diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'sys-devel/llvm/llvm-3.5.2.ebuild')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 550 deletions
diff --git a/sys-devel/llvm/llvm-3.5.2.ebuild b/sys-devel/llvm/llvm-3.5.2.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index dafbd5aa1f1a..000000000000
--- a/sys-devel/llvm/llvm-3.5.2.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,550 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2017 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-PYTHON_COMPAT=( python2_7 pypy )
-inherit eutils flag-o-matic multibuild multilib \
- multilib-minimal python-r1 toolchain-funcs pax-utils check-reqs prefix
-DESCRIPTION="Low Level Virtual Machine"
- clang? (${PV}/compiler-rt-${PV}.src.tar.xz
-${PV}/clang-tools-extra-${PV}.src.tar.xz )
- !doc? (${PN}-3.5.0-manpages.tar.bz2 )"
-# Additional licenses:
-# 1. OpenBSD regex: Henry Spencer's license ('rc' in Gentoo) + BSD.
-# 2. ARM backend: LLVM Software Grant by ARM.
-# 3. MD5 code: public-domain.
-# 4. autoconf (not installed): some undefined M.I.T. license.
-# 5. Tests (not installed):
-# a. gtest: BSD.
-# b. YAML tests: MIT.
-LICENSE="UoI-NCSA rc BSD public-domain
- arm? ( LLVM-Grant )
- arm64? ( LLVM-Grant )
- multitarget? ( LLVM-Grant )"
-KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~arm ~arm64 ~x86 ~amd64-fbsd ~x86-fbsd ~amd64-linux ~arm-linux ~x86-linux ~ppc-macos ~x64-macos ~x86-macos"
-IUSE="clang debug doc gold libedit +libffi multitarget ncurses ocaml python
- +static-analyzer test xml video_cards_radeon
- kernel_Darwin kernel_FreeBSD"
- sys-libs/zlib:0=
- clang? (
- python? ( ${PYTHON_DEPS} )
- static-analyzer? (
- dev-lang/perl:*
- )
- xml? ( dev-libs/libxml2:2= )
- )
- gold? ( >=sys-devel/binutils-2.22:*[cxx] )
- libedit? ( dev-libs/libedit:0=[${MULTILIB_USEDEP}] )
- libffi? ( >=virtual/libffi-3.0.13-r1:0=[${MULTILIB_USEDEP}] )
- ncurses? ( >=sys-libs/ncurses-5.9-r3:0=[${MULTILIB_USEDEP}] )
- ocaml? ( dev-lang/ocaml:0= )"
-# configparser-3.2 breaks the build (3.3 or none at all are fine)
- app-arch/xz-utils
- dev-lang/perl
- >=sys-devel/make-3.81
- >=sys-devel/flex-2.5.4
- >=sys-devel/bison-1.875d
- || ( >=sys-devel/gcc-3.0 >=sys-devel/llvm-3.3
- ( >=sys-freebsd/freebsd-lib-9.1-r10 sys-libs/libcxx )
- )
- || ( >=sys-devel/binutils-2.18 >=sys-devel/binutils-apple-5.1 )
- clang? ( xml? ( virtual/pkgconfig ) )
- doc? ( dev-python/sphinx )
- libffi? ( virtual/pkgconfig )
- !!<dev-python/configparser-
- clang? ( !<=sys-devel/clang-${PV}-r99
- !>=sys-devel/clang-9999 )
- abi_x86_32? ( !<=app-emulation/emul-linux-x86-baselibs-20130224-r2
- !app-emulation/emul-linux-x86-baselibs[-abi_x86_32(-)] )"
-PDEPEND="clang? ( =sys-devel/clang-${PV}-r100 )
- kernel_Darwin? ( =sys-libs/libcxx-${SLOT#*/}* )"
-# pypy gives me around 1700 unresolved tests due to open file limit
-# being exceeded. probably GC does not close them fast enough.
- test? ( || ( $(python_gen_useflags 'python*') ) )"
-# Some people actually override that in make.conf. That sucks since
-# we need to run install per-directory, and ninja can't do that...
-# so why did it call itself ninja in the first place?
-check_space() {
- # in megs
- # !clang !debug !multitarget -O2 400
- # !clang !debug multitarget -O2 550
- # clang !debug !multitarget -O2 950
- # clang !debug multitarget -O2 1200
- # !clang debug multitarget -O2 5G
- # clang !debug multitarget -O0 -g 12G
- # clang debug multitarget -O2 16G
- # clang debug multitarget -O0 -g 14G
- local build_size=550
- use clang && build_size=1200
- if use debug; then
- ewarn "USE=debug is known to increase the size of package considerably"
- ewarn "and cause the tests to fail."
- ewarn
- (( build_size *= 14 ))
- elif is-flagq '-g?(gdb)?([1-9])'; then
- ewarn "The C++ compiler -g option is known to increase the size of the package"
- ewarn "considerably. If you run out of space, please consider removing it."
- ewarn
- (( build_size *= 10 ))
- fi
- # Multiply by number of ABIs :).
- local abis=( $(multilib_get_enabled_abis) )
- (( build_size *= ${#abis[@]} ))
- local CHECKREQS_DISK_BUILD=${build_size}M
- check-reqs_pkg_pretend
- if [[ ${MERGE_TYPE} != binary ]]; then
- echo 'int main() {return 0;}' > "${T}"/test.cxx || die
- ebegin "Trying to build a C++11 test program"
- if ! $(tc-getCXX) -std=c++11 -o /dev/null "${T}"/test.cxx; then
- eerror "LLVM-${PV} requires C++11-capable C++ compiler. Your current compiler"
- eerror "does not seem to support -std=c++11 option. Please upgrade your compiler"
- eerror "to gcc-4.7 or an equivalent version supporting C++11."
- die "Currently active compiler does not support -std=c++11"
- fi
- eend ${?}
- fi
-pkg_pretend() {
- check_space
-pkg_setup() {
- check_space
-src_unpack() {
- default
- rm -f "${S}"/tools/clang "${S}"/projects/compiler-rt \
- || die "symlinks removal failed"
- if use clang; then
- mv "${WORKDIR}"/cfe-${PV}.src "${S}"/tools/clang \
- || die "clang source directory move failed"
- mv "${WORKDIR}"/compiler-rt-${PV}.src "${S}"/projects/compiler-rt \
- || die "compiler-rt source directory move failed"
- mv "${WORKDIR}"/clang-tools-extra-${PV}.src "${S}"/tools/clang/tools/extra \
- || die "clang-tools-extra source directory move failed"
- fi
-src_prepare() {
- epatch "${FILESDIR}"/3.6.2/nodoctargz.patch
- epatch "${FILESDIR}"/3.6.2/gcc-4.9.patch
- epatch "${FILESDIR}"/3.5.2/gentoo-install.patch
- epatch "${FILESDIR}"/3.5.2/gcc-5.1.patch
- # Make ocaml warnings non-fatal, bug #537308
- sed -e "/RUN/s/-warn-error A//" -i test/Bindings/Ocaml/*ml || die
- if use clang; then
- # Automatically select active system GCC's libraries, bugs #406163 and #417913
- epatch "${FILESDIR}"/3.9.0/clang/gentoo-runtime-gcc-detection-v3.patch
- epatch "${FILESDIR}"/3.5.2/clang/gentoo-install.patch
- epatch "${FILESDIR}"/3.9.1/clang/darwin_prefix-include-paths.patch
- eprefixify tools/clang/lib/Frontend/InitHeaderSearch.cpp
- fi
- if use prefix && use clang; then
- sed -i -e "/^CFLAGS /s@-Werror@-I${EPREFIX}/usr/include@" \
- projects/compiler-rt/make/platform/clang_*.mk || die
- fi
- # disable use of SDK on OSX, bug #568758
- sed -i -e 's/xcrun/false/' utils/lit/lit/ || die
- local sub_files=(
- Makefile.rules
- tools/llvm-config/llvm-config.cpp
- )
- use clang && sub_files+=(
- tools/clang/lib/Driver/Tools.cpp
- tools/clang/tools/scan-build/scan-build
- )
- # unfortunately ./configure won't listen to --mandir and the-like, so take
- # care of this.
- # note: we're setting the main libdir intentionally.
- # where per-ABI is appropriate, we use $(GENTOO_LIBDIR) make.
- einfo "Fixing install dirs"
- sed -e "s,@libdir@,$(get_libdir),g" \
- -e "s,@PF@,${PF},g" \
- -e "s,@EPREFIX@,${EPREFIX},g" \
- -i "${sub_files[@]}" \
- || die "install paths sed failed"
- if use clang; then
- # constantly fails for a long time, likely due to our patches
- rm tools/clang/test/Driver/cross-linux.c || die
- fi
- # User patches
- epatch_user
- python_setup
-multilib_src_configure() {
- # disable timestamps since they confuse ccache
- local conf_flags=(
- --disable-timestamps
- --enable-keep-symbols
- --enable-shared
- --with-optimize-option=
- $(tc-is-static-only && echo --disable-shared)
- $(use_enable !debug optimized)
- $(use_enable debug assertions)
- $(use_enable debug expensive-checks)
- $(use_enable libedit)
- $(use_enable ncurses terminfo)
- $(use_enable libffi)
- )
- # well, it's used only by clang executable c-index-test
- if multilib_is_native_abi && use clang && use xml; then
- conf_flags+=( XML2CONFIG="$(tc-getPKG_CONFIG) libxml-2.0" )
- else
- conf_flags+=( ac_cv_prog_XML2CONFIG="" )
- fi
- local targets bindings
- if use multitarget; then
- targets='all'
- else
- targets='host,cpp'
- use video_cards_radeon && targets+=',r600'
- fi
- conf_flags+=( --enable-targets=${targets} )
- if multilib_is_native_abi; then
- use gold && conf_flags+=( --with-binutils-include="${EPREFIX}"/usr/include/ )
- # extra commas don't hurt
- use ocaml && bindings+=',ocaml'
- fi
- [[ ${bindings} ]] || bindings='none'
- conf_flags+=( --enable-bindings=${bindings} )
- if use libffi; then
- append-cppflags "$($(tc-getPKG_CONFIG) --cflags libffi)"
- fi
- # llvm prefers clang over gcc, so we may need to force that
- tc-export CC CXX
- econf "${conf_flags[@]}"
-set_makeargs() {
- GENTOO_LIBDIR=$(get_libdir)
- )
- # for tests, we want it all! otherwise, we may use a little filtering...
- # adding ONLY_TOOLS also disables unittest building...
- if [[ ${EBUILD_PHASE_FUNC} != src_test ]]; then
- local tools=( llvm-config )
- use clang && tools+=( clang )
- if multilib_is_native_abi; then
- tools+=(
- opt llvm-as llvm-dis llc llvm-ar llvm-nm llvm-link lli
- llvm-extract llvm-mc llvm-bcanalyzer llvm-diff macho-dump
- llvm-objdump llvm-readobj llvm-rtdyld llvm-dwarfdump llvm-cov
- llvm-size llvm-stress llvm-mcmarkup llvm-profdata
- llvm-symbolizer obj2yaml yaml2obj lto bugpoint
- )
- # the build system runs explicitly specified tools in parallel,
- # so we need to split it into two runs
- if [[ ${1} != -1 ]]; then
- # those require lto
- tools+=( llvm-lto )
- use gold && tools+=( gold )
- # those require clang :)
- # we need to explicitly specify all its tools
- # since we're passing BUILD_CLANG_ONLY
- use clang && tools+=(
- clang/tools/{clang-check,clang-format,extra}
- )
- fi
- fi
- # filter tools + disable unittests implicitly
- ONLY_TOOLS="${tools[*]}"
- # this disables unittests & docs from clang
- )
- fi
-multilib_src_compile() {
- local MAKEARGS
- set_makeargs -1
- emake "${MAKEARGS[@]}"
- if multilib_is_native_abi; then
- set_makeargs
- emake -C tools "${MAKEARGS[@]}"
- if use doc; then
- emake -C "${S}"/docs -f Makefile.sphinx man
- use clang && emake -C "${S}"/tools/clang/docs/tools \
- emake -C "${S}"/docs -f Makefile.sphinx html
- fi
- fi
- if use debug; then
- pax-mark m Debug+Asserts+Checks/bin/llvm-rtdyld
- pax-mark m Debug+Asserts+Checks/bin/lli
- pax-mark m Debug+Asserts+Checks/bin/lli-child-target
- else
- pax-mark m Release/bin/llvm-rtdyld
- pax-mark m Release/bin/lli
- pax-mark m Release/bin/lli-child-target
- fi
-multilib_src_test() {
- local MAKEARGS
- set_makeargs
- # build the remaining tools & unittests
- emake "${MAKEARGS[@]}"
- pax-mark m unittests/ExecutionEngine/JIT/Release/JITTests
- pax-mark m unittests/ExecutionEngine/MCJIT/Release/MCJITTests
- pax-mark m unittests/Support/Release/SupportTests
- # respect TMPDIR!
- local -x LIT_PRESERVES_TMP=1
- emake "${MAKEARGS[@]}" check
- use clang && emake "${MAKEARGS[@]}" -C tools/clang test
-src_install() {
- /usr/bin/llvm-config
- )
- /usr/include/llvm/Config/config.h
- /usr/include/llvm/Config/llvm-config.h
- )
- if use clang; then
- # note: magic applied below
- /usr/bin/clang
- /usr/bin/clang++
- /usr/bin/clang-${PV}
- /usr/bin/clang++-${PV}
- )
- /usr/include/clang/Config/config.h
- )
- fi
- multilib-minimal_src_install
- # Remove unnecessary headers on FreeBSD, bug #417171
- use kernel_FreeBSD && use clang && rm "${ED}"usr/lib/clang/${PV}/include/{std,float,iso,limits,tgmath,varargs}*.h
-multilib_src_install() {
- local MAKEARGS
- set_makeargs
- local root=${D}/_${ABI}
- emake "${MAKEARGS[@]}" DESTDIR="${root}" install
- multibuild_merge_root "${root}" "${D}"
- if ! multilib_is_native_abi; then
- # Backwards compat, will be happily removed someday.
- dosym "${CHOST}"-llvm-config /usr/bin/llvm-config.${ABI}
- else
- # Install docs.
- if use doc; then
- doman "${S}"/docs/_build/man/*.1
- use clang && doman "${T}"/clang.1
- dohtml -r "${S}"/docs/_build/html/
- else
- if ! use clang; then
- rm "${WORKDIR}"/${PN}-3.5.0-manpages/clang.1 || die
- fi
- doman "${WORKDIR}"/${PN}-3.5.0-manpages/*.1
- fi
- # Symlink the gold plugin.
- if use gold; then
- dodir /usr/${CHOST}/binutils-bin/lib/bfd-plugins
- dosym ../../../../$(get_libdir)/ \
- /usr/${CHOST}/binutils-bin/lib/bfd-plugins/
- fi
- fi
- # apply CHOST and PV to clang executables
- # they're statically linked so we don't have to worry about the lib
- if use clang; then
- local clang_tools=( clang clang++ )
- local i
- # append ${PV} and symlink back
- # TODO: use alternatives.eclass? does that make any sense?
- # maybe with USE=-clang on :0 and USE=clang on older
- for i in "${clang_tools[@]}"; do
- mv "${ED%/}/usr/bin/${i}"{,-${PV}} || die
- dosym "${i}"-${PV} /usr/bin/${i}
- done
- # now prepend ${CHOST} and let the multilib-build.eclass symlink it
- if ! multilib_is_native_abi; then
- # non-native? let's replace it with a simple wrapper
- for i in "${clang_tools[@]}"; do
- rm "${ED%/}/usr/bin/${i}-${PV}" || die
- cat > "${T}"/wrapper.tmp <<-_EOF_
- #!${EPREFIX}/bin/sh
- exec "${i}-${PV}" $(get_abi_CFLAGS) "\${@}"
- _EOF_
- newbin "${T}"/wrapper.tmp "${i}-${PV}"
- done
- fi
- fi
- # Fix install_names on Darwin. The build system is too complicated
- # to just fix this, so we correct it post-install
- local lib= f= odylib= ndylib= libpv=${PV}
- if [[ ${CHOST} == *-darwin* ]] ; then
- eval $(grep PACKAGE_VERSION= configure)
- [[ -n ${PACKAGE_VERSION} ]] && libpv=${PACKAGE_VERSION}
- libpvminor=${libpv%.[0-9]*}
- for lib in lib{EnhancedDisassembly,LLVM-${libpv},LTO,profile_rt,clang}.dylib LLVMHello.dylib clang/${libpv}/lib/darwin/libclang_rt.asan_{osx,iossim}_dynamic.dylib; do
- # libEnhancedDisassembly is Darwin10 only, so non-fatal
- # + omit clang libs if not enabled
- [[ -f ${ED}/usr/lib/${lib} ]] || continue
- ebegin "fixing install_name of $lib"
- install_name_tool \
- -id "${EPREFIX}"/usr/lib/${lib} \
- "${ED}"/usr/lib/${lib}
- eend $?
- done
- for f in "${ED}"/usr/bin/* "${ED}"/usr/lib/lib*.dylib "${ED}"/usr/lib/clang/${libpv}/lib/darwin/*.dylib ; do
- # omit clang libs if not enabled
- [[ -f "${f}" ]] || continue
- scanmacho -BF'%n#f' "${f}" | tr ',' '\n' | \
- while read odylib ; do
- ndylib=
- case ${odylib} in
- */libclang.dylib)
- ndylib="${EPREFIX}"/usr/lib/libclang.dylib
- ;;
- */libLLVM-${libpv}.dylib)
- ndylib="${EPREFIX}"/usr/lib/libLLVM-${libpv}.dylib
- ;;
- */libLLVM-${libpvminor}.dylib)
- ndylib="${EPREFIX}"/usr/lib/libLLVM-${libpvminor}.dylib
- ;;
- */libLTO.dylib)
- ndylib="${EPREFIX}"/usr/lib/libLTO.dylib
- ;;
- esac
- if [[ -n ${ndylib} ]] ; then
- ebegin "fixing install_name reference to ${odylib} of ${f##*/}"
- install_name_tool \
- -change "${odylib}" "${ndylib}" \
- "${f}"
- eend $?
- fi
- done
- done
- fi
-multilib_src_install_all() {
- insinto /usr/share/vim/vimfiles/syntax
- doins utils/vim/*.vim
- if use clang; then
- cd tools/clang || die
- if use static-analyzer ; then
- dobin tools/scan-build/ccc-analyzer
- dosym ccc-analyzer /usr/bin/c++-analyzer
- dobin tools/scan-build/scan-build
- insinto /usr/share/${PN}
- doins tools/scan-build/scanview.css
- doins tools/scan-build/sorttable.js
- fi
- python_inst() {
- if use static-analyzer ; then
- pushd tools/scan-view >/dev/null || die
- python_doscript scan-view
- touch || die
- python_moduleinto clang
- python_domodule Resources
- popd >/dev/null || die
- fi
- if use python ; then
- pushd bindings/python/clang >/dev/null || die
- python_moduleinto clang
- python_domodule
- popd >/dev/null || die
- fi
- # AddressSanitizer symbolizer (currently separate)
- python_doscript "${S}"/projects/compiler-rt/lib/asan/scripts/
- }
- python_foreach_impl python_inst
- fi