diff options
authorJames Le Cuirot <>2022-03-20 23:03:06 +0000
committerJames Le Cuirot <>2022-03-20 23:03:06 +0000
commit0acc10157e16422a8f125b7d3a2bcea27e17cc14 (patch)
tree5df595e34c156c1b06f5bc409f3c8abb71def5ab /www-apps
parentgames-util/joycond: Patch to lock down the systemd service (diff)
www-apps/tt-rss: Drop old 20200922
Signed-off-by: James Le Cuirot <>
Diffstat (limited to 'www-apps')
4 files changed, 0 insertions, 209 deletions
diff --git a/www-apps/tt-rss/Manifest b/www-apps/tt-rss/Manifest
index 5a6f1e2a2113..e407e317a278 100644
--- a/www-apps/tt-rss/Manifest
+++ b/www-apps/tt-rss/Manifest
@@ -1,2 +1 @@
-DIST tt-rss-20200922.tar.gz 3406007 BLAKE2B 7058253fbbba1c121d11eace8a3ef024b7ef83b05fd8b10b0ba0d017fa75d16b970e2c95c13091f760b21bcf092f609d81a5649de03672b0394113412f90beb0 SHA512 90387d07af76bc90bfb2e740dcfa0b2e13ed9af679a6c9258edd053511277bc36fca8edd4b3862c3f1957fa65a827b161abf3ed7fa603d4b84514fd456947a47
DIST tt-rss-20220218.tar.gz 9916433 BLAKE2B 318969b6e5156842079bf68c4ea614e5e60e21d8caa46b1a78f2cef051904da30e5091838f6e10f6f610d8ee39c7922137aeb60b7cd5004cabc1d2cdf65edfa8 SHA512 38a81dd737462724bc52ca3915350c175abe548cd566a4f9a5e1d5efda9287d0666e9348e5b13dd20549360501de5b0bfb659292fb650f7a60fdab8b63cf8202
diff --git a/www-apps/tt-rss/files/permissions b/www-apps/tt-rss/files/permissions
deleted file mode 100644
index a26b87f4e715..000000000000
--- a/www-apps/tt-rss/files/permissions
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-#!/bin/bash -e
-if [[ $1 = install ]]; then
- # We need to lock down cache/ for the operations below to be
- # safe. The permissions match the webapp-config defaults but these
- # can be changed and existing installations may also differ.
- chown root:root cache/
- chmod 00755 cache/
- chgrp --no-dereference ttrssd feed-icons/ lock/ cache/*/
- chmod g+ws feed-icons/ lock/ cache/*/
- # Files within lock/ are exclusively written by the update
- # daemon. Files within feed-icons/ are always unlinked before
- # modification. Only cache/ holds files that are modified in place
- # by both processes and therefore ACLs are required to ensure that
- # the files themselves are created as group writable.
- if ! setfacl --modify d:g::rwX cache/*/; then
- echo "WARNING: ACLs are not available on this filesystem. Either enable them or set TTRSSD_USER to your PHP user in /etc/conf.d/ttrssd to avoid permission issues."
- elif [[ -n $(find cache/ -type f ! -name ".*" ! \( -group ttrssd -perm -020 \) -print -quit) ]]; then
- echo "WARNING: Files that are not writable by the ttrssd group found within the cache directory. Either delete them or correct their permissions."
- fi
diff --git a/www-apps/tt-rss/files/ttrssd.initd-r3 b/www-apps/tt-rss/files/ttrssd.initd-r3
deleted file mode 100644
index a6f3b8a78ef1..000000000000
--- a/www-apps/tt-rss/files/ttrssd.initd-r3
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,88 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2018 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-depend() {
- need net
- after postgresql mysql
-setup() {
- mkdir -p "${PID_DIR}" "${LOG_DIR}" || return 1
- chown "${TTRSSD_USER}":ttrssd "${LOG_DIR}" || return 1
-list_instance_dirs() {
- if [ -z "${INSTANCE_DIRS}" ]; then
- cut -d" " -f4 /var/db/webapps/tt-rss/*/installs 2>/dev/null
- else
- printf "%s\n" ${INSTANCE_DIRS}
- fi
-instance_dir_to_name() {
- local name=${1#/}
- echo ${name//\//--}
-start() {
- setup || return 1
- local instance_dir instance_name ret=1
- IFS=$'\n'
- for instance_dir in $(list_instance_dirs); do
- if [ -d "${instance_dir}" ]; then
- if [ ! -f "${instance_dir}"/update_daemon2.php ]; then
- ewarn "TT-RSS instance in ${instance_dir} has no update_daemon2.php script"
- elif [ ! -f "${instance_dir}"/config.php ]; then
- eerror "TT-RSS instance in ${instance_dir} is not configured"
- else
- instance_name=$(instance_dir_to_name "${instance_dir}")
- ebegin "Starting TT-RSS update daemon in ${instance_dir}"
- start-stop-daemon --start --user "${TTRSSD_USER}":ttrssd \
- --background --wait 2000 \
- --stdout "${LOG_DIR}/${instance_name}.log" \
- --stderr "${LOG_DIR}/${instance_name}.log" \
- --make-pidfile --pidfile "${PID_DIR}/${instance_name}.pid" \
- --exec /usr/bin/php -- -f "${instance_dir}"/update_daemon2.php \
- eend $? && ret=0
- fi
- else
- eerror "TT-RSS instance in ${instance_dir} is missing"
- fi
- done
- unset IFS
- # Succeed if at least one started.
- return ${ret}
-stop() {
- local instance_dir instance_name
- IFS=$'\n'
- for instance_dir in $(list_instance_dirs); do
- instance_name=$(instance_dir_to_name "${instance_dir}")
- [ -f "${PID_DIR}/${instance_name}.pid" ] ||
- [ -f "${instance_dir}"/update_daemon2.php ] ||
- continue
- ebegin "Stopping TT-RSS update daemon in ${instance_dir}"
- start-stop-daemon --stop --retry 5 --pidfile "${PID_DIR}/${instance_name}.pid" \
- --exec /usr/bin/php -- -f "${instance_dir}"/update_daemon2.php \
- eend $?
- rm -f "${instance_dir}"/lock/*.lock
- done
- unset IFS
- # Always succeed.
- return 0
diff --git a/www-apps/tt-rss/tt-rss-20200922.ebuild b/www-apps/tt-rss/tt-rss-20200922.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index e2117ac64f57..000000000000
--- a/www-apps/tt-rss/tt-rss-20200922.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,95 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2022 Gentoo Authors
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-inherit prefix webapp
-DESCRIPTION="Tiny Tiny RSS - A web-based news feed (RSS/Atom) aggregator using AJAX"
-SRC_URI="${P}.tar.gz" # Upstream git frontend blocks wget?
-KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~arm ~mips ~x86"
-IUSE="+acl daemon gd +mysqli postgres"
-REQUIRED_USE="|| ( mysqli postgres )"
-PHP_SLOTS="7.4 7.3"
-php_rdepend() {
- local slot
- echo "|| ("
- for slot in ${PHP_SLOTS}; do
- echo "(
- virtual/httpd-php:${slot}
- dev-lang/php:${slot}[$1]
- )"
- done
- echo ")"
- daemon? ( acl? ( sys-apps/acl ) )
- daemon? (
- acct-user/ttrssd
- acct-group/ttrssd
- $(php_rdepend "${PHP_USE},cli,pcntl")
- )
- !daemon? (
- $(php_rdepend "${PHP_USE}")
- )
- !vhosts? ( ${DEPEND} )
-need_httpd_cgi # From webapp.eclass
-src_configure() {
- hprefixify config.php-dist
- sed -i -r \
- -e "/'DB_TYPE'/s:,.*:, '$(usex mysqli mysql pgsql)'); // mysql or pgsql:" \
- -e "/'CHECK_FOR_UPDATES'/s/true/false/" \
- config.php-dist || die
-src_install() {
- webapp_src_preinst
- insinto "${MY_HTDOCSDIR}"
- doins -r *
- # When updating, grep the plugins directory for additional CACHE_DIR
- # instances as they cannot be created later due to permissions.
- dodir "${MY_HTDOCSDIR}"/cache/starred-images
- local dir
- for dir in "${ED}${MY_HTDOCSDIR}"/{cache/*,feed-icons,lock}/; do
- webapp_serverowned "${dir#${ED}}"
- done
- if use daemon; then
- webapp_hook_script "${FILESDIR}"/permissions
- webapp_postinst_txt en "${FILESDIR}"/postinstall-en-with-daemon-r1.txt
- newinitd "${FILESDIR}"/ttrssd.initd-r3 ttrssd
- newconfd "${FILESDIR}"/ttrssd.confd-r2 ttrssd
- insinto /etc/logrotate.d
- newins "${FILESDIR}"/ttrssd.logrotated-r1 ttrssd
- elog "After upgrading, please restart ttrssd."
- else
- webapp_postinst_txt en "${FILESDIR}"/postinstall-en.txt
- fi
- webapp_src_install