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+== Overview ==
+SRF-Ploticus is a query printer for Semantic MediaWiki that uses
+Ploticus to create plots, charts and graphics out of query results.
+Ploticus visualizations are highly configurable and the user can even develop
+custom visualizations using the Ploticus scripts.
+Note however that SRF-Ploticus no longer allows Ploticus scripts to be embedded in ask queries for security reasons.
+If the user wants to develop custom visualizations, the custom scripts should be deployed in the Ploticus prefab directory.
+== Installation ==
+The following should be installed and running.
+1) Semantic MediaWiki
+2) Ploticus 2.41 (
+When both required systems are up and running, you can install this extension like
+any other semantic result printer (refer to the Semantic Result Formats README for that).
+LocalSettings.php Modifications:
+ * $srfgPloticusPath (REQUIRED)
+ - path to ploticus executable. Typically /usr/bin/ploticus (Debian/Ubuntu) or /usr/bin/pl (RedHat/CentOS, most other envs)
+ * $srfgEnvSettings (default: '')
+ - Ploticus behavior can be further modified by setting environment variables. You can pass this env vars using this setting.
+ E.g. if you plan to use alternate TrueType fonts in your plot.
+ GDFONTPATH=/usr/share/fonts/truetype/freefont:/usr/share/fonts/truetype/msttcorefonts
+ E.g. if you plan to use additional fonts in SWF files
+ SWF_FONTS_DIR=/usr/share/ming/fonts/ttf-dejavu/fdb
+ E.g. if you plan to set global ploticus config parameters with a config file.
+ See ./ploticus-addons/ploticus.config for a sample config file and for more info.
+ PLOTICUS_CONFIG=/etc/ploticus/ploticus.config
+ Remember, you can pass multiple environment variables, e.g.
+ GDFONTPATH=/usr/share/fonts/truetype/freefont PLOTICUS_CONFIG=/etc/ploticus/ploticus.config
+ * $srfgPloticusCacheAgeHours (default: 168 - 7 days)
+ - number of hours cached plot files are stored in the ploticus cache before they are forcibly purged.
+ Set to 0 if you prefer to purge the cache manually.
+ This is required, especially with liveupdating plots, since changing query results will "orphan" plot cache files as the computed hash filename
+ will change even if the query definition itself is NOT changed.
+ This setting will only work if the SRF_Ploticus_cleanCache.php script is scheduled on cron. Typically, it should only be run once a day.
+ For example, run cleanCache at midnight, logging results to /var/log/ploticus_cleanCache.log:
+ 0 0 * * * /usr/bin/php /var/www/wiki/extension/SemanticResultFormats/Ploticus/SRF_Ploticus_cleanCache.php -v 2>&1 > /var/log/ploticus_cleanCache.log
+ If you're having problems running cleanCache, set the MW_INSTALL_PATH environment variable. E.g.
+ 0 0 * * * MW_INSTALL_PATH=/var/www/wiki /usr/bin/php /var/www/wiki/extension/SemanticResultFormats/Ploticus/SRF_Ploticus_cleanCache.php -v 2>&1 > /var/log/ploticus_cleanCache.log
+ * $wgEnableUploads (default: false - this is a MediaWiki setting)
+ - must be true. Be sure the upload directory has the proper permissions. (see$wgUploadPath)
+ If you MUST use SRF-Ploticus without enabling uploads, you can manually create the 'ploticus' directory under the
+ MediaWiki upload directory (Typically, MW_INSTALL_PATH/images). Further, under the ploticus directory, subdirectories from
+ 0 to f hex (e.g. 0,1,2...9,a,b,c,d,e,f) should also be created, all with permission 777.
+== Configuration and Usage ==
+The SRF-ploticus Result Format has the following parameters:
+ * ploticusparams (string/required)
+ - this should be set to prefab cmdline parameters. See SPECIFYING PLOTICUSPARAMS below.
+ Line endings can be used to split the prefab commandline for readability.
+ * imageformat (enum/optional)
+ - png (default), gif, jpeg, svg, svgz, swf, eps, ps, drawdump and drawdumpa (drawdump append).
+ Availability of format depends on how ploticus is built. When using svgz, make sure Apache
+ is configured properly, i.e. you have the svgz mime-type and svgz encoding.
+ AddType image/svg+xml svg svgz
+ AddEncoding gzip svgz
+ * titletext (string/optional)
+ - text displayed underneath the chart. Its also displayed on mouseover for raster formats (PNG/JPEG/GIF) and
+ when imagemaps are not used.
+ * showcsv (bool/optional)
+ - 0 (default). When 1, displays link to CSV file used to generate plot. Beware that the CSV
+ ALWAYS shows the latest query result, which may sometimes fall out of sync with the "cached" plot.
+ (See liveupdating, showtimestamp & updatefrequency parameters below)
+ Also note that the Inline query headers parameter influences how the CSV file is generated.
+ If "headers=show", a header row will be inserted.
+ Keep in mind that most Ploticus prefabs automatically create legends when header=show is set.
+ If you want to suppress legends, be sure to specify the legend parameter accordingly.
+ (
+ * debug (bool/optional)
+ - 0 (default). When 1, displays ploticus prefab cmdline used to generate plot.
+ It also invokes ploticus itself in debug mode and creates a link to the debug file.
+ Also turns showcsv on and bypasses the ploticus "cache".
+ * liveupdating (bool/optional)
+ - 1 (default). When 1, will check if the query result has changed and regenerate the plot if so.
+ Otherwise, when 0, the plot will only be generated once and stored in the ploticus "cache", even
+ if the query results have changed.
+ * updatefrequency (secs/optional)
+ - 3600 (default). Specifies how old a plot should be before its regenerated even if the underlying
+ result data has not changed.
+ If you do not want to "cache" a plot, set updatefrequency to 0.
+ * showtimestamp (bool/optional)
+ - 0 (default). Shows timestamp when the plot was last regenerated.
+ Its recommended to set showtimestamp to 1 when liveupdating is 0 or when updatefrequency > 0.
+ * showrefresh (bool/optional)
+ - 0 (default). Shows a Refresh link to force refresh of the WHOLE article.
+ * showimagelink (bool/optional)
+ - 0 (default). Shows a link to open the plot image in a separate window.
+ Especially useful for SVG and SWF file formats since they are scalable formats.
+ * width (string/optional)
+ - sets the width of the plot proper in pixel/percent units (e.g. 100, 80%).
+ This is especially useful for vector formats (SWF, SVG, EPS, PS)
+ * height (string/optional)
+ - sets the height of the plot proper in pixel/percent units.
+ This is especially useful for vector formats (SWF, SVG, EPS, PS)
+ * tblwidth (string/optional)
+ - sets the width of SRF-Ploticus result HTML table (which contains the plot) in pixel/percent units.
+ If not set, the table will fit the width of the generated plot. For vector formats (svg, svgz, swf),
+ you may want to set this to "100%".
+ * tblheight (string/optional)
+ - sets the height of the SRF-Ploticus result HTML table in pixel/percent units. Normally left unset.
+ Remember that this is for the ENTIRE HTML table, which may include additional rows (action buttons/debug info)
+ and not just for the plot image.
+ * drawdumpoutput (string/optional)
+ - this parameter is only processed in prefab mode when imageformat is set to drawdump or drawdumpa.
+ Specifies the filename to which the drawdump output will be stored in the ploticus cache directory.
+ploticusparams expects commandline parameters that one would normally use when
+invoking stand-alone ploticus in prefab mode.
+However, the following Ploticus commandline prefab parameters should NOT be specified:
+ * data - automatically generated by the extension
+ * output - automatically generated by the extension
+ * format (e.g. -png, -gif, etc.) - use the SRF-ploticus imageformat parameter.
+ * debug - use the SRF-Ploticus debug parameter instead
+ ======= USAGE NOTES =========
+Overlaying and combining plots from multiple queries
+By specifying drawdump or drawdumpa in the imageformat, you can overlay and/or combine plots from multiple
+SRF-Ploticus queries into one graphic image / result.
+Standard Ploticus drawdump processing practices should be used, that is:
+ - the first query should use the drawdump imageformat and specify the SRF-Ploticus drawdumpoutput parameter
+ to be used for the combined plot.
+ ...
+ ploticusmode=prefab
+ imageformat=drawdump
+ drawdumpoutput=mydump
+ ploticusparams= -prefab scat "rectangle= 1 1 3 3" ....
+ ...
+ - subsequent queries should use the drawdumpa (drawdump append) imageformat, making sure to use the
+ SAME drawdumpoutput SRF-Ploticus parameter as the first query.
+ ...
+ ploticusmode=prefab
+ imageformat=drawdumpa
+ drawdumpoutput=mydump
+ ploticusparams= -prefab scat "rectangle= 4 1 6 3" ....
+ ...
+ - the last SRF-Ploticus call to display the combined plot should be a prefab draw command, e.g.
+ ...
+ ploticusmode=prefab
+ imageformat=png
+ ploticusparams= -prefab draw dumpfile=mydump
+ ...
+ where mydump is the name of the file passed to the drawdumpoutput parameter in the earlier SRF-Ploticus queries.
+Client-side imagemaps are automatically generated by SRF-Ploticus if it detects the clickmap directive.
+Typically, imagemaps "links/labels" should be set to resolve to "Article URL/Article Name".
+Note that imagemaps are only valid for PNG, GIF, JPEG and SVG.
+2011-02-22 Removed script mode and added escapeshellcmd to ploticus cmdline call to close security vulnerability. If user needs flexibility of script mode, the script will have to be developed and deployed into the prefabs script as a custom prefab.
+SRF-Ploticus is only possible because of all the great work done
+by Steve Grubb ( in creating Ploticus.
+Ploticus is distributed via the GPL license (,
+which is compatible with the GPL license under which Semantic Result Formats is distributed.
+For up-to-date documentation and examples please refer to
+ \ No newline at end of file