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1 files changed, 1 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/searchindex.js b/searchindex.js
index 460a4aa..2aab29a 100644
--- a/searchindex.js
+++ b/searchindex.js
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"policy-making-changes-and-appeals"]], "Dependencies": [[1, "dependencies"]], "Optional runtime dependencies": [[1, "pg0001"]], "=-dependencies with no revision": [[1, "pg0002"]], "Slot and subslot dependencies": [[1, "slot-and-subslot-dependencies"]], "on (sub-)slotted packages": [[1, "pg0011"]], "special case: Qt packages": [[1, "pg0012"]], "proactive use of slot operators": [[1, "proactive-use-of-slot-operators"]], "Revision bumps on runtime dependency changes": [[1, "pg0003"]], "USE dependencies": [[1, "use-dependencies"]], "on packages without the flag": [[1, "pg0021"]], "Deprecations": [[2, "deprecations"]], "Deprecated EAPIs": [[2, "pg1001"]], "Deprecated eclasses": [[2, "pg1003"]], "Ebuild file format": [[3, "ebuild-file-format"]], "Coding style": [[3, "pg0101"]], "Code must be contained within ebuild and eclasses": [[3, "pg0102"]], "HOMEPAGE must not contain variables": [[3, "pg0103"]], "SRC_URI must not refer to HOMEPAGE": [[3, "pg0104"]], "KEYWORDS must be defined on a single line": [[3, "pg0105"]], "LICENSE must not contain variables": [[3, "pg0106"]], "D must be used only in src_install and pkg_preinst": [[3, "pg0107"]], "File system layout": [[4, "file-system-layout"]], "Installation paths": [[4, "pg0201"]], "Todo": [[4, "id1"], [7, "id1"], [14, "id1"]], "Support for separate /usr": [[4, "pg0202"]], "Strict multilib layout": [[4, "pg0203"]], "Static libraries and libtool files": [[4, "pg0204"]], "Game install locations and ownership": [[4, "pg0205"]], "Absolute symbolic link targets": [[4, "pg0206"]], "Gentoo Policy Guide": [[5, "gentoo-policy-guide"]], "Contents:": [[5, null]], "Indices and tables": [[5, "indices-and-tables"]], "Installed files": [[6, "installed-files"]], "Installation of small files": [[6, "pg0301"]], "Installation of static libraries": [[6, "pg0302"]], "Installation of libtool (.la) files": [[6, "pg0303"]], "Virtuals": [[6, "pg0304"]], "Keywording and stabilization": [[7, "keywording-and-stabilization"]], "Rekeywording on dropped keywords": [[7, "pg0401"]], "Stabilizing new versions": [[7, "pg0402"]], "Removing stable keywords": [[7, "pg0403"]], "Language-specific policies": [[8, "language-specific-policies"]], "Python": [[8, "python"]], "Eclass usage": [[8, "pg0501"]], "Python 2 deprecation": [[8, "pg0502"]], "Package Maintainers": [[9, "package-maintainers"]], "Adding new maintainers": [[9, "pg0601"]], "New packages without a maintainer": [[9, "pg0602"]], "Removing package maintainers": [[9, "pg0603"]], "Motivation and history": [[10, "motivation-and-history"]], "Historical state of policy documentation": [[10, "historical-state-of-policy-documentation"]], "Purpose of the Policy Guide": [[10, "purpose-of-the-policy-guide"]], "Other policy documents": [[11, "other-policy-documents"]], "Gentoo-specific documentation": [[11, "gentoo-specific-documentation"]], "Package Manager Specification": [[11, "package-manager-specification"]], "GLEPs": [[11, "gleps"]], "Developer Manual": [[11, "developer-manual"]], "External standards": [[11, "external-standards"]], "POSIX": [[11, "posix"]], "FHS": [[11, "fhs"]], "Other metadata variables": [[12, "other-metadata-variables"]], "Dynamic slots (multislot flag)": [[12, "pg0701"]], "HOMEPAGE value must be meaningful": [[12, "pg0702"]], "RESTRICT=test for USE=-test": [[12, "pg0703"]], "LICENSE": [[12, "pg0704"]], "Preface": [[13, "preface"]], "Introduction": [[13, "introduction"]], "Authors": [[13, "authors"]], "License": [[13, "license"]], "USE flags": [[14, "use-flags"]], "Versioned USE flags": [[14, "pg0801"]], "USE=gui flag": [[14, "pg0802"]], "Underscores in USE flag names": [[14, "pg0803"]], "Users and groups": [[15, "users-and-groups"]], "User and group account policy": [[15, "pg0901"]]}, "indexentries": {"= with no revision": [[1, "index-2"]], "qt": [[1, "index-4"], [14, "index-0"], [14, "index-1"]], "use flags": [[1, "index-1"], [1, "index-6"], [6, "index-0"], [12, "index-1"], [12, "index-3"], [14, "index-0"], [14, "index-1"], [14, 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"index-1"]], "removing": [[9, "index-2"]], "up for grabs": [[9, "index-3"]], "": [[12, "index-2"]], "meaningful value": [[12, "index-2"]], "multislot": [[12, "index-1"]], "restrict": [[12, "index-3"]], "test; use=-test": [[12, "index-3"]], "test; restrict": [[12, "index-3"]], "gtk": [[14, "index-0"], [14, "index-1"]], "gui": [[14, "index-1"]], "gui flag": [[14, "index-1"]], "underscore": [[14, "index-2"]], "versioned": [[14, "index-0"]], "group": [[15, "index-1"]], "user": [[15, "index-0"]]}}) \ No newline at end of file