diff options
authorAndrei Horodniceanu <a.horodniceanu@proton.me>2024-05-30 19:54:12 +0300
committerAndrei Horodniceanu <a.horodniceanu@proton.me>2024-05-30 19:54:12 +0300
commit213a2f0e97115b6fe50cc43f7276207bb7b25fc4 (patch)
parentdev-lang/ldc2: drop 1.36.0-r1 (diff)
dev-util/dcd: drop 0.15.2-r1
Signed-off-by: Andrei Horodniceanu <a.horodniceanu@proton.me>
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 95 deletions
diff --git a/dev-util/dcd/dcd-0.15.2-r1.ebuild b/dev-util/dcd/dcd-0.15.2-r1.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index bb66e8d..0000000
--- a/dev-util/dcd/dcd-0.15.2-r1.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,95 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2024 Gentoo Authors
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-DESCRIPTION="Auto-complete program for the D programming language"
-KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~x86"
- https://github.com/dlang-community/DCD/archive/v${PV}.tar.gz -> DCD-${PV}.tar.gz
- https://github.com/economicmodeling/containers/archive/${CONTAINERS}.tar.gz -> containers-${CONTAINERS}.tar.gz
- https://github.com/dlang-community/d-test-utils/archive/${DTESTUTILS}.tar.gz -> d-test-utils-${DTESTUTILS}.tar.gz
- https://github.com/dlang-community/libdparse/archive/${LIBDPARSE}.tar.gz -> libdparse-${LIBDPARSE}.tar.gz
- https://github.com/msgpack/msgpack-d/archive/${MSGPACK}.tar.gz -> msgpack-d-${MSGPACK}.tar.gz
- "
-DLANG_COMPAT=( dmd-2_{106..107} gdc-13 ldc2-1_{35..36} )
-inherit dlang-single systemd bash-completion-r1
-src_prepare() {
- # Default ebuild unpack function places archives side-by-side ...
- mv -T ../containers-${CONTAINERS} containers || die
- mv -T ../d-test-utils-${DTESTUTILS} d-test-utils || die
- mv -T ../libdparse-${LIBDPARSE} libdparse || die
- mv -T ../msgpack-d-${MSGPACK} msgpack-d || die
- # Stop makefile from executing git to write an unused githash.txt
- mkdir bin || die "Coult not create output directory"
- echo "v${PV}" > bin/githash.txt || die "Could not generate githash"
- touch githash || die "Could not generate githash"
- # Apply patches
- default
-src_compile() {
- # Don't let the makefile overwrite user flags.
- # The downside is that we have to also pass the include dirs.
- local flags="${DCFLAGS} ${DLANG_LDFLAGS}"
- flags+=" -Icontainers/src -Idsymbol/src -Ilibdparse/src -Imsgpack-d/src -Isrc -Jbin"
- # An uppercase name of the compiler. It can be GDC, LDC or DMD
- local name=${EDC::3}
- name=${name^^}
- # Build client & server with the requested Dlang compiler.
- local mymakeargs=(
- # The path to the correct compiler
- "${name}=${DC}"
- # The flags for the client and the server
- "${name}_CLIENT_FLAGS=${flags} $(dlang_get_output_flag)bin/dcd-client"
- "${name}_SERVER_FLAGS=${flags} $(dlang_get_output_flag)bin/dcd-server"
- # The target to build, the lowercase version of the compiler name
- ${name,,}
- )
- emake "${mymakeargs[@]}"
- # Write system include paths of host implementation into dcd.conf
- dlang_print_system_import_paths > dcd.conf
-src_test() {
- # Note, the makefile compiles the server with -g for tests.
- cd tests && ./run_tests.sh || die "Tests failed"
-src_install() {
- dobin bin/dcd-server
- dobin bin/dcd-client
- use systemd && systemd_douserunit "${FILESDIR}"/dcd-server.service
- dobashcomp bash-completion/completions/dcd-server
- dobashcomp bash-completion/completions/dcd-client
- insinto /etc
- doins dcd.conf
- dodoc README.md
- doman man1/dcd-client.1 man1/dcd-server.1
-pkg_postinst() {
- use systemd && elog "A systemd user service for 'dcd-server' has been installed."