ sprintf(buf,"%1.3f", FCOLOR(i));
++ DStrAssignStr(GStr, buf);
++ PuSetStr(GGizmo, PU_SC_TEXT, buf);
++ }
++ else if (field[0] == 'b') {
++ i = atoi(DStrToStr(bStr));
++ if (i>MAXRGBVALUE) {
++ f=1.0;
++ sprintf(buf,"%i", ICOLOR(f));
++ DStrAssignStr(bStr, buf);
++ PuSetStr(bGizmo, PU_SC_TEXT, buf);
++ }
++ sprintf(buf,"%1.3f", FCOLOR(i));
++ DStrAssignStr(BStr, buf);
++ PuSetStr(BGizmo, PU_SC_TEXT, buf);
++ }
+ showName();
+ }
+ showColor();
+ }
+@@ -258,13 +368,20 @@ showAttr(AttrP attrP)
+ {
+ char buf[10];
+- (void) sprintf(buf, "%5.3f", attrP->colR);
++ (void) sprintf(buf, "%1.3f", attrP->colR);
+ PuSetStr(RGizmo, PU_SC_TEXT, buf);
+- (void) sprintf(buf, "%5.3f", attrP->colG);
++ (void) sprintf(buf, "%1.3f", attrP->colG);
+ PuSetStr(GGizmo, PU_SC_TEXT, buf);
+- (void) sprintf(buf, "%5.3f", attrP->colB);
++ (void) sprintf(buf, "%1.3f", attrP->colB);
+ PuSetStr(BGizmo, PU_SC_TEXT, buf);
++ (void) sprintf(buf, "%i", ICOLOR(attrP->colR));
++ PuSetStr(rGizmo, PU_SC_TEXT, buf);
++ (void) sprintf(buf, "%i", ICOLOR(attrP->colG));
++ PuSetStr(gGizmo, PU_SC_TEXT, buf);
++ (void) sprintf(buf, "%i", ICOLOR(attrP->colB));
++ PuSetStr(bGizmo, PU_SC_TEXT, buf);
+ showName();
+ showColor();
+ }
+@@ -315,107 +432,152 @@ buildDial(void)
+ PuGizmo g;
+ PuConstraints con;
+ int i;
+- DialGizmo = PuCreateDialog("Color Dialog", 7, 5);
+- PuSetBool(DialGizmo, PU_BC_PLACE_OUTSIDE, TRUE);
+- con.x = 0;
+- con.w = 1;
+- con.h = 1;
+- g = PuCreateLabel(DialGizmo, "Name");
+- con.y = 0;
+- PuSetConstraints(g, con);
+- PuSwitchGizmo(g, TRUE);
+- g = PuCreateLabel(DialGizmo, "Red");
+- con.y = 1;
+- PuSetConstraints(g, con);
+- PuSwitchGizmo(g, TRUE);
+- g = PuCreateLabel(DialGizmo, "Green");
+- con.y = 2;
+- PuSetConstraints(g, con);
+- PuSwitchGizmo(g, TRUE);
+- g = PuCreateLabel(DialGizmo, "Blue");
+- con.y = 3;
+- PuSetConstraints(g, con);
+- PuSwitchGizmo(g, TRUE);
+- con.x = 1;
+- con.w = 2;
+- con.h = 1;
+ NameStr = DStrNew();
+ RStr = DStrNew();
+ GStr = DStrNew();
+ BStr = DStrNew();
++ rStr = DStrNew();
++ gStr = DStrNew();
++ bStr = DStrNew();
+ DStrAssignStr(RStr, "0.0");
+ DStrAssignStr(GStr, "0.0");
+ DStrAssignStr(BStr, "0.0");
++ DStrAssignStr(rStr, "0");
++ DStrAssignStr(gStr, "0");
++ DStrAssignStr(bStr, "0");
++ DialGizmo = PuCreateDialog("Color Dialog", 3, 20);
++ PuSetBool(DialGizmo, PU_BC_PLACE_OUTSIDE, TRUE);
++ con.x = 1;
++ con.y = 0;
++ con.w = 2;
++ con.h = 3;
++ ColGizmo = PuCreateColorField(DialGizmo, "Color");
++ PuSetConstraints(ColGizmo, con);
++ PuSetConstraints(ColGizmo, con);
++ showColor();
++ PuSwitchGizmo(ColGizmo, TRUE);
++ con.x = 0;
++ con.y = 4;
++ con.w = 1;
++ con.h = 1;
++ g = PuCreateLabel(DialGizmo, "Name");
++ PuSetConstraints(g, con);
++ PuSwitchGizmo(g, TRUE);
++ con.x = 1;
++ con.w = 2;
++ con.h = 1;
+ NameGizmo = PuCreateTextField(DialGizmo, "Name", DStrToStr(NameStr));
+- con.y = 0;
+ PuSetConstraints(NameGizmo, con);
+- PuSetInt(NameGizmo, PU_IC_TEXT_WIDTH, 13);
++ PuSetInt(NameGizmo, PU_IC_TEXT_WIDTH, 10);
+ PuAddGizmoCB(NameGizmo, PU_CT_MODIFY, editCB, "N", NULL);
+ PuAddGizmoCB(NameGizmo, PU_CT_ACTIVATE, activateCB, "N", NULL);
+ showName();
+ PuSwitchGizmo(NameGizmo, TRUE);
+- RGizmo = PuCreateTextField(DialGizmo, "Red", DStrToStr(RStr));
+- con.y = 1;
++ con.x = 1;
++ con.y = 5;
++ con.w = 2;
++ con.h = 5;
++ g = PuCreateList(DialGizmo, "Color List");
++ for (i = 0; i < ColorNo; i++)
++ PuAddListEntry(g, ColorList[i].name, FALSE);
++ PuSetConstraints(g, con);
++ PuSetBool(g, PU_BC_AUTO_DESEL, TRUE);
++ PuAddGizmoCB(g, PU_CT_SELECT, selectCB, NULL, NULL);
++ PuSwitchGizmo(g, TRUE);
++ con.x = 1;
++ con.y = 11;
++ con.w = 1;
++ con.h = 1;
++ g = PuCreateLabel(DialGizmo, "Float");
++ PuSetConstraints(g, con);
++ PuSwitchGizmo(g, TRUE);
++ con.x = 2;
++ con.y = 11;
++ g = PuCreateLabel(DialGizmo, "RGB");
++ PuSetConstraints(g, con);
++ PuSwitchGizmo(g, TRUE);
++ con.x = 0;
++ con.y = 12;
++ con.w = 1;
++ con.h = 1;
++ g = PuCreateLabel(DialGizmo, "Red");
++ PuSetConstraints(g, con);
++ PuSwitchGizmo(g, TRUE);
++ con.x = 1;
++ RGizmo = PuCreateTextField(DialGizmo, "RED", DStrToStr(RStr));
+ PuSetConstraints(RGizmo, con);
+ PuAddGizmoCB(RGizmo, PU_CT_MODIFY, editCB, "R", NULL);
+ PuAddGizmoCB(RGizmo, PU_CT_ACTIVATE, activateCB, "R", NULL);
+ PuSwitchGizmo(RGizmo, TRUE);
++ con.x = 2;
++ rGizmo = PuCreateTextField(DialGizmo, "red", DStrToStr(rStr));
++ PuSetConstraints(rGizmo, con);
++ PuSetInt(rGizmo, PU_IC_TEXT_WIDTH, NUM_LEN);
++ PuAddGizmoCB(rGizmo, PU_CT_MODIFY, editCB, "r", NULL);
++ PuAddGizmoCB(rGizmo, PU_CT_ACTIVATE, activateCB, "r", NULL);
++ PuSwitchGizmo(rGizmo, TRUE);
+- GGizmo = PuCreateTextField(DialGizmo, "Green", DStrToStr(GStr));
+- con.y = 2;
++ con.x = 0;
++ con.y = 13;
++ con.w = 1;
++ con.h = 1;
++ g = PuCreateLabel(DialGizmo, "Green");
++ PuSetConstraints(g, con);
++ PuSwitchGizmo(g, TRUE);
++ con.x = 1;
++ GGizmo = PuCreateTextField(DialGizmo, "GREEN", DStrToStr(GStr));
+ PuSetConstraints(GGizmo, con);
+ PuAddGizmoCB(GGizmo, PU_CT_MODIFY, editCB, "G", NULL);
+ PuAddGizmoCB(GGizmo, PU_CT_ACTIVATE, activateCB, "G", NULL);
+ PuSwitchGizmo(GGizmo, TRUE);
++ con.x = 2;
++ gGizmo = PuCreateTextField(DialGizmo, "green", DStrToStr(gStr));
++ PuSetConstraints(gGizmo, con);
++ PuSetInt(gGizmo, PU_IC_TEXT_WIDTH, NUM_LEN);
++ PuAddGizmoCB(gGizmo, PU_CT_MODIFY, editCB, "g", NULL);
++ PuAddGizmoCB(gGizmo, PU_CT_ACTIVATE, activateCB, "g", NULL);
++ PuSwitchGizmo(gGizmo, TRUE);
+- BGizmo = PuCreateTextField(DialGizmo, "Blue", DStrToStr(BStr));
+- con.y = 3;
++ con.x = 0;
++ con.y = 14;
++ con.w = 1;
++ con.h = 1;
++ g = PuCreateLabel(DialGizmo, "Blue");
++ PuSetConstraints(g, con);
++ PuSwitchGizmo(g, TRUE);
++ con.x = 1;
++ BGizmo = PuCreateTextField(DialGizmo, "BLUE", DStrToStr(BStr));
+ PuSetConstraints(BGizmo, con);
+ PuAddGizmoCB(BGizmo, PU_CT_MODIFY, editCB, "B", NULL);
+ PuAddGizmoCB(BGizmo, PU_CT_ACTIVATE, activateCB, "B", NULL);
+ PuSwitchGizmo(BGizmo, TRUE);
++ con.x = 2;
++ bGizmo = PuCreateTextField(DialGizmo, "blue", DStrToStr(bStr));
++ PuSetConstraints(bGizmo, con);
++ PuSetInt(bGizmo, PU_IC_TEXT_WIDTH, NUM_LEN);
++ PuAddGizmoCB(bGizmo, PU_CT_MODIFY, editCB, "b", NULL);
++ PuAddGizmoCB(bGizmo, PU_CT_ACTIVATE, activateCB, "b", NULL);
++ PuSwitchGizmo(bGizmo, TRUE);
+- ColGizmo = PuCreateColorField(DialGizmo, "Color");
+- con.x = 3;
+- con.y = 0;
+- con.w = 2;
+- con.h = 4;
+- PuSetConstraints(ColGizmo, con);
+- showColor();
+- PuSwitchGizmo(ColGizmo, TRUE);
+- g = PuCreateList(DialGizmo, "Color List");
+- for (i = 0; i < ColorNo; i++)
+- PuAddListEntry(g, ColorList[i].name, FALSE);
+- con.x = 5;
+- con.y = 0;
+- con.w = 2;
+- con.h = 4;
+- PuSetConstraints(g, con);
+- PuSetBool(g, PU_BC_AUTO_DESEL, TRUE);
+- PuAddGizmoCB(g, PU_CT_SELECT, selectCB, NULL, NULL);
+- PuSwitchGizmo(g, TRUE);
+- con.y = 4;
++ con.x = 0;
++ con.y = 15;
+ con.w = 1;
+ con.h = 1;
+ for (i = 0; i < CMD_NO; i++) {
+ g = PuCreateButton(DialGizmo, LabelList[i]);
+- con.x = i;
++ con.x = i%3;
++ if (i%3 == 0) con.y++;
+ PuSetConstraints(g, con);
+ PuSwitchGizmo(g, TRUE);
+diff --git a/src/cmddial/ExDialRes.c b/src/cmddial/ExDialRes.c
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..06925ff
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/src/cmddial/ExDialRes.c
+@@ -0,0 +1,340 @@
++* ExDialMol.c - DialMol command
++* Copyright (c) 1994-98
++* ETH Zuerich
++* Institut fuer Molekularbiologie und Biophysik
++* ETH-Hoenggerberg
++* CH-8093 Zuerich
++* Industriestr. 26
++* CH-8117 Faellanden
++* All Rights Reserved
++* Date of last modification : 98/08/17
++* Pathname of SCCS file : /tmp_mnt/net/sn/homeb/rkoradi/molmol-master/src/cmddial/SCCS/s.ExDialMol.c
++* SCCS identification : 1.10
++#include <cmd_dial.h>
++#include <stdio.h>
++#include <string.h>
++#include <stdlib.h>
++#include <break.h>
++#include <pu.h>
++#include <arg.h>
++#include <cip.h>
++#include <data_hand.h>
++#define PROP_NO 3
++typedef struct {
++ char *label;
++ char *propName;
++ char *cmd;
++} PropDesc;
++typedef struct {
++ char *name;
++ BOOL active;
++} Residue;
++static BOOL DialOn = FALSE;
++static PuGizmo DialGizmo = NULL, ListGizmo;
++static int CurrProp;
++static PropRefP CurrRefP;
++static int MolNo, MolI;
++static BOOL *MolStateA;
++static BOOL SuppressUpdate = FALSE;
++static PropDesc PropTab[] = {
++ {"sel", PROP_SELECTED, "SelectRes"},
++ {"disp", PROP_DISPLAYED, "DefPropRes 'displayed'"},
++ {"move", PROP_MOVABLE, "DefProRes 'movable'"}
++static Residue ResidueTab[] = {
++ {"ARG", FALSE},
++ {"CYS", FALSE},
++ {"PRO", FALSE},
++ {"ASP", FALSE},
++ {"PHE", FALSE},
++ {"LEU", FALSE},
++ {"GLU", FALSE},
++ {"PRO", FALSE},
++ {"TYR", FALSE},
++ {"GLY", FALSE},
++ {"ASN", FALSE},
++ {"ALA", FALSE},
++ {"SER", FALSE},
++ {"THR", FALSE},
++ {"LYS", FALSE},
++ {"ILE", FALSE}
++static void
++countMol(DhResP molP, void *clientData)
++ MolNo++;
++static void
++addMol(DhResP molP, void *clientData)
++ DSTR name;
++ DSTR residue;
++ char buf[10];
++ char buf2[5];
++ BOOL propVal;
++ int j;
++ name = DStrNew();
++ residue = DStrNew();
++ j= DhResGetNumber(molP);
++ (void) sprintf(buf, "%5d " , j);
++ DStrAssignStr(name, buf);
++ DStrAssignStr(residue, buf2);
++ DStrAppStr(name, " ");
++ DStrAppDStr(residue, DhResGetName(molP));
++ DStrAppDStr(name, DhResGetName(molP));
++ propVal = DhResGetProp(CurrRefP, molP);
++ if (! BreakCheck(10)){
++ PuAddListEntry(ListGizmo, DStrToStr(name), propVal);
++ }
++ MolStateA[MolI] = propVal;
++ DStrFree(name);
++ MolI++;
++static void
++selectMolCB(PuGizmo g, char *name, void *clientData, void *callData)
++ PuSelectCBStruc *callP = callData;
++ DSTR cmd;
++ BOOL isFirst;
++ char buf[10];
++ int num, startI, i;
++ (void) sscanf(name, "%d", &num);
++ MolStateA[num - 1] = callP->onOff;
++ if (! callP->last)
++ return;
++ cmd = DStrNew();
++ DStrAssignStr(cmd, PropTab[CurrProp].cmd);
++ isFirst = TRUE;
++ for (i = 0; i < MolNo; i++) {
++ if (i == 0 || ! MolStateA[i - 1])
++ startI = i;
++ if (MolStateA[i] && (i == MolNo - 1 || ! MolStateA[i + 1])) {
++ if (isFirst)
++ DStrAppStr(cmd, " 'num = ");
++ else
++ DStrAppStr(cmd, ",");
++ (void) sprintf(buf, "%d", startI + 1);
++ DStrAppStr(cmd, buf);
++ if (i > startI) {
++ DStrAppStr(cmd, "..");
++ (void) sprintf(buf, "%d", i + 1);
++ DStrAppStr(cmd, buf);
++ }
++ isFirst = FALSE;
++ }
++ }
++ if (isFirst)
++ DStrAppStr(cmd, " '0'");
++ else
++ DStrAppStr(cmd, "'");
++ SuppressUpdate = TRUE;
++ CipExecCmd(DStrToStr(cmd));
++ SuppressUpdate = FALSE;
++ DStrFree(cmd);
++static void
++ int lineNo;
++ MolNo = 0;
++ DhApplyRes(PropGetRef(PROP_ALL, FALSE), countMol, NULL);
++ if (MolNo > 0) {
++ if (MolStateA == NULL)
++ MolStateA = malloc(MolNo * sizeof(*MolStateA));
++ else
++ MolStateA = realloc(MolStateA, MolNo * sizeof(*MolStateA));
++ lineNo = MolNo;
++ if (lineNo > 40)
++ lineNo = 40;
++ } else {
++ lineNo = 1;
++ }
++ PuSetInt(ListGizmo, PU_IC_ENTRY_NO, lineNo);
++ MolI = 0;
++ BreakActivate(TRUE);
++ DhApplyRes(PropGetRef(PROP_ALL, FALSE), addMol, NULL);
++ BreakActivate(FALSE);
++ PuSwitchGizmo(ListGizmo, TRUE);
++static void
++ if (SuppressUpdate)
++ return;
++ PuSwitchGizmo(ListGizmo, FALSE);
++ PuRemoveListEntries(ListGizmo, 0, MolNo);
++ buildList();
++static void
++selectPropCB(PuGizmo g, char *name, void *clientData, void *callData)
++ PuSelectCBStruc *callP = callData;
++ PropRefP newPropP;
++ int i;
++ if (! callP->onOff)
++ return;
++ for (i = 0; i < PROP_NO; i++)
++ if (strcmp(name, PropTab[i].label) == 0)
++ break;
++ newPropP = PropGetRef(PropTab[i].propName, FALSE);
++ if (newPropP != CurrRefP) {
++ CurrRefP = newPropP;
++ CurrProp = i;
++ updateList();
++ }
++static void
++popdownCB(PuGizmo g, char *name, void *clientData, void *callData)
++ PuSwitchGizmo(DialGizmo, FALSE);
++ DialOn = FALSE;
++static void
++listCB(void *clientData)
++ updateList();
++static void
++helpCB(PuGizmo g, char *name, void *clientData, void *callData)
++ CipShowHelpFile(DialGizmo, "DialMol");
++static void
++ PuGizmo g;
++ int i;
++ CurrProp = 0;
++ CurrRefP = PropGetRef(PropTab[CurrProp].propName, FALSE);
++ DialGizmo = PuCreateDialog("Residue Dialog", 0, 0);
++ PuSetBool(DialGizmo, PU_BC_PLACE_OUTSIDE, TRUE);
++ g = PuCreateRadioBox(DialGizmo, "Property");
++ for (i = 0; i < PROP_NO; i++)
++ PuAddToggle(g, PropTab[i].label, i == 0);
++ PuAddGizmoCB(g, PU_CT_SELECT, selectPropCB, NULL, NULL);
++ PuSwitchGizmo(g, TRUE);
++ ListGizmo = PuCreateList(DialGizmo, "Molecules");
++ PuAddGizmoCB(ListGizmo, PU_CT_SELECT, selectMolCB, NULL, NULL);
++ PuSetBool(ListGizmo, PU_BC_MULT_SEL, TRUE);
++ buildList();
++ PuAddGizmoCB(DialGizmo, PU_CT_CLOSE, popdownCB, NULL, NULL);
++ PuAddGizmoCB(DialGizmo, PU_CT_HELP, helpCB, NULL, NULL);
++ExDialRes(char *cmd)
++ ArgDescr arg;
++ EnumEntryDescr enumEntry[2];
++ ErrCode errCode;
++ arg.type = AT_ENUM;
++ ArgInit(&arg, 1);
++ arg.prompt = "Residue Dialog";
++ arg.u.enumD.entryP = enumEntry;
++ arg.u.enumD.n = 2;
++ enumEntry[0].str = "off";
++ enumEntry[1].str = "on";
++ enumEntry[0].onOff = DialOn;
++ enumEntry[1].onOff = ! DialOn;
++ if (DialOn)
++ arg.v.intVal = 0;
++ else
++ arg.v.intVal = 1;
++ errCode = ArgGet(&arg, 1);
++ if (errCode != EC_OK) {
++ ArgCleanup(&arg, 1);
++ return errCode;
++ }
++ DialOn = (arg.v.intVal == 1);
++ ArgCleanup(&arg, 1);
++ if (DialOn) {
++ if (DialGizmo == NULL) {
++ buildDial();
++ DhAddMolListCB(listCB, NULL);
++ }
++ PuSwitchGizmo(DialGizmo, TRUE);
++ } else {
++ if (DialGizmo != NULL)
++ PuSwitchGizmo(DialGizmo, FALSE);
++ }
++ return EC_OK;
+\ No newline at end of file
+diff --git a/src/cmddial/Makefile b/src/cmddial/Makefile
+index d94609d..66fdea9 100644
+--- a/src/cmddial/Makefile
++++ b/src/cmddial/Makefile
+@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ CPPFLAGS = $(INCLUDES) $(MCPPFLAGS)
+ OBJ = ExDialColor.o ExDialSelect.o ExDialStyle.o ExDialMol.o ExDialMeas.o \
+- ExDialRmsd.o ExUserInterf.o ExRecordMac.o
++ ExDialRes.o ExDialRmsd.o ExUserInterf.o ExRecordMac.o
+ SRC = $(OBJ:.o=.c)
+ default: $(LIBDIR)/libcmd.a
+diff --git a/src/cmdio/ExPdb.c b/src/cmdio/ExPdb.c
+index 8447c4c..fde9c73 100644
+--- a/src/cmdio/ExPdb.c
++++ b/src/cmdio/ExPdb.c
+@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
+ /*
+ ************************************************************************
+ *
+-* ExPdb.c - ReadPdb, ReadListPdb and WritePdb commands
++* ExPdb.c - ReadPdb, ReadOldPdb, ReadListPdb and WritePdb commands
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 1994-98
+ *
+@@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ compFunc(void *p1, void *p2)
+ }
+ static void
+-readTransTab(BOOL pdbToIntern)
++readTransTab(BOOL pdbToIntern, BOOL isNewNomenclature)
+ {
+ GFile gf;
+ GFileRes res;
+@@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ readTransTab(BOOL pdbToIntern)
+ TransTab = TreeOpen(sizeof(TransTabEntry), compFunc);
+ gf = SetupOpen(PN_PDB_ATOMS, "PdbAtoms", FALSE);
+- if (gf == NULL)
++ if (gf == NULL || isNewNomenclature)
+ return;
+ if (pdbToIntern) {
+@@ -675,7 +675,7 @@ ExReadPdb(char *cmd)
+ return errCode;
+ }
+- readTransTab(TRUE);
++ readTransTab(TRUE, TRUE);
+ UnknownErrInit();
+ if (replace) {
+@@ -755,7 +755,7 @@ ExReadListPdb(char *cmd)
+ FileNamePath(fileName);
+- readTransTab(TRUE);
++ readTransTab(TRUE,TRUE);
+ UnknownErrInit();
+ inName = DStrNew();
+ pdbName = DStrNew();
+@@ -932,7 +932,7 @@ ExWritePdb(char *cmd)
+ if (gf == NULL)
+ return EC_ERROR;
+- readTransTab(FALSE);
++ readTransTab(FALSE,TRUE);
+ CHECK_RES(GFileWriteStr(gf, "HEADER Structure from"));
+ CHECK_RES(GFileWriteStr(gf, PROG_NAME));
+@@ -987,3 +987,61 @@ ExWritePdb(char *cmd)
+ return EC_OK;
+ }
++ExReadOldPdb(char *cmd)
++ BOOL replace;
++ DSTR name;
++ int molNo, readNo;
++ DhMolP *molPA;
++ ErrCode errCode;
++ DSTR errStr;
++ replace = (strncmp(cmd, "Replace", 7) == 0);
++ name = DStrNew();
++ errCode = ArgGetFilename(name, CurrDirGet(), "*.pdb", TRUE);
++ if (errCode != EC_OK) {
++ DStrFree(name);
++ return errCode;
++ }
++ readTransTab(TRUE, FALSE);
++ UnknownErrInit();
++ if (replace) {
++ molNo = SelMolGet(NULL, 0);
++ if (molNo > 0) {
++ molPA = malloc(molNo * sizeof(*molPA));
++ (void) SelMolGet(molPA, molNo);
++ }
++ } else {
++ molNo = 0;
++ molPA = NULL;
++ }
++ BreakActivate(TRUE);
++ errCode = readFile(molPA, molNo, name, &readNo);
++ BreakActivate(FALSE);
++ DStrFree(name);
++ TreeClose(TransTab);
++ if (molNo > 0)
++ free(molPA);
++ if (errCode != EC_OK)
++ return EC_ERROR;
++ if (replace)
++ GraphMolChanged(PROP_SELECTED);
++ errStr = UnknownErrGet();
++ if (errStr != NULL) {
++ CipSetError(DStrToStr(errStr));
++ DStrFree(errStr);
++ return EC_WARNING;
++ }
++ return EC_OK;
+diff --git a/src/cmdstruc/ExBuild.c b/src/cmdstruc/ExBuild.c
+index 32bc650..7f003b2 100644
+--- a/src/cmdstruc/ExBuild.c
++++ b/src/cmdstruc/ExBuild.c
+@@ -31,11 +31,16 @@
+ #include <data_hand.h>
+ #include <data_sel.h>
+ #include <graph_draw.h>
++#include <pu.h>
+ #define ARG_NUM 1
+ static int CurrPos = 1;
+ static int CurrKind = 0;
++static PuTextWindow TextW;
++static DhMolP LastMolP=NULL;
++static BOOL messageWindowCreated=FALSE;
++static BOOL cyclicResidueFound=FALSE;
+ ErrCode
+ ExNewMol(char *cmd)
+@@ -206,3 +211,121 @@ ExChangeRes(char *cmd)
+ return EC_OK;
+ }
++static void
++writeInt(int num)
++ char buf[10];
++ (void) sprintf(buf, "%5d ", num);
++ PuWriteStr(TextW, buf);
++static void
++checkMolCyclic(DhMolP molP, void *clientData)
++ DhResP resP;
++ DSTR resName = DStrNew();
++ DStrAssignStr(resName, "XXX");
++ resP = DhResFirst(molP);
++ while (resP != NULL) {
++ if (DStrCmp(resName, DhResGetName(resP)) == 0) {
++ cyclicResidueFound=TRUE;
++ }
++ resP = DhResNext(resP);
++ }
++ if (cyclicResidueFound && !messageWindowCreated) {
++ TextW = PuCreateTextWindow("MakeMolCyclic");
++ PuWriteStr(TextW, "--------------------------------------------------\n");
++ messageWindowCreated=TRUE;
++ }
++ if (cyclicResidueFound) {
++ PuWriteStr(TextW, "Error -");
++ writeInt(DhMolGetNumber(molP) + 1);
++ PuWriteStr(TextW, DStrToStr(DhMolGetName(molP)));
++ PuWriteStr(TextW, " already made cyclic!\n");
++ }
++static void
++makeMolCyclic(DhMolP molP, void *clientData)
++ DhResP xResP, yResP;
++ Vec3 firstCoord, lastCoord, midCoord;
++ DhResP firstResP, lastResP;
++ DhAtomP caAtomP;
++ DSTR atomName = DStrNew();
++ DhResDefP resDefP = (DhResDefP) clientData;
++ DStrAssignStr(atomName, "CA");
++ xResP = DhResNewCyclic(molP, resDefP, SP_FIRST);
++ DhResInit(xResP);
++ yResP = DhResNewCyclic(molP, resDefP, SP_LAST);
++ DhResInit(yResP);
++ xResP = DhResFirst(molP);
++ firstResP = DhResNext(xResP);
++ caAtomP = NULL;
++ while (caAtomP == NULL && firstResP != NULL) {
++ caAtomP = DhAtomFindName(firstResP, atomName, FALSE);
++ firstResP = DhResNext(firstResP);
++ }
++ if (caAtomP == NULL) {
++ return;
++ }
++ DhAtomGetCoord(caAtomP, firstCoord);
++ yResP = DhResLast(molP);
++ lastResP = DhResPrev(yResP);
++ caAtomP = NULL;
++ while (caAtomP == NULL && lastResP != NULL) {
++ caAtomP = DhAtomFindName(lastResP, atomName, FALSE);
++ lastResP = DhResPrev(lastResP);
++ }
++ if (caAtomP == NULL) {
++ return;
++ }
++ DhAtomGetCoord(caAtomP, lastCoord);
++ midCoord[0] = (firstCoord[0]+lastCoord[0])/2;
++ midCoord[1] = (firstCoord[1]+lastCoord[1])/2;
++ midCoord[2] = (firstCoord[2]+lastCoord[2])/2;
++ DhAtomSetCoord(DhResGetAtomA(xResP), midCoord);
++ DhAtomSetCoord(DhResGetAtomA(yResP), midCoord);
++ExMakeMolCyclic(char *cmd)
++ int ind=0;
++ DhResDefP resDefP;
++ DSTR resName = DStrNew();
++ messageWindowCreated=FALSE;
++ cyclicResidueFound=FALSE;
++ DhApplyMol(PropGetRef(PROP_SELECTED, FALSE), checkMolCyclic, NULL);
++ if (cyclicResidueFound) {
++ DSTR msg = DStrNew();
++ DStrAssignStr(msg, "Error cyclic molecules selected");
++ PuSetTextField(PU_TF_STATUS, DStrToStr(msg));
++ DStrFree(msg);
++ return EC_OK;
++ }
++ DStrAssignStr(resName, "XXX");
++ resDefP = DhResDefGet(resName);
++ if (resDefP == NULL) {
++ CipSetError("error cyclic marker residue 'XXX' not found in residue library");
++ return EC_ERROR;
++ }
++ DhApplyMol(PropGetRef(PROP_SELECTED, FALSE), makeMolCyclic, resDefP);
++ GraphMolChanged(PROP_SELECTED);
++ GraphRedrawNeeded();
++ return EC_OK;
+diff --git a/src/data/DataHand.c b/src/data/DataHand.c
+index 368aad3..d020c20 100644
+--- a/src/data/DataHand.c
++++ b/src/data/DataHand.c
+@@ -994,9 +994,11 @@ BOOL
+ DhResDestroy(DhResP resP)
+ {
+ /* can only destroy first or last residue of molecule! */
++ DhMolP molP;
+ if (resP == ListFirst(resP->molP->resL)) {
++ molP = resP->molP;
+ ListRemove(resP->molP->resL, resP);
+- setEquivI(ListFirst(resP->molP->resL), NULL);
++ setEquivI((DhResP)ListFirst(molP->resL), NULL);
+ return TRUE;
+ } else if (resP == ListLast(resP->molP->resL)) {
+ ListRemove(resP->molP->resL, resP);
+@@ -2842,6 +2844,18 @@ DhResGetName(DhResP resP)
+ return resP->defP->name;
+ }
++DhResGetAtomA(DhResP resP)
++ return resP->atomA;
++DhResGetDefP(DhResP resP)
++ return resP->defP;
+ int
+ DhResGetNumber(DhResP resP)
+ {
+@@ -3313,3 +3327,101 @@ DhAltCoordListGet(void)
+ {
+ return AltCoordList;
+ }
++static void
++initResCyclic(DhResP resP)
++ DhResDefP defP;
++ DhResP prevResP, nextResP;
++ DhAtomP atomP, equivAtomP;
++ int i;
++ defP = resP->defP;
++ resP->neighLeftP = NULL;
++ resP->neighRightP = NULL;
++ resP->atomA = malloc(defP->atomNo * sizeof(*resP->atomA));
++ resP->bondA = malloc(defP->bondNo * sizeof(*resP->bondA));
++ resP->angleA = malloc(defP->angleNo * sizeof(*resP->angleA));
++ for (i = 0; i < defP->atomNo; i++)
++ initAtom(resP->atomA + i, resP);
++ for (i = defP->firstBondI; i <= defP->lastBondI; i++)
++ initBond(resP->bondA + i, resP);
++ for (i = 0; i < defP->angleNo; i++) {
++ resP->angleA[i].resP = resP;
++ resP->angleA[i].val = 0.0f;
++ resP->angleA[i].minVal = DH_ANGLE_MIN;
++ resP->angleA[i].maxVal = DH_ANGLE_MAX;
++ resP->angleA[i].changed = FALSE;
++ resP->angleA[i].propTab = PropNewTab(FALSE);
++ }
++ resP->propTab = PropNewTab(FALSE);
++ for (i = 0; i < EQUIV_NO; i++) {
++ resP->equivI[i] = -1;
++ }
++ prevResP = ListPrev(resP->molP->resL, resP);
++ nextResP = ListNext(resP->molP->resL, resP);
++DhResNewCyclic(DhMolP molP, DhResDefP defP, DhSeqPos pos)
++ struct DhResS resS;
++ DhResP resP, prevResP, nextResP;
++ resS.molP = molP;
++ resS.defP = defP;
++ if (pos == SP_FIRST) {
++ nextResP = ListFirst(molP->resL);
++ if (nextResP == NULL)
++ resS.num = 1;
++ else
++ resS.num = nextResP->num - 1;
++ resP = ListInsertFirst(molP->resL, &resS);
++ } else {
++ prevResP = ListLast(molP->resL);
++ if (prevResP == NULL)
++ resS.num = 1;
++ else
++ resS.num = prevResP->num + 1;
++ resP = ListInsertLast(molP->resL, &resS);
++ }
++ initResCyclic(resP);
++ return resP;
++DhResPrev(DhResP resP)
++ return (DhResP) ListPrev(resP->molP->resL, resP);
++DhResNext(DhResP resP)
++ return (DhResP) ListNext(resP->molP->resL, resP);
++DhResFirst(DhMolP molP)
++ return (DhResP) ListFirst(molP->resL);
++DhResLast(DhMolP molP)
++ return (DhResP) ListLast(molP->resL);
+diff --git a/src/iodev/IODev.c b/src/iodev/IODev.c
+index aa4f9a7..9c04ce8 100644
+--- a/src/iodev/IODev.c
++++ b/src/iodev/IODev.c
+@@ -44,6 +44,7 @@ extern void IOMotifGLDSetDev(void);
+ #endif
+ extern void IOMotifOGLSetDev(void);
++extern void IOMotifOGLDSetDev(void);
+ #endif
+ extern void IOMotifXGLSetDev(void);
+@@ -75,6 +76,7 @@ static DevListEntry DevList[] = {
+ #endif
+ {"Motif/OpenGL", IOMotifOGLSetDev},
++ {"Motif/OpenGLD", IOMotifOGLDSetDev},
+ #endif
+ {"Motif/XGL", IOMotifXGLSetDev},
+diff --git a/src/main/MolInit.c b/src/main/MolInit.c
+index a7c467a..fccccd3 100644
+--- a/src/main/MolInit.c
++++ b/src/main/MolInit.c
+@@ -313,8 +313,9 @@ MolInit(char *defaultDev, int argc, char *argv[], char *macroName)
+ SgSetDoubleBuffer(TRUE);
+- ProgDirSet("MOLMOLHOME", "/usr/molmol");
++ ProgDirSet("MOLMOLHOME", argv[0]);
+ SetupSetDir("setup");
++ CurrDirSet(getenv("HOME"));
+- UserFileSetDir(CurrDirGet(), "molmol");
++ UserFileSetDir(CurrDirGet(), ".molmol");
+ GFileSetErrorHandler(handleFileError);
+@@ -326,7 +327,7 @@ MolInit(char *defaultDev, int argc, char *argv[], char *macroName)
+ IOSetErrorHandler(handleIOError);
+ PuSetTextField(PU_TF_TITLE,
+- "MOLMOL - MOLecule analysis and MOLecule display");
++ "MOLMOL - MOLecule analysis and MOLecule display - JCU V1.0.8");
+ gf = UserFileOpenRead("par");
+ if (gf != NULL) {
+diff --git a/src/main/MolMol.c b/src/main/MolMol.c
+index 6f825e8..902b50a 100644
+--- a/src/main/MolMol.c
++++ b/src/main/MolMol.c
+@@ -30,5 +30,5 @@
+ int
+ main(int argc, char *argv[])
+ {
+- return MolInit("Motif/X11", argc, argv, NULL);
++ return MolInit("Motif/OpenGL", argc, argv, NULL);
+ }
+diff --git a/src/motif/MotifDial.c b/src/motif/MotifDial.c
+index 6e3bfd7..8fe0c5a 100644
+--- a/src/motif/MotifDial.c
++++ b/src/motif/MotifDial.c
+@@ -1115,26 +1115,24 @@ PuMotifSetStr(PuGizmo gizmo, PuStrChoice choice, char *val)
+ void
+ PuMotifSetColor(PuGizmo gizmo, float r, float g, float b)
+ {
+- Display *dpy;
+- int screen;
+- Pixel pix;
+- XColor col;
++ Display *display;
++ Pixel pixel;
++ XColor color;
++ Colormap colormap;
+- dpy = XtDisplay(gizmo);
+- screen = DefaultScreen(dpy);
+- XtVaGetValues(gizmo,
+- XmNbackground, &pix,
+- NULL);
++ display = XtDisplay(gizmo);
++ XtVaGetValues(gizmo, XmNbackground, &pixel, NULL);
++ colormap = DefaultColormapOfScreen(XtScreen(gizmo));
+- if (pix == BlackPixel(dpy, screen))
+- return;
++ color.pixel = pixel;
++ = FLOAT2SHORT(r);
++ = FLOAT2SHORT(g);
++ = FLOAT2SHORT(b);
++ color.flags = DoRed | DoGreen | DoBlue;
+- col.pixel = pix;
+- = FLOAT2SHORT(r);
+- = FLOAT2SHORT(g);
+- = FLOAT2SHORT(b);
+- col.flags = DoRed | DoGreen | DoBlue;
+- XStoreColor(dpy, DefaultColormap(dpy, screen), &col);
++ XFreeColors(display, colormap, &pixel, 1, 0);
++ XAllocColor(display, colormap, &color);
++ XtVaSetValues(gizmo, XmNbackground, color.pixel, NULL);
+ }
+ void
+diff --git a/src/motogl/MotOGLDump.c b/src/motogl/MotOGLDump.c
+index 54a4222..3bc25cc 100644
+--- a/src/motogl/MotOGLDump.c
++++ b/src/motogl/MotOGLDump.c
+@@ -302,7 +302,7 @@ writeImg(void)
+ if (Quality < 100)
+ else
+diff --git a/src/os/CurrDir.c b/src/os/CurrDir.c
+index edee778..7d2b242 100644
+--- a/src/os/CurrDir.c
++++ b/src/os/CurrDir.c
+@@ -26,9 +26,9 @@
+ #include <curr_dir.h>
+ #include <stdlib.h>
+-#ifdef WIN32
+-#include <direct.h>
+ #include <string.h>
++#ifdef WIN32
++#include <direct.h>
+ #else
+ #include <unistd.h>
+ #include <errno.h>
+@@ -36,43 +36,15 @@
+ static char *CurrDir = NULL;
++CurrDirSet(char *dir)
++ CurrDir = malloc(strlen(dir) + 1);
++ (void) strcpy(CurrDir, dir);
+ char *
+ CurrDirGet(void)
+ {
+-#ifdef WIN32
+- int len, i;
+- int size = 10;
+- if (CurrDir != NULL)
+- return CurrDir;
+-#ifdef WIN32
+- CurrDir = _getcwd(NULL, 0);
+- if (CurrDir != NULL) {
+- len = strlen(CurrDir);
+- for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
+- if (CurrDir[i] == '\\')
+- CurrDir[i] = '/';
+- return CurrDir;
+- }
+- CurrDir = malloc(size);
+- for (;;) {
+- if (getcwd(CurrDir, size) != NULL)
+- return CurrDir;
+- if (errno != ERANGE)
+- break;
+- size *= 2;
+- CurrDir = realloc(CurrDir, size);
+- }
+- /* cannot get current directory, return root directory */
+- CurrDir = realloc(CurrDir, 2);
+- CurrDir[0] = '/';
+- CurrDir[1] = '\0';
+ return CurrDir;
+ }
+diff --git a/src/os/ProgDir.c b/src/os/ProgDir.c
+index 7abb08d..79ede45 100644
+--- a/src/os/ProgDir.c
++++ b/src/os/ProgDir.c
+@@ -45,10 +45,6 @@ ProgDirSet(char *envVar, char *defVal)
+ dir = getenv(envVar);
+ if (dir == NULL) {
+ len = GetModuleFileName(NULL, exePath, sizeof(exePath));
+- if (len == 0) {
+- ProgDir = defVal;
+- return;
+- }
+ len--;
+ while (len > 0 && exePath[len] != '\\')
+ len--;
+@@ -65,9 +61,24 @@ ProgDirSet(char *envVar, char *defVal)
+ if (ProgDir[i] == '\\')
+ ProgDir[i] = '/';
+ #else
+- ProgDir = getenv(envVar);
+- if (ProgDir == NULL)
+- ProgDir = defVal;
++ char *dir;
++ char *exePath;
++ int len;
++ dir = getenv(envVar);
++ if (dir == NULL) {
++ exePath = defVal;
++ len = strlen(exePath);
++ len--;
++ while (len > 0 && exePath[len] != '/')
++ len--;
++ dir = exePath;
++ } else {
++ len = strlen(dir);
++ }
++ ProgDir = malloc(len + 1);
++ (void) strncpy(ProgDir, dir, len);
+ #endif
+ }
+diff --git a/src/win/WinDial.c b/src/win/WinDial.c
+index 61d6432..e880559 100644
+--- a/src/win/WinDial.c
++++ b/src/win/WinDial.c
+@@ -1072,148 +1072,143 @@ dialProc(HWND w, UINT msgKind, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
+ childP = (GizmoInfo *) GetWindowLong(childW, GWL_USERDATA);
+ switch (notifyCode) {
+- case BN_CLICKED:
+- if (childId < infoP->u.dial.childNo) {
++ case BN_CLICKED:
++ if (childId < infoP->u.dial.childNo) {
+ childP = (GizmoInfo *) GetWindowLong(GetFocus(), GWL_USERDATA);
+- if (childP->type == GIZMO_TOGGLE) {
+- boxP = childP->u.toggle.boxP;
+- if (boxP->type == GIZMO_RADIO_BOX) {
+- for (i = 0; i < infoP->u.dial.childNo; i++) {
+- cP = infoP->u.dial.childPA[i];
+- if (cP->type != GIZMO_TOGGLE)
+- continue;
+- if (cP->u.toggle.boxP != boxP)
+- continue;
+- onOff = SendMessage(cP->w, BM_GETCHECK, 0, 0);
+- if (onOff && cP != childP) {
+- cP->u.toggle.onOff = FALSE;
+- SendMessage(cP->w, BM_SETCHECK, FALSE, 0);
+- selectStruc.onOff = FALSE;
+- callCB(boxP, PU_CT_SELECT, cP->name, &selectStruc);
+- break;
+- }
+- }
+- if (cP != childP) {
+- childP->u.toggle.onOff = TRUE;
+- SendMessage(childP->w, BM_SETCHECK, TRUE, 0);
+- selectStruc.onOff = TRUE;
+- callCB(boxP, PU_CT_SELECT, childP->name, &selectStruc);
+- }
+- } else {
+- onOff = ! SendMessage(childP->w, BM_GETCHECK, 0, 0);
+- childP->u.toggle.onOff = onOff;
+- SendMessage(childP->w, BM_SETCHECK, onOff, 0);
+- selectStruc.onOff = onOff;
+- callCB(boxP, PU_CT_SELECT, childP->name, &selectStruc);
+- }
+- } else {
+- callCB(childP, PU_CT_ACTIVATE, childP->name, NULL);
+- if (childP->type == GIZMO_TEXT_FIELD &&
+- childP->u.text.historySize > 0)
+- childP->u.text.firstMod = TRUE;
+- }
+- } else {
+- buttonI = childId - infoP->u.dial.childNo;
+- callCB(infoP, BUTTON_FIRST + buttonI, ButtonLabelA[buttonI], NULL);
+- }
++ if (childP->type == GIZMO_TOGGLE) {
++ boxP = childP->u.toggle.boxP;
++ if (boxP->type == GIZMO_RADIO_BOX) {
++ for (i = 0; i < infoP->u.dial.childNo; i++) {
++ cP = infoP->u.dial.childPA[i];
++ if (cP->type != GIZMO_TOGGLE) continue;
++ if (cP->u.toggle.boxP != boxP) continue;
++ onOff = SendMessage(cP->w, BM_GETCHECK, 0, 0);
++ if (onOff && cP != childP) {
++ cP->u.toggle.onOff = FALSE;
++ SendMessage(cP->w, BM_SETCHECK, FALSE, 0);
++ selectStruc.onOff = FALSE;
++ callCB(boxP, PU_CT_SELECT, cP->name, &selectStruc);
++ break;
++ }
++ }
++ if (cP != childP) {
++ childP->u.toggle.onOff = TRUE;
++ SendMessage(childP->w, BM_SETCHECK, TRUE, 0);
++ selectStruc.onOff = TRUE;
++ callCB(boxP, PU_CT_SELECT, childP->name, &selectStruc);
++ }
++ } else {
++ onOff = ! SendMessage(childP->w, BM_GETCHECK, 0, 0);
++ childP->u.toggle.onOff = onOff;
++ SendMessage(childP->w, BM_SETCHECK, onOff, 0);
++ selectStruc.onOff = onOff;
++ callCB(boxP, PU_CT_SELECT, childP->name, &selectStruc);
++ }
++ } else {
++ callCB(childP, PU_CT_ACTIVATE, childP->name, NULL);
++ if (childP->type == GIZMO_TEXT_FIELD && childP->u.text.historySize > 0) childP->u.text.firstMod = TRUE;
++ }
++ } else {
++ buttonI = childId - infoP->u.dial.childNo;
++ callCB(infoP, BUTTON_FIRST + buttonI, ButtonLabelA[buttonI], NULL);
++ }
+ return TRUE;
+- case EN_UPDATE:
+- textEdit(childP);
+- return TRUE;
+- for (i = 0; i < childP->u.list.entryNo; i++)
+- if (SendMessage(childW, LB_GETSEL, i, 0) !=
+- childP->u.list.entryA[i].onOff)
+- lastI = i;
+- for (i = 0; i < childP->u.list.entryNo; i++) {
+- onOff = SendMessage(childW, LB_GETSEL, i, 0);
+- if (onOff != childP->u.list.entryA[i].onOff) {
+- if (! childP->u.list.autoDesel)
++ case EN_UPDATE:
++ textEdit(childP);
++ return TRUE;
++ for (i = 0; i < childP->u.list.entryNo; i++)
++ if (SendMessage(childW, LB_GETSEL, i, 0) != childP->u.list.entryA[i].onOff)
++ lastI = i;
++ for (i = 0; i < childP->u.list.entryNo; i++) {
++ onOff = SendMessage(childW, LB_GETSEL, i, 0);
++ if (onOff != childP->u.list.entryA[i].onOff) {
++ if (! childP->u.list.autoDesel)
+ childP->u.list.entryA[i].onOff = onOff;
+- selectStruc.onOff = onOff;
+- selectStruc.last = (i == lastI);
+- callCB(childP, PU_CT_SELECT,
+- childP->u.list.entryA[i].str, &selectStruc);
+- }
+- }
+- if (childP->u.list.autoDesel)
+- SendMessage(childW, LB_SETCURSEL, -1, 0);
+- return TRUE;
++ selectStruc.onOff = onOff;
++ selectStruc.last = (i == lastI);
++ callCB(childP, PU_CT_SELECT,
++ childP->u.list.entryA[i].str, &selectStruc);
++ }
++ }
++ if (childP->u.list.autoDesel)
++ SendMessage(childW, LB_SETCURSEL, -1, 0);
++ return TRUE;
+ }
++ break;
+- break;
+- case WM_VSCROLL:
+- childW = (HWND) lParam;
+- childP = (GizmoInfo *) GetWindowLong(childW, GWL_USERDATA);
+- scrollCode = LOWORD(wParam);
++ case WM_VSCROLL:
++ childW = (HWND) lParam;
++ childP = (GizmoInfo *) GetWindowLong(childW, GWL_USERDATA);
++ scrollCode = LOWORD(wParam);
+- if (scrollCode == SB_LINEUP) {
+- upHistory(childP->u.scroll.textP);
+- } else if (scrollCode == SB_LINEDOWN) {
+- downHistory(childP->u.scroll.textP);
+- } else {
+- return FALSE;
+- }
+- return TRUE;
+- case WM_HSCROLL:
+- scrollCode = LOWORD(wParam);
+- if (scrollCode != SB_THUMBPOSITION && scrollCode != SB_THUMBTRACK)
+- return FALSE;
++ if (scrollCode == SB_LINEUP) {
++ upHistory(childP->u.scroll.textP);
++ } else if (scrollCode == SB_LINEDOWN) {
++ downHistory(childP->u.scroll.textP);
++ } else {
++ return FALSE;
++ }
++ return TRUE;
++ case WM_HSCROLL:
++ scrollCode = LOWORD(wParam);
++ if (scrollCode != SB_THUMBPOSITION && scrollCode != SB_THUMBTRACK)
++ return FALSE;
+- scrollPos = (int)(short)HIWORD(wParam);
+- childW = (HWND) lParam;
+- childP = (GizmoInfo *) GetWindowLong(childW, GWL_USERDATA);
++ scrollPos = (int)(short)HIWORD(wParam);
++ childW = (HWND) lParam;
++ childP = (GizmoInfo *) GetWindowLong(childW, GWL_USERDATA);
+- floatStruc.oldVal = childP->u.slider.val;
+- childP->u.slider.val = scrollPos / childP->u.slider.factor;
+- SetScrollPos(childW, SB_CTL,
+- (int) (childP->u.slider.val * childP->u.slider.factor),
+- TRUE);
++ floatStruc.oldVal = childP->u.slider.val;
++ childP->u.slider.val = scrollPos / childP->u.slider.factor;
++ SetScrollPos(childW, SB_CTL,
++ (int) (childP->u.slider.val * childP->u.slider.factor), TRUE);
+- if (childP->u.slider.valuatorCB == NULL) {
+- floatStruc.newVal = childP->u.slider.val;
+- callCB(childP, PU_CT_MODIFY, childP->name, &floatStruc);
+- } else {
+- valStruc.act = PU_MA_ACTIVATE;
+- = childP->name;
+- valStruc.val = childP->u.slider.val;
+- childP->u.slider.valuatorCB(childP, childP->u.slider.clientData, &valStruc);
+- }
++ if (childP->u.slider.valuatorCB == NULL) {
++ floatStruc.newVal = childP->u.slider.val;
++ callCB(childP, PU_CT_MODIFY, childP->name, &floatStruc);
++ } else {
++ valStruc.act = PU_MA_ACTIVATE;
++ = childP->name;
++ valStruc.val = childP->u.slider.val;
++ childP->u.slider.valuatorCB(childP, childP->u.slider.clientData, &valStruc);
++ }
++ return TRUE;
+- return TRUE;
+- case WM_PAINT:
+- for (childId = 0; childId < infoP->u.dial.childNo; childId++) {
+- childP = infoP->u.dial.childPA[childId];
+- if (childP->type == GIZMO_COLOR_FIELD)
+- paintColor(childP->w,
+- childP->u.color.r, childP->u.color.g, childP->u.color.b);
+- }
+- break;
+- case WM_MOVE:
+- if (infoP->u.dial.outside) {
+- WinPlaceChanged(infoP->w);
+- return TRUE;
+- }
+- break;
+- case WM_CLOSE:
+- buttonNo = 0;
+- for (i = 0; i < BUTTON_NO; i++)
+- if (infoP->u.dial.buttonSwitchA[i])
+- buttonNo++;
+- if (buttonNo == 0)
+- ShowWindow(infoP->w, SW_HIDE);
+- return TRUE;
+- case WM_DESTROY:
+- WinRemoveDialog(w);
+- for (childId = 0; childId < infoP->u.dial.childNo; childId++)
+- freeInfo(infoP->u.dial.childPA[childId]);
+- freeInfo(infoP);
+- return TRUE;
+- }
++ case WM_PAINT:
++ for (childId = 0; childId < infoP->u.dial.childNo; childId++) {
++ childP = infoP->u.dial.childPA[childId];
++ if (childP->type == GIZMO_COLOR_FIELD)
++ paintColor(childP->w,
++ childP->u.color.r, childP->u.color.g, childP->u.color.b);
++ }
++ break;
++ case WM_MOVE:
++ if (infoP->u.dial.outside) {
++ WinPlaceChanged(infoP->w);
++ return TRUE;
++ }
++ break;
++ case WM_CLOSE:
++ buttonNo = 0;
++ for (i = 0; i < BUTTON_NO; i++) {
++ if (infoP->u.dial.buttonSwitchA[i]) buttonNo++;
++ if (buttonNo == 0) {
++ ShowWindow(infoP->w, SW_HIDE);
++ }
++ }
++ return TRUE;
++ case WM_DESTROY:
++ WinRemoveDialog(w);
++ for (childId = 0; childId < infoP->u.dial.childNo; childId++)
++ freeInfo(infoP->u.dial.childPA[childId]);
++ freeInfo(infoP);
++ return TRUE;
++ }
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+diff --git a/src/winogl/WinOGLDump.c b/src/winogl/WinOGLDump.c
+index 0a7d61a..a8ce850 100644
+--- a/src/winogl/WinOGLDump.c
++++ b/src/winogl/WinOGLDump.c
+@@ -44,6 +44,7 @@
+ #endif
+ #ifdef PNG_SUPPORT
+ #include <png.h>
++#include <pngpriv.h>
+ #endif
+ #include "winogl_int.h"
+@@ -251,7 +252,7 @@ static void
+ pngErrHand(png_structp pngStrucP, char *errMsg)
+ {
+ IORaiseError(errMsg);
+- longjmp(pngStrucP->jmpbuf, 1);
++ longjmp(pngStrucP->longjmp_buffer, 1);
+ }
+ #endif
+@@ -314,7 +315,7 @@ writeImg(void)
+ if (Quality < 100)
+ else
+@@ -369,7 +370,7 @@ writeImg(void)
+ return IO_RES_ERR;
+ }
+- if (setjmp(pngStrucP->jmpbuf)) {
++ if (setjmp(pngStrucP->longjmp_buffer)) {
+ if (cBuf != NULL)
+ free(cBuf);
+ if (fBuf != NULL)